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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Your body is like a magnet. Vibrational energy is at the core of both disease and healing. In this clip from TTAC LIVE! 2019, Dr. Edward Group explains how the body is designed to heal itself... and how to activate those “self healing mechanisms.”

Be sure to watch the entire clip to hear Dr. Group's best advice for clearing negative energy and kickstarting your natural healing.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Join Us!​

Wednesday Night 6pm CDT Fibromyalgia Facebook Live Q&A at:​

It can be exhausting trying to explain what fibromyalgia is and why you feel and act the way you do. Friends, co workers, family, and even some doctors are clueless about fibromyalgia. They may think your lazy, just depressed or a hypochondriac. Of course nothing could be further from the truth.

The truth is you have a REAL illness.​

Here is a video for your family, friends or doctors to help them understand what you are going through.

Please share this video with others!​

I hope to see you TONIGHT at 6pm CDT:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
[NEW RELEASE] Claim Your FREE Honey Cookbook Today

Hi, Dr. Joshua Levitt here.

As many of you know… I am the author of the best-selling book The Honey Phenomenon.

Having sold over half a million copies of that book, I have earned the nickname… The Honey Doctor!

And I carry that name around proudly as I advocate the numerous healing benefits of this “liquid gold.”

Being a naturopathic doctor (and avid beekeeper) I’ve made it my mission to not only use honey in my own life but inform my patients and readers about all of the wonderful benefits that it can provide.

But one question that continues to come up while talking to people about honey is…

“Can you eat honey?”

Well I’m happy to say the answer is 100% YES!

Not only can you use honey creams externally, on your hands, face and skin… but you can eat honey or add it to food to get the same healing benefits INSIDE YOUR BODY!

And because I realized that most people didn’t know how to incorporate this natural wonder into their nutrition…

I decided to write The Honey Healing Kitchen: 51 Honey-Infused Recipes To Nourish, Strengthen & Heal Your Body!

And as a way to say thank you to the 500,000 readers who have come before you, I’ve decided to offer this book FREE for a limited time!

That’s right!

I want to get this cookbook into as many hands as I can, so if you cover a small shipping fee I’ll take care of the rest and ship this physical cookbook completely FREE directly to your doorstep!

I cook these very same recipes for my friends and family at home, so I know you are going to love them.

And if that’s not enough, you can take comfort knowing all 51 recipes are doctor-approved, because I created them all myself!

So what are you waiting for?

Click Here to tell me where to ship your FREE copy of The Honey Healing Kitchen today! =>

Take good care,

Dr. Joshua Levitt

p.s. To celebrate the launch of my new cookbook, I’m going to include 3 amazing bonuses, ABSOLUTELY FREE for anyone who claims their copy today only! What are you waiting for!? Plus, I’m only reserving 250 FREE copies today, so don’t wait!

Click here to get your FREE copy + 3 FREE bonuses today! =>



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

We all know than hand washing is a key component to stoping the spread of communicable disease, but...

... what if your hand soap was actually hurting you, and not helping?

FACT: With colder weather rolling in and the "second wave" looming over everyone's heads, constant hand-washing causes dry, cracked and sore hands are inevitable.

We recently learned about a 2015 FDA study...

FACT: It was discovered that antibacterial hand soap is NOT effective than a regular non-toxic soap at stopping the spread of germs and bacteria!

That’s right, here millions of people were lathering their hands with dangerous chemicals for no reason.

We've been making our own hand soap for years, but sometimes we get busy and that's why we stock up on the best non-toxic hand soap on the planet! And that's where MyGreenFills comes into play...

This spring, our friends at MyGreenFills ran out of their truly non-toxic foaming (and moisturizing) hand soap so we stocked up and we wanted to make sure you were prepped for the "second wave" as people hoard shop...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
3 Ways to Transition from Hyper-vigilant... to Hyper-resilient

Did the world used to be easier to live in? It depends on who you ask.

A Gen-Xer remembering their childhood with glistening nostalgia, thinking about making a flyer on looseleaf paper and peppering the neighborhood with ads for their lawn-mowing service, might argue that they came from a simpler time – when it was easier to just be a person.

Although if we extend the question to someone beyond the confines of living memory, we might find a world fraught with perils around every corner – diseases preventable by hand-washing, relatives you planned for years to be able to visit who only lived a few hours’ drive away today, bad harvests that left people starving…

Or you could have lived during the invention of capitalism, and found self-sufficient peasantry no longer available as an option to you.

Regardless of whether or not the internet has made everything mind-numbingly easy or unreasonably complex, most of the developed world lives in a high state of vigilance – stuck in our sympathetics.


We’ve got access (the human race, not every person) to more resources than we could ever use. In fact, so many resources that we’re literally at risk of draining them from existence.

So how is it that our measurable stress levels have increased now that we can transfer funds with our phones instead of hoping for a ride to the bank, have exotic herbs delivered to our doors instead of waiting for the Wells Fargo wagon, or press a button on our thermostats instead of hiking out to the woods to chop and haul?

We’ve lost resilience. It’s not exactly because we've grown more secular, but spirituality does factor in.

The simple truth is that it doesn't pay to be spiritual, and modern doctrines regarding what makes a life substantive are ultra-specific and constantly contradictory.
In other words, we can’t all agree on what it takes to be good and do good. That makes everyone feel uneasy all the time.

But one truth will never change: Being and doing good must start inside you.

And that will take resilience, not vigilance. Inner strength, not thinking 10 steps ahead.

Where hyper-vigilance might look like…

Staying Defensive out of Fear a Flaw Might Make You Disposable

Hyper-resilience looks like…

An Innate Trust in the Strength of Your Bonds and Abilities

When you spend all day planning for every contingency, with your shoulders in your ears, future-tripping catastrophes, you are telling your nervous system to be ready for an attack.

That makes sense, right? Your mind can only imagine the worst for so long without your body rising to the challenge of facing “the worst”.

Defensiveness seems, evolutionarily, like the right response.

But hyper-vigilance – in this case, fearing criticism because of the absence of a sense of inner security – doesn’t protect you.

Only resilience will protect you. Resilience here would be a belief in your own humanity – you are flawed, subject to failure, and capable of mistakes… and that sets you in squarely with the rest of your species.

Trusting and active listening over defense and blame.

Where hyper-vigilance might look like…

Obsessively Planning by Thinking 10 Steps Ahead

Hyper-resilience looks like…

Taking Stock of Now and Fully Building Out Your Next 3 Steps
Those with the urge to be hyper-vigilant are operating in a fear-based reality. Thinking 10 steps ahead won’t save you from simple human folly, the uncontrollable externals, or finding yourself in a quandary in the future.

That impulse is borne out of a desire to guard yourself, which can still fit into the reality of someone who is hyper-resilient.

A hyper-resilient person is able to sit with where they are now and take stock of their lives honestly – assets, both physical and emotional, skills, experiences, and personal shortcomings.

Using that honest assessment, the kind which you can only do when your prefrontal cortex can think clearly, a resilient person can map out a manageable three steps. Those steps should be able to connect to the present and keep your energy usage controlled and able to be scaled back, as opposed to flung in a lanky tangle out in front of your fuzzy future.

Where hyper-vigilance looks like…

Self-Isolating to Avoid Adding “Burden” to your List of Personal Failings

Hyper-resilience looks like…

Using Your Support Network with Honesty and Vulnerability

Hyper-vigilance can play lots of tricks on your mind – you’re alone, your suffering is unique, and what’s more, it’s annoying.

But what resilient people understand on a molecular level is that we all need each other, and your needs are not ridiculous for the simple fact of you having them. Simply put?

Resilient people have learned to channel self-compassion.

Without a support network and an active feedback system, you reinforce the beliefs that throw you into hyper-vigilance. We’re all meant to use our emotionships to bolster and sustain us, just as we are compelled by our own humanity to bolster and sustain the ones we love.

If hyper-vigilance can be considered a state of consistently engaged nervous system signals, then hyper-resilience is tapping into your parasympathetics…

Which, paradoxically, helps you recover from stressors much more quickly.

This is easier said than done... and part of being resilient is recognizing when you don't have all the answers.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Do you or someone you love need
a little hope?​

We at HealingStrong are SO excited to share this with you!

Our friends at Hope 4 Cancer, Marcy and Dr. Tony Jimenez, have donated an incredible gift for our monthly membership drawing of $5,000 towards any service at Hope 4 Cancer. They have been such a loving support to HealingStrong, and THIS MONTH....they are giving away an incredible gift for one lucky winner.


Dr. Tony pictured with some of our HealingStrong team and Group Leaders: Brook Thornton, Christine Holcomb, Suzy Griswold, Janet Everhart, Dr. Tony Jimenez, Colette Moser, and Mary Kelley

YOU could be the winner of this AMAZING giveaway, or others...AND, gain access to our monthly webinars, e-books, conference videos and get goodies sent right to your door. That's our HealingStrong Membership!

To qualify for the monthly drawings, join our membership today and your opportunity to win is yours!

Monthly membership entries:
$5 - 5 entries
$25 - 25 entries
$50 - 50 entries
$75 - 75 entries

HealingStrong is a non-profit organization and every membership supports our mission to educate, encourage and equip those with cancer and other diseases by empowering connections through local community groups, HealingStrong@Home meetings, or weekly HEAL Studies. Please watch the video below and join us today!

All giveaways are transferrable. That's great news.
HealingStrong inspires people to keep the faith. It is not just the name of the organization. It's a state of mind and belief!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Do You Drink Tap Water?

? Tap water is full of contaminants. There was a study that analyzed over 36 000 water samples and the researchers found 16.5 million people have at least one of six different types of perfluoroalkoxy alkanes (PFAs) in their drinking water that meets or exceeds the EPA's designated safety threshold.
The EPA has a list of things that shouldn't be in your water. There are more than 90 substances on that list. There are "safe" amounts of each contaminant listed on their website. Some of the substances on this list are microorganisms, disinfectants, pesticides, industrial pollutants, pharmaceutical drugs and radioactive material.
These microparticles and chemicals can cause a whole slew of health issues such as hormonal issues, thyroid issues, and weight-related issues.
Because of this, we use a water filter to ensure we have clean drinking water. The water filter that we recommend is the Berkey. It's a great investment in the health of you and your family!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Buffalo Chicken Tenders with Green Beans

Buffalo chicken wings are a tempting bar food, most of them are dusted in white flour before they hit the deep fryer. This skinless version has no inflammatory triggers, but still the delicious zing from hot sauce that contains the healing compound capsaicin, being studied also for its cancer fighting abilities.

  • 5 ounces raw chicken tenders, preferably organic
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 4 ounces green beans, trimmed
  • 2 tablespoons Frank’s Red-Hot Sauce
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • ½ lemon
  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Line a 7x11 baking dish with parchment paper.
  2. Arrange the chicken tenders on one side (about 3) and sprinkle with the salt and pepper.
  3. Place the green beans on the other side. Drizzle with the hot sauce and sprinkle with the paprika.
  4. Bake 20 to 25 minutes, turning the chicken and green beans once or twice.
  5. Test the chicken for doneness by slicing with a paring knife. The chicken should no longer be pink in the center of the largest chicken tender when sliced.
  6. Serve immediately and freeze the remaining tenders or double up on this recipes for another meal


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cicero is quoted as saying, "Dum spiro spero" … While I breathe, I hope.

The simple, powerful reality is when your body has more oxygen, your health improves.

>> Improving your lung health and oxygenation is vital to facing many challenges - some of which may surprise you...

  • Weight loss(1) Oxygenation supports metabolism, which in turn supports weight loss.

  • Fatigue(2) Oxygen breaks down glucose, the mechanism to create ATP (cellular energy)

  • Detox(3) Oxygen also breaks down lactic acid in the liver, kidneys and muscles

  • Immunity(4) Oxygen fuels wound healing, cellular function and even infection resistance

  • Creativity and cognitive health(5) Neuroplasticity and learning require more oxygen

  • Mood(6) Oxygen in the brain and creates a calming effect, reducing anxiety and stress

  • Inspiring the Parasympathetic State(7) Breathing is one of the fastest, most powerful ways to calm anxiety, release stress and stored emotions and even calm pain
Oxygen is key to life. And it is key to a good, HEALTH-FILLED life.

>> Please click here to join my good friend, Naturopathic Doctor, Christine Schaffner, for a powerful NEW educational webinar: "Your Lungs: 5 Steps to Recovery and Prevention of Viruses and Pathogens."

This webinar is one of the most important trainings I have ever shared with my community. (These free educational events fill quickly. Please register immediately to save your seat.)

I look forward to seeing you there,​
Dr. Dan Pompa

P.S. >> You can also learn more about Dr. Schaffner’s upcoming 21-Day LIVE Lung Cleanse here. (This is a must for anyone with a mold reaction, asthma, near fires, in areas with air pollution - which is actually everywhere, or had any virus or illness that has affected their lungs OR who has experienced "trapped" emotions, sadness, or grief.)

  1. References:
  2. ncbi.nlm.nih gov/pmc/articles/PMC3885157
  3. liebertpubcom/doi/abs/10.1089/ham.2016.0034?journalCode=ham
  5. martinhealth org/oxygen-and-wound-healing
  6. nature com/articles/s41467-020-15041-1
  7. ncbi.nlm.nih gov/pmc/articles/PMC5498932/
  8. psychologytoday:blog/the-athletes-way/201705/diaphragmatic-breathing-exercises-and-your-vagus-nerve


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

I’m incredibly excited to announce the results of a new "vaccine" study.

Unlike Pfizer’s recent announcement, this one is actually solid, statistically significant data that has already been published in a medical journal and peer-reviewed.

Get ready for it... This is mind-blowing stuff. (And make sure to read all the way to the end).

First, here’s what the prestigious, top-tier medical journal, the British Medical Journal said about the results of this study: “Although this was a small trial, the intensive care unit (ICU) results are so dramatic that they are statistically highly significant.”


Researchers randomly assigned 76 people with moderate to severe C19 into the vaccine group (50 patients) or no-vaccine (26 patients) group on the day they entered the hospital.


* NO VACCINE GROUP: 13 out of 26 patients (50%) were admitted to intensive care unit (ICU), and two died in the end.

* VACCINE GROUP: Only 1 person out of 50 (just 2%!) required ICU admission, and NOT ONE PERSON died!

This means that the vaccine led to a mind-blowing 93% reduction in odds of ICU admission!

Amazing, right?​

This vaccine could save untold hundreds of thousands or millions of lives! It's a huge breakthrough!

Here’s the best part... It wasn’t actually a vaccine that was given in this study! ...​

It was actually VITAMIN D!​

(So in my description of the study above, just replace my words "vaccine" with "vitamin D" and you have the real study.) :)

Yes, really. This a real study -- it was just published. Here's the link to the study if you want to check it out.

Now, why did I present this information this way? Why did I portray it as a "vaccine" instead of telling you it was vitamin D?

To make this one important point: Can you imagine the publicity that this study would be getting right now if these SAME exact results were on a vaccine instead of vitamin D?

We would be seeing MASSIVE publicity all over the world. It would be hailed as an amazing breakthrough and the media would be talking about its potential to save hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives.

But the same thing for vitamin D??? We have crickets in the media and from public health authorities.

Isn’t that an interesting phenomenon to think deeply about? Why aren't the public health authorities and media talking about this? (Please think about the whys behind this phenomenon).

Please be aware... no matter what you hear in the media, you DO have options to minimize your risks. You do have power to do more than simply wait for a vaccine.

You do have the ability to take charge of your health, improve your metabolic health and dramatically reduce your risks. (We know that metabolic health is by far, the best predictor of risk, next to old age. And we now know that vitamin D status is one of the other critical players in predicting risk of severe C19).

Just thought I'd share this little update on this new research and hopefully give you some optimism, motivation and a reason to smile. :)


P.S. More research on the power of vitamin D coming to you soon!

Link to the study:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Are you fasting?​

I feel like I need to start this one out with some clarification. When people talk about fasting they are not talking about starving yourself. The practice of fasting has been around for thousands of years. This is because it is apart of many spiritual rituals. But, in the context of better health, we need to look at fasting in a very calculated way.

What is fasting?
In simple terms it is not eating for a period of time. It is really just a change in eating patterns. For example: you may be typically accustomed to eating three meals per day or a few smaller meals through out the day, fasting would change this to only a small window of time, maybe only a few hours, to ingest these calories.

Benefits of fasting?
  • Reduce Insulin Resistance
  • Fights Inflammation
  • May Improving Blood Pressure, Triglycerides and Cholesterol Levels
  • May Boost Brain Function
  • Aids Weight Loss by Limiting Calorie Intake and Boosting Metabolism
  • Increases Growth Hormone Secretion: Vital for Growth, Metabolism, Weight Loss and Muscle Strength
  • Delays Aging
  • May Aid in Cancer Prevention and Increase the Effectiveness of Chemotherapy
Before you dive into fasting and start skipping meals, it is always good to check with your healthcare provider and chose a plan that works for you. There are many different types of fasting and taking a more calculated approach can help you to see the results you are looking for.

Popular types of fasting:
  • Intermittent Fasting - Typically fasting from 14-18 hours
  • Time-Restricted Eating - Typically fasting from 12-16
  • Alternate Day Fasting - Reduce calories to 25% every other day
  • 5:2 Diet - 5 days or normal eating and 2 at reduced calories
  • The Warrior Diet - Fruits and veggies during the day and larger evening meal
  • Long-term fasting - fasting for 24-72 hours at a time or sometimes even longer.
All of these types of fasting can have benefit. But, it is not for everyone. If you decide to try intermittent fasting, keep in mind that diet quality is crucial. It’s not possible to binge on junk foods during the eating periods and expect to lose weight and boost your health.

Again, talk to a health professional and do your research on fasting. With the right approach and planning, this may be beneficial to you.
Until next time. Make good choices and stay healthy! ?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Here’s a fun fact for you: Humans are the ONLY mammals that don’t make their own vitamin C.

Interesting, right? Vitamin C is so important that literally, every other mammal has the ability to create its own.

More than just a boost to the immune system, it plays a critical role in many of the body’s functions and is a powerful antioxidant. It also aids in tissue regeneration, the absorption of iron, production of collagen and so much more.

Since we have to depend on outside sources to supply vitamin C, it’s very easy (and very common) to be deficient.

And an unaddressed vitamin C deficiency can lead to a variety of diseases. It could even be fatal. Catching it early on is crucial.

With that said, here are 7 signs you’re deficient in Vitamin C...

1. You get sick more often than most people you know

Vitamin C keeps your immune system up and running. When you don’t have enough, your immune system weakens and you start catching every little thing that comes your way.

2. You bruise easily (and wonder what you could have run into)

A lack of vitamin C leads to weakened capillaries, so even a minor bump creates a bruise.

3. Your skin is dry or scaly

Vitamin C deficiency is often the culprit behind chronic dry skin and even those annoying small bumps on the back of arms or thighs. This is because vitamin C is so closely linked to collagen.

4. You have brittle hair and nails

In the grand scheme of things, hair isn’t a very important part of the body. That’s why nutrients like vitamin C are sent to more essential areas first, and hair just gets the leftovers – if there are any.

5. Nosebleeds are a regular occurrence

This happens for the same reason bruising does. Inadequate levels of vitamin C equals weakened and fragile blood vessels.

6. Your joints are swollen and/or sore

This critical vitamin plays a key role in fighting inflammation, which as you may know is the cause of conditions like arthritis. One study showed that people low in vitamin C were 3 times more likely to develop arthritis than those who ate a C-rich diet.

7. Cuts or burns seem like they take a long time to heal

Collagen is the tissue that binds a healing wound, and it can’t do so properly without vitamin C. This fact has been known since 1937 when doctors noticed spontaneous breakdown of surgical wounds in patients low in vitamin C.

If you identify with one or more items on this list, there’s a good chance you need more vitamin C in your diet.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello ,

We've had an overwhelming response from you guys to our previous email on digestive enzymes. Many questions came in and I therefore decided to compile a bunch of resources to give you more information about a few key things:
  1. Digestion and hormones - The health of your digestion is CRITICAL for overall health as well as your hormone balance. I've personally never met a person struggling with digestive issues (such as bloating, constipation, IBS, loose stools, gas and acid reflux) and enjoying excellent overall health and balanced hormones.
  2. Stomach acid - There’s a difference between enzymes and stomach acid. These issues are addressed in one of the articles linked below, and I also want to show you how to test for stomach acid at home.
  3. Digestive Enzymes - These can turn your digestive health around substantially (more on that below, plus the very information-rich and inspiring interview with Steve Wright). This is especially relevant if you suffer from many food sensitivities and chronic bloating.

How digestion impacts your hormones
Your gut is like the Grand Central station in your body because it’s where processes such as the absorption of nutrients, immune responses, and energy production occur. As hormone production also takes place there, an unhealthy leaky gut can compromise or shake up your levels of:
Estrogen: A leaky gut does not effectively excrete “dirty” estrogens (they are antagonistic metabolites) out of your body. Instead, they stay in circulation, causing Estrogen Dominance.
Estrobolome: This is a subset of bacteria in the gut that helps to metabolize estrogens and disarm the “dirty” estrogens (which are the harmful estrogen metabolites) that cause cancers in the thyroid, breast, ovaries and uterus. Most people with leaky gut have a host of estrogen problems.
Thyroid hormones: Part of your conversion of T4 thyroid hormone into the stronger, more active T3 form, occurs in your gut—but may be compromised if your gut is unhealthy.
Chronic inflammation of hormone receptors: Chronic digestive distress leads to chronic inflammation. This long-lasting inflammation shuts down hormone receptors making the update of hormones highly inefficient. Inflammation is also the root cause of various conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and hormonal imbalances.
Sleep and mood hormones: Around 80-90% of serotonin (your happiness hormone) and melatonin (which induces sleep and is produced from serotonin, in total darkness) are made in your gut. That production can go haywire due to a leaky gut. Poor sleep makes hormone imbalances worse.
Insulin levels: The healthier your gut function, the more stable your blood glucose, the less you crave sugar and the less insulin you release. On the flip-side, an unhealthy gut can predispose you to insulin resistance, where your energy cycle doesn’t work properly, which also reduces your ability to burn fat.
Appetite hormones: An inflamed, unhealthy gut promotes unhealthy bacteria that can change your levels of ghrelin (which makes you hungry) and leptin (which signals when you’re full). It can also impact the food you crave and your taste receptors.
Here are a few helpful resources on digestion:

The importance of sufficient stomach acid
Stomach acid, or Hydrochloric acid (HCl), is secreted by the stomach to help digest and absorb proteins and other nutrients that we consume in our diet. HCl also serves to protect us by killing various pathogenic microorganisms (parasites, yeast, bacteria) that might otherwise cause infection in the digestive tract.
Sufficiently digested food is key for giving the body the nutrients it needs to function well, including producing hormones.
How to test your stomach acid levels at home
Method 1: Baking soda test (easy but not the most accurate)
You can very easily do this test at home.
  1. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 4-6 ounces of cold or room temperature water first thing in the morning, before eating or drinking anything.
  2. Drink the baking soda solution.
  3. Time how long it takes you to belch.
  4. If you do not belch within 3 minutes, stop timing.
  5. If you do not belch, you have too little stomach acid. If you belch, you are fine.
This is not the most effective test and it often produces false negatives (meaning, it makes you think you have sufficient stomach acid). I, therefore, recommend Method 2 below.
Method 2: The HCl pill test (recommended method)
The idea here is to dose the HCl pills until you feel a slight discomfort in your stomach. When I was low on stomach acid (due to the bacteria h.pylori), I had to take as many as seven pills to feel the warmth.
  1. On Day One, start with one capsule (usually 500 to 750mg) of HCl, at the beginning of each meal. Note: This means a full meal, not a snack.
  2. Watch for any feelings of warmth, discomfort, pain or burning in the throat or stomach.
  3. If you experience any of these symptoms after just one capsule, do not take any more pills.
  4. If these symptoms are NOT present, go to the next step.
  5. On Day Two, increase your dose by one capsule (this would be two capsules for a total of 1,000 to 1,500 mg for day two) of HCl at the beginning of each full meal. If you feel any of the symptoms mentioned above (warmth, discomfort, pain or burning in your throat or stomach) decrease your dose to the level at which you had no symptoms and maintain this dose.
  6. If you do not feel these symptoms go to the next step.
  7. On Day Three, increase your dose as previously described. Each day increase the dose until you feel a warming sensation or until you reach a dose of seven capsules per meal. Do not take more than eight (8) capsules with a meal.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Why does being healthy have to be so hard?

So confusing?

And so expensive?

Finally, It doesn't...

I've decided to let you in on some secrets that most health practitioners don't want you to know.

My good friend, Dr. Michelle Sands, will show you how simple, Convenient, and Affordable it really is to overcome your biggest health struggles.

It's how she overcame her own diseases and it's exactly how she helps her practice members dissolve their own symptoms.

She can't personally work with everyone, but she hates seeing people suffer…

So, she put together the very best training she could offer: Natural Healing Made Simple.

The only thing you need to access "Natural Healing Made Simple" is your email address, and then you will receive all four lessons.

No credit card, nothing to buy after you click, just enter your info to let us know you want to get access to the training.

In Natural Healing Made Simple, you'll learn the exact steps you must take to finally live your healthiest life. It's all broken down in simple, easy to understand terms.

If you can watch a video, then you have the skills it takes to master this process!

This series is loaded with TONS of amazing FREE information, and content-packed videos delivered to your inbox over the course of the next 10 days. And you can watch them at your leisure.

I'm a huge fan of this free training, and it is my mission to help as many people as possible implement these life-changing strategies.

=>CLICK HERE to access Natural Healing Made Simple

NOTE: Everything in this course has been tried and tested. I have used this process for years on thousands of patients who have received amazing results. This training is absolutely FREE and it promises to change the way you think about disease and your own healing potential.

=>CLICK HERE to access Natural Healing Made Simple

Virtual Hugs,

Dr. Michelle

P.S. We all know people who are suffering with health issues. Help me help them too by forwarding this email to them.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
For many, the holidays are a time of joy and celebration...

For others, it’s a time of stress and dread.

Stress about the holiday menu and hosting large parties… and dread that you might not be able to keep off those holiday pounds.

But what if you could enjoy the entire holiday season without worry?

The first secret to a stress-free holiday is planning a nutrient-packed Thanksgiving menu that still tastes amazing.

>> This recipe guide offers all the flavor and texture of traditional Thanksgiving recipes, but WITHOUT the preservatives, refined sugars, or toxic vegetable oils.

From turkey and sides to delicious desserts —you’ll only get real, whole, natural ingredients, and easy-to-prep homemade food.

>> [FREE GUIDE] Grab the recipe guide and enjoy a Thanksgiving without refined flours, sugar, and toxic oils.

The second secret to avoiding weight gain, brain fog, and fatigue this holiday season lies in your DNA…

So, instead of relying on expensive technology, diet pills, or low-calorie Frankenfoods, it’s time to look to our ancestors for help.

While we can’t go back to an ancestral lifestyle (and probably don’t want to), we can use some of the principles that kept our ancient relatives free of modern diseases.

>> [READ MORE] Grab these ancient tools for weight loss, better brain health, and soaring energy…

Today's Recommendation from Beyond Organic Doctors

It’s likely that you’re used to eating three meals every day…

But why?

Most of us do it because that’s how we were raised or because that’s what nutritionists and physicians tell us to do.

After decades of expecting food every 4-6 hours, your body becomes conditioned to “ask” for food constantly.

The reality is... there’s no biological rule that says you need to eat that often. In fact, humans evolved over about 200,000 years with no regular access to easy calories.

And it turns out that eating constantly is keeping your body from tapping into its innate healing ability.

The truth is… there is a way to eat the foods you love, all while healing your body at a cellular level, losing weight, and sending your energy through the roof.

>> Get the secret to unlocking true health… no supplements or expensive procedures required!

To your health,

The Beyond Organic Doctors Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
For many people, Jim, the SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) journey goes like this:

1. Get diagnosed

2. Get treated

3. Feel... not that much better

No - you're NOT the only one having this experience! Research suggests as many as 2/3 of people with SIBO will either not respond to their first treatment, require multiple rounds of treatment, or relapse.

And that doesn't even take in to account the people who test negative for SIBO, but still have all the symptoms (yes, this happens, too) or abandon treatment when it doesn't seem to be working.

If you fall in to any of these categories - or are dealing with any other stubborn SIBO symptoms, you might just be a "tough case."

If you're one of these tough cases, what's your next step?

>>> Register for the Next Steps for Treating Tough SIBO Masterclass Summit

SIBO Specialist Dr. Allison Siebecker told me about an idea she has had for create an all-new, 2-day Masterclass Summit with 28 classes all about the next step for tough cases.

That dream has become a reality! This is medical-conference level information - shared directly from experts with you!

And if you're newer to SIBO, we've got you covered! Dr. Siebecker will be teaching 5 classes covering the basics of treating SIBO to make sure everyone is on the same page.

You're going to learn about some ideas and treatment options you've likely NEVER heard of before, but that could be totally life changing for you.

Register today - it's F-R-E-E!! (And as soon as you register, we'll give you early access to 2 of the classes!)

>>> >>> Register for the Next Steps for Treating Tough SIBO Masterclass Summit

Hope & hugs,


PS - This project is a collaboration with SIBO specialist Dr. Allison Siebecker, and features 20 expert speakers, and 28 presentations! You can watch is all free on Nov 17 and 18 - just click here to register.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello everyone,

There’s a common narrative in our culture around “falling off the wagon” at holiday times. Seduced by sweets and goodies, we end up over-indulging, feeling guilty, and needing to “take control” come January.

Well, we’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way on AIP. With a little planning ahead, you can set yourself up with weeks of delicious, festive (and yes, even indulgent) meals that you’ll actually look forward to eating. No more feeling deprived this season!

Don’t believe us? We have over 300 recipes on the site that are AIP compliant, dozens of which are perfect for the holidays. We wanted to take a minute to highlight some today for your holiday planning.

Oh... and don't forget about our free holiday ebook for subscribers at the bottom of the email!

If you are ever looking for meal inspiration don't forget to check the archives on the Autoimmune Wellness site.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The New Science of Why We Get Cancer with Dr. Jason Fung

For hundreds of years, cancer has been portrayed as a foreign invader we’ve been powerless to stop, but our understanding of cancer is slowly undergoing a revolution, allowing for the development of more effective treatments. For the first time ever, the death rate from cancer is showing a steady decline, but the “War on Cancer” has hardly been won.

This week on The Broken Brain Podcast, Dhru sits down with Dr. Jason Fung to talk about a revolutionary new understanding of cancer—what it is, how it manifests, and why it is so challenging to treat.

Dr. Jason Fung is a physician, author, and researcher. His groundbreaking science-based books about diabetes and obesity, The Diabetes Code, The Obesity Code, and The Complete Guide to Fasting have sold over one million copies and challenged the conventional wisdom that diabetics should be treated with insulin. Dr. Fung is also the co-founder of The Fasting Method, a program to help people lose weight and reverse Type 2 Diabetes naturally with fasting. His work on fasting has been cited by CNN, Time, The Atlantic, Forbes, The Toronto Star, and many other media outlets. His latest book, The Cancer Code: A Revolutionary New Understanding of a Medical Mystery, was just released.

Dr. Fung—whose groundbreaking work in the treatment of obesity and diabetes has won him international acclaim—suggests that the primary disease pathway of cancer is caused by the dysregulation of insulin. In fact, obesity and type 2 diabetes significantly increase an individual’s risk of cancer.

Dr. Fung provides a new paradigm for dealing with cancer, with recommendations for what we can do to create a hostile soil for this dangerous seed. One such strategy is intermittent fasting, which reduces blood glucose, lowering insulin levels. Another, eliminating intake of insulin-stimulating foods, such as sugar and refined carbohydrates.

By reshaping our view of cancer as an internal uprising of our own healthy cells, we can begin to take back control. The seed of cancer may exist in all of us, but the power to change the soil is in our hands.

I hope you’ll tune in to this important conversation.

Wishing you health and happiness,
Mark Hyman, MD

Click here to listen on the web


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
Want to know the secret to making every meal incredibly delicious?
It’s simple.
All you have to do is add a sauce.
But not just any sauce – an incredible sauce.
As any good chef will tell you, making an incredible sauce is the quickest and easiest way to punch up the flavor and make a dish really pop.
It’s the difference between food that tastes ok and food that tastes incredible.
What if you had the skills to whip up one of these sauces in 10 minutes?
  • Sauce #1: A creamy citrus sauce for a pop of flavor in Buddha bowls, wraps, and veggie burgers
  • Sauce #2: A tangy vinaigrette, perfect for drizzling on veggies or dressing a salad
  • Sauce #3: A “cheesy” sauce to scarf up as a dip or add to tacos and burrito bowls
  • Sauce #4: A plant-based herb sauce you’ll want to eat on everything thanks to its bright, fresh flavor
Our friends at VegHealth created a simple way for you to discover the magic of sauces for free.
All you have to do is download The Sauce Factor for 5 amazing plant-based sauce recipes that can transform any meal!
Whether you’re whipping up tacos, stir fry, pastas, or veggie bowls, you can use these recipes to:
  • Turn a simple meal into a wow-worthy culinary experience
  • Get even the pickiest eaters to LOVE plant-based dishes
  • Give your leftovers and old recipes a makeover with exciting new flavors

Best of all, each sauce is ready in 10 minutes or less!
Erin also teamed up with the award-winning, plant-based chef Mark Reinfeld to show you surprising and creative ways to use your new sauces in a special bonus video which we think you’re going to love.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sometimes I have bad insomnia… I toss and turn for hours.

That’s why I tried a delicious turmeric “latte” specifically formulated to encourage deep sleep…

At first, I had my doubts…

Then one warm cup later - it knocked me out like a sleeping pill!

I slept SOLID like a rock, on a boat to Dream Land all night long!

I woke up feeling clear, happy, relaxed… almost like I had stepped into a sleep time machine.

Honestly, I was impressed.

And you know me, always the skeptic...

That’s why if you struggle to sleep well (and you hate the scary side effects of sleeping pills) I recommend you try this delicious turmeric tea.

You might wonder…

How can an organic tea that tastes sooo good have ALL these benefits:

→ You start feeling sleepy within 12 minutes of drinking.

→ You sleep all the way through the night. Totally unbroken sleep.

→ You soothe and relax your sore muscles and joints.

→ You wake up feeling AMAZING for a change!

It’s because this tea works on multiple levels to lull you into restful sleep.

It has a potent combo of….

→ Hyper-extracted turmeric

→ Lemon balm


→ Spices used for centuries to “heat up” your blood, improving circulation, soothing muscles, to give you deep, DEEP relaxation.

Of course, it has less than 1g of sugar (but still tastes sweet), is 100% Organic, and non-GMO.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Happy Friday the 13th, my Friend!

How are you? I hope that you are doing well, and I hope that you are having a good, productive week.

If you’re available this afternoon at 2pm Central time, I’d love for you to join me for a FREE, LIVE workout on Amazon Live. In today’s workout -- which you can access here (either live or after the fact) -- is going to be a combination of stretching, core stability, strength training, conditioning, balance and more. We’re going to sweat, burn some fat, build some muscles, get our hearts pumping, and when it’s all said and done, feel great!

We’ve been doing these live workouts for several months now, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Not do people love the workouts, they’ve really enjoyed the support and accountability that the community/group workouts provide. We’d love to see you!

Thought: “The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.” - Bobby Maximus

Tip: Drink more water. This may be one of the most underrated health tips -- or at least the one that’s most taken for granted by fitness professionals. Considering that water is the most abundant substance in the body -- making up about 70% of us -- it’s importance for keeping us healthy is pretty obvious. While “how much” can vary markedly from person to person, depending on many different factors, start with this simple set of daily practices and work on doing them consistently: 1) Drink when you’re thirsty, plus a little extra; 2) Have a glass of water with your meals; 3) Help yourself remember to hydrate by having a glass or bottle of water with you; 4) If you feel hunger or cravings, try having a glass of water first; and 5) Include fruits and vegetables in your diet, which also add water.

Impact: Today is World Kindness Day…make “kindness” the centerpiece of your day by going out of your way to be kind to others, yourself and the world. After all, it’s compassion for others that binds us all together.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
When was the last time that you disconnected electronically from everything around you?
In order to heal we have to make an effort to calm our mind and heart every single day.
According to The American Cancer Society, 1 in every 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. ????
One of the most common cancer types afflicting men AND women worldwide, this means at some point, you or someone you love will almost certainly be affected by this disease (if you haven’t been already).
By empowering yourself with knowledge now, you can help minimize the risk for your family, friends, and yourself — and be confident and prepared in the face of breast cancer’s unique challenges…
And luckily, our friends at Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers want to help you do just that!
This week, Hope4Cancer Founder & Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Tony Jimenez, is sitting down with Breast Cancer Conqueror, Dr. Veronique DeSaulniers, to host a special LIVE webinar addressing ALL of the biggest questions that breast cancer patients face.
These two experts have each had their own intimate experiences with cancer -- Dr. Veronique even a two-time breast cancer survivor herself! -- and have since dedicated their lives to leading countless others on a path of holistic health and happiness.
Together, they’re covering everything from breast cancer prevention and early detection to treatment, answering hot topic questions like:
  • Are biopsies safe?
  • What are the best tests for early detection?
  • What are the dangers associated with breast implants?
  • How important is nutrition in breast cancer?
Get the answers to these questions (and more!) this Friday, November 13th at 11:00 am Pacific Time / 2:00 pm Eastern Time or 5:00 pm Pacific Time / 2:00 pm Eastern Time.
This webinar is packed with information that could be crucial to helping you or someone you love — we encourage you to take advantage of this invaluable opportunity by signing up ASAP!
IMPORTANT: This webinar and the replay will ONLY be available for participants that sign up to watch LIVE! Seats are limited and will fill up fast… sign up now to save your spot!




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Member For 5 Years
Most people are not aware of this shocking fact...
Back in 2011, the radiation emitted by your phone or wifi router was classified as a Class 2B carcinogen.
But here’s the kicker:
Did you know that a lot of independent scientists and studies have both reinforced the idea that these EMFs should be re-classified as a Class 1 “definite” carcinogen?
(This is the same category as asbestos and cigarette smoke.)
In this new episode, I walk you through the entire story:
===> [New Podcast] Will EMFs Become a Class 1 Carcinogen?
If you like the podcast… make sure to leave a review, okay? :)
Here’s how to do it:
Thanks in advance for your support, and enjoy the episode!


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Member For 5 Years
Dr. David Brownstein, M.D., writes:

It is estimated that 17 million people die from cardiovascular disease worldwide each year, including more than 600,000 in the U.S. For both men and women, heart disease is the leading cause of death in America.

In 1969, Dr. Kilmer McCully reported that children who lacked an enzyme called cystathionine synthase developed high levels of homocysteine and had progressive coronary artery disease in childhood.

McCully was the first researcher to associate an elevated homocysteine level as the cause of atherosclerosis.

Special: Dr. Crandall Saved His Own Heart With This

Today, hundreds of follow-up studies have shown an association between elevated homocysteine level and heart disease. To be fair, there are studies that refute this claim, but they are fewer in number.

An elevated homocysteine level in the blood can cause inflammation and damage to the delicate lining of arteries, called the endothelium.

Once the lining of an artery is damaged, it triggers an inflammatory cascade that can lead to blood clots, which causes strokes and heart attacks.

Elevated homocysteine is also associated with other heart illnesses, including congestive heart failure.

Dr. David Brownstein, M.D., editor of the Natural Way to Health newsletter, is a board-certified family physician and one of the nation’s foremost practitioners of holistic medicine. In addition to his practice, Dr. Brownstein has lectured internationally to physicians and is the author of six very popular books.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi ,

Did you already sign up for the GI Health Summit?

We're already counting down the hours and promise we'll start with a bang so make sure to sign-up right now or you'll miss some of the best presentations...

Click here and claim your complimentary spot now.

GI Health is the hottest topic for good reasons:

  • We've learned more in the last 5 years than ever before
  • 70% of your immune system lives in your gut
  • Your gut health impacts your brain health
  • Stress, the overuse of anti-biotoics and other lifestyle factors are killing our gut microbiome with serious consequences
  • If your gut is off, you'll experience weight gain even when doing everything else right
  • Gut health is linked to countless diseases from diabetes to cancer
And most importantly:

We finaly understand how you can repair your gut and make it the foundation of a healthy, vibrant body and life.

But you need to know the rules which transcend dietary preferences.

That's why each of the 9 summit days has a different focus and builds on top of another.

The summit starts soon and day 1 will lay the foundation for the other days so be sure to claim your spot right away.

Click here to get access and check out the full line-up and topics on the next page.

On the welcome page Chef AJ will also share her remarkable story - she suffered for almost 50 years with a whole slew of GI issues and dozens of doctors couldn't help her until a cancer scare changed everything... Sign up now and watch the welcome video for the whole story.

Wishing you a great day and see you on the summit!

Yours in health,


P.S. Maybe you haven’t heard about the GI Health Summit yet? It's the only online event where 40 of the world’s leading GI researchers and health experts are coming together to share with you the latest insights. GI Health is the new frontier of health and if you know how, you can transform your health without medication or procedures! Of course you'll learn all about it on the summit so click here and join us now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good day, Jimi!​

Do you feel confident in your at-home breast self-exam (BSE) skills? Do you know what you're supposed to be feeling for?

It’s not your fault if you don’t -- women are often not properly trained in BSE skills or empowered in bodily self-awareness.

Until now.

--->>Improve your breast self-exam skills when you register for this complimentary, live webinar with Dr. Veronique!

If you miss the live webinar, it will be available for replay on demand for a few days after -- you’ll get an email about it afterward if you register now

This important event takes place on Monday, November 16th, 4pm US Eastern...​

This is our FIRST event with a NEW webinar event site and process, so we'd love to have you join us and provide feedback about what works (and doesn't) -- thank you so much!​
Why attend this important health event?
Since early detection of breast cancer is essential to better treatment outcomes and long-term survival, it only makes sense that the more skilled you are, and the better you know what’s normal for you, the higher the chances you’ll find a lump sooner than later, and tinier.

--->>Would you rather find a ping pong ball or a pea-sized lump?

This potentially life-saving webinar could help you:
  • Understand the importance of very early detection
  • Detect tinier lumps (& sooner)
  • Learn 4 methods for detecting a lump
  • Know signs & symptoms of breast cancer
  • Assess and reduce risk factors for breast cancer
  • Feel the difference between benign & suspicious lumps
  • Increase breast self-awareness
  • 3 critical components for a successful breast self-exam
About Dr. Veronique, your webinar host...
Your host, Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, first began her journey with breast cancer in 2004 after she found a lump in her left breast. She chose to take the road less traveled and explored natural treatments.

Now having celebrated victory over breast cancer twice, she has become extremely passionate about teaching women how to properly conduct a breast self-exam.

She’s here to empower you by sharing her proven self-exam protocols.

You’ll learn to confidently and skillfully perform an effective BSE with Dr. V’s product, My Breast Friend™, the at-home method based on the recognized standard for performing and teaching clinical and personal examination for over 30 years, The MammaCare Method®.

If you miss the live webinar, it will be available for replay for a few days after, so be sure to register for that notification, as well!

You can truly get started on better health today!

--->>Join Dr. V to learn about her improved self-exam techniques, when you register now!
To your health,
Bob & Bobby
Co-founders, Health Talks Online

P.S. Space is limited, so reserve your seat today!

P.P.S. Can’t make the live webinar? It will be available for replay on demand for a few days after -- you’ll get an email about it afterward if you register now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi, hope you are doing well today.

Did you know that 74% of Americans are living with digestive symptoms like diarrhea, gas, bloating and abdominal pain… or more serious GI issues?

For over forty years my friend, Chef AJ, was one of them.

One of her earliest memories is when her family drove across the country and her grandfather had to keep pulling his Eldorado Cadillac over so that she could throw up.

AJ was only four and quite embarrassed.

There was nothing visibly wrong and doctors kept dismissing it by saying it’s “in your head”.

Over the decades that followed she’s been diagnosed with IBS, SIBO, chronic constipation, was put on drugs, underwent surgery, they found pre-cancerous polyps...

And traditional doctors couldn’t help her.

A lot has happened since then -- not just for Chef AJ (she’s now doing great, as you're about to see!) but for our understanding of GI health.

Over the last 5 to 10 years, we’ve learned more about our gut and how to repair it than ever before.

That's why I so strongly encourage you to sign up for the FREE GI Health Summit....

Click here now and learn from 40 of the world’s top GI experts first-hand

NOTE that this free event STARTS TOMORROW, and you're really going to benefit from Day 1, where you'll learn from four leading doctors the true causes and consequences of gut probems.

In fact, what makes this online event so special is that you’ll learn from true pioneers in this field...

The professors and researchers at universities, the doctors inventing new treatment protocols, the dietitians and chefs turning the science into delicious food and diet plans that work.

Chef AJ herself was even a patient of several of the speakers and you’ll learn the exact strategies that have helped her turn her health around when you join the summit today.

By the way, definitely DO consider seeing more of Chef AJ's own personal story -- and why it matters to you -- in the brief presentation here on the free sign-up page...

Head here for this free event that STARTS TOMORROW

Enjoy the important learning, please stay safe and healthy, and I willl talk to you soon.

To Your Best Years Starting Now,

Brian Vaszily

P.S. WHY should gastrointestinal health be a top priority, even if you have no GI issues? GOOD QUESTION, and here's why...

Good health begins in the gut... subpar GI health has been linked to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, autoimmune, depression, and more... and so, if you want to avoid and possibly even overcome these diseases, you'lll want to know HOW to enjoy optimal GI health, and this summit is for you! :)

Head here now


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Study: Working Women Show Sharper Memory With Age​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Have you heard? Food Matters TV just launched their biggest F-R-E-E screening of the year and you can get a front row seat by going HERE.

If you could unlock the secrets to good health, natural healing, and longevity would you?

Our friend & colleague James Colquhoun and founder of Food Matters is hosting a global screening event the and our Natural Living Family community is invited! The great news is, it’s live today!

--> Go HERE to begin watching

From now until Monday, November 23, you'll get unlimited access to the Food Matters library of films, including Food Matters, Hungry for Change, and Transcendence Seasons 1 & 2.

You’ll be joining 64 leading health & wellbeing experts in this free screening event to discover:
  • Which foods to eat and which to avoid for optimal gut health and vitality.
  • How to boost your immunity to fight off disease and viruses.
  • Anti-aging secrets to looking and feeling more younger.
  • How to use the power of your mind to create more abundance and vitality!
  • Plus, so much more!
If you have tried to transform your life or health somehow, but find yourself getting stuck or reverting to old habits, then join this free screening event to discover a new perspective on health, gain the confidence and clarity to build the life of your dreams, and unleash a radiance you’ve never experienced before.

We hope you enjoy this global screening event. It might just be the transformative information you need to turn 2020 around.

--> Join the movement HERE!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Did you know that your gut produces 90% of one of your most important neurotransmitters?
This neurotransmitter is called serotonin, and it modulates your mood, cognition, learning, and memory.
Low levels of serotonin have been linked to anxiety, brain fog, and depression
In other words: Your GI health directly impacts your mental and neurological health.
That’s one of the reasons that I’m so excited to invite you to the upcoming online GI Health Summit. Better Life Summits is bringing together some of the world's leading researchers and GI experts to share the latest insights with you.
>> Click here to secure your complimentary spot (limited time only)
You’ll discover how to:
Repair - what to eat and not to eat with dedicated presentations on IBS, SIBO, Crohn's, and many other critical gut health topics.
Prevent - the latest on the gut-brain connection, how gut health impacts your overall well-being, and how to prevent countless chronic diseases.
Thrive - how to transition to a healthy diet easily and permanently - for gut health and for overall well-being and longevity.
>> Have a look at the line-up and topics and claim your spot here.
Yours for a healthy gut,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. While gut bacteria play a huge role in your mental health, the good news is that you can change the composition of your gut microbiome — and set a new course for your health. Click here now to join in this powerful Summit.


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Vegan Keto Diet Plan, Rules and Food List​



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Ancient Nutrients in Modern Form​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As you are probably aware, EMFs and other forms of toxicity are closely linked.
The best example is this -- Top functional medicine like Dr. Pompa, Dr. Klinghardt and many others realized years ago that people with high levels of mold or heavy metal toxicity are that much more likely to suffer from electro-hypersensitivity.
There are several approaches to detox that I’ve found to be valid -- like the TCD (more about this in a few weeks) and Dr. Shade’s work -- but this brand new program from Dr. Christine Schaffner is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before…
Your lungs are one of SIX detoxification organs in your body (together with your liver, kidneys, lymph, colon, and skin), and like an air filter in your home, they must have the filter changed to support your health.
Toxicity isn’t just about pesticides in food, toxins in water or EMFs. It’s also the very AIR we breathe: Air pollution, off gassing, wildfires (and more) have health experts on high alert.
During Dr. Schaffner’s LIVE, mentored 21-day program, you will explore ...
  • The Sinuses, Your Respiratory Gateway
  • Evaluating Your Environment
  • Supporting Organs of Elimination
  • Your Lungs, What Hurts & What Heals
  • Trapped Grief and Emotions Hidden in Your Lungs
  • Daily live guided breathwork sessions. If you’ve never done breathwork before (or even if you have), this will be a power piece of this 21-Day Detox.
  • PLUS… Attend a powerful, life-changing, virtual breath retreat.
Here’s some exciting feedback for Dr. Schaffner’s other LIVE, mentored detox programs:
“Thank you so much for your patience as you all have fielded questions beyond belief and more than I have seen in any other program. I made a notebook with all your handouts and resources - something to repeatedly use. The handouts, organization, the clarity, and all the resources frankly are top notch.” ~ Mauritza
“The depth of the content was truly amazing! No stone was left unturned, even the beautifully designed instruction sheets. You guys nailed it!” ~ Rick
Remember, detoxification is a key player in your immunity.
And your lungs are one of your MAJOR organs of detoxification.
During Dr. Schaffner’s 21-Day LIVE Cleanse, you will learn:
  • The dos and don'ts of lung detoxification
  • How to evaluate your home and work environment
  • Common toxins you may be breathing in, right now
  • What air purifiers actually work (and which ones to avoid)
  • Most effective herbal treatments
  • Overview of your detox pathways (and how to optimize them)
  • How to properly use castor packs
  • How the lungs can trap emotions
  • Facts vs. myths regarding mold
Dr. Schaffner is always at the very cutting edge of functional medicine. This is a unique program that I would recommend to anyone who’s curious about the topic, personally has health issues related to their lungs or even to health practitioners who want to dive deeper into that underappreciated topic.
===> Dr. Schaffner’s 21-Day Lung Cleanse (limited time)
I also need to mention that Dr. Schaffner has been a HUGE supporter of my work in the last several years, and has been one of the reasons I was able to spread the word so widely about EMFs. Very grateful for her work.
Have a great day,

PS --
Dr. Schaffner has also given a free webinar on the entire topic of lung detox this week. You can watch the entire replay at this link, it’s a nice introduction to that topic.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good day, Jimi!​

According to Oncology Times, leading experts are recommending that women delay mammography screening because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Just a few days later, Susan G Komen's press release stressed the need for women to remain diligent with their self-exams (BSEs) and the importance of knowing what their normal tissue feels like. A proper BSE can take the worry out of any delay.

Even if you are getting yearly mammograms, there are still 364 days of the year in which changes can occur.

--->>Learn to perform a better BSE at Dr. Veronique's webinar!

This important event takes place on Monday, November 16th, 4pm US Eastern...​

The MBF Training System will teach you how to distinguish the difference between healthy tissue and a suspicious lump. Because SIZE MATTERS when it comes to surviving cancer -- would you rather find a lump the size of a ping pong ball or a pea?

Your host, Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, first began her journey with br-east cancer in 2004 after she found a lump, and then chose to take the road less traveled and explored natural treatments.

Join Dr. V at this webinar, on November 16, 4pm US Eastern, to learn proven methods to help you find the smallest changes in your tissue.

We’re here to empower, support and connect you with women facing similar health challenges.

--->>Take charge of your health and improve your at-home BSE skills, especially in these challenging times!
To your health,
The HealthMeans Team

P.S. When you reserve your spot for our webinar, you’ll also unlock Dr. V’s eBook, Shocking Facts About Cancer Detection and What You Can Do About It!

Also join us for these upcoming health events:

VU Sponsors
