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Jimi's Daily Health Articles

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Grass Fed Beef Is The Healthy Choice!
Grass-fed beef contains less overall fat but more of the healthy omega-3 fats and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). Alpha linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Grass-fed beef contains considerably higher levels of the same omega-3’s found in oily fish. These three essential fatty acids are absolutely necessary for optimal health, especially cardiovascular and brain health....

As you have noted in the past Jimi, there are large operators who cheat on the term "free range", both beef and chicken, so you have to research the intentions and processes of the companies offering the products.

I would avoid grocery store house labels that declare "free range" and "organically raised" unless you're really in the know that they are doing it right, without cheats. Many of them source from ranches where they let them range freely and feed on grass, but then finish them with six weeks on CAFO corn. As you have also described, about "free range" poultry, that sometimes means letting them outdoors for one hour on one day, and thereafter the life of misery for the rest of the creatures' lives.

I have mentioned this one several times, and I promise I have no financial interest in this company other than being an enthusiastic customer. I particularly like this one because of their true intentions to deliver healthy products, and especially that they do not use animal vaccines:


Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Nitric Oxide Benefits and How to Increase Levels

High blood pressure? I am a spammer ban me dysfunction? Fatigue? Insomnia? Inflammation? You may need nitric oxide in your life.

Nitric oxide is a powerful mediator in cell-to-cell communication and plays an essential function in various bodily processes, including inflammation, neurotransmission, and validation. It may help to improve your health in various ways.

Jimi, notice what VU's ridiculous censor bot did to your article title, taking a phrase that is real words, not obscene, and making it say "I am a spammer ban me". Sickening, puerile, prissy. You have to edit when posting, and type it like this:

Erect!le dysfunction or Erect*le dysfunction. Something like that.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

"One Health" has an earlier pedigree than I knew. The false narratives emanating from One health had already been created by 2004, and one author of this drivel now works at EcoHealth Alliance.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi, notice what VU's ridiculous censor bot did to your article title, taking a phrase that is real words, not obscene, and making it say "I am a spammer ban me". Sickening, puerile, prissy. You have to edit when posting, and type it like this:

Erect!le dysfunction or Erect*le dysfunction. Something like that.
Good thing we live in a free country:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Honestly I am surprised a lot more don't get banned anymore


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What Do These 5 Food Cravings Mean?

The human body is more aware of its conditions than what the brain tells us and we often misunderstand what our cravings actually mean. Common food cravings are associated with a nutrient deficiency guised as the brownie which feeds our need for a temporary and immediate mood regulator but not the innate health problem at hand.

This article will serve as a cheat sheet guide to help you understand what your cravings really mean and how you can make the best food choices to satisfy your desires and prevent cravings from seizing your thoughts.

Parasite Infections: Functional Lab Analysis to Identify Parasites

Parasites are organisms that live inside another organism called a host. A human body can become a host to certain parasites.

Parasites in your body can cause parasitic infections that can lead to a long list of serious symptoms and health issues, including digestive issues, fatigue, brain fog, headaches, iron deficiency anemia, nutrient deficiency, weakness, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, adrenal fatigue, liver problems, leaky gut syndrome, and more.

The good news is that you can kill and remove parasites from your body with the help of some powerful herbs and other natural support strategies.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
We’re on the frontier of some truly extraordinary breakthroughs in understanding how our brains work. Researchers are discovering how the right choices can prevent brain decline, and help you to feel better and think more clearly — starting today.
To share the latest wisdom, New York Times bestselling author Austin Perlmutter, MD, is teaming up with his father, David Perlmutter, MD, and some of the world’s top brain health experts, to bring you The Better Brain Blueprint. This groundbreaking and brand-new documentary series will reveal the secrets to achieving optimal brain function, protecting your brain, and keeping it sharp at any age.
>> Click here to register for the world premiere of The Better Brain Blueprint (for free)
When you tune in to this exclusive online event, you’ll learn:

  • Quick ways to enhance your memory and decrease your risk of Alzheimer's disease
  • Top strategies you can use for clearer thinking
  • The most common myths and misconceptions about brain issues like dementia and depression
  • Which brain supplements work and which ones are a waste of your money
  • And clear, research-based recommendations on the kinds of diet and lifestyle changes you should make if you want to preserve your memory, enjoy more energy, and unlock vibrant mental health
>> Join in the Better Brain Blueprint right here for no charge.
Yours for a better brain,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Our team got to preview this docuseries and found it fascinating, informative, and credible. Over the course of the 12-episode series, there are a couple of times when speakers discuss starch in negative terms without the nuance that some forms of starch can be beneficial; or discuss long chain omega 3 fatty acids without mentioning that algae can be an excellent source. But these are details. On the whole, we think the series is very well done and profoundly important.
Watch the powerful trailer, and join in now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A gal asked a profound question on one of our social media posts the other day, Jim.

I doubt she thought it was all that profound, but it struck me.

She was commenting on a video on photodynamic therapy…

consisting of Ryder downing a bunch of supplements and proceeding to blast himself with multiple light therapy devices simultaneously, and she asked something to the effect of…

Where did you learn about all of this? How did you get to this point? Where do I even get started?

And at that moment, I realized that in the weeks and months after our son was diagnosed with stage four cancer…

having consumed more information on healing than a lot of people do in a lifetime…

and then going on to make being immersed in this information a full time job…

That what seems like an interesting yet perfectly logical way to combine things we’re already familiar with to us…

probably looks completely alien / over the top / potentially intimidating to most people just stopping by. :)

Which is why I think it’s a wonderful synchronicity that this week’s webinar is taking it back to the fundamentals, you might say.

We’ve been loving the Purium company for all things superfood and high quality nutrition for the past year or so…

And I’ll be talking with my friend Ian Farrar about their Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation

Or as I like to think of it, a great place to start!

I’m always going on about all the different categories of things we rotate through, which I’m working on quantifying and making an easy-to-follow system out of the whole thing…

But in the meantime, this is a lot simpler than all of that. :)

Super nutrition, gut healing, detox (both chemical and pathogen), sleep support, and even lean muscle building…

All from the best sourced whole food superfood nutrients, all in one easy to implement pack and program.

If I start to lose you sometimes with all the complex rotation talk and going on about advanced application of light therapy, and you just want to know what the heck to even start with…

Well first… sorry… promise I’ll have it all laid out in a nice flow chart or something like that soon…

But second, this one’s for you!

Always have a great time talking super nutrition and all things healing with Ian.

You can sign up to attend + ask questions live / catch the replay / get the webinar deal here!!

Here’s to getting back to basics. ;)

- Ryan Sternagel & The Anti-Cancer Revolution Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Curcuminoids for Ulcerative Colitis: A Review of the Evidence
For UC patients struggling with standard therapies, a ray of hope emerges in the form of an ancient golden spice.​
Curcumin Extract Matches Ibuprofen for Osteoarthritis Pain Without Lethal Toxicity
Seeking a gentler aid for aching joints than NSAID pills that can provoke bleeds or cardiac events? This clinical trial shows curcumin extracts from turmeric merit consideration among proven natural pain relief options, with secondary perks like reduced cancer and Alzheimer’s risk.​
Phyto-Precision Medicine: Soy & Flax for Genetic Hormone Control
A new study found men with a common gene variant saw estrogen levels stabilize from eating phytoestrogen-rich soy and flax. This hints at a personalized nutrition approach for keeping hormones in check.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Save Our Sovereignty!!!​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi ,

Good sleep is the cornerstone of health, and we're here to help you achieve just that. Dive into the transformative world of breathwork with a special clip from our 'Ask the Experts' series.
Exclusive Insight: Mastering Breathwork for Deep Sleep
  • Discover Proven Techniques: Learn about various breathing rhythms and visualization exercises that can enhance the quality of your sleep.
  • Expert Guidance: Our recent Live Q&A Ask the Experts session with Jen Broyles offers invaluable advice on how to use breathwork to ensure restful nights.
  • Perfect for Anyone: Whether you're a beginner or looking to deepen your practice, these insights are tailored for all.

Watch this 5 Minute excerpt Now
Click here to watch "Mastering Breathwork for Deep Sleep"

As a preview of what Healing Life membership offers, this clip is just the beginning. Join us as a member for full access to our complete library of expert interviews, live Q&A Ask the Experts sessions, and much more.

Join Healing Life Today
Don't let another sleepless night pass you by. Sign up for Healing Life now and begin your journey to better health and peaceful nights.

Sweet dreams,​


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
Hey Jimi ,

Good sleep is the cornerstone of health, and we're here to help you achieve just that. Dive into the transformative world of breathwork with a special clip from our 'Ask the Experts' series.
Exclusive Insight: Mastering Breathwork for Deep Sleep
    • Discover Proven Techniques: Learn about various breathing rhythms and visualization exercises that can enhance the quality of your sleep.
    • Expert Guidance: Our recent Live Q&A Ask the Experts session with Jen Broyles offers invaluable advice on how to use breathwork to ensure restful nights.
    • Perfect for Anyone: Whether you're a beginner or looking to deepen your practice, these insights are tailored for all.

As a preview of what Healing Life membership offers, this clip is just the beginning. Join us as a member for full access to our complete library of expert interviews, live Q&A Ask the Experts sessions, and much more.

Join Healing Life Today
Don't let another sleepless night pass you by. Sign up for Healing Life now and begin your journey to better health and peaceful nights.​

Sweet dreams,​
couple bottles of wine then sleep is easy jimmi!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Solving Your Sleep Issues Naturally
Hey Jim,

Welcome to another episode of Beyond Wellness! Today I am joined by my buddy Evan Brand to discuss sleep issues and how to address them from a functional medicine perspective! Join us as we explore the root causes of sleep problems and provide natural solutions.

Did you know...

💊 Binders can help improve sleep by preventing toxins from affecting melatonin production.
🌿 Calming nutrients and herbs can be beneficial for sleep support, but addressing toxicity is crucial.
🌙 Full moons may affect sleep due to increased activity of bugs, parasites, and pathogens.
🧪 Testing for heavy metals, gut infections, gut inflammation, and organic acids can provide insights into sleep issues.
🌿 Adaptogens like rhodiola and ashwagandha, as well as Epsom salts and theanine, can support relaxation and improve sleep quality.
🚫 Alcohol can disrupt sleep, but consuming it with protein, NAC, and activated charcoal can mitigate its effects.
💤 Blood sugar crashes and liver support may also impact sleep quality.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<

Podcast 405 | Solving Your Sleep Issues Naturally with Evan Brand
In this episode, we cover:
00:20 – Toxins Affect Melatonin Production
02:50 – Work/Home Lifestyle Won't Let You Relax
07:50 – Hormonal Imbalances Affect Sleep Quality
09:12 – Alcohol Is A Big Stressor
11:52 – Hypoglycemia Wakes You Up At Night
15:38 – Melatonin on Kids
18:31 – Female Hormones, Digestion, and Takeaways

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
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Natural Solutions to Address Eczema

If you live with eczema, you know what it’s like to search for relief from red, itchy skin. You’ve probably already tried a variety of products. Unfortunately, some items can leave your skin feeling drier and even more irritated.

Well don't give up hope yet! There are many options you can try at home to help with your symptoms which Evan and I will discuss in this podcast episode.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Emotional Healing and Cancer: A Journey to Inner Strength & Resilience​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Prunes don't have the best rap, do they?
If you wrinkle your nose at the thought of this wrinkly, often sticky fruit, you're not the only one!
The humble prune is actually packed with antioxidants, fiber, potassium, vitamin K, and other bone-boosting nutrients, so it's worth giving it another go. We've found two great recipes for you to try: Prune Vinaigrette and Roasted Cauliflower with Prunes.
CLICK HERE to get these + 7 more Bone Healthy Recipes for fre.e.>>
BoneCoach™ Kevin Ellis wants you to have the tools you need to stop bone loss and build bone strength without the need for drugs, which is why he's sharing this digital collection of recipes. Each recipe is simple to prepare and packed with the essential nutrients your bones crave.
This is an opportunity to transform your bone health naturally, and it's absolutely fre.e. Download the Bone Coach™ Bone Healthy Recipes here to build stronger bones (and avoid painful fractures as you age).
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more

WITH THE WIND WITH DR. PAUL - SHOW 135; Featuring: Julie Obradovic; Contributing editor to the Age of Autism Blog, Author

Wednesday, 1/31, our 135th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Click to watch!
In his "From the Heart" segment, Dr. Paul shares his joy of becoming a grandparent again, praises the natural childbirth process, and admires the calm and courage of a couple, Asha and Nick, during their home birth. He emphasizes the importance of connection and skin-to-skin contact for newborns and sends love and blessings to all expecting parents.
"- we're not really dealing with a scientific battle. This isn't a scientific battle; believe it or not, this is a religious battle. This is a battle of beliefs. Vaccination has been taught to generations of people now as being the greatest thing that man has ever done, that this is a 'we for the first time have been able to control Mother Nature without consequence.' That's the story. That's what we've been told."
— Julie Obradovic
This week, we feature Julie Obradovic, a prominent voice in the autism community. Julie, a contributing editor of the Age of Autism blog and a founding member of the Canary Party, joins us to share her journey as detailed in her book "An Unfortunate Coincidence: A Mother's Life Inside the Autism Controversy." Her story is a powerful testament to the struggles and insights of a mother navigating the complex world of autism, vaccination, and advocacy. Having faced immense challenges, including her daughter's experience with autism following vaccination, Julie offers a unique perspective on the political and scientific aspects of the autism debate. Her experiences and insights provide invaluable guidance for parents facing similar challenges. Tune in to hear Julie's compelling story, her thoughts on the current state of autism understanding, and her advice for parents on this journey.

In closing, DeeDee Hoover shares how her interview with Julie Obradovic deeply resonated with her, particularly discussing the challenges of being a mother to a vaccine-injured child. She emphasizes the importance of inner strength and faith in overcoming these difficulties, highlighting the profound and resilient journey of motherhood. Enjoy the show!
Watch the episode here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Light chit chat while I am down with flu​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A significant amount of the breaking news that ICAN has had about our federal health agencies is thanks to information it has uncovered under one single piece of legislation: The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). ICAN’s attorneys have used this Act to uncover an amazing amount of information that our government would prefer not to be public—including our recent update revealing that CDC knew about breakthrough infections as early as March 2021! But it’s no simple process. Here’s an inside look at how the FOIA process works.
The Freedom of Information Act is a law that allows the public to monitor how (and if) the federal government is fulfilling its responsibilities. Since federal employees work for the American people—we pay their salaries with our taxes—we have the right to see what they are doing. While there are some restrictions on what the public can view (such as national security or trade secrets), anyone can request access to agency records, including emails, meeting memos, reports, etc.
ICAN’s attorneys, led by Aaron Siri, have submitted close to 1,800 FOIA requests to date. Making the request is just the first step though. Siri outlined this complex process on a recent episode of The HighWire. Here are just some of the details on the FOIA request that led to our recent update about breakthrough infections, a related request regarding reinfection, and additional requests which resulted from these. The saga began over two years ago in 2021:​
  • July 16, 2021: ICAN, through its attorneys, files a FOIA request for any documents received by CDC from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) relating to COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infections.
  • July 19, 2021: ICAN files a second FOIA request for any documents received by CDC from CDPH relating to cases of COVID-19 re-infections.
  • September 8, 2021: CDC denies both requests, stating that it cannot release the records due to a Data Use Agreement it has with the State of California.
  • October 15, 2021: ICAN submits a third FOIA request, this time asking for a copy of that Data Use Agreement.
  • October 19, 2021: ICAN files an appeal for both original FOIA requests, claiming that CDC’s reliance on the Data Use Agreement to deny the requests was improper.
  • December 9, 2021: In an unusual move, CDC doesn’t wait for the appeal to be decided and instead asks that the requests be remanded to CDC for further processing.
  • June 24, 2022: Finally, after 49 weeks, three requests, and an appeal, ICAN receives documents from CDC regarding the first FOIA request on breakthrough infections. And it was worth the wait! Read more about what the documents revealed in our previous update. The response also mentioned that there were five pages held back that were being evaluated by the Department of Defense (DOD).
  • July 20, 2022: CDC responds to the second FOIA request on cases of COVID-19 reinfections claiming it can’t find a single record.
  • July 20, 2022: On the same day, CDC also responds to the third FOIA request for the Data Use Agreement claiming it can’t find that either!
  • August 17, 2022: ICAN files an appeal for the third FOIA request arguing that CDC failed to conduct an adequate search for the Data Use Agreement given that CDC relied on it to deny the initial request – it must exist, no? Seems not.
  • September 26, 2022: ICAN files an appeal for the first FOIA request arguing that the CDC failed to conduct a thorough search for documents pertaining to breakthrough infections. While CDC had produced documents related to this request on June 24, there was evidence that other relevant documents had been left out.
  • October 17, 2022: ICAN files an appeal for the second FOIA request arguing that CDC failed to conduct an adequate search for records on re-infection.
  • January 3, 2023: The DOD produces the five pages from the first FOIA request which included July 2021 emails from a DOD contractor noting there were 80,000 breakthrough cases among 7 million fully vaccinated Medicare beneficiaries with a 10% hospitalization rate and 3% death rate.

There is more but the above is sufficient to give you a taste of just part of the life cycle of two related FOIA requests, neither of which are complete and may require additional action, including potentially a lawsuit if CDC does not satisfy the pending appeals. As you can see, FOIA is a process that takes patience and persistence. It is not as simple as filing one request and receiving documents. ICAN is thankful for supporters like you who help fund this vital work.
See below for more instances where ICAN used FOIA to uncover “health” agencies making unsupported claims to the public:​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Djokovic Aces Response to Heckler Who Shouts ‘Get Vaccinated!’; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on Another Elephant in the Room as an alarming rise in maternal deaths coincides with CDC’s push to vaccinate pregnant mothers, and the hidden harms of ‘gender affirming care’; Gays Against Groomers Founder explains her organization’s fight to protect children from sexualization, indoctrination, and medicalization.
Guests: Jaimee Michell​


Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Bayer/Monsanto ruling: 2.25 billion in damages in latest Roundup case. Of course the company will appeal, but there is an upside to all of these cases against them that keep getting won. Last year they phased out sales of the home Roundup product. Now onward, to get rid of it altogether, since the crop fields are worked by human beings too.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Day 1 of our challenge was so incredible!

We have over 39,000 people registered for our challenge and the feedback has already been amazing!

Check out the masterclass & cooking demo replays HERE!

This is so good. I am so glad I signed up!

This presentation was so awesome. It covers what I believe but gives me the references to the knowledge I have acquired over the years.

This is so inspiring.

Can't believe how fast this went by!

Thank you for such an informative presentation. This presentation confirmed a lot that my daughter had been telling us over the years.

Great new information. Thank you!

This was a good reboot/refresher - thank you Kim.

This way of eating has got me off all 3 prescribed medications and I lost 30 pounds, never going back.

live better longer!

Well said...choose your's a choice! Thank you so much!!

Love the info!

I too want to live a long time in a healthy body and mind.

Looking forward to the macaroni cheese recipe

This information should be taught in school.

That is scary about the Bovine Leukemia Virus!!

It can be a lot of work, but it's so worth it for our health!

As a nurse, I'm seeing more and more oncology and cardiology practices recommend plant-based!!

Wow this is enlightening.

I'm a research librarian. Appreciate the linked sources along with the info.

I'm a nurse and it's so difficult to educated people regarding diet. They believe mainstream information backewd by the meat and dairy lobbyist.

Wonderful information! I was already convinced but this would have convinced my husband and son, too.

Lots of great info. Everyone please be kind to yourself and enjoy this journey. You can do this!

Everyone wins for being here to care about their health!

Thanks! Looking forward to the rest of the week!

Wonderful class - so glad I signed up!

Can't wait to cook these!

Who knew eating vegan could be so much fun!

These look wonderful

Can't wait to make them! They look delicious and easy!

This is making me hungry!

Thank you for the info on pans.

Thanks, Kim, you are a wonderful presenter! Lots of great information.

Thanks for sharing your cooking demo. It's so helpful.

This was such an informative and fun day. Thank you!

Thank you Kim, always fun watching you cook.

I love the simplicity of your demo.

Thanks for an amazing cooking class.

Thank you for this information today! It alone is a motivator!

The Day 1 masterclass was all about how animal foods are doing you more harm than good.

Many people had big aha moments about how the foods they have been eating have been affecting their chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer that either they or loved ones have been struggling with.

And the cooking demo was super fun with a delicious & easy breakfast - Vegan Banana Walnut Pancakes!

Day 1 replay links:

If you missed either the masterclass or cooking demo, you can watch the replays here. The replays will be added to this page by 6pm Central Time each day and will be available until the end of the challenge.

Here’s today’s Day 1 assignment - it’s super easy!

Comment on the post in the challenge FB Group (it’s pinned to the top) about what’s your WHY! Why are you wanting to eat plant based? What’s the biggest driving reason? Is there a chronic disease you want to prevent or reverse? Do you want to avoid the same chronic diseases that took your parents or grandparents? Are you sick and tired of being sick & tired? Do you want to finally lose weight & keep it off for good?

I’m going to pick 3 of the comments from the assignment FB post to win $25 Amazon Gift Cards! It could be you! But you’ve got to participate to win!

Make sure to answer the questions when you request to join and type the email address that you used to register for this challenge with so that we can verify your membership.

The password is Plants for the password question and you'll be automatically approved.

Here’s what’s coming up tomorrow on Day 2:

Day 2 is starting tomorrow at 10am central time with our next masterclass - The Processing of America - The Problem with Processed Foods.

And then tomorrow’s cooking demo will be at 1pm central time and will be super yummy - Asian Chopped Salad with Oil-Free Sesame Ginger Dressing

Download the workbook & recipes here so you can follow along with our challenge and have a place to take notes.

Hope to see you there live!

I’ll be giving away more prizes at both classes, but only to those that show up live!


P.S. Want more time to watch the replays and to get access to my exclusive Q&A session to chat with me face-to-face on Friday? Upgrade to the VIP Pass HERE.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Make them Election Issues: Ban the shots! No globalist sovereignty grabs!​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi, it can be overwhelming to think about our food, water, air, and beauty and cleaning products full of “toxins” that experts tell you to “detox” from.
You might even wonder, “At this point, why try at all?”
But paying attention and taking balanced steps to live a toxin-free life is 100% worth it.
And in Heavy, a new free docuseries by my friend and one of the world’s top heavy metal experts, Dr. Wendy Myers, you’ll learn a new approach to detox.
>> Click here to watch Heavy and benefit from 107 interviews with experts on topics like:
  • Where to find the safest consumer brands and food
  • How to stay safe from the medications we’re finding in our so-called “clean” drinking water
  • The lead and toxins hiding in baby formula, dog food, and protein powders
  • The sneaky way that toxins mimic hormones causing imbalances — and why HRT isn’t the solution
  • How the 4 most common heavy metals that cause hormone imbalance are dampening your drive in the bedroom
  • The easiest and most effective thing you can do to detox your body every day
And SO much more.
>> Click here to watch Heavy at NO cost.
What you’ll hear in this groundbreaking series will change the way you see the world and how you take action to protect yourself and your family.
This may be the most crucial series you’ll see this year…
- Ari


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
check out these recent episodes from Rosie Radio:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

Yesterday, I mentioned that cancer affects not just the physical aspect of our health, but also the mental and emotional as well.

When it comes to cancer treatments, much of the attention goes to chemo or other strategies and practices to cure the illness, but not too much is mentioned about how to address the emotional burden that it can cause.

Which is why I’m excited to share with you my interview with Raj Jana, an entrepreneur who has founded several companies dedicated to helping people with their health.

One of these companies is Liber8, where they offer emotional support to help cancer patients overcome their traumas, cultivate resilience, and regain control of their lives despite their diagnosis.

In this interview, Raj dives into the beginnings of Liber8, including how the death of a friend through cancer inspired him to start the company, and the program that his company built as a support system for those who have been emotionally challenged by cancer.

Not only will this interview tell the story of Raj and Liber8, but also offer insights on the mental turmoil that cancer patients deal with and the importance of addressing them for a better healing journey.

Click here to watch my interview with Raj.

To healing,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
According to the National Library of Medicine: engaging in physical activity can extend your life expectancy by up to 6.9 years!

However, as we age, challenges such as joint and muscle pain, fatigue, poor sleep and energy decline often make staying active a daunting task. This leads many to question the desire for a longer life if it means grappling with physical decline.

But what if the key isn't just longevity but the quality and vitality of the years we live? Should we avoid physical activity and miss out on its life-enhancing benefits? Absolutely not!

Which is why we’re thrilled to introduce a natural approach that targets your "body’s mechanics" - the cornerstone of a vibrant, functional, long life.

--->>Learn how to optimize your "body’s mechanics" when you attend this complimentary, online workshop!

Be sure to mark your calendar for February 3-10, 2024.

The Full Body Fix workshop will dive deep into the information you need to:

  • Energize your mornings
  • Relieve discomfort in joints and muscles
  • Improve your sleep quality
  • Increase muscle and bone strength while decreasing body fat
  • Ensure continued physical activity at any age
  • And more!
This breakthrough is especially beneficial for individuals over 50, yet it remains a hidden gem to many!

Join a community of thousands who have rejuvenated their physical capabilities regardless of age or fitness level. This is a unique opportunity to participate in an eye-opening, heartwarming event that fosters an ageless mindset.

--->>We’ll see you online at the Full Body Fix workshop when you register now!

So thankful that you’re making an investment in your health, your life and yourself!​
Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Improving Vagal Tone for Better Mental and Emotional Health

Your vagus nerve is one of the most important nerves that extends from your brain stem through your neck into your chest and abdomen and connects your brain and gut. It helps to regulate your heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, digestion, and emotional state among other functions.

If you are experiencing anxiety, depression, stress, fatigue, or any emotional health symptoms, it may mean that you have a poor vagal tone, and your vagus nerve needs some care.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
33% Increased Dementia Risk for Long Term Users of Acid-Blockers
For years, proton pump inhibitors were marketed to the public for stomach relief from 'excess acid production,' without the slightest clue that they were contributing to the burgeoning epidemic of neurodegenerative disease. All that has now changed...​
Blue Light Dangers: The Hidden Cost of Screen Time on Your Eyes
Blue light, the high energy visible light from digital devices, has been increasingly recognized as hazardous over the past decade. While some blue light exposure is inevitable in the modern world, research shows that overexposure can damage the eyes and disrupt healthy circadian rhythms.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Artificial Sweeteners Come With Risk

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

You may think that using artificial sweeteners, such as NutraSweet (aspartame) and Splenda (sucralose), is healthier than eating sugar, but emerging evidence suggests these chemicals may be worse for you in terms of metabolism, gut bacteria, and appetite.

For instance, studies have found that people who drink artificially sweetened diet soda gained weight and suffered a greater risk of metabolic syndrome, which can be a precursor to diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Special: Doctor Discovers Sugar Control Method, Naturally

A team of Canadian researchers reviewed 37 studies that followed 400,000 people for an average of 10 years. But only seven of the studies were randomized controlled trials (the gold standard in clinical research), involving 1,003 people followed for six months on average.

The trials did not show a constant effect on weight loss, but the longer studies found the use of artificial sweeteners led to higher risks of weight gain and obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and other health issues.

Millions of people use artificial sweeteners every day under the impression they’re reducing their health risks, not realizing they may actually be increasing such risks.

Instead of sweeteners, eat sweet foods that don’t require sugar or artificial sweeteners, like berries and whole fresh fruits, or even dried fruits — but only in modest amounts, as these foods do metabolize as sugar.

If you want to sweeten foods like oatmeal or Greek yogurt, use a tiny bit of maple syrup or honey instead.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Did you know that up to 80% of disease symptoms are triggered by problems in the mouth?

Many health problems like heart disease, dementia, autoimmune disorders, and even cancer have their roots in poor oral health.

Even if you brush and floss every day, you can still have chronic toxicity in the mouth poisoning the rest of your body.

Shocking right?

This is why we gathered 35 of the world's leading doctors, scientists, and health experts to reveal the very best ways to improve oral health, prevent and reverse disease symptoms, and save thousands of dollars in unwanted medical expenses. And we're excited to share these life-saving expert talks with you starting Thursday.

Today, I want to give you a sneak peek at what you can expect during the summit.​

Remember: On Thursday, I'll be sending you a special link to start watching all the Holistic Oral Health Summit presentations.

Have a wonderful week!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s so hard to get a good night’s sleep in our 24/7 culture!

You may have heard that a sleep study can shed light on what’s happening with your sleep—but do you know if it’s worth it for you?

Fortunately, renowned sleep medicine physician, Audrey Wells, MD, has created the perfect free resource to unravel your sleep issues and set you back on a path to thriving.

Dr. Wells’ guide, You’ve Got Sleep Problems… So Is It Time For A Sleep Study?, is a comprehensive guide to the intricacies of recognizing the signs that warrant a sleep study.

Download your free sleep guide here!

Discover the conditions that could pose health risks, weigh the pros and cons of home sleep apnea tests, and unravel the mysteries surrounding in-lab sleep studies.

Why should you dive into this resource?

👉 Expert Insights: Benefit from the expertise of a top sleep specialist, offering insights to help you understand your sleep issues better.

👉 Risk Assessment: Learn about the conditions that could elevate your health risks, making it imperative to consider a sleep study.

👉 Testing Options: Explore the advantages and disadvantages of both home sleep apnea tests and in-lab sleep studies, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Ready to reclaim your slumber, Jim?

Start Solving Your Sleep Problems Here!

To your healthy and happy life,

Naomi Adams
Community Director
Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose

P.S. When you get the free guide, you’ll also receive a complimentary ticket to the Sleep Deep Summit: A New Approach to Beating Sleep Apnea and Insomnia, hosted by Dr. Audrey Wells.

The online event is designed to improve your understanding of sleep apnea and insomnia, empowering you to make the best decisions for yourself.

And you’ll also receive access to helpful resources for ongoing sleep apnea management, within a supportive community.

Get your free guide and ticket from Dr. Wells, and take the first step toward a restful night’s sleep.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Important conference you won't want to miss: the Alternative Davos in the Desert presents: Lockdown Nation, a virtual conference. Take a look at the speakers!​


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