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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


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So I forgot to post this at 5AM this morning~!

I had a flood and a clogged sewer line which I have been up all night fixing. Got the clog cleared and snaked out the line from the trap out of the house. When the plumbing supply opens in a couple of hours I will go for a new plug. I tried to snake out the line from the downstairs toilet but couldn't get thru the blockage. A new Wax Seal kit and reinstall the toilet bowl plus I am going to have some cleaning to do.


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Fell asleep around 6AM and went to Plumbing Supply at 8;30 so I didn't hgt finished until about 2PM but all done now. Since I had to move so many things I organized stuff and cleaned the basement floors really good.


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One of the toilets at Cott--- school today kept running. Figured it was the flapper in the tank. Told the school secretary I have fixed like problems, yet it was above my pay grade for the schools. She agreed & took a "work order" for maintenance.


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One of the toilets at Cott--- school today kept running. Figured it was the flapper in the tank. Told the school secretary I have fixed like problems, yet it was above my pay grade for the schools. She agreed & took a "work order" for maintenance.

Many times if you do that because it isn't your job the maintenance guys complain and you could get in trouble. Surprised they have tanks and not the toilets with no tank and just a valve.


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Many times if you do that because it isn't your job the maintenance guys complain and you could get in trouble. Surprised they have tanks and not the toilets with no tank and just a valve.

Some are tank-less. Get your point. I think I'd be more in trouble not reporting needed repairs. Yes, I'm tasked to minor repair work. Replacing light bulbs/tubes, painting over vandalism, minor repairing a vacuum, adjusting table/chair height.

Something possibly taking over 30 minutes, or requiring fiddling with utilities such as electric or plumbing, I have to turn it over to maintenance. That's why they're on the payroll & do get paid a modestly handsome bit more than a common custodian.

In similar fashion, it is also why even though I've worked as a cook in several restaurants, I'm not allowed to do anything in a school kitchen. I could easily pass the "competency" test/s to be either a cook or maintenance, that isn't my designated role though.

I'm just pretty much seen as a glorified janitor. Sweep, dust, replace bathroom stock, take out trash, mop is main thrust of our work duties. It is basically just show up, be present do the light work and collect a pay check.

As I've said before it really is gravy work. A good number of folks my age or older working at the job. One guy has retired like three or four times but keeps returning to this. Bills to pay he says but his accountant has him buy new vehicles to get write offs.
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Good morning Porch people! I did the woke-up, rolled over, and went back to sleep this morning. Up now drinking coffee, tooting on my vape, and sitting on my back porch figuring out my day. I’m for sure doing the recycling/trash run to the collection facility, installing a new cabinet/sink in the garage, and going to church tonight and if possible mowing the yard. If I don’t get to the yard today then I will need to do it tomorrow.


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I’m thinking I’m going to call it a day on working. I got most everything done that needed to be done completed. Only mowed the back yard because it needed it the most due to fur babies fertilization (of course clearing doggie land mines was required first). Cabinet for the garage sink is assembled and I’m letting the glue dry until tomorrow. I also made a trip to the storage facility where we have the pull behind Travel Trailer (TT) to check on it since the owner of the facility told me that another TT parked at the back had a window broke out. Ours is fine. However, a company renting a number of spaces there, including the one next to ours) seems to think they can use a quarter of one of our two spaces. (I’m renting two so it’s easy to back it in and have plenty of room around it so it’s not cramped.) So, I sent a text to the owner with a couple of pictures. He said he would have a talk with them. Guess I’ll be making another trip there next weekend to see if anything has changed.


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Having real fun. Past 3/4 weeks been pulling full 8 hr shifts. One day I'm listed as being at one school, got told to sign in as being at another the same day. I doubt they'll pay me for being at both locations. The work got done at both. I could say when no one saw me at one, I was at the other.

Also picked up a "free" day. D--- who works at F---pl-- told me he wrote me in for a day. I was just to nod and go along. The new principle there would back us both & say nothing. Me nor D---- could recall if I was actually there on that day or not. D--- said, "I saw you here three different times as I come on shift." *wink, wink, nod, nod*

*sighs* Doing well enough that I'm being told I'm in two locations at once & the scary part is I'm not sure but what I'm not. *chuckles* It's rough when you've worked for 3 to 6 people all your life, when you go at it. Everybody is telling me "slow down", .... "yeah, sure, right."

:D :p :) Y'all just hold fast.


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Yep. Half shift today. I'll just cover cafeteria duty. People ought to be aware public schools are a big source of food waste. The children simply only eat possibly 25% of what is offered to them. The rest goes to waste.

The food is prepared and portioned out correctly accordingly to dietary & nutritional need. Children may even get second helpings of some food. Still roughly 75% is wasted.

In the schools I work at, there are programs to take food out into the community for under privileged children. There's still all that damn waste though. *smh* All I can do is my "job", dump the trays into the trash.
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Cranky Old Fart
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My early morning flight got cancelled. Now I won't be getting to my hotel until 11PM which sucks big time. Only positive is I got a few extra hours sleep this morning. Except that sleep will be lost tonight.



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My early morning flight got cancelled. Now I won't be getting to my hotel until 11PM which sucks big time. Only positive is I got a few extra hours sleep this morning. Except that sleep will be lost tonight.

View attachment 191787

Was there an explanation as to why the flight was cancelled? I'm interested to know if it's Covid-related. I thought we were mostly beyond all that.

@MyMagicMist I am vaping one of my little Ram squonkers today, with a Dead Rabbit SQ RDA. Haven't really used any of my squonkers for months now, but am enjoying this tremendously this morning. Might give the Luna or Pumper a whirl later. Thought of you because you like squonking so much. :vino:


Cranky Old Fart
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Was there an explanation as to why the flight was cancelled? I'm interested to know if it's Covid-related. I thought we were mostly beyond all that.
I'm guessing as to why. I was flying on a regional jet this morning. The regional carriers are having a hard time getting pilots is one thing I have heard. The regional carriers fly United Express, Delta Connection, American Eagle etc. I think it's the main line carriers scooping up their pilots to fill their shortages.
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I'm guessing as to why. I was flying on a regional jet this morning. The regional carriers are having a hard time getting pilots is one thing I have heard. The regional carriers fly United Express, Delta Connection, American Eagle etc. I thing is the main line carriers are scooping up their pilots to fill their shortages.

That sounds realistic. And if that's the case, it is indirectly Covid-related, possibly because of people changing lines of work, or retiring early, various reasons like that. There's been commentary on the news about people just not returning to work, too, after the Covid debacle. I can see where anyone who was in a job that had very widespread and diverse public contact would start to look for work in an environment that wasn't quite so exposed and risky.

With my own employer, I just said, "I'm afraid to come back to the office," and their take on that was eventually that I could work from home permanently, which I never asked for and didn't even think about in the beginning. About a year ago they started talking about giving my office to someone else, and even after that I asked if we needed to make arrangements for me to start coming back in a few days a week, but apparently that's not necessary. Either they don't need me at all or they figure I'm doing a good job of keeping up from home. I'm not sure whether to feel abandoned or appreciated! lol

I was always kind of a squeaky wheel at work, so my boss may have decided that he was happy not having to deal with me in his office bitching about stuff. There was a method to my madness, though, and things slip through the cracks when I'm not doing that bitching. I'm the person who can see the shortcomings of a process from WAY down the road, and I guess people just want you to tell them everything is going to be fine, whether is really is or not.


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From Goodland to Colorado, I-70 was shut down from high winds and snow. Blizzard like conditions with 7 to nine inches of snow.

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !

That is when I need to go out and plow lots clean~! Although people are not supposed to travel they still do and need Fuel or other amenities. I do a few Businesses and a Church but I love it when Roads are Closed~! I have never had a Police Officer stop me and a few times I had them ask me to clear a path for them to get to someone.


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Good afternoon Porch goers

May be an image of 5 people and text that says 'I'm so thankful my childhood was filled with imagination and bruises from playing outside, instead of apps and how many likes you get on a picture. DEMINDULEAHED PRTERIIE''I'm so thankful my childhood was filled with imagination and bruises from playing outside, instead of apps and how many likes you get on a picture. DEMINDULEAHED PRTERIIE'

I recall running around with a brother & sister in New Market, VA. They had a crate car we run up and down the sidewalk. We all took turns as rider while the others pushed.

Eventually, we decide on going to see the movie theater's double header nickle afternoon matinee. The old Dracula, Frankenstein, The Blob, Creature from the Lagoon all ran in glorious black and white. Think they even played Nosferatu.

The parents let us kids run, we'd be careful to cross the street. That seemed the only real danger back then. We'd be out all day roaming the little town. As I grew up it became clear New Market is very much a tourist trap town. Oh how they celebrate their Civil War re-enactments.

Back then kids didn't need but a quarter to have a really good few days. The nickle movies, penny candies were all we needed to buy. The theater give us free drinks and to some degree free popcorn, candy, after all what better way to promote good pr than happy smiling kids?

Got a bit older and got brothers. We were terror in the country. We used to chase each other with bb guns, wet rat tails. We loved going out in the pastures, up into the woods. Used to make rope swings to use for jumping out in the river. Used to be able to swim in the river, eat fish from it.

This morning I go see a nerphologist. No, they're not someone shooting nerf guns at you. They're a doctor who studies kidneys. Need to have mine checked up on. Last night I spent 3 hours in ER to get my sore feet looked at. Got a script for an antibiotic for what seems an ingrown nail. Told to just go easy.

Miss that old crate car.


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Well, ...
  • General kidney infection
  • Possibly a minor auto-immune disorder
  • Minor trouble from kidney stones
  • Diabetes
Those were what the kidney doctor pointed out might be going on. He wanted to do some more, very specific blood work & look at a full independent deep research lab results on urine sample. The lab they had on site told him minor blood & protein in the urine. He said "okay" to that but wants to know more.

He told me kidney function is over 60% so fine. He put me right at ease. Yes, I need to be concerned but he doesn't feel anything is there to sweat bricks over just yet. Got an order for an ultra sound of kidneys too.

Went this morn with father in law. Up to where wife works, went and got her lunch. Her dad suggested I order it double so her sister could have too. Whew. Then, me and him went to a greasy spoon, whew there as well.

Got a call out for work I declined. It was heading toward 12:30, no point running back home, turning around running half back to P'berg at 1:30 to pull a 2-10 shift. Pretty blah today after last night, this morning. I could work possibly but my mind is causing my eyes difficulty. Got Opti-anal-itis. I just can't see my ass being there. *chuckles* Besides kind of processing stuff & well, ... zzz.


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Got a call out for work I declined. It was heading toward 12:30, no point running back home, turning around running half back to P'berg at 1:30 to pull a 2-10 shift. Pretty blah today after last night, this morning. I could work possibly but my mind is causing my eyes difficulty. Got Opti-anal-itis. I just can't see my ass being there. *chuckles* Besides kind of processing stuff & well, ... zzz.
I agree... take a break from work (sounds like you need it) Give your mind a break as well.


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I agree... take a break from work (sounds like you need it) Give your mind a break as well.
*nodding* Might go believing I am working in two different buildings at the same time. Then, go find myself and say hurry up. Next anyone knows, I'll be doing all thirteen buildings at once. *smh* Yep, insane for sure.

Monday, I was at one school to cover cafeteria duty. The second shift guy's name is Bre--. Me & him get on pretty well. As the third lunch shift, pre-school/kindergarten/special needs, came in all doing little puppy howls. Bre--- come in at around 1 to 1:30. Told him about it. "You come in, didn't you." was all he would say.

One of the teachers tried chiding them to stop. That only rallied them to do it longer. Another teacher who I think wouldn't hesitate to go hopping with me *blush* she turned, looked at me rolling her eyes and shaking her head. And no, I'd not have any interest hopping with the teacher. Nice enough to look at but nope, not there for the Love Boat or a daytime soap.

I just thought the kids were cute. As they all headed out I gave a few a low howl to big wide grins and wider eyes. One little one who last year was in a chair is up and walking now. His little cousin setting by him, "this Summer i whoop him up so he get strong. One day he be strong and big him whoop your butt." I grinned, leaned down and give the now walking boy a gentle hug.

Saw another boy in a chair though. He seemed to have it under better control though. I didn't draw in too near him but did give him a grin and told him he had to catch up with the other boy. His teacher smiled. "He's getting there."
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