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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Very quick note today:

I wanted to remind you that the Brain Degeneration Summit put together by Dr. Greg Eckel is starting today. There’s still time to register at the link below and catch a few talks.

===> Brain Degeneration Summit: Starts Today! (June 7 to 13)

If you care about your brain health, keeping your memory intact as you age, and minimizing your risks of developing dementia/Alzheimer’s as much as you can -- this is not one you’ll want to miss.

I'm one of the many speakers at this Summit. I focused (or spoke on) on how EMFs impact the development and health of the brain.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Mitral Valve Repair Boosts Well-Being

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Patients with mitral regurgitation often suffer stress-related symptoms, such as depression and anxiety. But these problems can disappear after surgery to correct the condition, a recent study shows.

Such an emotional state can result in problems such as shortness of breath and fatigue, the researchers noted.

The researchers wanted to learn how undergoing mitral valve repair would affect the emotional status of such patients. They administered questionnaires relating to emotional status and lifestyle quality to 131 patients who were slated to undergo such surgery and compared the results with 62 patients who did not undergo surgery and to 36 patients without the condition.

Special: The Simple Secret to Really Good Sleep

Prior to the surgery, the mitral regurgitation patients ranked their emotional status and quality of life poorer than the other two groups. But six months later, their emotional state had risen to levels comparable to patients without the condition.

However, the patients with mitral regurgitation who did not undergo surgery experienced no improvement.

The researchers also looked at patients with early-stage mitral regurgitation, which does not show symptoms.

Although surgery is generally reserved for patients in later, symptomatic stages of the disease, the researchers found that patients who underwent it earlier experienced an improvement in their emotional well-being, and therefore earlier surgery should not be ruled out.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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California congressman requires ‘proof of vaccination’ to attend in-person town hall​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What if there was a guide book that literally gave you the blueprint for repairing your gut? Click here to Unlock a NEW 36-page eBook, NeuroMetabolic Gut Repair Program and learn how to reduce inflammation, tame food sensitivities, and balance your body sugar.

You’ll learn you can help you optimize your brain, immune and gut health!

Your brain, immune system and gut work in an interconnected way to help you balance and regulate your body for healing and good health.

However, environmental exposures to toxins, sugary and processed foods, stealth infections and stress can wreak havoc on the body.

And when one part of the Brain-Immune-Gut Axis becomes defective, the others parts start to malfunction, which can lead to:

● Brain symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, depression, memory loss, anxiety

● Immune symptoms such as autoimmune disease, inflammation, infections

● Gut symptoms such as gas, bloating, heartburn, reflux, IBS

● And more…

But there is hope! Removing these triggers and stabilizing your fuel delivery mechanisms can jumpstart your quality of life and heal your body from the inside out!

This 36-page eBook takes you through the steps to eliminate possible food allergens and stabilize your blood sugar so your body can heal and function as it was intended.

Access this 36-page, NeuroMetabolic Gut Repair eBook now!

When you unlock this gift, you'll also receive a free access pass for the online Brain Immune Gut Masterclass!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ivermectin May Prevent Binding Of The SARS-CoV-2 Virus To Human Cells: Treatment/Prevention COVID-19


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Who pays the medical bills from vaccine injuries caused by government-coerced vaccine injections? Answer: YOU DO!​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Pfizer biopharmaceutical company execs function like REPEAT OFFENDER criminals in the fraudulent marketing of deadly drugs and vaccines​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yesterday was National Cancer Survivor Day.

This day means a lot means to me. After all, my job is to help as many cancer patients to become cancer survivors.

One thing I find interesting with my cancer patients is for most of them, their outlook on life completely transforms after a diagnosis. Many of us never consider death, but a cancer patient comes face to face with it. During their journey, they start asking the questions we’ve all been avoiding. It comes down to realizing you have X number of years left to live and how many more of those years are you willing to spend chasing fruitless things, believing nonsense, and wasting your life?

It’s one of life’s ironies that everything good comes from something bad and after a diagnosis, patients realize we can live a life of equanimity every day and we should be content and complete in each moment.

I am grateful for these lessons.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi
In case you missed our email from earlier, we’re airing 3 NEW interviews that weren’t included in the live 9-day Summit.

These are must-see, because we go much deeper into cancer prevention, since the best way to conquer cancer is to never get it in the first place.

You’ll also learn about early detection techniques and how to prevent recurrence if you’re currently in remission.

Go here to watch the bonus interviews

But please watch them now because they’re only available until 9am Eastern tomorrow (Tuesday) when we’ll replace them with NEW bonus interviews.

To your health,

The Conquering Cancer team



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation



When your goals begin to seem out of reach, give it another shot instead of quitting. Try to come up with different ways you can reinvent yourself.

To stay consistent and overcome numerous challenges in your journey, you have to focus on becoming the type of person who would achieve your goal. What would this person think, feel and do? Focus on changing your behavior and habits so that they align with all your goals and everything else will fall into place.

Also when the goal seems too overwhelming, break it down into smaller goals that you can tackle each day. Focus on the simple things that can take you in the direction you want to go.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
What is Candida? Where does it come from and where does it thrive in the human body? Is this a dangerous species of yeast?
In today’s podcast, Dr. Jockers is joined by Donna Gates to go into the details of what Candida is all about and why it's important to get familiarized about it.
More importantly, acquire an understanding of how Candida is posing serious damage to our DNA and how we can repair it before it’s too late!
Quick episode recap:
  • Which part of the brain controls fear, selfishness, and narcissistic tendencies and what provokes it to malfunction? The answer may surprise you!
  • How invasive Candida attacks neurotransmitters and the gut, inflaming the brain and inciting other chronic diseases.
  • 8 major causes of Candida overgrowth and how the toxins it generates damage our DNA.
  • 4 dynamic ways to activate the rejuvenating SIRT DNA repair genes compared to the other 169 DNA repair genes.
  • 3 vital steps you need to take TODAY to fix your gut and keep your immune system in peak shape.
  • Grasp the principle of uniqueness and its impact on properly supporting and cultivating gene variants.
Access Podcast #128 Here!
When you look at your genes with these newfound insights, and support your DNA with diet and supplements, you end up supporting your unique needs, which is very exciting!
You’re the best!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
One of the more disturbing discovery's I have made is that our system of agriculture is killing us.
Sound like hyperbolic?
It's not.
In America we have explicitly built a system of agriculture that favors large, hyper-efficient farming of calorie crops over anything else.
This wasn't really a bad thing 100+ years ago, we really did need more calorie production. The problem is that the solutions we found all have costs that we have just been ignoring.
  • Top soil erosion
  • Nutrient deficiency in our food
  • Pesticide contamination
  • Algae blooms from run off
  • Massive amounts of greenhouse gases
Honestly, the list goes on...
Now, I have not even gotten into the abuse of farm workers, animals, and lots of other vital people in the food production chain.
I know it sounds crazy but this is all true.
So, I bet you are now asking "how could this have happened?!?"
I'll jump into that tomorrow.
Keep grow'n,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Brace yourself….

I’m blowing the lid off of an untold truth nobody wants you to find out… especially not your doctor.

I’m going to be blunt here as there’s no other way of saying this… thousands of people actually make money on you being (and staying) FAT!

You see, the heavier you are the more often you need to make appointments to see a doctor… the more likely you are to be prescribed expensive medications... and the higher the chances are of being recommended to undergo risky surgery...

But that all ends NOW.

I'm here to show you a simple way to get lean and light if you’re in your 40s, 50s, 60s or beyond.

>>Click here to start your body transformation


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hiya Jimi,​
I’m writing today because 1: I’m bursting with excitement! 2: You’ve told me in the past that you want to learn more about self-care and, specifically, how to love your body with good food.

And, I think I know why––you’ve got an exciting vision for your life. But in order to achieve that vision, you need to feel your very best. Well, over the coming days,I’m going to share my free 4-part Wellness Workshop series that will help you do just that. I really hope it motivates you to recommit to your self-care.

But if you don’t sign up to get access to the videos, you’re gonna miss it!
Now I know that every minute of your day is precious, which is why lots of time, research and love went into each of these videos. I wanted to make sure the guidance and information I share would truly improve your health and happiness—not just for a day or a week, but for years to come.

The goal of this training is simple, to teach you how to listen to your body so you can heal and reclaim your life.

Get the first look at this FREE video workshop series here!

Together, we’ll explore:
    • What drains your energy—and how to fill your energy bank account back up
    • Proven practices to overcome the pesky cravings that sabotage your health
    • And how to FINALLY bust your limiting beliefs so you can make lasting change!

So, c’mon over. I promise it’ll be fun and that you’ll feel relieved, not overwhelmed. Hopefully, I’ll even make you laugh. Oh, and I also created a handy downloadable workbook and guided audio relaxation that will help you take what you learn even further.

Get free access to the whole series here!

Check it out and leave a comment or question below the videos. I’ll be reading every message and responding to as many as possible.

Peace & energy,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi
As you know, conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy or surgery are sometimes necessary.

But they are also very expensive and can leave you with an empty bank account and a stack of past due medical bills.

So if you’re able to go all-natural, or want an integrative approach, you should know that there are many natural healing solutions that are both affordable and even free!

And in today’s NEW video interviews, you’ll hear all about it from Dr. Peter Glidden, Dr. Antonio Jimenez, and cancer researcher Ryan Sternagel.



These video presentations will be available to watch for the next 24 hours until 8am Eastern tomorrow, so please make sure to watch them as soon as you can.

To your greatest health,

Donna Marie
Lead Relationship Manager
Conquering Cancer​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

You may have heard that vegans struggle to obtain enough protein through their diet...

Or that soy isn’t good, especially for men...

Or that vital nutrients will always be missing in a plant-based diet.

Is there any truth to these? Or have we fallen prey to misinformation?
"What I was able to find was that we can get enough protein from plants, that contain all of the essential amino acids, and the bioavailability appears to be quite similar to animal protein. That was enough for me to feel quite confident in then changing the sources of protein on my plate."
— Simon Hill
This week on The Goodness Lover Podcast, we debunk the many myths surrounding plant-based diets with Simon Hill—nutritionist and author of The Proof is in The Plants.

Watch this interview to discover:

  • The research behind the nutrients and vitamins needed on a plant-based diet
  • How soy got a bad reputation - should you fear it?
  • How to obtain omegas in plant-based diets
  • What is the planetary health diet and why 88% or more of calories should come from plant-based foods
  • How to lower our environmental footprint by making small changes in the food we eat (learn very practical tips you can do starting today)
And many more!

Jim, in this episode, you’ll not only discover the truth about plant-based diets but also learn how to utilise plant-based foods to increase the longevity of your life and obtain all essential nutrients.

So check out this episode to distinguish between myths and misconceptions about a plant-based diet.

For those who prefer the audio version, head to your favourite podcast platform so you can also listen to our podcast.

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Community Alert!

A new wireless service is being offered by Amazon that may adversely impact your privacy and your health.

Amazon Sidewalk is coming to your neighborhood very soon. It will harness RING, ALEXA, ECHO, and borrow some of your home internet bandwidth to expand signal coverage for a new surveillance system, that is represented as a "service".

Amazon Sidewalk works by harnessing and expanding the radiation patterns created by the home internet. If you have installed RING, ALEXA, ECHO or other wireless monitoring device in your home, Amazon Sidewalk will be able to access that device and some of your Wi-Fi bandwidth, expand the coverage area AKA radiation pattern, as much as a half-mile distant from your home.

The purpose for this new "service", allegedly, is to track and profile you and your neighbors to market products and services to you more effectively. Amazon Sidewalk assumes that you are giving them your implied consent for this new "service" UNLESS you act to opt out.

If this news interests you, here some more information:

A recent article published by ARS Technica, provides more details about the impact on your privacy and offers instructions on how to opt out.

  1. Opening the Alexa app
  2. Opening More and selecting Settings
  3. Selecting Account Settings
  4. Selecting Amazon Sidewalk
  5. Turning Amazon Sidewalk Off
We think that AMAZON Sidewalk represents a major intrusion into our private lives and can pose serious privacy and security risks. It also poses health risks as it will increase the levels of chronic exposure to 5G frequencies in the microwave/millimeter wave range both inside and outside of our homes.

Neighboring homes that do not have these devices will also be affected by the expanded coverage areas, but these homeowners will not be able to opt out. What is happening here is an act of electronic trespass without your express consent. Even if you think it is a great idea, consider the potential impacts on the privacy, health and well-being of your neighbors, domestic pets, and the wildlife that we all appreciate in living here.

Best wishes,

Elizabeth Kelley, MA


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Insulin Sensitivity Versus Insulin Resistance​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi, Jim.
My neighbor told me the other day that she just ate out for the first time since March of 2020 because of the pandemic. Oh my… what used to be a regular occurrence for many has now become the ultimate treat.
My friend Kris, owner of the healthiest restaurant I’ve ever been to called Goodonya Organic, joins us on today’s episode of Food as Medicine TV to help you identify and overcome the 7 pitfalls of eating out as you spread your post-pandemic food wings.
Kris has been in the restaurant business for nearly two decades and she’s opening her kimono to give you the inside scoop on how to eat out without damaging your health.

How To Avoid The 7 Pitfalls Of Eating Out

Here’s what’s on the menu:​

  1. Cooking Oils
  2. Labeling
  3. Farmed Seafood vs Truly Wild Seafood
  4. The Decaf Coffee Trap
  5. Tap Water
  6. Sugary Mixed Drinks
  7. Allergens
(Plus a special bonus tip from our favorite restaurateur who truly has health as her #1 mission.)
With all good vibes,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Candida Overgrowth and Gut & Brain Inflammation

In this podcast, I talk with Donna Gates about the impact of candida overgrowth and how it drives up inflammation in the gut and the brain. We go over the top strategies to reduce candida and create harmony in your gut and immune system.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Gray Hair Tied to Heart Disease

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

If you’re a guy and you’re going gray faster than your friends, you may be at a higher risk for heart disease, a recent study finds. Atherosclerosis (the disease process that causes coronary heart disease) and graying share some underlying mechanisms that come with aging.

A team of Egyptian researchers enrolled 545 men and gave them CT scans for suspected coronary artery disease. They were also divided into subgroups according to the presence or absence of heart disease and their amount of gray/white hair.

Special: This ONE Thing Stops Heart Attacks

The amount of gray hair was graded using the hair whitening score: 1 = pure black hair, 2 = black more than white, 3 = black and white in equal proportions, 4 = white more than black, and 5 = pure white.

The study, presented at EuroPrevent, found that a high hair-whitening score (grade 3 or more) was associated with increased risk of coronary artery disease independent of chronological age and established cardiovascular risk factors.

The researchers plan to do a larger study, and include women, to confirm the association between hair turning gray and cardiovascular disease in patients without other known risk factors.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

If you ever feel tightness in your neck and shoulders, or aching in your muscles and joints, without having done anything to strain them…

Stretching isn't likely to be enough to solve the core issue that is causing your soreness.

The root problem is actually that your brain has become disconnected from parts of your body, and only consciously focuses on specific, mostly surface areas.

The good news is that there’s an incredibly simple way to train your brain to reconnect with your whole body and remap it through simple, gentle movements.

These techniques can also heal any current pain issues you may have and help prevent future issues from arising.

The even better news is that our friend Anat Baniel wants to share her “NeuroMovement for Whole Body Fitness” FREE Online Program with you to help you learn these techniques for yourself.

You Can Watch Anat’s NeuroMovement Program Here at No Charge


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Dr. Osborne here,

I’m excited to announce that my talk for Dr. Shabana Parvez’s Healthy Body and Mind Summit goes live today, and you’re invited to check it out - for free.

It’s online, so you don’t have to travel anywhere.

>>Click HERE to Grab Your FREE Ticket to the Healthy Body and Mind Summit<<

Each session is available for ONLY 48 hours! You don’t want to miss out on this epic event.

See you there!

Always looking out for you,
Dr. Osborne - The Gluten Free Warrior
P.S. If you want to get away, immerse for two days with people who love life and truth regardless of being branded misinformation and censored, here is an event to attend...To see a fuller description, get tickets, and see the schedule, just click HERE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Putting Our Kids First
COVID-19 guidelines – socially distancing, masking, Plexiglass, contact tracing and constant handwashing – have caused unprecedented amounts of harm to our children. It’s time for the adults that are charged with the care of the children to make the decisions for the children.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Eat These Nine Foods for a Spring Detox​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon

Manitoba chief microbiologist: 56% of positive COVID ‘cases’ are not infectious​

Could that be from all the false positives that the test actually gives out :question: but it's actually more than 56%

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Biden announces July 4 giveaway if 70% of Americans take a COVID vaccine​

If they think this jab is so safe then why do they have to entice people with rewards, something seriously stinks


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

VACCINE TERROR SQUAD: AstraZeneca’s rap sheet of criminal acts and medical fraud, including their experimental Covid-19 vaccine (op-ed)​


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