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Redheaded Stepchildren


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
i saw on facebook you won one from what i could tell? so 1:1 now? with 3rd to decide?

No, her Giants were down 2-1 and lost last night. So, the series is over. The Cubs, who beat her Giants, haven't won a championship since 1908. They are really good this year and there's lots of talk about whether they can finally break the curse, which oddly enough, involves a goat for some reason.

Morning dog!


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ok, I googled the curse and apparently in 1945, the last time the Cubs played in the World Series, a man was asked to leave the game because his pet goat smelled bad and was offending other fans. So, he placed a curse on the team, declaring they would never win again. Don't ask why he had a goat at the game to start with. Over the years, they've brought goats out on the field in attempts to break the curse. Hasn't worked yet.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ok, I googled the curse and apparently in 1945, the last time the Cubs played in the World Series, a man was asked to leave the game because his pet goat smelled bad and was offending other fans. So, he placed a curse on the team, declaring they would never win again. Don't ask why he had a goat at the game to start with. Over the years, they've brought goats out on the field in attempts to break the curse. Hasn't worked yet.
That's pretty funny.
But sorry about the loss, Mer.

Morning knucklebutts. There are deer eating pears from the tree in my front yard right now. Poor babies...don't they know it's deer season?


Silver Contributor
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No, her Giants were down 2-1 and lost last night. So, the series is over. The Cubs, who beat her Giants, haven't won a championship since 1908. They are really good this year and there's lots of talk about whether they can finally break the curse, which oddly enough, involves a goat for some reason.

Morning dog!
Was it the goat that wrote the Superbowl Shuffle! Sorry, couldn't help it hehe I was born in Illinois and don't follow sports so I just root for IL... when Chicago was at the Super Bowl a few years ago I ended up calling them the bear cubs for a week because I couldn't remember what they were called. I was killing a lot of brain cells at that point in time though Hehe

Morning Boofs and Boofetts!


Silver Contributor
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No, her Giants were down 2-1 and lost last night. So, the series is over. The Cubs, who beat her Giants, haven't won a championship since 1908. They are really good this year and there's lots of talk about whether they can finally break the curse, which oddly enough, involves a goat for some reason.

Morning dog!
You're a goat.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
He shows up when he can. Btw speedy is fine as well. He lives with me now lol

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That is a very good thing. I see him on FB and I know he is much happier there than where he has been (I think?).

How are you doin' Taki? Hope job stuffs is better and the dating scene is still looking promising?


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I have never acquired a taste for Bambi or Ralphie (CU mascot buffalo). I have really tried. Maybe it was just prepared wrong. I have been told it is the "wild" taste. I support hunting for food although I want every shot to be a kill shot so they don't least not very much anyway.

same for me with roo, it is nice grilled rare, but not versatile at all

give me lamb any day


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hey knuckles

Not much to say. Kids driving me out of my mind, along with all the other life stuffs. Have been about 2 seconds from mental breakdown for the past few days. Just hope I can get one of those nice warm jackets that make you hug yourself when it happens. Oh and a padded room with some damn silence already would be nice too


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That is a very good thing. I see him on FB and I know he is much happier there than where he has been (I think?).

How are you doin' Taki? Hope job stuffs is better and the dating scene is still looking promising?
Well I still have a job and I've killed the last two projects. Date scene is the date scene lol.

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Silver Contributor
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I have never acquired a taste for Bambi or Ralphie (CU mascot buffalo). I have really tried. Maybe it was just prepared wrong. I have been told it is the "wild" taste. I support hunting for food although I want every shot to be a kill shot so they don't least not very much anyway.
Luckily my Dad is a decent cook, I thought I loved all Venison until I had some at a buddies cookout. I could tell it was the same animal, but I didn't clean my plate. Which wouldn't have been a biggie, but I spent the car ride in talking about how I love venison. I got a 'Thats all your eating?!' I didn't have the heart to explain :facepalm:


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@Taki this oughtta take the sting out of the work day lol not my scene but to each there own.

I had someone offer to send me a velocity clone A while back when they heard I was having financial issues. It came in the mail the other day, but I realized I didn't have any effing cotton! Doh! Good thing I have to going to Grand Rapids today anyway, I'll pick up some of there. It will be nice to finally use my drip box with a decent addy


Silver Contributor
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Member For 2 Years
Ever have one of those days where you're just blah and really, REALLY don't give a shit about anything?

I'm having one of those..............and it's well into week #6 right now.

Yard needs mowed......chop chop!
:yes:From days to weeks to months... I just stopped counting lol eventually you'll snap out of it... or you might slowly and quietly slip into insanity while watching the world go on none the wiser... but what are the odds of that happening to both of us?

Grab a hot chocolate bottle and watch rugrats... always works for me!


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Ignore you????
Don't matter????
You knuckles are my anchor....I've just been on a walkabout....pondering life and such.

Yard needs mowed......chop chop!
Hawkie!!! :bliss:

My yard needs mowing too. I keep thinking it's the last time, but then it keeps growing.
Too cold for nekkid mowing now though.

It is walkabout season, isn't it?


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
:yes:From days to weeks to months... I just stopped counting lol eventually you'll snap out of it... or you might slowly and quietly slip into insanity while watching the world go on none the wiser... but what are the odds of that happening to both of us?

Grab a hot chocolate bottle and watch rugrats... always works for me!

Hot chocolate will spike my blood sugar and rugrats give me a headache.
How about a diet Mt. Dew and Bullwinkle?


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hawkie!!! :bliss:

My yard needs mowing too. I keep thinking it's the last time, but then it keeps growing.
Too cold for nekkid mowing now though.

It is walkabout season, isn't it?


Never too cold for nekkid mowing....just have to position the earmuffs just so!
I've been lax as of late haven't I?
I think I need a sabbatical. That is some kind of fancy bowel cleansing maneuver.......right?


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
And yard is mowed so y'all can come out of hiding.
After installing the fence I've realized I've doubled my weed eating quotient. And made mowing more of an effort.
4 hour endeavor today.
At least the fur-knuckles enjoy it...........for about 5 minutes a day. :facepalm:


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Board cutting sabbatical? I think so.
And yes, you've been ex-lax lately.

Life is gloomy without you. :blowkiss:

Earmuffs. :giggle:

Life is gloomy without you and the other knuckles in it. That's on me. I'll try to be more proactive. I just need a bunch of stupid shiate to post.
No board cutting sabbatical, but hopefully I'm moving to a new spot in my dept. with better hours.

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