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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


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Good evenin Porch Goers

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Silly me looking at something printed without cheaters. My number was off. It wasn't Y3GZ, but A3GZ (not actual numbers, preserving confidentiality). I felt a dunce when wife pointed it out while getting me registered last evening. That got handled, then, and now I know my employee number.

As to her playing a game, not so much. Her friend had left stuff with us. They allegedly came over to get it. They didn't get out of their car, nor bother to come to our door to knock. No one had said they would be over. Me passing out an hour made no difference,

Tides in, tides out, and life goes on.

Ah, I have to tell you the cow story. It'll give a bit of insight to my personality, as well as explain why she often gets frustrated at me.

We were coming back to mom's in VA one evening. I saw a neighbor's cow was out of the fenced in pasture. It was enjoying the grass on the side of the road. As flat as a sterile morgue slab, I say the following.

"Cow is out."

She was driving, asks what. I repeated myself in the same tone. There was no need to have her excited. The cow wasn't coming out into the road. She then tells me.

"Daisies are up."

I look over to her and in the same flat tone give her the ultimate stumper.


She'll ask what I want to eat, "properly prepared food." Two favorites I've found are meatloaf, hers especially, and Sheppard's pie. I'm pretty easy going food wise, although she fusses I'm too much an omnivore for her. She doesn't eat venison of any sort and has an aversion to veggies, salads.

Meat and taters of the bovine variety for her, and maybe green beans. In the movie Rambo, they joke and say Rambo "will eat anything a goat pukes back up." It isn't a joke for me. I learned young to survive, even if it means eating grubs, worms, helgramites, grasses, bark, ants, grasshoppers, and so on. There are times you do what you got to do.

Of course, I also learned to hunt, trap, fish. Helgramite is good fish bait for example. Worms make good bait for squirrel traps, believe it or not. Seems they like meat once in a bit. Deer like raspberries, but so do bears. :)
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Silly me looking at something printed without cheaters. My number was off. It wasn't Y3GZ, but A3GZ (not actual numbers, preserving confidentiality). I felt a dunce when wife pointed it out while getting me registered last evening. That got handled, then, and now I know my employee number.

So much for Tech support huh? First thing you always ask is Caps Lock on and is the Spelling of User Name Correct.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So much for Tech support huh? First thing you always ask is Caps Lock on and is the Spelling of User Name Correct.
Well, twenty odd years ago, we phoned Micr@Shaft and spent $3 per minute for a half hour. The technician walks us through the onboard help system. My wife shouts, "we've already done this six times, now we called you to get help that isn't in there."

The young man nearly hung up. I stopped him by speaking calm. "Sir, she's correct and what's more, we ought to bill you for the $3 per minute wasted in waiting for you." He patched us through to the "supervisor" of the day.

The issue remained unresolved, but before he could pleasantly try upselling he knew we were switching to Linux.


Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
Well, twenty odd years ago, we phoned Micr@Shaft and spent $3 per minute for a half hour. The technician walks us through the onboard help system. My wife shouts, "we've already done this six times, now we called you to get help that isn't in there."

The young man nearly hung up. I stopped him by speaking calm. "Sir, she's correct and what's more, we ought to bill you for the $3 per minute wasted in waiting for you." He patched us through to the "supervisor" of the day.

The issue remained unresolved, but before he could pleasantly try upselling he knew we were switching to Linux.

Back when I bought my first PC I had an Issue with MS Works. Compaq sent me to Microsoft and after 300 hours on the phone with Tech Support and they couldn't tell me the issue, I found out that the program required MORE Memory to work~! Compaq sent me the Maximum that would fit in my PC and Problem Solved.

If you remember the early PC days that was multiple Floppy Disks to load the OS and Programs. Like 50 to 100~!

I tried to get MS to pay me for my time but I am a little guy and they were well Micro Shaft.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
If you remember the early PC days that was multiple Floppy Disks to load the OS and Programs. Like 50 to 100~!

I recall twenty of the "new" floppy disks needed to install Windows 3.11 For Workgroups. That had MS Works included, reckon they used some high level compression for the installation files. MS Works kind of dominated the Operating System. Of course, Win 3.11 FW also had hyper-terminal which if you fiddle a bit you could use U.S. Robotics "universalized" AZT modem commands in.

I botched together a tricky batch file which created a "net-mask" type of program. It combined the AZT code set with some C, allowed me to hide similar to a VPN, although it wasn't exactly that. For one thing, I had to rely on anonymous re-mailer servers having open Kermit ports.

In my wanderings, ran across a guy in Germany, a Bill. He let me "house sit" remotely. The home network and server he set up was tied into a university's Cray system. His home was what is now dubbed a "Smart Home". Cameras near everywhere, and audio.

My fee at the time was access to the Cray for use as a kind of Rolodex of info. They ran a lot of database stuff and I could use WIAS to search. They switched to SWISH and lost me.

Yeah, WFWG was the bomb. It actually functioned. The better replacement was NT 4.5 with added security patches. Then they had to go and lock up the registry, no more editing .ini files to get programs to do what you wanted, no more batch file access to the command interpreter either. They took the balls of Windows away unless you paid Enterprise prices.

For how insecure it was and monolithic, no, no way was it worth that. You'd spend at least six months making it secure, and even then you had to second guess.

Linux only takes about eh, three days tops, and when you're done you know your box is hardened, secure. Then, you just update for security fixes here and there. Your applications have app armor installed by default. Your applications can crash all by their selves and not bring a whole system down, too.

"But wait, there's more, ..."

"New and improved for user experience!"

@MyMagicMist is heard in the background muttering in low gut-wrenching tones, ... "Yeah? Why not go unfuck yerself while ye improving shite?"
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
On call for custodian today. Also have to go get a lung CT scan at 16:30. The new doctor got the idea, "Mr. Ben you've smoked over a decade. I want to ensure you have no lung cancer."

Figuring I may not get a custodian call today, or perhaps only a short shift. Will get dishes in to soak directly. Coffee this morning is "colored water".

It was good yestereen for lack of it, all day. Saw Maxwell House. Currently broker than broke so it was not affordable. I'll get custodian pay 6/15/23.

Think this pay period is 12 days. I can look, but not too concerned. I could possibly have 34 days to end the "fiscal" year. Yep, the schools run on fiscal years.

Well coffee over. Need breaky, need to get dishes going. Y'all run er slow.


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On call for custodian today. Also have to go get a lung CT scan at 16:30. The new doctor got the idea, "Mr. Ben you've smoked over a decade. I want to ensure you have no lung cancer."

Figuring I may not get a custodian call today, or perhaps only a short shift. Will get dishes in to soak directly. Coffee this morning is "colored water".

It was good yestereen for lack of it, all day. Saw Maxwell House. Currently broker than broke so it was not affordable. I'll get custodian pay 6/15/23.

Think this pay period is 12 days. I can look, but not too concerned. I could possibly have 34 days to end the "fiscal" year. Yep, the schools run on fiscal years.

Well coffee over. Need breaky, need to get dishes going. Y'all run er slow.

Money issues just really stink. There's nothing that will set me (well, most people) on edge like being really broke. I'm sorry that you and wife are having to deal with it now.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Money issues just really stink. There's nothing that will set me (well, most people) on edge like being really broke. I'm sorry that you and wife are having to deal with it now.

It's alright. It happens from time to time, or did. She has some valid points regarding me going from one job to another. Well, I'm changing that up a good bit. Only have 12-15 yrs left working and planning to settle into a job for that time.

Right now it's 2 jobs, or a job and a hobby. Money will start to flow in directly. Like I said, we've muddled through before, will again. Everyone grows older, falls apart, slows down. It happens even to the hard dogs. I'm adapting to understand, be more accepting of that.

I've also learned the best way to deal with the difficult folk, ... don't. Just let them roll off, let the managers deal, show up, shut up, do your work best you can, go home, get paid every two weeks. Mind self to self, keep going forward and positive.


Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
*sighs, yawns, stretches, plops but on stool on porch, sits staring blankly into space* Whew, another 12 in 24 yesterday. S'all fine and well. Save, I'm not getting any lunch, er, well no food all day. Yesterday, coach Ki-- had some nabs and granola bars on a table in the boy's locker.

"Rally up diver. Take all you want of that on the table. These dumb boys aren't bothered to eat good."

"Sir, yes sir, thank you sir."

"Let me fetch you some Gatorade, huh?"

"Oh, lovely and thank you please sir."

He came back in with three little bottles.

"Got to keep you healthy, so, we can send you to die, eh?" *wink, grin*

I chuckled. "Yes, sir. Again, thank you."

He shook his head as to say no problem and left shortly thereafter.

So, roughly 19:30 I took a half hour, sat and gorged myself on tasty steak, um granola bars, nabs and Gatorade. After my improvised supper, I noted there were no cameras and had some vaping.

Later as I finished roughly an hour's work I saw he had a big box full of granola. Did not bother them. He left about eight or so on the table. I must have eaten another four from the table, don't remember in earnest as my gut was in my brain at the time.

I had been up and going since at least 600 hours. Had no time to even get a pot of coffee in, nor a cup. Left about 6:45, bus took me to terminal, bus to Gabe's. Got to Gabe's about 7:10. Piddled until about 9:00, clocked in and put on stickers. Got off at 1300, got called about 13:10. Left Gabe's went to terminal, bus to the school.

Waited from 21:45 to 2200 for the last running bus of the night. Did not see it up to 22:15 & should have if the intel had been correct. Around then, texted wife to fetch me. Sat on the lot of a place named, aptly, The Pizza Place. It looked Mom & Pop, the fella inside saw me, I gestured a steering wheel. He nodded, knew I was no trouble. Sat, vaped a bit to wait. About ten minutes and Christy pulls in. We come home.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
i agree 100%, they say.."life is a shit sandwich, the more bread you got, the less shit you eat"

Aye, can understand that expression. Don't fully agree one has to rely upon bread as the end all, or panacea. There are other nourishment such as love, harmony, grace, dignity. And yes, I know I'm an idealist. I'm tempering it though with realism.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
At least bring a PB&J Sandwich to have some nourishment. Not healthy to work long hours and not eat plus if you're like me I get cranky when I am really hungry and can Snap at people~!

What the fu... you say mother humper?! LOL Cranky, cranky? Me? Nah, neva, ...! LOL

Yep, I'll have to soon find me a food carrying pouch poke to carry along some eats. I'll eat when the f ever I decide too. Folks at these jobs can just suck it if they don't like it.

Figure not a thing will be said. They all realize I hammer. That affords a bit of autonomy. And no, I will not get abusive with it.

Hmm, too tired to be up but on call for today. I know, too, likely three or four call offs at one school and every school I visit. "We never get subs, they never come."

I can only do what I can do, beyond that it's a management issue and not my worry. Not my fault, nobody wants to work.
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