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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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I'm not looking forward to tomorrow... no electricity all day (power co is replacing poles) I set my alarm so I can at least make coffee before it goes off.
They did that here last year. But, only took about n half hour, not all day.
Think, they changed them out to be prepared to go all wind power :mad:
'They' are closing down the power plant, I think, by 2025. or maybe, a couple yrs after. It wasn't supposed to close until 2030, but 'they' decided to do it earlier :mad:

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
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Spent the day replacing the Asphalt Tiles in the bathroom that had water damage from the flood. Still hitting them with a rubber mallet because the New Adhesive isn't like the stuff from years ago~! Tomorrow or the next day I will replace the toilet.
We replaced the toilet not too long ago. Glad we did, it's cool the toilet seat and lid close slowly. Didn't know that when we bought the toilet, was a nice surprise :teehee: . The flush is quicker and doesn't use as much water.

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
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Are you in TN? Similar story with a coal fired power plant near me.
No, live in Northeast KS. In KS, several yrs ago, they've shut down three, or something like that, around KS. It All has to do with Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset :mad:
I wish I didn't know everything that I know :(

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Gold Contributor
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No, live in Northeast KS. In KS, several yrs ago, they've shut down three, or something like that, around KS. It All has to do with Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset :mad:
I wish I didn't know everything that I know :(

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !

Fairly familiar with the Great Reset. So I would venture a guess that you are familiar with Glenn Beck.


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ECF Refugee
It's all good... power restored almost an hour early (yes!) I'm back.
No offense, but have to say "good morning" everyone is getting old... just sayin.
I worked my ass off (again) today (but by choice) so just want to say "good day" to all. Yes... I love coffee... love the good morning thing (I guess) but really... every day "good morning" and "coffee" is getting kinda repetitive (don't really mind just ranting)


Gold Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Oh... how's this: good evening and enjoy your brew... would you get tired of hearing this? Every day? And I don't mean coffee. I love you guys (I really do) but it get's a bit repetitive (did I even spell that right?) How about the front porch actually has some real content (and I mean that in a positive way...) please say something real or we will all just keep repeating "good morning"... bla bla bla (once again... love you all just sayin)


Gold Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I forgot to say... good morning. set the alarm to 7 am, made two cups of coffee before "power out"...
Yes, success! I'm actually in a really good mood (even though it's hard to tell by my posts) ;)
Damn... I think I have turned into a grumpy old man (dang it)


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good morning!

It’s a bit chilly on the back porch this morning. 41/37 and we’re going to struggle getting to 56. I’ve got my normal Saturday things to do (trash/recycling run to the collection facility, yard cleanup and grass mowing) along with finishing the garage cabinet/sink install and possibly start getting the camper ready for our once a month weekend excursions that start the end of next month.


Cranky Old Fart
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Oh, such a fun week. NOT!!!

I got to my hotel at 11:30 Monday. Tuesday it snowed hard enough that my laser range finder is not accurate, so only a small amount of work done. Wednesday and Thursday were better. Then... My early flight home was going to be delayed 2 hours causing me to miss my connection home. I finally got to my home airport at 8pm instead of 12:30pm.

One positive is there was a bar and grill that was in walking distance to my hotel and they had half priced whisky night on Wednesday!



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I’ve been being a busy bee today. I’ve got everything done I was wanting to get done so now I’m taking a break vaping on the back screen porch. Very windy here. I’ve got another go do after a short break. Part of my utility shed roof has gotten blown off. Yippee!


Diamond Contributor
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I finished the bathroom today and just gave the floor another coat of wax. I hope it looks good after it dries or I will be stripping it and redoing it~! I hope it was just porous tiles why the wax didn't look good when it dried. Although I am a perfectionist so nothing is good enough~! LMAO


Gold Contributor
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I finished the bathroom today and just gave the floor another coat of wax. I hope it looks good after it dries or I will be stripping it and redoing it~! I hope it was just porous tiles why the wax didn't look good when it dried. Although I am a perfectionist so nothing is good enough~! LMAO

May just need another coat (or two) and buffing.


Diamond Contributor
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I finished the bathroom today and just gave the floor another coat of wax. I hope it looks good after it dries or I will be stripping it and redoing it~! I hope it was just porous tiles why the wax didn't look good when it dried. Although I am a perfectionist so nothing is good enough~! LMAO
I call it "Monkin' Out" :teehee:
When cleaning out mortar joints, I'd spend way too much time on them, pretty much had to be perfect.
No matter if it was the bosses or coworkers jointing out work. I'd go over to check it out, if it didn't look good to me, yup, you guessed it, I'd be fixing it up to my liking. The boss would just laugh and tell me to stop, it's good enough "Quit Monkin' Out." :teehee: I didn't want to stop, but I would stop.

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
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Oh... how's this: good evening and enjoy your brew... would you get tired of hearing this? Every day? And I don't mean coffee. I love you guys (I really do) but it get's a bit repetitive (did I even spell that right?) How about the front porch actually has some real content (and I mean that in a positive way...) please say something real or we will all just keep repeating "good morning"... bla bla bla (once again... love you all just sayin)
When I first read this, first thought that came to mind was... How 'bout this... Hope your day is rotten, there is no such thing as Good Morning, so go pound sand :xD: and oh... Get Off My Lawn :kickbutt:
Just sayin' ;) :) :teehee: :sneaka:

P.S. I wouldn't get tired of hearing it... Love you, too :blowkiss: :hug:

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
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Fairly familiar with the Great Reset. So I would venture a guess that you are familiar with Glenn Beck.
Yup, you're spot on. However, I've been in the rabbit hole and keep on going DEEPER, and can't find my way out :facepalm:
I'd put up links to what I've been diving into, but it's against the rulez and I'd get booted :kickbutt:

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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Saw foot doctor today. He looked at left big toe nail. Decided he wanted to see under it. Got his industrial nippers and started in. His nurse went to get anesthesia. "He gets none," the doctor told her and chuckled. "I have a reason, just roll," he assured her.

He needed to watch nervous response in me to know he was not really injuring me. Yes he trimmed all but the cuticle of the nail away. Under the nail the toe had been busted open to bleed. Apparently yes I got it in crush from a cafeteria table. Didn't pay much mind.

Started hurting bad two months later. It was from the pressure as the blood had no "escape" path. As the nail come off I felt the pain subsiding. Yes, felt him working on my toe, felt a little pain once, or twice. It felt relieving though as the pain was going away.

"I needed to see his response while I worked, not the dope," he told the nurse. I told her I was going to tell her a dirty secret. Her doctor was an excellent one, he come in as sadist facing a masochist patient. Mid way through the doctor looked up at me apologizing. "She's not seen a real masochist until you." We chuckled as she got blustered.

He's got me wrapping the toe to let it heal with a silver type medication pad. I got stronger antibiotics too. Told if anything seemed off, holler and get in soon. Otherwise, keep dry, clean, medicated until the wound heals, nail grows back out proper.

He looked at right foot as well. He's curious to see my ankle "riding low". Doesn't want to see it seem to fuse any more than it has. Keep up my PT with it if it helps. God back to him in two weeks for a follow up.


Diamond Contributor
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Had a thunderstorm roll through last night. Cali wasn't really afraid, but she did want some company. Went out and sat on top of her Cali Cave, she sat on the left side of me. I was blocking the wind blown rain, so she wasn't getting wet . LOL, I was getting drenched and cold. Once I got up to go inside, she felt the rain and dashed into the bottom part of her cave. I went in and changed into dry pajamas :)
One good thing with Emma being 98% deaf she don't hear the thunder rumbling. Duke, he can hear it, but isn't as afraid like Emma use to be. If Emma could still hear the thunder, I would've stayed in with her and Duke throughout the T-storm.

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !

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