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PIF BOX #6 -- Active -- List Full


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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My PSN is whistlenutsmcstabbydick14


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What in the heck did I just wake up to? Haha.
Had some tests done today, came home and crashed. Just got back up, trying to catch up on here now, and this is the post that had me cracking up.


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Gotta draw a line dude ------- how did it go ok I hope...

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...
Yeah, the test was fine. Had to get some lab work done as well. Results tomorrow..well I guess that's actually know what I mean...Tuesday.


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Yeah I'm not much into gaming myself. I used to play a lot, but that was like 12-15 years ago. Damn...ouch...saying that just made me feel really old. :-(


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I like do mean at the casino, right? I can blackjack all night long!!

Side note, this is why I get upset when people are STUPID!!! upload_2015-4-28_10-24-29.png


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I like do mean at the casino, right? I can blackjack all night long!!

Side note, this is why I get upset when people are STUPID!!! View attachment 19614
Silly girl those aren't games

And those aren't stupid people they are ignorant... Which isn't a bad thing we all are ignorant to something I myself am ignorant to knitting never learned it don't know jack about it where the stupidity lays is not n the b&m that didn't take enough time to explain those important details to them


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Right, that's who's stupid...whomever sold it to her. She's from the same town I am so I can judge them harshly if I want to. And, if she wanted to safely have a hobby such as vaping advanced devices (i.e. her SMPL) I would strongly (and have) recommend that she watch some YouTube or ask other members in the community. They should have made sure what atty she was putting on there, what battery and all that before she walked out the door. Hopefully this isn't her only vape - but to be safe I've offered my services (the helpful ones as opposed to the rude condescending ones) to her. I just don't understand why people would not research this kind of thing before putting it close to their face...

Rant over.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Right, that's who's stupid...whomever sold it to her. She's from the same town I am so I can judge them harshly if I want to. And, if she wanted to safely have a hobby such as vaping advanced devices (i.e. her SMPL) I would strongly (and have) recommend that she watch some YouTube or ask other members in the community. They should have made sure what atty she was putting on there, what battery and all that before she walked out the door. Hopefully this isn't her only vape - but to be safe I've offered my services (the helpful ones as opposed to the rude condescending ones) to her. I just don't understand why people would not research this kind of thing before putting it close to their face...

Rant over.
Well assuming from how she took the pic with the juice and the fact she said "pink one" in assuming she has others it looks like she has an Atlantis on there or something similar its def a subohm from the looks knowing most shops they will try to sell the bigger battery more money so let's hope she got a 30+ batt but its good your helping her out where the shop didn't

I guess people don't research these things cause like most people I feel the person working at the place should have the knowledge to back it up... But nowadays its like the only thing asked when being hired is can you pass a drug test and how little will you actually work for per hr


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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PIF 6.0 Offical Kanger Kbox giveaway contest

So I have decided to play a little contest to help boost this box in the right direction on the road to be one of the top PIF boxes on VU to maybe even rival my home box 5.0 which is a very tight knit family and i foresee this box having the same potential we have alot of quality members here. SO lets kick this off guys



Simple you have a few choices here but first and foremost 6.0 MEMBERS ONLY
1.) be a contestant and follow the games rules to be entered to win the prize
dont want to play have a kbox already or doesnt appeal to you at all well dont just sit out i want you to participate still
2.)Opt out of the prize and become 1 of 3 UNBIAS judges ( please cut any ties with the contestants for the contest)
dont want to judge or didnt make it and still want to participate

3.)Pick a contestant and assist them in the win maybe they lack the skills needed for this contest you can provide them with the much needed help and earn yourself an honorable mention if they win
and if none of this fits you and you dont want to do 1-3 at all
4.) Be a cheerleader offer support to the people playing, feed back , constructive criticism never know you might turn their submission into the winning product. and sit back and enjoy watching the fun unfold!!
So once you pick which number you want to be then just inform me by posting or pming (prefer pming if possiable) so i can allocate you properly just remember judges are limited to only 3 and judges,assistants,and cheerleaders are exempt from winning at all times


what do you have to do for the contest pretty simple

Im looking for a logo & slogan to represent the 6.0 box so what im wanting is an image for the logo and a short slogan to represent us a catch phrase if you will


The Logo needs to be a 96x96 pixel image keep it small and detailed.
It can be a random image from internet you found and resized
it can be a custom image from photoshop,gimp,image editing software
it must be clear and defined when viewed in the forum if its not it wont be accepted
finally when your done with the image upload it as your avatar and rock it for the duration of the contest its easy to track it that way


Its a catch phrase that you feel fits the group it could be something some one said or a punchline just get creative
it needs to remain short id like to see the 2-3 word range as in (Live,Vape,Enjoy) but i will accept a 2-4 if its good enough

only restriction i have is i swear if i see one "Keep calm" or "yolo" style catch phrase i will flip .... not really but it may not make it that far .... lets get creative were better then that guys and gals =)


When well right now!!!! get started GO!!!!!

This contest will be starting immediately and will run till the 6th person(6.0 =P) on the box receives the box soon as its posted they have the box the contest will end and any entry's not submitted with be ruled out it should be around 4-6 weeks of time so you guys have plenty of time to mash something up


Where right here in this pif box thread im not affiliated with anyone or any company im doing this under my own means your prize is coming directly from me and beacuse of the pif 6.0 box your new home ^.^


Cause i want to bring us closer together and make this a better place to unwind, and the other reason is cause you want a free kbox =P


How do i win

well after you submit the picture and slogan i will save both under your name and when the contest ends i will make a new post that will have all the entry's inside it and thats where the judges come in i will give them a week to respond with their choices (if they answer sooner and there is a clear winner i will end it there) if not i will execute judging method 2.0 at that time (to be explained if need be at that time)

if you are chosen i will list your name and contact you to get your info to mail you your new kbox to enjoy

im pretty sure that will cover everything if i forget anything i will add it in later
Last edited:


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FYI: I sometimes have to skip over posts that contain text that changes color back-and-forth or gif's that flash. They can aggravate my migraines.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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FYI: I sometimes have to skip over posts that contain text that changes color back-and-forth or gif's that flash. They can aggravate my migraines.
might not want to skip that one or get someone to read it for you if your serious lol


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might not want to skip that one or get someone to read it for you if your serious lol
Yes, I'm serious. Just mentioning it now to get it out of the way because I hate bringing it up.
It was read to me. And it's a GREAT FREAKIN' IDEA! I love it!

Keep Calm and YOLO.


Silver Contributor
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PIF 6.0 Offical Kanger Kbox giveaway contest

So I have decided to play a little contest to help boost this box in the right direction on the road to be one of the top PIF boxes on VU to maybe even rival my home box 5.0 which is a very tight knit family and i foresee this box having the same potential we have alot of quality members here. SO lets kick this off guys



Simple you have a few choices here but first and foremost 6.0 MEMBERS ONLY
1.) be a contestant and follow the games rules to be entered to win the prize
dont want to play have a kbox already or doesnt appeal to you at all well dont just sit out i want you to participate still
2.)Opt out of the prize and become 1 of 3 UNBIAS judges ( please cut any ties with the contestants for the contest)
dont want to judge or didnt make it and still want to participate

3.)Pick a contestant and assist them in the win maybe they lack the skills needed for this contest you can provide them with the much needed help and earn yourself an honorable mention if they win
and if none of this fits you and you dont want to do 1-3 at all
4.) Be a cheerleader offer support to the people playing, feed back , constructive criticism never know you might turn their submission into the winning product. and sit back and enjoy watching the fun unfold!!
So once you pick which number you want to be then just inform me by posting or pming (prefer pming if possiable) so i can allocate you properly just remember judges are limited to only 3 and judges,assistants,and cheerleaders are exempt from winning at all times


what do you have to do for the contest pretty simple

Im looking for a logo & slogan to represent the 6.0 box so what im wanting is an image for the logo and a short slogan to represent us a catch phrase if you will


The Logo needs to be a 96x96 pixel image keep it small and detailed.
It can be a random image from internet you found and resized
it can be a custom image from photoshop,gimp,image editing software
it must be clear and defined when viewed in the forum if its not it wont be accepted
finally when your done with the image upload it as your avatar and rock it for the duration of the contest its easy to track it that way


Its a catch phrase that you feel fits the group it could be something some one said or a punchline just get creative
it needs to remain short id like to see the 2-3 word range as in (Live,Vape,Enjoy) but i will accept a 2-4 if its good enough

only restriction i have is i swear if i see one "Keep calm" or "yolo" style catch phrase i will flip .... not really but it may not make it that far .... lets get creative were better then that guys and gals =)


When well right now!!!! get started GO!!!!!

This contest will be starting immediately and will run till the 6th person(6.0 =P) on the box receives the box soon as its posted they have the box the contest will end and any entry's not submitted with be ruled out it should be around 4-6 weeks of time so you guys have plenty of time to mash something up


Where right here in this pif box thread im not affiliated with anyone or any company im doing this under my own means your prize is coming directly from me and beacuse of the pif 6.0 box your new home ^.^


Cause i want to bring us closer together and make this a better place to unwind, and the other reason is cause you want a free kbox =P


How do i win

well after you submit the picture and slogan i will save both under your name and when the contest ends i will make a new post that will have all the entry's inside it and thats where the judges come in i will give them a week to respond with their choices (if they answer sooner and there is a clear winner i will end it there) if not i will execute judging method 2.0 at that time (to be explained if need be at that time)

if you are chosen i will list your name and contact you to get your info to mail you your new kbox to enjoy

im pretty sure that will cover everything if i forget anything i will add it in later

Sounds legit \m/


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What does cut ties with the contestants mean? Like, I can't communicate with them if I'm a judge?


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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What does cut ties with the contestants mean? Like, I can't communicate with them if I'm a judge?
Nah just don't pick a friend cause that's your friend I'm just asking for unbiased judging


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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OK we have our first entry love it good example to follow if any one is confused this is the proper entry
Slogan:Subliminal vape clouds


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What's up PIF BOX 6 folks? Just wanted to let everyone know our status. We do still have some contributions flowing in...hopefully they will all be here soon. If I was to take a guess, I would say that the box will be headed out to the first person on our list by Saturday or Monday. That is tentative on having received all the packages that are still incoming though...c'mon damn USPS.
Anyway, if you haven't already, please read over the contest that @Geauxst has come up with to develop our logo and catch-phrase, as there is an opportunity to win a Kangertech K-Box, and who can't use one of those? Stay tuned for more updates...please try to check into the thread often enough to keep up with things. Thanks...RZA


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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What's up PIF BOX 6 folks? Just wanted to let everyone know our status. We do still have some contributions flowing in...hopefully they will all be here soon. If I was to take a guess, I would say that the box will be headed out to the first person on our list by Saturday or Monday. That is tentative on having received all the packages that are still incoming though...c'mon damn USPS.
Anyway, if you haven't already, please read over the contest that @Geauxst has come up with to develop our logo and catch-phrase, as there is an opportunity to win a Kangertech K-Box, and who can't use one of those? Stay tuned for more updates...please try to check into the thread often enough to keep up with things. Thanks...RZA
If you want you can paste a copy in the beginning for reference but I did pm it to everyone as well so its really your choice the for the support


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Geez dude it's notification overflow lol
Yeah they are supper active mostly idle chatting but a lot of vape trade secrets too
So why I go to click the pic it just flickers what's that about?
Dunno worms fine on my end but I also use Tapatalk I'll look when I get home if its still doing it


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Hahaha drama book seems to fit it accordingly
That's all it is anymore either drama,play this stupid game that will be dumb in a week,or befriend me cause I know a friend of your friend that knows my friend who worms with your other friend who is friends with their friends friend

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