that Danish oil, i didn't say to use it. i said to "look into it", based on what the block seller told me. i have not used it, so idk personally.
far as your new Primo being bad, idk, i can not see it. but, you had one that went bad, so you know first hand what a bad one feels and looks like. just look for those signs. though, by the time you see it, it about to late.
asmodus stab. from what little i have seen, i think its about the best out there. far as durability goes.
that Danish oil, i didn't say to use it. i said to "look into it", based on what the block seller told me. i have not used it, so idk personally.
far as your new Primo being bad, idk, i can not see it. but, you had one that went bad, so you know first hand what a bad one feels and looks like. just look for those signs. though, by the time you see it, it about to late.
asmodus stab. from what little i have seen, i think its about the best out there. far as durability goes.