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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Look at Your Adrenal and Sex Hormones in a Unique Way: The DUTCH Test​

You probably know that how you feel has a lot to do with your levels and balance of adrenal and sex hormones.
If you sense that your hormones may be out of balance, what can you do get things back to normal?
The first step is to figure out exactly what is going on with your hormones, and that means testing them.
Many Functional Medicine practitioners like to use a unique type of hormone test called the Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH) provided by Precision Analytical.
In Look at Your Adrenal and Sex Hormones in a Unique Way: The DUTCH Test, you will learn things like ...
  • Symptoms and conditions related to imbalances of adrenal and sex hormones
  • What the DUTCH test is and why it is a unique and superior way to test adrenal and sex hormones and their metabolites
  • How DUTCH sex hormone testing can provide an early warning of your risk for estrogen-sensitive cancers and an insight into the function your Methylation Cycle
  • Situations in which menstruating women might want to use the Cycle Mapping test
  • A new and empowering way to look at using lab tests
Check it out here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Come Join Dr. Murphree for a Live Q&A

Thursday, 9-12-24 at 12 noon CDT

This is the first of a series of upcoming lunch time Q&A’s

Dr. Murphree will be answering your questions including:​

A. What is fibromyalgia
B. What causes it
C. Who typically gets it and why
D. Traditional medical recommendations
E. Functional Medicine recommendations
F. My Jump Start Protocols recommendations
G. How consistently get a good night’s sleep
H. How to prevent fibro flares
I. How to dramatically reduce all over fibro pain
J. How to eliminate irritable bowel symptoms for good
K. What’s the difference between fibromyalgia syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome
L. How to drastically increase your stamina, mental and physical energy

And many more……. including your questions!​

By registering you’ll have access to send in your questions for Dr. Murphree to review and answer.




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
t was overcast.

We were at the local playground and before we knew it…

She did it.
Yet — it still feels like yesterday…

My youngest (now 12) is already talking about college, her career, and taking over the world. 🙂

All the while, I’m here wondering — “Where has the time gone?!

I was recently sharing this memory with a friend, Joan (not her real name, to protect her privacy) and chatting about how quickly time flies.

She agreed, and started reminiscing on something interesting…

Joan started recalling how much easier it used to be getting out of bed, managing her weight, fighting colds, protecting her health, and how much more difficult things have become.

She was saying how “it was just yesterday” her aches, pains, and health problems were virtually non-existent.

…And frankly, how she feels like she’s running out of time.

With each program, diet, protocol that she tries with little-to-no success…

She feels more and more concerned, anxious, and hopeless…

Because she feels like there’s nothing out there that can actually help her improve her health. And, as she gets older, there’s less time to waste on programs that don’t work.

I asked a couple colleagues about this and it really hit home…

Time is our greatest disadvantage.

…And like seeing our child’s first steps, our health will fly by faster than we know it.

Because of this, I dove into my archives and pulled some QUICK & effective strategies for Joan.

Ones that take just a few minutes to try (to get some quick wins for lasting results)...

Then, I spoke to Ian Clark…

Believe it or not, he has an entire series of daily “quick fixes” that he uses personally to hyper-target problem areas in the gut, brain, metabolism, and more!

On top of that, his “fixes” take less than 30 seconds per day to try, but have the potential to make decades worth of impact.

I couldn’t believe it!

So together with my research and his fixes, we decided to schedule a fun LIVE discussion revealing our top health techniques…
Techniques that take just a few minutes per day…

TOMORROW, Wednesday, September 11 at 2:00 pm ET — Ian and I will be revealing quick-fix health techniques (backed by research), designed for YOU.

Watch and Bookmark Health In A Hurry: Time-Saving Techniques for Optimal Results.

Warm regards,
Sayer Ji


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Does this sound like you?
  • Constant Pain
  • Looming Fatigue
  • Clouded by Brain Fog
If so… I think you will agree that this is no way to live life to its fullest…
Despite what you may have heard, these symptoms are NOT a normal part of aging. They’re actually warning signs that something deeper is going on in your body…
If left unchecked—chronic inflammation can seriously impact your well-being, leading to disease and severe conditions over time.
That’s why I’m excited to invite you to a 3-day virtual event: Inside Inflammation: Taming the Flame.
Join me and 13 of the world’s leading integrative doctors and experts in their field, all coming together to help you understand and learn how to manage the inflammation in your body.
The best part? It’s absolutely FREE.
Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll uncover:
  • Hidden signs of inflammation and how they might be affecting your health
  • Groundbreaking research connecting inflammation to chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and more
  • Practical, actionable strategies you can implement right away to protect yourself from inflammation
This event will be a true game-changer for anyone ready to reclaim their health and embrace a vibrant life again - so please be sure to share this information with anyone you know who needs to hear it.
Please don’t miss this chance to break free from the grasp of chronic inflammation.
Reserve your spot today.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The next installment of attorney Aaron Siri’s expert testimony before the New Hampshire House Committee on COVID Response Efficacy. In this episode, ICAN’s lead attorney exposes the shortcomings of post-licensure safety, and shatters the claim that the connection between vaccines and autism has been ‘thoroughly studied.’
Guest: Aaron Siri, Esq.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Global vaccine mass sterilization plot openly admitted
Mike Adams
The global depopulation sterilization plot is now openly admitted. We've got the video proof.
Also today: More details on the migrant invasion of America, and what's about to happen in the next 3 months.
Plus, we have a bombshell interview with pharmacist Ben Fuchs and Dr. Bryan Ardis.
Finally, we have a new sermon on the importance of preparedness for those who follow faith.
Find it all here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Best Magnesium Level to Reduce Dementia Risk

Magnesium plays an important role in brain health by supporting cognitive function, mood, memory, and learning. Now a recent study published in Advances and Nutrition has identified the optimal blood level of magnesium to help protect against dementia.

Researchers analyzed the data from three randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and twelve cohort studies on magnesium and brain health. They looked at the impact of magnesium on health in three different ways: supplements, dietary intake, and blood serum levels.

Their findings revealed that serum levels of magnesium were the most significant factor for reducing dementia risk, surpassing the effects of magnesium supplements dietary magnesium. They found that the optimal blood serum level of magnesium to reduce dementia risk is .85 mmol/L, with levels below .75 or above .95 mmol/L linked to higher cognitive risks. This study underscores the importance of monitoring blood serum levels of magnesium to maintain brain health.

Beyond Burns: Surprising Anti-Aging Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera isn't just about soothing burns—it's a powerhouse for skin health thanks to its layered anatomy. Inside its leaves, you'll find a clear gel packed with water, amino acids, and vitamins, plus a yellow latex layer containing aloin and anthraquinones known for their healing properties. The outer rind protects and produces essential nutrients, making aloe a rich source of over 160 to 400 beneficial compounds like amino acids, enzymes, and vitamins that support immunity, digestion, and skin health.

One of aloe vera's most important benefits is its ability to boost collagen production. Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body — making up one-third of our protein content — and is a major building block for our skin, bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Healthy collagen levels are also a key component behind healthy, young-looking skin.

In short, because of its effect on collagen, aloe may well help your skin look less wrinkled! There’s even evidence that it may improve the appearance of wrinkles when used topically as well. And the good news about aloe vera doesn’t end there. Here are more ways this natural wonder benefits your skin and overall health.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
High Impact Interval Training May Improve Memory
High Impact Interval Training (HIIT) has been shown to enhance brain health in older adults. In a study, researchers compared low, medium, and HIIT exercise regimens in adults 65 to 95 over six months. Only the HIIT group experienced significant improvements in hippocampal function, the part of the brain responsible for memory. Plus, those benefits lasted for at least five years. (More)
Why Depression & Alcohol Go Together + Solutions that Help
Research shows that about 30% of people with major depression also have alcohol use disorder. Experts say depression often comes first, and women are more likely than men to drink when they’re feeling blue. Yet, while drinking may temporarily lift your mood, alcohol is a depressant, and long-term or heavy drinking can have a profound effect on your mental health. Here’s what you need to know. (More)
Endometriosis May Raise Ovarian Cancer Risk
It’s estimated that between 6.5 to 7 million US women of reproductive age have endometriosis, which can cause pain and sometimes fertility problems. Now, researchers have found that women with endometriosis have a 4.2-fold higher risk of developing ovarian cancer than those without this condition. These findings underscore the importance of monitoring these women for early signs of ovarian cancer. (More)​
Compelling Health Fact
Did you know nerve impulses can travel at speeds of up to 250 miles per hour, enabling rapid reactions to stimuli like pain or heat? Nerve impulses follow an “all-or-nothing” principle, meaning they either reach the threshold to transmit a signal or they don’t.​
Apple Pie Overnight Oats
The delicious blend of apples, cinnamon, maple syrup, & walnuts tastes just like apple pie!
Simple Sweet Potato Bowl
Just toss roasted sweet potatoes with feta, greens, & herbs for a hearty one-bowl meal.
Easy Spiced Lentil Soup
Quick and easy, this delicious soup comes together in just 15 minutes, then simmer & enjoy.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Many of us are on this fresh food journey because of the health benefits (plus freshly harvested produce just tastes better 😋).

Knowledge is power. Or is it?

In this age of information we have more knowledge than ever…and yet we’re sicker than ever.

So perhaps it’s not that any knowledge is power…But the RIGHT knowledge.

Tonight 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern, is the screening of a powerful new documentary:

>>> Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine

Learn from farm-to-table chefs, herbalists, wild food foragers, small farmers, natural doctors, holistic nutritionists and more.

Healing Kitchen Let Food Be Thy Medicine
You’ll discover:
  • Plant-based recipes and formulas for stress and anxiety
  • Breathtaking revelations about the power of our bodies to heal themselves
  • New perspective about how to write your own health and well-being story

It all starts tonight…

>>> Register for the Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine

Transform your kitchen into a table of wellness!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Did you know you’re exposed to a scary amount of toxins every single day?

You’d be shocked by the levels of plastic, pesticides, herbicides, and heavy metals in your food and water.

These toxins could be why you’re always bloated…

Why certain foods now trigger stomach pain or headaches…

Why you’re suddenly experiencing joint pain or muscle soreness…

If you don’t address this now, these hidden root causes could even lead to autoimmune conditions like Crohn’s, Colitis, or leaky gut.

The good news? You can nurture your gut health naturally through simple dietary changes and lifestyle practices.

Imagine feeling lighter, more energized, improved mood, and experiencing a newfound sense of well-being – all thanks to the right knowledge and tools!

>>Discover how to detox and heal your gut<<

Start your journey to a healthier, happier you – naturally.


Your DrTalks Family

P.S. Curious about how toxins are impacting your health? Click here to uncover the hidden dangers and learn how to protect yourself<<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
There’s one thing that leads to cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

And you might be surprised at what it is.

Because it’s not weight. It’s not blood sugar. It’s not anything that you’d probably first think of…

It’s a specific type of deep inflammation that can destroy your tissues from the inside out.

And according to the world-renowned Dr. Tom O’Bryan…

“This is literally the root cause of 14 out of 15 of the top causes of death in the world.”

>>Watch Dr. Tom O’Bryan’s Video To Discover The #1 Cause Of Disease (And What To Do About It)

The bad news is that our medical system is failing to treat diabetes, cancer, heart disease and a long list of other conditions that ruin (and end) our lives.

There’s a reason for why that is, which you will see in this video.

The good news is this… once you see this…

You can start to see a positive change in your life…

Even if you’ve been struggling with no end in sight.

You may have been to doctor after doctor.

Maybe you’ve tried all the meds they threw at you.

Or spent thousands on solutions and procedures…

But you’re still just as confused.

Today is the day where things change for you. Where you get the answers you’ve been searching for:

>>Click here to Watch Dr. Tom O’Bryan’s Video To Discover The #1 Cause Of Disease (And What To Do About It)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What are the most powerful medicinal foods to avoid and overcome the top diseases of our time?

What are the little-known and most effective methods for you to use those foods to protect and heal your body?

Jim, you are about to find out in this epic new online event that STARTS TONIGHT

It's called Healing Kitchen, it starts at 9pm Eastern tonight, and IMPORTANT...

When you sign up free by clicking here you WILL be able to watch the replay for 24 hours after it airs if you cannot make the live 9pm Eastern airing tonight.

Tonight's Episode 1 is called "The Forgotten Secrets of Food," and this first episode is positively mind-blowing viewing you do not want to miss!

That's because it reveals many important food-as-medicine secrets and natural methods of healing your body that you likely have never heard before.

Click here now to make sure you are signed up for the FREE Healing Kitchen that starts tonight (and to get your 24 replay access)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Live link

Here we go! Episode 1 of Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine is now LIVE (at 9pm Eastern).

The title of tonight’s episode is “The Forgotten Secrets of Food.”

We are expecting a lot of viewers for this screening, so please give the page a few seconds to load.

Click here to watch Episode 1

(This episode will be up for 24 hours, until Episode 2 airs tomorrow.)

I think you’re going to be wowed and inspired by the medicinal foods and herbal wisdom we share tonight, as well as the extraordinary individuals who are bringing forward these powerful traditions!

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi
Host of Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine

P.S. After you watch Episode 1, we'd love for you to leave a comment (under the video) to let us know what you think. And if you appreciate our work, please share it with your friends, family and community. <3 Thank you <3


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

What Your Heart Rate Says About Your Health​

What does your heart rate say about your health? Believe it or not, a lot can be determined by how fast your heart is beating.
This article will look at some of the different things your heart rate could be telling you and what it means for your overall health.

Natural Ways To Ease Arthritis Pain

Arthritis Pain
If you are one of the millions who suffer from arthritis pain, you know how debilitating it can be. And while there are many doctor-prescribed treatments available to help ease…
Read More

The Effect Sugar Has On Your Brain

The Effect Sugar Has
Sugar is everywhere, from the morning cup of coffee to the late-night dessert. In the United States alone, the average person consumes about 17 teaspoons of added sugar per day,…
Read More


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

"The only person you should try to be better
than is the person you were yesterday.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you know that real sugar isn’t addictive, Jimi?

It’s true…

When you consume whole foods found in nature, sweet foods have no addictive quality to them.

That’s why you don’t hear about anybody that can’t stop eating peaches, for example.

But… there is a real danger of unnatural, processed sugar that lurks in 75% of all packaged foods hiding under at least 61 different names.

It's no wonder we consume an astonishing amount of processed sugar daily, leading to severe health issues like obesity, diabetes, cancer and more…

This one ingredient is literally FUELING disease and the food industry doesn’t want you to know about it.

Because the reality is that all of this processed sugar promotes inflammation, weakens your immune system, and disrupts brain function.

It’s also highly addictive, creating cravings that are hard to resist, so you eat and buy more of it… leading to a cycle of dependency and health decline.

But you CAN break this cycle…

The 5-Day Sugar Reset Challenge featuring Nathan Crane and renowned health expert Dr. Joel Fuhrman will help you reset your sugar levels — without the overwhelming cravings!

Imagine feeling more energetic, shedding stubborn weight, and reducing your risk of chronic diseases — all by making a few simple changes over the course of just 5 days.

This 5-day challenge is completely FREE and starts on September 16th. It offers:
✅ Simple daily steps to reduce refined sugar intake and replace it with healthier alternatives that taste amazing and curb cravings.
✅ Expert guidance from certified health coach Nathan Crane and Joel Fuhrman, MD, who have helped thousands transform their health, lose weight, feel great, and love doing it!
✅ A supportive community to keep you motivated and accountable.
Ready to take the challenge? Let’s do this together!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,
Is grass-fed meat healthier for you and the planet? Should you take collagen? What about B12, omega-3s, and essential amino acids? How much protein is best? Should you minimize carbs? Are some oils healthy, or is low-fat best? What about lectins?
Jimi, you deserve the truth.
If you want to clear up the confusion and get the facts, I have a special invitation for you: the 2024 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries.
My dear friends and bestselling authors John and Ocean Robbins are bringing together 45 of the world’s most trustworthy food and health experts to deliver this year’s biggest breakthroughs in food and health.
>> Get your free ticket to watch the eight-part docuseries here.
They’re tackling the big debates and hottest controversies to bring you the facts. So you can live longer, better… and make the right decisions for yourself, your family, and the planet.
For the last decade, John and Ocean Robbins have hosted the world’s largest annual gathering of food revolutionaries. This is THE place to be if you want the facts from unbiased researchers — so you can truly make food the foundation of your health.
Plus, with the docuseries format, every episode is entertaining as well as informative and life-changing.
>> Secure your spot for no charge here.
P.S. John and Ocean first released this Summit in April, and the response was mind-blowing. More than 330,000 people tuned in! If you joined before, you know how amazing it was — and I’m thrilled to invite you to watch it all again, including brand-new daily live broadcasts. If you didn’t catch the first release… I think you’re going to LOVE this.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Gluten-Free Apple Pie
Gluten-Free Apple Pie
Apples are in season! Looking for a healthier apple pie recipe without gluten that's still delicious? This is your ticket. With hints of lemon and several key spices, it hits all the right notes … and even includes some collagen for good measure.
Get the Recipe


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This Week on the Podcast​
Be sure to like, follow, and review our show on your favorite podcast app to help us continue to share these inspiring stories of healing!​
Julia Chiappetta's life took a turn twenty years ago when she heard the words “you have cancer.” Facing her breast cancer diagnosis head on, she began researching alternative therapies, which she implemented and continues to utilize. Six years later she published Breast Cancer: The Notebook, to encourage others to seek optimum health.
At present, she writes a health & wellness column and continues to encourage others facing similar challenges. She is currently on the executive team for The Annie Appleseed Project, a board member for Best Answers for Cancer, and continues to blend health & wellness into all aspects of her life.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I wanted to share something important I learned from herbalist K.P. Khalsa in our latest webinar on managing pain and inflammation with herbs.
Many people, including myself, often misunderstand how to use herbs effectively.
For example, did you know that proper herbal treatment sometimes requires much higher doses than we’re used to hearing about?
Here are a few other misconceptions folks have...
  • All pain is caused by inflammation
  • Herbal remedies work instantly like pharmaceuticals
  • Herbs are safe in any amount
  • Herbs can be used without understanding the underlying issue
In this new webinar, K.P. dives deep into these misunderstandings and shows us how to truly harness the healing power of herbs like turmeric and willow bark for lasting relief.
Here’s what’s happening tomorrow and Friday...
K.P. Khalsa webinar
Herbal Strategies For Managing Pain and Inflammation
There are flexible sessions in your time zone.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Truth About Titanium Marker Clips: Are They Really Safe?​

Please note: This blog is purely for informational purposes and to give you a few things to consider before deciding to have a titanium marker clip placed in your breast. As always, I am here to provide evidence-based information and perhaps help you ask questions you didn’t even think about. That being said, I am not your doctor and do not know your unique situation. Therefore, you and your medical team decide what is best for your healing.
“Should I accept a titanium clip during a biopsy?”
I often get this question, so I wrote my thoughts and shared my research via this blog post.
My answer:
Except for rare medical situations and conditions, foreign objects (including a titanium marker clip during a biopsy) should not be placed in your body. Your immune system will attack the foreign invader, pushing your body into a highly inflamed state. This can lead to autoimmune reactions (such as Lupus or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) because your body thinks it needs to attack something within itself. That is my viewpoint in a nutshell, but to understand my full position and learn more about markers, please keep on reading.

De'Ann's salad dressing​

Hi, I'm De'Ann, a 7 Essentials System® coach with nearly a decade of experience.
Today, I'm sharing my creamy, cancer-fighting Mediterranean Olive Salad Dressing!
Say goodbye to store-bought dressings full of toxins and hello to a light, flavorful option inspired by the Mediterranean diet—where breast cancer rates are significantly lower!
Ready to taste the difference? Get the recipe here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi McCarty,

Wow. The tidal wave of viewers for Episode 1 last night blew us away. Tens of thousands of people tuned in and the feedback we’ve received so far has been truly inspiring.

Because of the extremely high volume of people watching it, there were some folks who had difficulty accessing the video - and we thank you for the patience you showed us.

Remember, you can view each of these episodes for a full 24 hours after they air.

But, in order to make sure that everyone has ample time to view Episode 1, we have decided to make it available for the entire event. (But only this one episode.)

If you haven’t had a chance to watch Episode 1: The Forgotten Secrets of Food yet, you can access it using the link below for the next 8 days:

Click here to watch Episode 1

Now that we’ve set the stage in Episode 1, we will be dedicating the next 8 episodes to specific health challenges and the medicinal foods and green remedies that can heal them.

Tonight’s Episode 2 is all about superfoods and DIY herbal formulas for better GUT HEALTH.

The proper functioning of your gut and microbiome (the trillions of bacteria and other life forms that live inside and on you) largely controls how much nutrition you actually absorb from the food you eat. These vast colonies of microorganisms are also a giant part of your overall immune system. In fact, your microbiome and immunity are so intertwined that it can be hard to tell the two apart.

Poor gut health is often where many auto-immune conditions (like IBD, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and even MS type symptoms) can begin… and it’s also where they can be healed.

The plant-based dishes and pantry remedies in Episode 2 will help nourish and repair your gut, so that the healing foods we explore in the coming episodes can have an even greater impact.

This is about to get real… I’ll give you more details AND your Episode 2 Video Links in the next email - a few minutes before it goes LIVE at 9pm ET.

But first, be sure to watch Episode 1 if you haven’t already.

It will give you a better context to understand why the superfoods and herbs we cover in Episode 2 are so important.

Stay curious,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Metal Allergy and Hypersensitivity Can Cause Fatigue and Gastrointestinal, Lung, Autoimmune, Cognitive, Skin, and Pain Disorders



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

We all know alcohol can be addictive. But did you know that sugar might be even more addictive?

And worse, it’s quietly aging you from the inside out.

Studies show that sugar triggers the brain's pleasure center just like alcohol or even hard drugs.

Every time you indulge in something sweet, you’re feeding an addiction that’s silently causing wrinkles, sagging skin, and dark spots.

But that’s not the only thing sugar is doing to your body…

Sugar is Aging You Faster Than Time Itself
It doesn’t just make you crave more—sugar literally accelerates the aging process. Here’s how:
  • Wrinkles and Sagging: Sugar molecules bind to proteins in your skin, causing stiffness and loss of elasticity, which leads to wrinkles and sagging faster than you thought possible.
  • Dark Spots: Sugar causes inflammation in your body, which can lead to pigmentation and those dark spots that seem to appear overnight.
  • Energy Crashes: Sure, you get a quick boost—but then comes the crash, leaving you feeling tired, sluggish, and drained.
Sugar is hidden in 75% of the foods you eat, often under tricky names like high-fructose corn syrup, maltose, and dextrose. Even those so-called "sugar-free" products are often packed with sneaky sugars designed to keep you hooked.

Here’s the Good News—You Can Break Free
On September 16th, I and Dr. Joel Fuhrman are launching a F.REE 5-Day Sugar Reset Challenge to help you kick the sugar habit for good—and start feeling like the best version of yourself.

In just 5 days, you’ll learn:
✅ The science behind why sugar is aging your body faster than it should—and how to reverse it.
✅ How to replace sugar with natural, skin-friendly alternatives that’ll have you glowing.
✅ Ways to boost your energy and fight fatigue, so you can feel years younger.
✅ Practical steps to build lasting habits that protect your health, skin, and vitality.

Imagine waking up with more energy, fewer wrinkles, and feeling like YOU again. You don’t have to accept that aging means losing your vitality. You can fight back—and win.

Ready to Turn Back the Clock?

It’s time to break free from sugar’s grip and take control of your health, energy, and skin.

>>>Join the F.REE Sugar Reset Challenge Now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Oops! We accidentally included the wrong time zone on our past email. The correct webinar time is listed below:

We’re excited to invite you to our upcoming webinar, "Stress and Cognition: Unraveling the Impact on Brain Health" with Dr. Rachel Heussner, a trusted team member at Solcere. We’ll be exploring the profound effects of stress on your brain and what you can do to protect your cognitive health.

Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Time: 4:30 PM PST
Platform: Zoom link here

During this insightful session, you will:
  • Understand Stress: Learn about the different types of stress—acute, chronic, and eustress—and how they uniquely impact your body and brain.
  • Explore the Stress-Brain Connection: Discover how stress affects memory, attention, and learning, and the role of hormones like cortisol in this process.
  • Recognize Cognitive Health Risks: Understand the long-term effects of chronic stress on cognitive decline and its connection to conditions like Alzheimer’s and dementia.
  • Learn to Mitigate Stress: Gain practical strategies, including mindfulness, exercise, and lifestyle changes, to manage stress effectively and safeguard your brain health.

Whether you're looking to deepen your knowledge or seeking practical tools to manage stress, this webinar will provide valuable insights and actionable strategies.

Reserve your spot today and take the first step towards better brain health.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Train Your Brain to Prevent Dementia
Athletes train to improve their performance. Professionals train to achieve success in their chosen fields. Now researchers are investigating ways we can train our brains to stave off dementia. This timely piece of research is important because the number of cases of Alzheimer’s disease is rising as baby boomers age. There are 6.5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s today and that’s expected to climb to a whopping 12.7 million by 2050 unless there is some breakthrough preventive treatment or cure for the disease, says the Alzheimer’s Association.
According to Axios, the novel research is examining whether eating right and exercising the body and the brain can prevent Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia. Called the POINTER study, it aims to determine if computer-based brain exercises, similar to video games, in combination with a healthy diet, physical exercise, and social interaction can reduce the risk for dementia for those with hereditary and other factors that make them more likely to develop the disease.
The POINTER trial plans to enroll 2,000 people, ages 60 to 79, across the country who exercise less than three times a week, have slightly high blood pressure, cholesterol or blood sugar, or have a family history of memory problems, says the Boston Globe. One group will get general guidance on eating and living well, and the other will get more specific tips like following the Mediterranean diet and workouts for the mind and body. The goal of this study is to measure the effect of training your brain to reduce the risk of dementia.
Special: Change How Your Brain Ages in a Matter of Days…
In the meantime, there are some ways the Alzheimer's Society of Canada and other experts in the field suggest to challenge your brain and keep it healthier longer.
  1. Play games. Crossword puzzles, sudoku, chess and checkers are wonderful ways to use your mind. There’s a site called BrainHQ that offers a wide selection of challenges to exercise your brain.
  2. Cross-train. Get out of your comfort zone and do things you are not used to. For example, if you usually read books, try listening to podcasts more often, says Axios.
  3. Learn new skills. Take up a new hobby or skill to keep the brain active.
  4. Break a sweat. Engage in regular cardiovascular exercise that elevates your heart rate and increases blood flow to the brain and body. Several studies have found an association between physical activity and reduced risk for cognitive decline, says Dr. Gary Small, a noted expert on brain aging and co-author of “Two Weeks to a Younger Brain.”
  5. Buddy up. Staying socially active may indeed support brain health. Pursue activities that are meaningful to you, notes Small. Find a way to be part of your local community. If you love animals, volunteer at the local shelter.
  6. Catch some zzz’s. Research has found “significant association between sleep disordered breathing and the accumulation of biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease,” according to the Alzheimer’s Association. See a healthcare professional if you have trouble sleeping.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
I hope you enjoyed the previous episode of Cancer Decoded!
Tonight, I have yet another powerful episode for you…
Packed with truly life-saving protocols you can use to shield yourself from CANCER and other chronic diseases.
Before we kick things off, I’d just like to encourage you to share these insights with your loved ones…
Because these are NOT the days to keep such treasures to yourself…the global health crisis is at an all-time high.
Together, we need to effect the changes we’d like to see in our world.
Now, with all that said…
I’m so excited to announce that Episode 3 and Bonus Episode 3
Are now LIVE!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Episode 2 is now LIVE!

Tonight we're going to uncover some powerful medicinal foods and culinary remedies for Gut Health. We’ll also be exploring some root cause culprits that may be quietly disrupting your digestive system.

We are expecting a lot of viewers for the screening of Episode 2, so please give the page a few seconds to load.

Click here to watch Episode 2

Tonight’s episode is called A Happy Gut: Recipes for Nourishing Your Inner Ecosystem.

In it, you’ll discover:

  • A delicious gut-healing recipe from the Ayurvedic healing traditions of Ancient India
  • 2 potent and zesty fermentation recipes that are a probiotic powerhouse, nourishing your gut biome and overall digestion with each bite
  • A traditional Japanese dish that delivers a perfect dose of all the macro and micronutrients that your digestive system needs
  • A refreshing and restorative elixir weaving together 2 flower medicines that are your microbiome’s best friend
  • An Ancient gut-healing herb that is used across Asia because of its incredible flavor and long list of health benefits
  • A superfood soup that removes harmful toxins and pathogens from your digestive tract
  • And a ton more!
Here is your link again to watch it:

Click here to watch Episode 2

I hope you get as much benefit from this vital information as we did while we filmed it!

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi
Host of Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Everyone take note of this information. I found a Facebook Page. It goes by the name “Nurse Beau Giles”. As it is presently open to everyone, don’t hesitate to visit and personally witness what I’m referring to. She shares comprehensive details regarding vaccine detoxing protocol, vax shedding and spike protein therapy. Make sure to become a follower by accessing.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Oronasal Infections
with Dr. Jamie Kunkle​
In the latest episode of the Rational Wellness Podcast, Gordon Medical’s Dr. Jamie Kunkle joins Dr. Ben Weitz to discuss oronasal health. Dr. Kunkle explains how the mouth and nose work together as a connected system. He describes the diverse bacteria living in these areas, known as the oral and nasal microbiomes.

The discussion also covers biofilms - communities of microorganisms that can impact our health. This episode sheds light on an often overlooked aspect of wellness: the health of our mouth and nose.​
To your good health!​
Team Gordon Medical​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,
Did you know that meditation can protect your DNA against cancer-promoting genetic developments and free you from everyday stresses and distractions?
That’s why meditation is one of the most powerful, but often neglected, tools for maintaining optimal health and fighting cancer.
Many of us don’t think of meditation for maintaining physical vitality. We know that a healthy diet, proper supplementation, regular exercise, and a positive social support system are important for our health on all levels.
However, despite these healthy habits, many of us still struggle with managing our stress levels. Science is proving over and over that chronic stress can be deadly, contributing to our most serious health conditions.
This is where meditation really shines – studies show that psychological changes associated with regular meditation improve your ability to cope with stress and contribute to increased telomerase activity.
Discover how to create a simple daily meditation practice, allowing for a sense of openness and freedom from everyday stresses and distractions.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
Did you catch our TOP health experts’ life-saving insights on how to use natural protocols to alleviate the symptoms of SERIOUS diseases like cancer…
In last night’s BRAND NEW Episode 3 of Cancer Decoded?
Episode 3: Suppressing Cancer: Unleashing Nature's Arsenal for Cancer…

PLUS BONUS Episode 3…
Beyond Conventional Treatments: Combating Cancer With Non-Invasive Therapies
>>> Watch Episode 3 and BONUS Episode 3 here!
Now, in Episode 3: Suppressing Cancer: Unleashing Nature's Arsenal for Cancer…


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Is THIS what you thought midlife would feel like?
  • Dragging yourself out of bed each morning, desperately craving just 5 more minutes of sleep
  • Restricting foods that you used to eat without issue
  • Brain fog so thick you can barely remember why you walked into a room
  • That extra 10...20...30 pounds that just won't budge no matter what you try
  • A libido that seems to have packed its bags and left town
You're not alone. A staggering 85% of women report experiencing fatigue during perimenopause and menopause. BUT, midlife doesn't have to mean it's all downhill from here. In fact, it can be the start of the most VIBRANT chapter of your life! And you're going to learn how in this new summit...
CLICK HERE to save your free seat to the Ageless Energy Summit. >>
My friends Laura Frontiero and Jason Prall have gathered 27 of the world's leading experts in gut health, hormonal balance, energy, detoxification, brain function, and holistic wellness for this brand new, never-before-seen event.
They'll reveal the latest, cutting-edge research on how to:

⚡ Reignite your energy levels (even if you feel like you're running on fumes)
⚡ Balance your hormones naturally (bye-bye mood swings!)
⚡ Sharpen your mental clarity (so you can ditch the sticky notes)
⚡ Revive your libido (hello, spicy nights!)

And so much more...
Don't miss this chance to set yourself up for a healthier, happier future.
Go HERE to save your free seat. >>
In good health,

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