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  1. B

    Something Odd

    What is “propyl glycol” not propylene, PROPYL glycol, I’m newish to vaping and that doesn’t seem right
  2. Caterpillar

    Hi there! Worried about DIY Flavor vendors

    Hi so I am starting my Diy vape juice project to safe money, I am still doing research as to what is safe and found that non- water soluble (able to be dissolved) Flavors are hazardous to vape, (such as popcorn lung) like oil based, and some vendors re-label other company products and even a...
  3. Vape Path

    Monster Jim e-liquid review. "An indestructible super-cosmo-cyber-liquid"

    Today, when I got the parcel, belived for a moment, that Psy-crow shot the spaceship with rebel above my city, and that Worm Jim exists! The team Rebuslab from Moscow made me believe in all these things, sent the set, which was named - Monster Jim! Juice came to me wrapped in a bubble film...
  4. VapeCraftInc

    FATPACK 600mL E-Juice Bundle Sale! Free Shipping (U.S) Orders Over $50

    Get Your 600mL of Vape Craft E-Juice today! Use Code: "FATPACK" in your cart 20% off all 120mL bottles site wide Free Shipping (U.S) orders over $50
  5. St3zzY


    Okay so i have been doing DIY E Juice for a while now probably around 2 months and for the last 2 months i haven't been putting any nicotine in my E Juice but recently i decided to buy myself some nicotine from Can Vape its 48mg VG Base... Every juice i have made without nicotine taste amazing...
  6. Vape Path

    Invisivle man e-liquid. "What hides the invisible man?"

    Today I would like to talk about the interesting set, which intrigues even by its name – Invisible Man from Saint Petersburg. What does it mean? No flavors and only VG/PG in bottle, hidden components in mix? Let`s solve this key! The set came to me, wrapped in a cardboard box with company...
  7. Vape Path

    Vape music. "All voices"

    I`m a big fan of music from 70-00 years, and really don`t care of modern singers, because I think, that such a music has no life in its notes and texts. And today I would like to speak about e-liquid set, which`s built on time, when the word « Music» was written with a capital letter. Let me...
  8. Vape Path

    PRISMA Iceberg e-liquid. "Lots of fresh flavor"

    A couple days ago I`ve posted the review of PRISMA juice. I told you, guys, that got 2 different sets from this Co., and now would like to present you the second article about the other set, which named «PRISMA Iceberg» and positions itself as a try to invent Malaysian juice in Russia) I got...
  9. Vape Path

    PRISMA e-liquid review. "Under different faces"

    Hello, friends!:cool: Today I would like to introduce you a young, but prospective Co. from Chelyabinsk – PRISMA with their self-titled e-juice set «PRISMA». I got 2 lines for reviews, but want to start from this one, because it`s older and makes an application for not bad mixes. Moreover...
  10. Vape Path

    Dr. Айпарит by iParit. "Recipes of the wise old Aesculapius. Will we be treated?"

    A new set from Dr. Айпарит by iParit came to me last week, friends. As a fact I wasn`t afraid of doctors in childhood (maybe only some of them), but if each of such a profession representatives suggested to vape some tasty juice at his (her) visit – there would have been such queues as for the...
  11. Vape Path

    BANG! Liquids. "Gourmet from the special economic zone"

    Recently I got a new juice from one prospective project «BANG! Liquids» from Kaliningrad. I haven`t heard about them before and so now am glad to introduce you their work – BANG! Liquids set with some mono and mixed flavors. Well, BANG! Liquids introduce themselves as the company with unique...
  12. Vape Path

    MIDNIGHT VAPE EXTRAORDINARY. «There on the shores of Thailand…» Part 2

    Hi to all;) Last time, here, i was talking about Midnight Vape Extraordinaty e-juice from Thailand and today i would like to present you the second part of juice, which came to me a week ago. MIDNIGHT VAPE EXTRAORDINARY juice came without boxes, but was packed with a care in a special...
  13. Vape Path

    La Liga Vape e-juice review. "Soft and creative"

    Hello, friends!;) Today, let me introduce you another e-liquid set from Russian team La Vape – «La Liga Vape» e-juice. It came to me from creative and funny guys, who invest their souls into vape movement and try to invent such a juice, which will attract people and won`t annoy. Looking at...
  14. digibomb

    7 Spooky Halloween juices

    Ok, full disclaimer I have not tried any of these juices I posted this roundup strictly based on online reviews well looking for some Halloween juices. Ig any of y'all have tried these would love to know what you think. You can read the full "review" here...
  15. Vape Path

    S[B]R` e-juice by YOGA VAPE. «Straight from Altai, on the roads of Siberia»

    Hello, guys!;) If you know my native country, please, think, what do you know about Siberia? Cold? Bears on every street? No, this is a really prospective and rich agenda of Russian Federation, which produces lots of important things. And some time ago, Altai region has got a really...
  16. The_Vapor_Studio_Austin

    TheVaporStudio.net Halloween Sale 20% Off All Premium E-liquid Code: Premium20 50% Off House Blends!

    Thevaporstudio.net is having a weekend sale Discount Code: Juice40 which will give you 40% off all house blends. Expires 10/16/2017 As well as free shipping over $20. Online reward program as well up to $100 off your order!
  17. NineNine

    how to find a hardware and e-juice for a now comer?

    hi, all, before starting the vaping journey, i wonder what equipment as well as ejuice to choose. Good luck.
  18. T


    hi, I've been vaping for just two weeks now and I need help. Is it normal that my coils gunk within just after I finish one refill. I was using the kanger dripbox before and switched to a praxis banshee. Been using the same juice and tried new ones but it seems that the coils gunk too fast...
  19. swooziemane


    So am I the only one who lost all their things? All I brought was my MacBook and some clothes....I lost like $400 worth of vape stuff. Juice, 2 mods, coils, tool pack, and all. Most new too man, Once I get enough money together are those gas station vapes even worth it? before I had a smok 220w...
  20. I

    Is there a bigger glass for the Alpine RDTA tank?

    Hi everyone! New to the forum but I've been following for a while. I tried looking for an answer before posting but I couldn't find anything. So as the title states; is there any compatible glass from other tanks that might fit or someone sells bigger glasses for more juice capacity for this...
  21. R

    Tasty Savings from Revolution Vapor

    Use offer code DISCOUNT20 when purchasing from Revolution Vapor and receive 20% off on your next order! On top of a selection of tanks, batteries and accessories, Revolution Vapor carries a variety of e-liquid flavors in four fantastic lines: - The Reserve: Revolution's gourmet brand has five...
  22. H

    Vape juice

    Hello guys, so recently i received my v8 stick by smok. Primed my coil, blah blah blah.. So i started vaping with 70/30 3mg juice i got, it was amazingly good. I had some 50/50 3mg juice, i decided to try it. I dont know how to explain, but it was too harsh, it burned my throat, i was coughing a...
  23. Tacticoolvapes

    Introducing MAX PEAR 200ml bottle for $70

    Hey everyone! www.tacticoolvapes.com is proud to announce our first 200 ml bottle! Our intro price is $70 dollars which is already a steal but if you use code tacticool352, you will receive and extra 10% off your entire order! Not only is this a great deal but the juice is just as premium as the...
  24. S

    Coil help

    So I bought the alien 220 kit and it's my first one. I researched for a while so I know how to use it and what not. But I let one of my friends use try it a lot one night and I had to change the coil to change flavors. I'm impatient. But now I want to go back to the Q2 coil because I don't like...
  25. G

    Brand new osub 80w

    Hey guys I have the OSub 80w with the original coils and Milkman Churrios 99% Vg. What's the best settings on this mod for this type of juice? I'm new and trying to get a better understanding. Also how should the air vent be adjusted
  26. JuiceFiendDreamZzz

    JFDzzz Flavor of the Month, & 15% Discount!

    Dragon Starship is our featured flavor of the month. Combining Honeydew Melon & Dragon-Fruit on the forefront, with a superb creamy vanilla background and a touch of sour. You don't want to miss out on this one of a kind flavor! Also, signup today and receive a 15% discount, and exclusive...
  27. Matty102

    Very Newbie Question.

    i have vape for a really long time now. However I have never asked this question. Do I just add juice on top of the juice in my tank, or do I pour the old out? Just curious. Thank you!
  28. O


    I have a closed E-cig biz from which I have acquired a ton of supplies for DIYers and people who need 30-100ml bottles with droppers, and much more. Feel free to send me a message and we can link up. I appreciate donations for large hauls, but for the most part everything is free if you are...
  29. hassanmoukadem

    Smok Baby Best TFV8 eats / consumes juice

    Hello Leaders :). i just got a Smok Baby Best TFV8 tank, and using it for a while, i realized how it eats juice comparing to my limitless RDTA and Aspire Cleito, so i was wondering if there is any hack/fix that can be done to regulate juice consumption
  30. Safari_Juice

    ENDED - We're GIVING OUT our Sample Packs (180 mL )! - 3/25

    ––– GIVEAWAY & STORE-WIDE SALE ––– We're giving out our Sample Packs (180 mL of eJuice total) and having a sale in celebration of St. Patrick's Day! ––– ––– To enter giveaway: Like & Share post in our social media groups ––– More entries: safarijuice.com/pages/giveaway-march2017 ––– 10% OFF...
  31. briDog

    WTS: 300ml+ Cheap VapeMilk Juice for sale

    Check out https://vapemilk.com for description I have Pink Haze, Paris and Rio in 120ml bottle 80/20 VG/PG. I bought them in Sep 2016. Pink Haze, Flavor Profile: Tastes Like Strawberry MIlk Cream x Strawberry Shortcake, Custard Paris, Flavor Profile: Taste Like French Vanilla Sweet Cream x...
  32. Vape Rave UK

    Vaperite New Tobacco Flavours ,VR4 ,OAK and ROU's Review

  33. H

    Sweeeeeeeeeet teeaaaaa

    Hey yall, I'm looking for some good sweet tea juice. None of that iced tea bullshit I'm talking some sugary sweet sun made tea.
  34. E

    So many questions...

    I hope this is okay to do but I have a couple questions and I don't want to clog up the forums with several different threads that I figured I'd just go put them together. 1. I don't understand ohms law despite trying to research it, I think my biggest issues are knowing what the volts and amps...
  35. dubcvapor

    Clearance Juice Sale - $8.99 per 30mL (Pastry Chef Cannoli & Chrystals Top of the Morning)

    Pastry Chef Cannoli | Chrystal's Top of the Morning Clearance Juice: $8.99 per 30mL http://www.wcvaporcompany.com/clearance-eliquid/
  36. naregkh

    Deal on XXLVape.com | SAVEME20 @ checkout for 20% off

    Go to xxlvape.com and save 20% on all juices!
  37. aoxomoxoa1825

    polarity of vg/pg and the solubility of various terpenes

    Ive read numerous time that pg carries flavor better. This something I'm beginning to see in my "juice" as i play with my % but only with specific flavors. First is this something that anyone else has seen and would care to discuss? If so which flavors? Next (if this is indeed factual and not a...
  38. Jay420vape

    New to vaping

    I just got started vaping a week ago and i really want to get into it l. And start learning about coils buiding and mixing. Right now i have a mustank mt clearomizer i really want to get an RTa ,nd my mod is a koopor mini 60w tc regulated. But yeah so mainly a non rta tank and a mod with about...
  39. E-Liquid_Wonderland

    $15.99 120mls & 20% Site Wide W/Code 'getmesome' - Free Shipping - Valid Until 1-1-17

    Hello my fellow vapers! We wanted to give this community a special thank in the form of an awesome coupon code 'getmesome' for 20% off! That's a 120ml bottle for only $15.99 shipped! The code is good at www.eliquidwonderland.com. We have 75 flavors to choose from and offer our blends in 60ml...
  40. E-Liquid_Wonderland

    $13.99 120mls - 30% Off w/code 'XMAS' - Free Shipping - Ends After XMAS!

    Hello my fellow vapers! We wanted to give this community a special thank in the form of an awesome coupon code 'XMAS' for 30% off! (Excludes Gift Sets) That's a 120ml bottle for only $13.99 shipped! The code is good at www.eliquidwonderland.com. We have 75 flavors to choose from and offer our...
  41. V

    Free & Fast Shipping

    Hey everyone! So I ordered a few bottles of juice and a limitless box from https://clickshipvape.com and they have free shipping (no code) and it shipped out the same day. I got it yesterday and loving the new setup!
  42. E-Liquid_Wonderland

    25% Off With Code 'underground' Until 12-11-2016 - $14.99 120mls Free Shipping - E-Liquid Wonderland

    Hello my fellow vapers! We wanted to give this community a special thank in the form of an awesome coupon code 'underground' for 25% off! (Excludes Gift Sets) That's a 120ml bottle for only $15 bucks shipped! The code is good at www.eliquidwonderland.com. We have 75 flavors to choose from and...
  43. E-Liquid_Wonderland

    20% Off With Code 'getmesome' Until 12-9-2016 - Fast Free Shipping - E-Liquid Wonderland

    Hello my fellow vapers! It's that time again, were back with another another awesome coupon code 'getmesome' for 20% off! (Excludes Gift Sets) That's a 120ml bottle for only $16 bucks shipped! The code is good at www.eliquidwonderland.com. We have 75 flavors to choose from and offer our blends...
  44. Matty102

    Juice in the spout and under drip tip?

    I know this question has been asked, but the search engine didn't bring it up. I am getting juice in my mouth and under my drip tip. I am using Kanger Pro Tank, Kanger, .05ohm coils, and Joytech Cuboid, at 35.9 watts. Thank you for any help.
  45. Countrypami


  46. K

    Travelling to USA- Recommendations

    Hi all Heading to the USA in a month and I'm looking for suggestions for places I can visit in LA and NY for juices. Ideally looking for places that stock a variety of USA liquids, and/or real must-visit vape shops. Not interested in stores for hardware, just excited to try and buy some local...
  47. BmillerMCP

    My New ADV - Mixed Berries on Ice!

    Hey guys, Just wanted to take a second and share with y'all my new ADV. Mixed Berries on Ice from MCP E-Liquids. I've always kept a tank of Peppermint and Menthol Mix (which we picked up as Brian's Summertime Chill) because I get bored with EVERYTHING that I vape on for more than a day or so...
  48. C

    Flavor trades?

    hi, I have more Flavour art and the flavor apprentice flavoring then I can ever use. If anyone wants to trade ml for ml I'm looking to get a wider array of flavoring. If anyone is in the Chicagoland area and want to meet up to trade that would be easiest if not then can ship. I have 10kg each...
  49. Vape_FTW

    [Vape FTW] 20% off e-liquid coupon code for VU members, permanent code!

    Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that we've added a permanent coupon code just for VU members. Because you're special and we like you. Just use the coupon code vu20 in your cart to get 20% off your entire juice order - no limits, all sizes. www.vapeftw.net
  50. Vape_FTW

    [Vape FTW] 20% off all juice orders for VU members!

    Hey guys! We've just added a permanent coupon code for VU, just 'cause we like you and all. Just use the code vu20 in your cart to get 20% off your entire juice order. This coupon never expires, so use it at your leisure and as often as you like!

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