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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
No, it's not from scalding your tongue with hot coffee- or any other hot food or liquid. Burning Tongue Syndrome is also referred to as Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS).

Yes, it is a real thing and women are seven times more likely than men to develop this condition which affects up to 15% of the population.

Post-menopausal women are more likely to suffer from this syndrome.

What is it?

Though the tongue looks normal, hormonal changes may cause a stinging and burning sensation, as if the tongue has been scalded.

Other symptoms:

  • the mouth feels dry
  • thirst increases
  • taste changes and may become bitter or metallic, or you may lose your taste all together

  • Damage to the nerves that control pain and taste.
  • Hormonal changes (such as from diabetes or thyroid problem)
  • Allergies to dental products, dental materials (usually from metals), or foods
  • Dry mouth, which can be caused by certain disorders (such as Sjögren’s syndrome) and treatments (such as certain drugs and radiation therapy)
  • Certain medicines, such as those that reduce blood pressure
  • Nutritional deficiencies (such as a low level of vitamin B or iron)
  • Infection in the mouth, such as a yeast infection
  • Acid reflux
These discomforts have many different patterns and can come and go.

To help ease the pain of BMS, sip a cold beverage, suck on ice chips, or chew sugarless gum. Avoid irritating substances, such as…

  • Tobacco
  • Hot, spicy foods
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Mouthwashes that contain alcohol, triclosan, artificial ingredients
  • Products high in acids, such as citrus fruits and juices
  • Commercial toothpaste that contains sodium fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate, triclosan, artificial sweeteners, artificial color dyes, propylene glycol. These ingredients disrupt the microbiome in the mouth and damage the mucosa of the tongue, gums and mouth tissues.
What to do:

  1. Detox your mouth while your brush. Clean, healthy tissue supports a healthy microbiome, saliva production, remineralization
  2. Scrape your tongue daily
  3. Keep your gums healthy with a CBD oil-based gum serum and LED red light therapy.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

5 Ways to De-Stress in 5 Minutes

Americans are constantly ranked among the most stressed out people in the world.

Now, it's almost certain that stress levels are at all-time highs around the world.

And although there’s nothing wrong with a little stress, since it can give us the strength and urgency to carry on, big stress can be paralytic.

The disconnect between the constant, gnawing needling of the multitasking, compartmentalizing, organizing voice in the back of our heads and the little bit of stress that the human brain is designed to handle…

Is that evolutionarily, stress was meant to help you survive.

The stress we experience today, on the other hand, is killing us.

Grinding our teeth because we might be four minutes late to a conference call due to the kids is not what our stress neurocircuitry was meant to signal.

Chewing our nails because our bank account overdrafted is a misuse of the stress function.

Forcing ulcers to grow in our stomachs while we keep our heads down and noses to the grindstone at jobs we hate poisons the body and doesn’t help us make decisions.

When you consider how many micro-triggers are part of the Western ecosystem, it’s absolutely no wonder that Americans are riddled with weakened immune system, increased diabetes, low productivity, fatigue, high blood pressure, insomnia, obesity, heart disease, and more.

Not only that, but chronic stress has also been linked to disintegration of the hippocampus and a malfunctioning prefrontal cortex, which messes with your depression susceptibility and your cognitive function.

We’re going to break accessible possibilities into five ways to de-stress in only five minutes, while you’re on the go and when you don’t have time.

Mindful Breathing

One of the first things stress and anxiety affect is the breath — when you’re panicked, worried, or otherwise keyed up, the breath changes. It becomes shorter, shallower, clipped.

In those moments, remember to breathe mindfully.

Try this: Touch the place where the back of your top teeth meets the roof of your mouth with your tongue.

Breathe out through your mouth so that your breath makes a whistling noise.

Touch your lips together and breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds.

Hold for 6 seconds.

Exhale for 8.


Listen to Relaxing Music

There’s no right music — some people swear by ambient sounds, others by classical music, and others still prefer ASMR recordings (Autonomous sensory meridian response).

Soothing music has been shown to lower heart rate, blood pressure, pulse, and even stress hormones like cortisol.

If it calms you down, then it’s the right track.

If you can’t think of anything that calms you down, try exploring those avenues when you’re not panicking and that will help you be prepared for those stress attacks.


If you’re in the car, fine. At your desk? Fine. Making dinner and your family’s boiling your blood? Fine.

Step away if you can, and if you can’t, who cares? Reach your arms up as high as they’ll go. Reach them out to the sides as far as they’ll go. Rotate your wrists. Turn your ankles. Bend at the waist and dangle your arms to get them as close to your toes as you can.

Increasing the rate of circulation in your body improves brain function and oxygen distribution, powering up your body’s cells.

Do a Body Scan

You can do this anywhere and from the comfort of your own brain space.

Start with your toes. Wiggle them all. Now wiggle each one individually.


Move up to your ankles, then your calves, knees, thighs, and so on. Whenever you feel tension, stiffness, or pain, pause and breathe through it.

By the time you get to your head, your whole body will have been given this treatment, and you may even have forgotten you were stressed out in the first place.


If you’re somewhere you can make noise, sing as loud as you can. If you’re somewhere people may hear you, walk away a bit and sing softly, or hum.

When you sing, your brain releases endorphins, the exercise-happy chemical, and oxytocin, the cuddle-happy chemical.

Not only that, but it activates the vagus nerve, the part of your body that connects not only to your gut and your brain, but to the parasympathetic nervous system, which is where that fight-or-flight response is coming from in the first place.

Those five are simply five you can do anywhere.

But there’s nothing wrong with brewing a cup of tea if you can, herbal or black.

Heaving a sigh has been known to work wonders.

A couple of pivotal yoga poses have been proven to quickly reduce stress (more on that in a later issue).

But anywhere you go, you should be able to sing, scan, stretch, listen to music, or deep breathe, and calm down in five minutes.

For references, please click here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Wednesday I shared with you the need to be very proactive with your Breast Self-Exams (BSE) because of the lack of screening availability due to the country’s lockdown.

Now more than ever, taking responsibility for your breast health comes down to YOU being proactive and informed. My Breast Friend™ Training System can train your fingers, WHAT to feel for, WHERE to feel and HOW to feel. This will help you distinguish between a suspicious lump and your normal nodular breast tissue.

But there are other simple signs for you to look for after every shower or when you are putting your PJ’s on at night.

1.) Look for any type of redness, warmth or swelling.

2.) Do you notice any type of skin changes?

3.) Is there an unusual difference in size between the 2 breasts? Is one much smaller than the other?

4.) Do your breasts feel itchy?

5.) Have the nipples changed shape lately?

6.) Have you noticed a nipple discharge other than breast milk?

7.) Do you have swollen lymph nodes in your arm pit?

It only takes a few minutes to take a look in the mirror and look for any suspicious changes.

Your monthly BSE can become a moment of self-care and quiet time for you.

To learn more about the My Breast Friend ™Training System, head to the website.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about your breast health.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Reader,

A few days ago I sent you an exclusive invitation to join our live, Conquer Inflammation Summit webinar. It’s being held this Sunday, April 26th at 3:00 P.M. (EDT) and I just wanted to follow up.

It’s never been more important to know how to shut down deadly disease, but I noticed you still haven’t reserved your spot.

I don’t want you to miss this life-saving information.

Admission is completely free, but spots are limited so please make sure to sign up now by clicking the “Reserve My Spot” button below.

During this exclusive, live event you’ll hear information on inflammation-fighting techniques that Dr. Micozzi has researched and studied for decades.

Because he knows it’s the #1 link to disease and aging.

Which is why he’s revealing everything he knows about conquering inflammation – which can help shield us from disease.

So please don’t delay, click above or right here to reserve your spot now!

Kind regards,

Karen Reddel
OmniVista Health Learning

P.S. We’re forced to host this event in a brand new way, and unfortunately our network can only hold a limited number of participants. So please make sure to click here right now to claim your spot.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Never before have concerns about 5G wireless technology been more pressing. During the present global lockdown, Telecom companies have accelerated the installation of these towers throughout the world, including in school, and highly populated areas -- all without consent, or without providing information on their real risks and harms.

The industry claims 5G is safe for your health -- and they dismiss numerous peer-reviewed, independent studies showing the risks it presents -- while they are rapidly expanding it on a global level.

Hundreds of scientists from 40 different countries have reached out to the United Nations and the FCC, asking them to consider health risks and environmental issues before rapidly deploying 5G -- because these researchers have studies that show adverse biological and health effects from EMF sources.

It's time to better understand the dangers of 5G and learn how to implement better solutions in your community!

Learn more about the dangers of 5G wireless when you attend the 5G Crisis Summit.

You may have heard of 5G, it stands for fifth-generation cellular wireless. In a February 2019 US Senate hearing, the wireless industry was forced to admit they had no safety studies on 5G, and don't plan to do any.

Meanwhile, there are thousands of independent studies concluding that wireless radiation causes biological harm.

Despite this, the wireless industry is working with governments to deploy 5G -- it's a global, for-profit, human experiment... without our consent.

What does it mean? 5G is a higher frequency, therefore it travels shorter distances than our current wireless signals, therefore exponentially more transmission devices must be installed to provide connectivity -- millions more, in fact, on lamp posts, telephone poles and other "rights-of-way" for existing utilities. Each tower emits radiation at levels known to cause weakened immunity, cancer, sterility, DNA damage and other harm... especially to our children, who are most at risk.

Join us at the 5G Crisis summit to discover:
+ 5G defined: research, facts and awareness
+ Science about the dangers of 5G and EMF radiation
+ Sources of wireless radiation and "dirty electricity" in your home
+ Link between 5G, Al and global surveillance
+ How groups and individuals are successfully opposing 5G
+ Simple, empowering actions you can take
+ Individual solutions and safer, revolutionary technologies
+ And more!

Your guides for the 5G Crisis Summit are Josh del Sol and Sayer Ji, two iconic health advocates who are known for changing the way we view and achieve improved health and happiness.

If you're hungry for cutting-edge information with life-saving consequences, and want to be part of a movement dedicated to empowering ourselves and humanity, join us for this event June 1-7.

Stay safe & healthy,

The GreenMedInfo Team

P.S. When you register for The 5G Crisis Summit, you'll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Daily Toxins Pose Health Risk

We are constantly being exposed to potentially dangerous toxins through the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink. Thankfully, our liver works to neutralize harmful chemicals, viruses, and bacteria. It’s also first to process the nutrients delivered by the bloodstream. As the largest organ in the body, it filters two quarts of blood every minute and secretes a quart of bile each day. Bile is necessary for absorbing fat-soluble substances, including certain vitamins. It also helps eliminate toxic chemicals. Bile is then mixed with dietary fiber and voided through daily bowel movements.

An optimally functioning detoxification system is necessary for providing good health and preventing disease. Many diseases, including cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other chronic age-related conditions, are linked to a weakened detoxification system. A poor detox system also contributes to allergic disorders, asthma, hives, psoriasis, and eczema. It’s associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, depression, and systemic candidiasis.

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