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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jim,

The global crisis has generated an atmosphere of fear, divisiveness, and even hatred all around us.

Quarantined, social-distanced, and glued to devices to try to find surrogate forms of human connection, it’s becoming more and more difficult to experience and remember our shared human-ness. And to remember what it feels like to experience authentic connection, love and beauty in this world.

In a time characterized by survival-level stress and dehumanization, it’s becoming a radical, if not courageous act to remember and openly express one’s essential humanity.

But how?

Join me and my wife Kelly Brogan, MD, for our first ever joint livecast on Monday, April 27th at 1pm EDT.

We’ll discuss:

  • How relationships of all kinds are undergoing the same challenge that we are facing as a collective and why it’s time to adult
  • What awakening feels like and how to own your truth amidst judgment and shame
  • What germ theory has to do with conflict, othering, and control, and why we may be ready to move beyond germs and infection
  • The consensus Kelly and I have (finally!) come to around what a virus really may be
  • The dots we have connected around current events and why self-ownership, bodily sovereignty, and emotional maturity have never been more essential to freedom
  • My favorite meditation for this time
  • What you can do if you care about health freedom

Register here to join us for the FREE livecast on Monday, April 27 at 1pm EST.

Warm regards,

Sayer Ji


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Self-Detection Remains a Key Method of Breast Cancer Detection.
(Journal of Women’s Health)

If that is the case, why are women confused about Breast Self-Exams? Why are they afraid to touch their own breasts?

Because we have never been properly trained!

Well all that is about to change!

My Breast Friend silicone breast model will teach you 3 critical steps:

1.) What normal breast tissue feels like.

2.) What a suspicious lump may feel like.

3.) The proper finger position to best perform a Beast Self-Exam.

With practice, you can become adept at a skill that could potentially save your life.

Join me on Wednesday April 29th, at 1 PM Eastern, as I teach you proven methods to help you find the smallest changes in your breast tissue.

Click HERE to reserve your spot now so you can hear about a tool that is revolutionizing women’s health forever!


Dr. V

P.S. Many women are concerned about not being able to schedule their mammograms or Thermograms. A proper Breast Self-Exam can take the worry out of the delay. Invite your friends and share this link.

PPS – YES – it will be recorded.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,

Your best defense against today's (and tomorrow's) global health threats is a strong immune system.

Yet, too many still remain uninformed about the best protocols to prevent illness and defeat diseases like autoimmune disorders, cancer, heart disease and the looming threat of "superbugs," which are on pace to be MORE deadly than any other health condition.

It's time to give your immune system what it needs to protect your health!

--->> Join me for The Immune Defense Summit, a free and online event!


Jonathan Landsman has gathered 39 of the world's top experts in integrative medicine and science, including top physicians specializing in the treatment of COVID-19, to discuss the strengthening of your immune system to help protect from all types of diseases, viruses, common pathogens and drug-resistant "superbugs."

The Immune Defense Summit will help you learn more about:

+ Infectious disease solutions (without toxic drugs!)

+ Latest advances in immune protective protocols

+ How to stop the threat of colds, flu and pneumonia

+ Alarming vaccine news (and safe alternatives!)

+ Strategies to reverse disease symptoms at the root cause

+ And more!

--->>I'll see you online at The Immune Defense Summit, June 8-14, 2020, when you register today!

Dr. Pedram Shojai

P.S. When you register for The Immune Defense Summit, you'll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

If you missed today's livestream, Love in the Time of COVID, no problem! The replay will be available here for a while.

We discussed:

  • How relationships of all kinds are undergoing the same challenge that we are facing as a collective and why it’s time to adult
  • What awakening feels like and how to own your truth amidst judgment and shame
  • What germ theory has to do with conflict, othering, and control, and why we may be ready to move beyond germs and infection
  • The consensus Kelly and I have (finally!) come to around what a virus really may be
  • The dots we have connected around current events and why self-ownership, bodily sovereignty, and emotional maturity have never been more essential to freedom
  • My favorite meditation for this time
  • What you can do if you care about health freedom


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