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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The State of our world
Captivated by COVID-19.

Are you free?
If you cannot determine what is injected into your body?
medical mandated vaccines
the solution being offered by those who stand to profit
to the tune of trillions.

Are you free?
If you cannot move about without your movements being monitored?

Are you free?
If you cannot publish a fact-based book with peer reviewed
references, because it doesn’t fit “official sources for health” according to Amazon.
Get your copy of the BANNED book here:

Get FREE Copy!

Without freedom of religion, freedom to gather, bodily freedom
we are effectively under

Our Destiny is to STOP Medical mandates!

We - The Free, are WARRIORS
who will help establish herd immunity – Naturally!
Warriors who do not have underlying medical risks
will get natural immunity
and by so doing will protect the vulnerable.

They will give us dirty looks as we walk about free,
but in the end,
they will thank us for being the shield
that makes it possible for everyone to get back to work,
and to move about freely.

You mean I can go back to work if I’ve had this virus…
let me have the virus!

Governments and Industry have no interest in making Safe Vaccines!

You can know this is true by simply looking
for the following ethical vaccine trial characteristics:
1. They have saline placebo controls
(in equal number to the vaccinated)
2. They have large enough numbers (think over 30,000)
3. They track all health outcomes for at least 5 years
(not just presence of antibodies)
4. They openly publish their data (deidentified) for all to see.

We cannot base public health policy
on the hope for a vaccine
when it is impossible to develop a safe vaccine with long term safety testing

Warriors for natural immunity unite
and we can save this country and the world.

Dr. Paul


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
While the mainstream media is focusing all its attention on the current pandemic…

There's another deadly infection on the loose that could be FIVE TIMES more lethal — according to little-known reports from the CDC.

You see, the CDC estimates this bacteria kills a whopping 8.4% of people infected.

Which is a stunning five-times higher than the current outbreak according to the latest CDC numbers.

But what makes Nightmare Bacteria so deadly?

Well, it’s effectively resistant to ALL antibiotics.

Meaning it spreads unchecked like wildfire through your body…

…and there’s almost nothing doctors can do to slow it down.

Talk about a nightmare.

So with everything going on in the healthcare world at the moment, I believe it's more important than ever to support your immune system.

And according to groundbreaking research from one of America’s top universities…

There is one thing that poses the gravest threat to your immune health.

(And it has nothing to do with your gut bacteria, t-cells, or vitamin C.)

You see, this #1 immune-system threat is such a problem because it’s everywhere.

It’s in the food you eat, the soap you use…

…even the very air you breathe.

And that means if you want a virtually bulletproof immune system, you need to eliminate this threat once and for all.

Which is why I’m excited to announce that my friend Warren P. Phillips, M.S. has a groundbreaking new live webcast coming up.

It reveals the surprising truth about the #1 threat to your immune system — along with 6 easy steps you can take to protect yourself and your family.

In fact, he gave me a sneak peek the other day that flat-out blew my mind.

And I promise that you’ve never heard the shocking new methods for enhancing your immune system he’s going to reveal in this live webcast.

Because by now you may have guessed that the #1 threat to your immune system is the over 100,000 toxins we have in our environment…

But you’d be putting your health and safety at serious risk if you assume you’ve already “seen it all” when it comes to the toxins in our environment.

Because Warren’s groundbreaking webcast reveals startling new connections between toxins and your immune system I’ve never seen anyone mention before.

>> Which is why I urge you to claim your spot in the next live session right away.

Because Warren told me his webcast platform only has a limited number of spots…

And they are filling up fast.

Last I heard, he only had a handful of spots left for the next session. (Which makes sense, since so many people are stuck and home and need this critical information to keep themselves and their loved ones safe.)

So ask yourself…

Is it worth a few minutes of your time to make sure you’re doing ALL you can to keep you and your loved ones safe during this crisis?

I’d say the answer is a no-brainer.

>> So hurry and register for this exclusive live webcast now before all the seats are full.

Because if you wait even one more minute, the next session could reach 100% capacity.

And that would mean you and your family would be left to fend for yourselves in this dangerous time. (Which would break my heart to see.)

So register for this exclusive live webcast now before it fills up…

>> REGISTER NOW (SPACE EXTREMELY LIMITED): The Hidden Threat of Toxins on Your Immune System (and How to Safely Purge Them Once and for All)



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

This Is Not The Flu
Despite more than1000 papers published in journals and onto preprint Internet every week, a clear picture is elusive, as the virus acts like no pathogen humanity has ever seen.

We have underestimated and misunderstood COVID-19 since it first appeared.

It's not just a fever and coughing, leading to shortness of breath, like everyone thought at first. It’s more than just “a respiratory virus.”

And while the SARS CoV-2 does attack the lungs and viral pneumonia is common, it’s becoming obvious that this virus is NOT like the flu as some suggest! It's joined the ranks of other "great imitators" — diseases that can look like almost any condition.


"This is a disease progression we have never seen for any infection that I can think of, and I've been doing this for a couple of decades," says Joseph Vinetz, MD, an infectious disease specialist at Yale School of Medicine.

And just as confusing data from China and other countries show that almost 45% who were infected with the virus didn’t have any symptoms at all!

This makes it incredibly difficult to diagnose and even harder to teat.

Early data shows that around 15% to 30% of patients with COVID-19 in the ICU in New York and Wuhan, China, have required dialysis or continuous renal replacement therapy. Almost half of all patients with COVID-19 have evidence of blood or protein in the urine, indicating early kidney damage, according to Alan Kliger, MD, a nephrologist at Yale University.

Acute viral hepatitis has been found in some patients battling COVID-19.

And its been reported that 5% to 10% of coronavirus patients have neurological symptoms.

“[The disease] can attack almost anything in the body with devastating consequences,” says cardiologist Harlan Krumholz of Yale University and Yale-New Haven Hospital, who is leading multiple efforts to gather clinical data on COVID-19. “Its ferocity is breathtaking and humbling.”


A 25 March paper in JAMA Cardiology documented heart damage in nearly 20% of patients out of 416 hospitalized for COVID-19 in Wuhan, China. In another Wuhan study, 44% of 36 patients admitted to the ICU had arrhythmias.

Among 184 COVID-19 patients in a Dutch ICU, 38% had blood that clotted abnormally, and almost one-third already had clots, according to a 10 April paper in Thrombosis Research. Blood clots can break apart and deposit themselves in the lungs, blocking vital arteries—a condition known as pulmonary embolism, which has reportedly killed COVID-19 patients. Clots from arteries can also lodge in the brain, causing stroke.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Flu Doesn’t Cause Heart Damage, Heart Attacks Or Strokes!
SARS CoV-2 induced pneumonia initially causes a form of oxygen deprivation we call “silent hypoxia” — “silent” because of its insidious, hard-to-detect nature.

ER doctors are reporting that patients without respiratory complaints had Covid-19 induced pneumonia. Auto accident patients, X-rayed to make sure there wasn’t a collapsed lung, actually had Covid pneumonia. In patients having CT scans because they were injured in falls, Covid pneumonia was apparent. Elderly patients who had passed out for unknown reasons or were having acute dementia symptoms and even routine diabetic patients were found to have lungs full of viral pneumonia.

Doctors are noticing a worrying trend in COVID-19 patients: Their blood oxygen saturation levels are extremely low, indicating they aren't getting enough oxygen to their lungs. Yet they’re showing no signs of breathlessness.

“This is a phenomenon known as silent hypoxia,” critical care pulmonology expert Vandana A. Patel, MD, “Despite having low blood oxygen saturation levels in their body due to COVID-19, some people do not feel any sensation of breathlessness.”

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs in which the air sacs fill with fluid or pus. Normally, patients develop chest discomfort, pain with breathing and often feel a sense of suffocating. However, when SARS CoV-2 pneumonia first strikes, patients don’t feel short of breath, even as their oxygen levels fall. And by the time they do, they often have extremely low oxygen levels and moderate-to-severe pneumonia (as seen on chest X-rays).


SARS CoV-2 pneumonia patients often have oxygen saturations as low as 50 percent.

It may be a talking point right now, but silent hypoxia isn’t a new phenomenon. “It’s been seen in high altitude sickness,” says Dr. Patel. “Any condition that causes damage to the lungs can cause it, although it’s more common in chronic conditions like COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and pulmonary fibrosis, where the lungs are chronically damaged, than in pneumonia.”

The Italians published new research as a preprint* shedding light on how the hypoxemia might develop. This is the first release of findings from a large number of post-mortem analyses conducted on the lungs of people who died from COVID-19.

They found increased numbers of megakaryocytes in the lung capillaries, which are bone marrow cells responsible for making the platelets that are needed to form blood clots. 33 out of 38 patients had blood clots in the lung arteries. Had they been able to observe the clotting in real-time over the course of the disease, they may have seen these blood clots in all 38 patients. They suggested that the blood clots interfere with the delivery of oxygen to the blood and explain the hypoxemia of severe COVID-19 cases.

The capillaries were congested, which happens when blood clots in larger vessels prevent blood from moving smoothly out of them.


Some doctors started to notice that their COVID-19 patients were developing clots in their legs, even while they were on blood thinners, according to The Washington Post. Others reported trouble with dialysis machines for COVID-19 patients, because clots in the patients' blood would clog the machine tubing.

According to a story in The Washington Post, autopsies are showing that many people who died from the COVID-19 virus have hundreds of micro-clots present in their lungs at the time they die. The autopsies didn’t show pneumonia as was expected, but lung damage from blood clots. Damage was also seen in the kidneys, liver, heart, intestines and brain.

Emory University is reporting that between 20 and 40 percent of COVID-19 patients at Emory University in Atlanta have developed blood clots, and those clots came even after they were given anticoagulant blood thinner medication.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Flu Doesn’t Cause Blood Clots.
Pulse Oximeter
If doctors recognize silent hypoxia early enough, it can be treated with oxygen therapy (through nasal tubes, a face mask, or a tube placed in the windpipe). Numerous doctor’s who are treating COVID-19 patients, are suggesting the use of oxygen is more effective, than using ventilators, at least initially.

In many COVID-19 cases, the virus silently causes injury to air sacs in the lungs. “The coronavirus affects the air sacs and causes pneumonia, which leads to impairment in the diffusion of oxygen through its membrane,” says Dr. Patel. “Initially the lungs remain compliant and can expel carbon dioxide, so people cannot feel any sensation of being breathless.”


Dr. Richard Levitan, who has three decades of experience, volunteered last month at Bellevue Hospital in New York City for 10 days and shared what he learned in a New York Times op-ed.

He believes that an oxygen-monitoring device called a pulse oximeter can help to detect low oxygen levels and alert people to seek early medical care. “Widespread pulse oximetry screening for COVID pneumonia—whether people check themselves on home devices or go to clinics or doctors’ offices—could provide an early warning system for the kinds of breathing problems associated with COVID pneumonia,” he wrote.

“All persons with cough, fatigue, and fevers should also have pulse oximeter monitoring even if they have not had virus testing, or even if their swab test was negative, because those tests are only about 70% accurate,” wrote Dr. Levitan. “A vast majority of Americans who have been exposed to the virus don’t know it.”

A pulse oximeter can be purchased online and at most drug stores. They are relatively inexpensive and fairly accurate if used correctly. This simple device could help single out those individuals who are in need emergency care.

Should you invest in a pulse oximeter? It’s probably not a bad idea. It may become as important as your thermometer in helping to detect COVID-19.

There is still much to learn about this novel virus. However, one thing is clear… the SARS CoV-2 virus is NOT the flu!
It is much worse and the fear it has caused within the medical community is warranted.

I believe we will find a drug or combo of drugs that will allow us to manage the virus. We’ve been able to do so with some other nasty viruses, including HIV. I’m less optimistic that the virus will go away for good, or that it won’t mutate like the common cold, making it difficult at best to create a one and done vaccin

This virus is unlike anything we’ve seen on a scale not known for generation.

Fortunately, in the U.S. we have some of the most advanced medical centers and technology in the world. This combined with the cooperation of other world scientists, doctors, researchers, and health experts will lead to new discoveries and treatments. As we learn more, we are better able to navigate this virus and use therapies that will allow us to eventually get ahead of and beat back this dreaded illness.

Eventually, those who have been exposed to the virus will, hopefully, develop an immunity to it for months or years to come. At least once exposed the body will begin to recognize the virus and instead of overreacting with inflammatory storms and blood clots, it will perform in an orchestrated manner to fend off the virus without life threatening damage

For now practice good health habits, preventative hygiene, social distancing, and boost your immune system with any needed nutrients and a healthy diet.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

The INTERCONNECTED: THE POWER TO HEAL FROM WITHIN documentary series is now available!

If you want to be in the know on the latest secrets to healing chronic disease, boosting your immunity, and extending longevity through healthy eating, you're going to enjoy this free docu-series!

Go ahead, unlock the door to INTERCONNECTED: THE POWER TO HEAL FROM WITHIN right now!

Within INTERCONNECTED: THE POWER TO HEAL FROM WITHIN (broadcasting online) you’ll get a front row seat to exclusive interviews with the world’s leading experts on food and nutrition.

Over the course of the series you'll learn:

  • How to heal your chronic disease which doctors are even having trouble identifying…

  • Researchers are just discovering Obesity, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Autoimmune Diseases, Celiac, IBS, Crohn’s, Skin Disease, Allergies, Neurological Conditions, Autism, Cancer… all these chronic and terminal diseases START in the gut. The great news is they can also be HEALED in the gut. This docuseries reveals how…

  • Research around the world reveals that only in industrialized countries do people suffer from these chronic diseases. Indigenous hunter-gatherer tribes (South America, Australia, Africa, India) do not get these diseases! The clue? Their microbiomes are very different; there are greater numbers of microbes and much more diversity.

  • Leading scientists, researchers, physicians and patients have now come together for this revealing documentary, sharing the latest breakthroughs, discoveries and findings about this “new interconnected pathway” to good health and healing chronic disease…

  • Imagine a time not to distant from today, a healthcare system based upon predictive, personalized, preventive and participatory (meaning you can heal yourself) tools. It’ll be all about YOU individually–and what’s (really) going inside your gut…

Each of these interviews and subject matter, conducted by yours truly, will be stimulating, mind-blowing, and inspiring!

Click here to join more than 100,000 people in the INTERCONNECTED Docuseries now.

I look forward to sharing this life changing experience with you and being part of an epic event!

Supporting you on your health journey,

[Dr. Pedram Shojai

P.S. Even if you’re not quite sure what your chronic problem is… because the microbiome is connected with every organ in the body, it’s a pretty safe bet cleaning up and rebalancing your microbiome will help tremendously.

Click here to join more than 100,000 people in the INTERCONNECTED Docuseries Summit now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The GreenMedInfo Newsletter

April 28, 2020

Dear Jimi,

This talk with Oram Miller, BBEC, EMRS is the best single presentation I have ever seen on exactly WHAT 5G IS and IS NOT.

Oram expertly conveys technical knowledge, much of which was obtained directly from industry sources, in an easy-to-grasp delivery for everyone.

Backed with visual slides and photos, you will hear the most important FACTS ABOUT 5G. This is what the world needs to know, right now. As quickly clearing any misunderstandings or assumptions about 5G is critically important right now, we've made this talk available instantly, when you sign up free for the 5G Crisis Summit 2020.

This talk was originally released in the fall of 2019, as one of 4 exclusive modules in our course "The 4 Levels of Solution to 5G (2019)". That FULL 4-module course is now available as a free bonus with every purchase of the 5G Crisis Summit 2020. We are also creating a brand new 2020 Solutions Course for you.

Best regards,

Sayer Ji,

Founder of GreenMedInfo




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good day, Jimi!
You’ve probably NEVER stopped to consider that optimizing your microbiome could be the most important first step toward cancer prevention.

It’s true, because when parts of it grow unchecked, they can actually POISON you.

Even worse, conventional medicine -- and its LOVE for antibiotics, steroids and such -- will actually FEED the infections.

--->>This is why it’s paramount to register for The Candida Summit now!

In a 2014 publication in the journal, Critical Reviews in Microbiology, the researchers indicated that "there is currently increasing concern about the relation between microbial infections and cancer. More and more studies support the view that there is an association, above all, when the causal agents are bacteria or viruses."


The report continues to state that there is "evidence that the opportunistic fungus Candida albicans increases the risk of carcinogenesis and metastasis. It is capable of promoting cancer by several mechanisms: production of carcinogenic byproducts, triggering of inflammation, induction of Th17 response and molecular mimicry." (Crit Rev Microbiol. 2016;42(2):181-93. doi: 10.3109/1040841X.2014.913004. Epub 2014 Jun 25.)

This is simply one of MANY REASONS why you must not miss Evan Brand’s Candida Summit, especially if you’re struggling with:
  • Intense sugar cravings
  • Brain fog
  • Bloating
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Digestive issues
  • Low energy
  • Chronic diseases

Evan also suffered (and healed!) from candida, parasite infections and bacterial overgrowth. In his health practice, upwards of 95% of his clients have some degree of candida overgrowth -- time and time again, he sees debilitating and mysterious symptoms disappear once candida overgrowth is addressed.

In his clinical experience and personal struggle with mold and mycotoxins, Evan has also found a huge link between candida overgrowth and these toxins. Finding and fixing the source of the mold toxicity is paramount to succeeding with candida, which will be discussed in this updated relaunch of The Candida Summit!

--->>Learn to overcome candida and reclaim your health at The Candida Summit!

The Candida Summit is online and free from May 4-10, 2020!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Why not they provide much of the ingredients used in our prescription meds and also in supplements.
I seen a film clip of Chinese workers making masks, one guy was purposely coughing on the finished products and then laughing so do you think pharmasuticals are made there any different.

And another reason NOT to take those Big Pharma poisons
Last edited:

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I seen a film clip of Chinese workers making masks, one guy was purposely coughing on the finished products and then laughing so do you think pharmasuticals are made there any different.

And another reason NOT to take those Big Pharma poisons
Saw where China just imported a billion masks or somesuch.
Not sure from where though.

I have also seen vids of workers in the US diing things to food both in restaruants and processing places.
nothing is totally safe.

I think any germs on masks will be dead by the time I get them. 6-8 weeks now it seems.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Just ordered another 50 surgical procedure masks yesterday from FT.
Pretty much any masks you buy unless 3M will be from China.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
no I have never made it myself but know others that have and tasted one of my friends batch, turned out good.

You put a slime thing into tea and it ferments. I love the kombucha I buy, but I can drink a bottle pretty quickly. There’s no alcohol or sugar added. Just fruit juice. If I make it, I’d have to get a good fruit concentrate to add like pomegranate or cherry.

Hope you’re doing good, Jimi. Love you, my friend.

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