Dude, .13-.16mm whatever it is e are talking cannot even see with the naked eye and 20/20 vision. Or even feel with a fingernail for that mater. That is hardly an overhand. To give you an idea, average masking tape is about ..35mm. Maybe that is just enough for them to tape it and us not to notice the finished product? Well, at least that spray wax works and this one is not falling apart. Mine I sold you was already in the condition you received it by now! This thing would be gone already and it has not budged .005mm. They do in fact have a very tight fitment over there. I just do not think they are using the best blocks any longer. I could be wrong. Perhaps that one was just a dud. Many people will buy up the Duke SX II and they wil be sold out in 30 days. Watch.Not my cup of tea. I prefer a DNA and a 21700,26650 or 2x18650. The SX III is easily large enough to be 2x18650, so I am not sure what they were thinking there. Then the SX450J in particular was plagued with a myriad of issues. It was their only "notorious" chip they ever released. Although none of them really bother me. That is not the reason for me personally. It is next the size of course. The EHpro looks nice but I need another $50 Mod like I need a hole in the head. The "Old Gold" color is nice. It is stainless steel and not pot metal or zinc alloy. That is indeed unusual on a $50 Mod.Trying to talk myself into it LOL. We do not care about miles. Everything is far. We just use up a custom van for 2 years and trade it. Stupid, indeed. However I cannot exactly be left stranded in these conditions. These other EX-Seals could live through anything. If they could keep me alive without full medical supplies is questionable. So I am jut saying no problem to go back 250 miles today. The gas costs 5x the Mod LOL. EH, I have some SL class do I really need that? It looks nice but I kind of doubt it is any kind of "quality". I thought he Punk Mini was in fact nicer than the larger Punk. Too big and heavy for me. With batteries the big one weighed nearly 2#!. Once again, the smaller one could have easily accommodated 2x18650 IMO. Just like the Duke SX II could. Look at the Paranormal. It is even smaller than the older one you like. Forgot the name of it? Lost Vape, same company. I have several "cases" of them. Since Juice kills them in a few days and I really like them. Of course I get the best wholesale price on that. You would not guess the markup. I will just tell you, you would have no problem buying cases either! Online is really the only way you should buy and they still made plenty off of us. I just have connections because I will drop so much coin. I know al about how he retail vaping channel works and I have nothing to do with it! I know all their trade secrets. Where to get the juice, everything. So, I am just on the fence if I want to go back and get that EHPro. I will watch some more videos. They all are excited about a $50 Mod. These folks do not review high end Mods I guess to compare. I bet there is no comparison even to a good YIHI. which it is mainly a copy of one of theirs.
It is cool that many of you folks do not sleep either! It is also cool that all of you accept a black guy! You are upper class whites here. Not some trash. sure, vote Rep. You should! none of that KKK, Hitler crap is mandated to go with it though. You can instantly tell a white persons "class" by their acceptance or lack thereof minority groups! I really do not care much for Nazi's and the KKK. Even if I was white. It just is not cool man, okay? I had to always represent fuckers with KKK and Swastika tattooed on them. See that is what I mean, I sold my ass to Satan. I sold all my integrity as a decent Human being to make a fortune of money, Now I turn around and help others and animals with it. That was my entire plan all along. Not just to get "loaded". It was to give back what these fuckers took away. Now though, I just feel "dirty" for doing it all. Sure, I went to College for 14 years and earned the right to practice but it just all seems so wrong now. Perhaps because over 200 people currently have big numbers on my head! Fuckit. I did what I thought was best at the time. Now I regret it. Although if I had not, perhaps I would regret that as well!
So, do I need this Damn EHPro?
OH, Manny please compare for me the size of the Duke Vs. the Java. Good comparison for me! Thanks