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Wow totally wicked, when I first started I bought so mich stuff from that company

Yes, me too as you can see. I bought those cheap thinking I could persuade my sister to stop smoking. But she likes more air so they are brand new. Maybe someone can use them.
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That tank wasnt half bad

I got her & two of my friends on the ego/nautilus set up because they didn't want to put much money into it. It worked for two of them but not my sister. I'm not sure what she needs as everything I try fails.


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I got her & two of my friends on the ego/nautilus set up because they didn't want to put much money into it. It worked for two of them but not my sister. I'm not sure what she needs as everything I try fails.

Some people just love to smoke. Despite the knowledge that it's killing us. I was one of em. Tried quitting a zillion times. Used the patch, cold turkey, lozenges. Kept going right back to them. The nail in the coffin for me was my four year old daughter refusing to hug and kiss me one morning after preschool, and telling me it was because I smelled bad. Haven't looked back since.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I got her & two of my friends on the ego/nautilus set up because they didn't want to put much money into it. It worked for two of them but not my sister. I'm not sure what she needs as everything I try fails.
its all in the questions and them trying gear out to better understand their preference like i used to just buy a nauti and a cheap ego and had it to friends to try but 90% hated it so i refined my research and now i got it narrowed down to a few piece of gear that show several side of the spectrum
1.) airflow you have everything from a clearomizer ego tank to a nautilus to a smaller rda like igow venturi to the bigger dark horse mutilator then the subtank atlantis
best step is have a nautilus and an atlantis( or subohm tank) because i nautilus can be set down pretty low draw for the ppl that like packed cigs tight airflow mouth to lung hits ... atlantis can be restricted to nautilus style airflow but provides more heat for the ones who like hotter smokes mostly cigar smokers and buttburners
2.)after you figure out your airflow you can work on heat if they like cooler vape or hotter vape thats done with voltage and ohm builds the lower the hotter in most cases depending on atty and airflow
3.)after you get that out of then way you go for the mod if they like smaller sleek or tougher rugged mech or regulated should be pretty easy but i mention mech vs regulated cause alot of ppl want to go mech cause its cheaper but regulated gives a different vape then mechs.... dont believe me run a nautilus on a mech like a hammer mod then run it on a ipv mini its 2 different worlds
4.) Juice profile and this is hard to nail takes some trial and error but the best thing to do is find some crack juice that alot of people love to kinda introduce them to vapeing this juice should be goof flavor to most anyone and very soft in overall vaping once they try a smooth vape you can try and match their pallet most want to go tobacco flavors and i suggest smug juice cause its a NET naturally extracted tobacco if they insist but i always tell them after you get off cigs you'll find you dont like the taste as much anymore and i try to find out what they like coffee fruit candy bakery just gotta play around
5.) when you figure all that out then sit down and find them deals on their set up and compare them to local B&M stores when they see a kbox for 49.99 and an atlantis for 59.99$ and you tell them i can get it for 42$ 17$ kbox 25$ atlantis they will be so excited know you can get it for half off they may jump all over it and they will keep coming to you for advice

ive converted a friend that refused to believe vaping was safe he now has a ipv 70w atlantis 2.0 and a uncle that used to dip skoal and Snus got him a hammer mod +nautilus and hes moved up to a ipv mini and rda now both have reduced intake of the bad nicotine and they flock to me for advice .... its always good to convert the neigh sayers lol

but yeah if you need some help or advice just ask here and ill try and set her up with something as long as shes open to trying...cause like my wife thinks vaping is a fad and she scoffs everytime its mentioned so i dont even bother her with it for now


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its all in the questions and them trying gear out to better understand their preference like i used to just buy a nauti and a cheap ego and had it to friends to try but 90% hated it so i refined my research and now i got it narrowed down to a few piece of gear that show several side of the spectrum
1.) airflow you have everything from a clearomizer ego tank to a nautilus to a smaller rda like igow venturi to the bigger dark horse mutilator then the subtank atlantis
best step is have a nautilus and an atlantis( or subohm tank) because i nautilus can be set down pretty low draw for the ppl that like packed cigs tight airflow mouth to lung hits ... atlantis can be restricted to nautilus style airflow but provides more heat for the ones who like hotter smokes mostly cigar smokers and buttburners
2.)after you figure out your airflow you can work on heat if they like cooler vape or hotter vape thats done with voltage and ohm builds the lower the hotter in most cases depending on atty and airflow
3.)after you get that out of then way you go for the mod if they like smaller sleek or tougher rugged mech or regulated should be pretty easy but i mention mech vs regulated cause alot of ppl want to go mech cause its cheaper but regulated gives a different vape then mechs.... dont believe me run a nautilus on a mech like a hammer mod then run it on a ipv mini its 2 different worlds
4.) Juice profile and this is hard to nail takes some trial and error but the best thing to do is find some crack juice that alot of people love to kinda introduce them to vapeing this juice should be goof flavor to most anyone and very soft in overall vaping once they try a smooth vape you can try and match their pallet most want to go tobacco flavors and i suggest smug juice cause its a NET naturally extracted tobacco if they insist but i always tell them after you get off cigs you'll find you dont like the taste as much anymore and i try to find out what they like coffee fruit candy bakery just gotta play around
5.) when you figure all that out then sit down and find them deals on their set up and compare them to local B&M stores when they see a kbox for 49.99 and an atlantis for 59.99$ and you tell them i can get it for 42$ 17$ kbox 25$ atlantis they will be so excited know you can get it for half off they may jump all over it and they will keep coming to you for advice

ive converted a friend that refused to believe vaping was safe he now has a ipv 70w atlantis 2.0 and a uncle that used to dip skoal and Snus got him a hammer mod +nautilus and hes moved up to a ipv mini and rda now both have reduced intake of the bad nicotine and they flock to me for advice .... its always good to convert the neigh sayers lol

but yeah if you need some help or advice just ask here and ill try and set her up with something as long as shes open to trying...cause like my wife thinks vaping is a fad and she scoffs everytime its mentioned so i dont even bother her with it for now

Thanks so much. She picked up my newest toy yesterday & I think it's what she needs. She went nuts for it & said that when she got paid she would try this set up. I just got the subtank mini & the sigelei mini 30w. She likes lots of airflow, plenty of vapor(.5ohm coils) & her flavor profile is very similar to mine so I share juice with her. I still haven't gotten her to put the last few cigs down specially when shes stressed. She's only 39 with chronic COPD. The last coughing spell she had almost killed her so she must quit ASAP.


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Thanks so much. She picked up my newest toy yesterday & I think it's what she needs. She went nuts for it & said that when she got paid she would try this set up. I just got the subtank mini & the sigelei mini 30w. She likes lots of airflow, plenty of vapor(.5ohm coils) & her flavor profile is very similar to mine so I share juice with her. I still haven't gotten her to put the last few cigs down specially when shes stressed. She's only 39 with chronic COPD. The last coughing spell she had almost killed her so she must quit ASAP.

Awesome :)


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Thanks so much. She picked up my newest toy yesterday & I think it's what she needs. She went nuts for it & said that when she got paid she would try this set up. I just got the subtank mini & the sigelei mini 30w. She likes lots of airflow, plenty of vapor(.5ohm coils) & her flavor profile is very similar to mine so I share juice with her. I still haven't gotten her to put the last few cigs down specially when shes stressed. She's only 39 with chronic COPD. The last coughing spell she had almost killed her so she must quit ASAP.
Yikes. I feel your pain. My mother has COPD and is convinced vaping is bad for me. She won't even try it. She went into respiratory arrest and luckily we got her to the hospital in time. The doctor told us another 10 minutes and she would have died.


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Yikes. I feel your pain. My mother has COPD and is convinced vaping is bad for me. She won't even try it. She went into respiratory arrest and luckily we got her to the hospital in time. The doctor told us another 10 minutes and she would have died.

That's exactly what happened to my sister a few weeks ago. They told her another 5 minutes & it would have been to late. I'm trying everything I can to save her life. That's where we are now with her COPD. Quit or die. And I'm NOT giving up!!


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That's exactly what happened to my sister a few weeks ago. They told her another 5 minutes & it would have been to late. I'm trying everything I can to save her life. That's where we are now with her COPD. Quit or die. And I'm NOT giving up!!
Good for you. I wish you luck!! I've read some studys that say the water vapor helps. Not sure where on the web I found them though. I wish I could find something that would work for my mom. She worked in a casino for years in all that second hand smoke every day.


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Good for you. I wish you luck!! I've read some studys that say the water vapor helps. Not sure where on the web I found them though. I wish I could find something that would work for my mom. She worked in a casino for years in all that second hand smoke every day.

Yes, the second had smoke is as bad or worse that smoking. Keep trying with your mom. Don't give up because she thinks it's bad. Educate her about vaping & let her read some of the testimonials of how it helped others.


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It's always so satisfying to see someone stop smoking.


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Hey, guys...
I'm looking for a tank (clearo) that has really good air flow, but isn't a subohm. Anyone have any recommendations?


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Hey, guys...
I'm looking for a tank (clearo) that has really good air flow, but isn't a subohm. Anyone have any recommendations?
Kangertech Subtank with 1.2ohm coils...that's my ADV and it's great. Good vapor production and flavor as well. Tank holds 4.5ml and I vape on it regularly and only have to fill it once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Airflow is pretty good when wide open.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Hey, guys...
I'm looking for a tank (clearo) that has really good air flow, but isn't a subohm. Anyone have any recommendations?
Nautilus by aspire or newest protank
Kangertech Subtank with 1.2ohm coils...that's my ADV and it's great. Good vapor production and flavor as well. Tank holds 4.5ml and I vape on it regularly and only have to fill it once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Airflow is pretty good when wide open.
And I'd have to agree on the subtank only cause it has 1.2 ohm heads which around here are hard to find cause they list it as a subohm half the b&m don't even know it has 1.2 heads but yeah subtank og is 25mm mini is a 22mm which fits most mods and the nano is 18mm I believe its 6ml,4.5ml,3ml for each

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Hey, guys...
I'm looking for a tank (clearo) that has really good air flow, but isn't a subohm. Anyone have any recommendations?

id have to +1 on the sub tank. Would give you the flexibility to sub ohm if your tastes change, and also can be rebuilt if you decide to dive into building. It's a very versatile tank.

Speaking of Kanger... Anyone else see the sub box? The one in white with matching sub tank is sexy as hell. Very storm trooper :)


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I'd have to wait and see others experience with this. Just because Kanger is good at making atomizers doesn't mean they'll be good at making mods. They also have a track record of not nailing it on the first always seems they come out with a new product, then a modified version based on feedback shortly after...look at the Protank, Aerotank, Subtank, etc. Although, I guess this could be the Kbox v2 kind of, but I'd still wait to see peer reviews and make a decision after that, but that's just each his own.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I'd have to wait and see others experience with this. Just because Kanger is good at making atomizers doesn't mean they'll be good at making mods. They also have a track record of not nailing it on the first always seems they come out with a new product, then a modified version based on feedback shortly after...look at the Protank, Aerotank, Subtank, etc. Although, I guess this could be the Kbox v2 kind of, but I'd still wait to see peer reviews and make a decision after that, but that's just each his own.
Actually the black kbox would be version 2 and the kbox mini is a different platform version 1 ... I have both silver and black and the review on both are different while the silver is OK it has issues with arcing bayt cover rough cover threads auto turn on that results in auto firing sometimes just a hand full of minor issues, but when the black one came out butter smooth threads no arcing do to the 5second power on delay the springs tension is more forgiving and the components on the inside look better thought out overall I like the black kbox vs the silver its like two different mods

Now this new kbox mini is a whole different beast it seems to be revolved around the ipv and sigelei mini marketers high watts for lower builds cause 40 was cutting it digital layout fine tune adjusting batt door instead of cap and spring

Its a sub ohm regulated mini box so I'd say wait this one out for people to try out

In the end I see

Kbox silver / black = good beginner box
Subbox mini = more advanced users
Subbox plus(you know that's next) veteran vapers
I even see a submech mod in the works IMO
I think Langer will do good with the mods they make good attys and make a good mod fast with the updates and fixes better then aspire IMO

Still don't think I'll jump on thus one for now

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Yeah, so like I said, if I were thinking about buying one, I'd be waiting for the version 2 after they've received some feedback/complaints/suggestions and made changes to the Subox...whether it be the Subox v2 or Subox Plus, that would be the one I'd drop my money on. Then again I don't have a lot of disposable income, so I'm very selective in what I purchase. If situations were different, I might think differently. That's why I give my opinion and say to each his own. :)


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just a little rant
,bought a subtank plus from angelecigs ,was pissed they charged me $9.00 for first class mail but i said hey let it go .it took 3 weeks to arrive from California (so they say USA warehouse) got it Friday and glass tank was broken to pieces . contacted them Friday and here it is Wednesday and still no reply
this is killing me i have a nice brand new useless tankless subtank
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just a little rant
,bought a subtank plus from angelecigs ,was pissed they charged me $9.00 for first class mail but i said hey let it go .it took 3 weeks to arrive from California (so they say USA warehouse) got it Friday and glass tank was broken to pieces . contacted them Friday and here it is Wednesday and still no reply
this is killing me i have a nice brand new useless tankless subtank
That really sucks. Now I know not to deal with them in the future, thanks for the heads up. Is it a clone? Or does the Plus not come with an extra glass tank? I have the Subtank Minis and they both came with an extra glass tank...good thing too because I broke one and my wife broke the other. I was going to order some of the new bell caps that Fasttech has for the Subtank Mini, but one of our members from PIF 5 ordered a bunch of them and is going to send a couple my way when they come in. I'm looking forward to them, the Subtank looks nice with a bell cap in the photos...hopefully it looks good in person as well. Good luck in getting a replacement from them. Hopefully you'll get to put it to use real soon. Maybe they just sent the replacement and forgot to tell you.


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just a little rant
,bought a subtank plus from angelecigs ,was pissed they charged me $9.00 for first class mail but i said hey let it go .it took 3 weeks to arrive from California (so they say USA warehouse) got it Friday and glass tank was broken to pieces . contacted them Friday and here it is Wednesday and still no reply
this is killing me i have a nice brand new useless tankless subtank

I have heard of some issues with their general customer service through this site in the past, and I've also heard that when someone tags their rep in a post concerning poor service, things get fixed rather quickly...


@Angel Cigs please read the above.


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I have heard of some issues with their general customer service through this site in the past, and I've also heard that when someone tags their rep in a post concerning poor service, things get fixed rather quickly...


@Angel Cigs please read the above.
@angelcigs has popped into our thread before thanking someone for giving them a shoutout lol

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


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Yeah I've ordered a lot from angelcigs they are USA located but it seems customer service is always responding late night my time like its still based in China I'm not sure but they always set it right with me I've been pleased with them

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I dont even wanna go though the hassle of sending it back and waiting
Ill be happy with a replacement tank , and ill pay for priority mail shipping
I started looking for a plastic replacement tank I rather if im going to have to deal with cracked or broken glass all the time, doesn't seem that there is one being offered


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I dont even wanna go though the hassle of sending it back and waiting
Ill be happy with a replacement tank , and ill pay for priority mail shipping
I started looking for a plastic replacement tank I rather if im going to have to deal with cracked or broken glass all the time, doesn't seem that there is one being offered
Last time I had an issue they asked for my order number and problem and pics of the problem which was a shorted Atty and they simply sent me a new one... Also I've ordered glass tanks from them before and it showed up just fine ... Thing is about those tanks alight vibrations can cause them to shatter easily I've had one I dropped on my desk straight on the tank and nothing happen but I had one on a mod dropped it and only the mod hit but the vibration from impact shattered the tank

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I may have to buy the whole set of em. There's a pink and lavender too!
Do you have a picture of the lavender? I may be interested. I haven't seen those colors posted only white and black.


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Last time I had an issue they asked for my order number and problem and pics of the problem which was a shorted Atty and they simply sent me a new one... Also I've ordered glass tanks from them before and it showed up just fine ... Thing is about those tanks alight vibrations can cause them to shatter easily I've had one I dropped on my desk straight on the tank and nothing happen but I had one on a mod dropped it and only the mod hit but the vibration from impact shattered the tank

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I have had the same experiences. Dropped one before where it should have broke and it was fine, then just touched it wrong and shattered.


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I have had the same experiences. Dropped one before where it should have broke and it was fine, then just touched it wrong and shattered.

I got a decent slice on my thumb from my first mini.
the first thing I do when I get a new toy is tear it apart for cleaning and while twisting the glass off,it shattered...
I wasn't overly aggressive or anything,just a light twist and pull.


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Yeah, so the consensus shows that you should definitely look into ordering some replacement glass for your Subtank if you're planning on using it as your ADV atty. Fasttech has them pretty cheap with free shipping, just takes awhile to get them, so I'd order them now well before you need them @loucas . Fasttech also has the bell caps which are acrylic/plastic if you want to go that route. They are fairly new, but seem to be holding up well from what reviews I've been able to find. I'm looking forward to getting those myself for my Subtank Minis.
On another note, I've been enjoying this Delta II I got quite a bit. I haven't tried it with the RBA coil, but just with a stock coil, which should be 0.5ohm but all my mods are reading it at 0.6ohms...been running it around 27.5-30 watts, and it's one of the most flavorful vapes I've ever had from a tank.


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Yeah, so the consensus shows that you should definitely look into ordering some replacement glass for your Subtank if you're planning on using it as your ADV atty. Fasttech has them pretty cheap with free shipping, just takes awhile to get them, so I'd order them now well before you need them @loucas . Fasttech also has the bell caps which are acrylic/plastic if you want to go that route. They are fairly new, but seem to be holding up well from what reviews I've been able to find. I'm looking forward to getting those myself for my Subtank Minis.
On another note, I've been enjoying this Delta II I got quite a bit. I haven't tried it with the RBA coil, but just with a stock coil, which should be 0.5ohm but all my mods are reading it at 0.6ohms...been running it around 27.5-30 watts, and it's one of the most flavorful vapes I've ever had from a tank.
Yeah delta II are beast with flavor for a subohm tank the attic is a beast for clouds ... I was thinking about getting a bell cap but with it being acrylic I think I'll pass , I vape to many tank crackers to go that route

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Yeah, so the consensus shows that you should definitely look into ordering some replacement glass for your Subtank if you're planning on using it as your ADV atty. Fasttech has them pretty cheap with free shipping, just takes awhile to get them, so I'd order them now well before you need them @loucas . Fasttech also has the bell caps which are acrylic/plastic if you want to go that route. They are fairly new, but seem to be holding up well from what reviews I've been able to find. I'm looking forward to getting those myself for my Subtank Minis.
On another note, I've been enjoying this Delta II I got quite a bit. I haven't tried it with the RBA coil, but just with a stock coil, which should be 0.5ohm but all my mods are reading it at 0.6ohms...been running it around 27.5-30 watts, and it's one of the most flavorful vapes I've ever had from a tank.

my main atty is a kayfun 3.1 and i love it ,but i heard more flavor from a subtank so i figured ill try it , not happy about the glass thoe


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I don't care what anyone thinks. Pink is one of my favorite colors. Ima totally rock that bitch asap :)
LOL. ok. I think I am going to go with the purple. When do they come out?


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my main atty is a kayfun 3.1 and i love it ,but i heard more flavor from a subtank so i figured ill try it , not happy about the glass thoe

I'm assuming it was their clone, otherwise it definitely would've come with replacement glass.

Personally, I absolutely love the Lemo line. I now have two lemo drops and two lemo twos. The flavor is out of the world on these.


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LOL. ok. I think I am going to go with the purple. When do they come out?

Some sites are saying end of May, others are looking at the beginning of June. Right now I'm only seen presell for the white, black, and the silver.

The moment I see anything about any other colors, I'll let you know.


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my main atty is a kayfun 3.1 and i love it ,but i heard more flavor from a subtank so i figured ill try it , not happy about the glass thoe
You might not like the airflow right off the bat but you can restrict it down a good bit but make sure you use the 1.2 ohm coil not the .5 and if you use the .5 open the airflow so you don't burn your throat lol

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I'm assuming it was their clone, otherwise it definitely would've come with replacement glass.

Personally, I absolutely love the Lemo line. I now have two lemo drops and two lemo twos. The flavor is out of the world on these.

"Styled" so yeah its a clone

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