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4 Free Gifts For You!

As a loyal subscriber to my newsletter, I want to give you 4 free gifts today to support ultimate health and healing.

No need for your email address.

-->> Go grab them here at no cost.

Why Free?!

Because I care about you and want to see you heal and thrive!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Truth About Ice Baths and Cold Exposure for Killing Cancer

Explore the surprising benefits of cold baths for cancer and immune system health with Dr. Thomas Seager.

Dive into this conversation I had with Dr. Seager as we discuss the positive effects of cold baths on the immune system and general health. We'll explore scientific insights and personal experiences related to this intriguing practice.

-->> Listen Here on Apple, Spotify or Google
-->> Watch here on Youtube


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yesterday I made the biggest announcement in Myers Detox history.
In case you missed it, here it is again:
After 15 months of intense behind-the-scenes work…
I’m thrilled to announce the debut of my new docuseries, Heavy: Inescapable Toxins Causing Our Health Epidemics, which you can be one of the first to watch here.
There’s no docuseries quite like Heavy.
Over the course of 7 episodes, I’m able to talk about specific health threats…
As well as cutting-edge detox strategies to help protect yourself and your family…
That I can’t discuss in detail in these emails or my podcast because of how anyone going against the mainstream health narrative right now risks censorship… or being shut down completely.
When you tune into Heavy, you’ll get eye-opening answers to your health questions you won’t find anywhere else.
For example…
Let me give you a sneak peek of what you’ll discover from a handful of the 107 top health experts who agreed to speak “off the record” for this docuseries:
“I’m going to reveal a shocking discovery I made that led me to reconsider everything I thought I knew about what’s really causing diabetes, obesity, dementia, and more health epidemics…” -- Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist at MIT
“One third of fatal cardiac events are due to this one heavy metal…” -- Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, Founder of Bastyr University
“These crucial detox strategies SHOULD be common knowledge. But sadly, that’s far from reality…” -- Dr. Bill McGraw
I’ve interviewed 107 health trailblazers for Heavy, including Dr. David Perlmutter, Ari Whitten, Dave Asprey, Dr. Will Cole, Chris Kresser, and more.
What they share in these candid interviews is powerful… inspiring… and has the potential to transform your health.
I’ve worked hard to make Heavy a valuable resource for your health and healing.
And I’m so excited to share it with you.
Tap or click the link below to learn more, and to be one of the first to watch this new docuseries:
>> Go here and be one of the first to watch Heavy


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Looking for longevity shortcuts?

Get ready to discover easy, practical shortcuts that could potentially extend your healthy years, based on insights from leading longevity scientists and biohackers.

Chris Burres, host of the Uncovering the Secrets to Longevity: Live Beyond the Norms Summit, asked 55 experts to share their top time-saving tips, then compiled the 18 most impactful hacks just for you.

Say goodbye to trial and error and quickly leap forward with these proven longevity secrets!

It couldn’t be more simple than this!

—>>Download your complimentary 18 Tips to Biohack Your Way to Longevity quick guide!

And when you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Uncovering the Secrets to Longevity: Live Beyond the Norms Summit taking place on February 26 – March 3, 2024, where over 50 experts will teach you more about key strategies for living a longer and healthier life!

To your health and longevity!​
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani

P.S. Your journey to a longer, healthier life starts here! Unlock Chris Burres’ 18 Tips to Biohack Your Way to Longevity quick guide now!
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Does Eating Healthy When Stressed Make You Feel Better?

Eating a healthy diet can reduce the negative effects of stress on the body and builds a solid, more enduring foundation for your longterm health. Eating a well-balanced diet promotes health by reducing oxidation and inflammation, and by helping to reduce weight gain. In this video, I am joined by Evan to talk about how we can better handle stress to keep our health in tact. I can't wait for you to check it out!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cacao produces the cocoa beans that we use to make chocolate, and as it turns out, it is one of the healthiest things you can eat. Its antioxidants make it anti-inflammatory and good for your heart, among other things.
So, as you're running out to buy yourself more dark chocolate (80% cacao is our favorite!), you can catch up on the Food Matters Podcast.
In this episode, The Medicine Hunter Chris Kilham shows us how plant medicines like cacao and ashwagandha can help with many of our unique health needs.
Podcast Highlights:
05:07 Plant Medicine for Anxiety and Depression
20:14 Traditional Uses of Ashwagandha
22:52 The Potency of Cacao
34:03 The Future of Plant Medicines
59:11 Benefits of Tonka Dali and Ashwagandha for Women's Sexual and Reproductive Function
Listen to the episode here on Apple Podcasts.

And if you're less concerned with optimizing your health right now and more concerned with healing an ongoing condition, then don't miss our discussion with Dr. Christine Smith. This episode is a must-listen for anyone who needs to heal their gut or is suffering pain, inflammation, or candida. Dr. Christine even shares her six-part approach to mind-body healing she uses with clients!
Podcast Highlights:
17:19 - The power of touch
33:46 - Gut issues and inflammation
50:09 - The sequential approach to healing
51:05 - Managing candida overgrowth
53:01 - Individualized approach to detoxification
Listen to the episode here.

We make sure that each episode of the Food Matters Podcast leaves you with practical steps you can easily start implementing into your life for better health.
Want to be notified about our future podcast releases? Click here. >>
But be quick because we'll soon be releasing amazing episodes with mind-body-energy guru Brandy Gillmore, integrative nutritionist and social media star Courtney Swan, and biological optimization expert, Dr. Sean O’Mara. You won't want to miss them!
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Tomorrow at 9 pm ET, our good friend Dr. Elena Villanueva is hosting a complimentary masterclass for the public called Beyond the Pill: The Truth About Disease and Chronic Illness.
If you want to learn how thousands of people have successfully eliminated chronic symptoms and diseases like auto-immune disease, chronic fatigue, inflammation-based illnesses, brain fog, memory loss, depression, anxiety, body pain, hormone and thyroid disorders, and other chronic conditions…
You can register to watch the masterclass at NO cost here.
Dr. Elena Villanueva has dedicated her life to helping over 1 million people around the world to get affordable access to the New Model of Healthcare so they can regain their health, their mobility, sharpen their memory, and finally get their lives back.
When you join us, you can expect easy-to-understand answers and solutions for overcoming the most complex illnesses across the globe.
This information is being taught to doctors, but Dr. V has made it her mission to make this life-saving information available to you because YOU deserve to know how to take control of your healing and health.
Click Here To Join This Class At NO Cost


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Radically Transform Your Life with Natural Medicine
As women, we're often taught that we're not enough.

From a very young age, society has shown us that we should be waiting for someone to come and save us. Sure, we continue to make strides -- but only 46 years ago single women couldn't get a credit card without a male cosigner!

These kinds of inequalities have had their subtle and not-so-subtle effects on how women see themselves.

For the most part, we don't realize it.

It's just how things "are."​
4 Ways Pomegranate Extends Women's Lives
Modern women at midlife have many options when it comes to dealing with those nasty menopausal symptoms like mood swings, depression, bone loss, and fluctuating estrogen levels. But their most surprising source of natural relief may come from an ancient food: the juicy pomegranate.​
'Hidden Dangers' of Mammograms Every Woman Should Know About
Millions of women undergo them annually, but few are even remotely aware of just how many dangers they are exposing themselves to in the name of prevention, not the least of which are misdiagnosis, overdiagnosis and the promotion of breast cancer itself.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Pioneering Research: Utilizing Pancreas Enzymes to Heal Breast Cancer​

“Disease is an imbalance of autonomic physiology. The goal is to balance the nervous system. Balance is accomplished through diet, nutrient supplementation, and detoxification.” – Dr. Gonzalez, a world-famous cancer healer and a graduate of some of the most esteemed medical institutions in the world: Cornell Medical College, Vanderbilt, and Brown University.
Pancreas Enzymes and detoxification are powerful healing tools that many medical providers (and people in general) downplay or even overlook.
If you ask SIRI what enzymes do, she will say they are for to digesting food in the body. If you keep probing her, she might mention that enzymes create chemical reactions in the body. These reactions help detoxify, build muscle, and break down food particles. However, she should be updated to include that the right type of enzymes, when used correctly, can help do incredible things to heal cancer. For example, pancreatic enzymes break down the protein coating of the cancer cell so that your immune system can detect and fight it.
This is why I used high-dose pancreatic enzyme supplements during BOTH healing journeys. To this day, I still take a maintenance dose of 5 capsules of Pancreas Enzymes on an empty stomach, 3 times per day. Keep reading to review the latest research on the healing powers of enzymes and how to use them as part of your vibrant health toolbox.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 1/31, our 135th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Ep. 135 - IG - 1
Click to watch the show!​
In his "From the Heart" segment, Dr. Paul shares his joy of becoming a grandparent again, praises the natural childbirth process, and admires the calm and courage of a couple, Asha and Nick, during their home birth. He emphasizes the importance of connection and skin-to-skin contact for newborns and sends love and blessings to all expecting parents.
This week, we feature Julie Obradovic, a prominent voice in the autism community. Julie, a contributing editor of the Age of Autism blog and a founding member of the Canary Party, joins us to share her journey as detailed in her book "An Unfortunate Coincidence: A Mother's Life Inside the Autism Controversy." Her story is a powerful testament to the struggles and insights of a mother navigating the complex world of autism, vaccination, and advocacy. Having faced immense challenges, including her daughter's experience with autism following vaccination, Julie offers a unique perspective on the political and scientific aspects of the autism debate. Her experiences and insights provide invaluable guidance for parents facing similar challenges. Tune in to hear Julie's compelling story, her thoughts on the current state of autism understanding, and her advice for parents on this journey.

In closing, DeeDee Hoover shares how her interview with Julie Obradovic deeply resonated with her, particularly discussing the challenges of being a mother to a vaccine-injured child. She emphasizes the importance of inner strength and faith in overcoming these difficulties, highlighting the profound and resilient journey of motherhood. Enjoy the show!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

Did you know that the "organic" label on your food doesn't always mean it's completely free from pesticides and toxins? It's a surprising truth that many people aren't aware of.

In fact, there are more than 20 chemicals that are commonly used in the production of organic crops, and these chemicals are actually approved by the US Organic Standards. While they might be considered "natural," it doesn't necessarily mean they are always safe for us.

Take, for example, the organic pesticide rotenone. Research has shown that it can cause symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease in rats and might harm the energy-producing parts of our cells.

The truth is, our environment is filled with toxins, making it incredibly challenging to avoid them completely. But there's still hope.

Our friend and leading detox expert Wendy Myers, will share a new approach to detoxification that hasn't received widespread recognition in functional medicine yet…

And you can learn about it by watching her new series, Heavy, for F.REE starting February 15th.

Register here and get your F.REE ticket to watch this new

Explore how heavy metals and environmental chemicals contribute to a range of health issues, including obesity, diabetes, fatigue, hormone imbalances, mental health problems, digestive distress, and other chronic health conditions.

You'll also get to hear from 107 renowned health experts as they cover topics like:

✅ Identifying lead and toxins in baby formula, dog food, and protein powders

✅ Finding the safest consumer brands and food sources

✅ Understanding the presence of medications in our supposedly "clean" drinking water

✅ Exploring the six harmful ways toxins promote obesity

✅ Recognizing how toxins can mimic hormones, causing imbalances, and why hormone replacement therapy (HRT) isn't always the solution

And so much more.

This series will reveal a lot of detoxifying secrets that you won’t get anywhere else and could change your lifestyle and approach to health completely.

So if you can’t wait to explore the best-kept solutions to one of today’s worst health crises…

Register now to watch this docuseries for F.REE.

To your well-being,

The Health Answers team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi
Join me and 20 other experts at an all-new nutrition summit. I’ll be speaking about nutrition for brain health.

It’s free and online Feb 11-18 — but it’s best to register today.

By now, you’ve probably heard that food is medicine. If you’ve experienced feeling better as a result of making dietary changes, then you know first hand how powerful your diet can be.

Every bite we take literally builds us up (or tears us down) — our bodies, our actions, our moods.

You probably know someone who struggles with making healthy food choices, in part, because few of us truly understand food’s impact.

And the struggle is real. The food industry has literally hijacked our taste buds and dopamine receptors with processed foods, making it both emotionally and neurologically challenging to choose what truly nourishes us.

Food will always be our number one ally when it comes to our overall health and wellbeing. The more we know, the more power we’ll have to care for our health.

So I said YES when Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist Mary Sheila Gonnella invited me to become a featured guest in her online interview series:

The Food Solution summit 3.0
food solution summit
Learn about the foods, herbal allies, spices, and mindset solutions to optimize your health and truly rethink your relationship to your food.
There is no cost to attend Sign up Here

When you join us for this powerful interview series February 11th-18th, you’ll get to taste the life-changing power of food as medicine and connect with 20 wise and experienced food experts about nutritional and lifestyle habits that can transform your wellbeing.

The interviews in this series are only available for a limited time, so…

Get your complimentary spot in the The Food Solution summit 3.0 here.

You’ll also hear from functional medicine doctors, Ayurvedic practitioners, chefs, nutritionists, and coaches, all of whom will inspire you in the kitchen, support you in understanding how food meets your physiology, and tantalize your taste buds with fresh flavor ideas!

If you’re ready for fresh ideas and insights into your relationship with food, I’ll see you there.

Dr Heather Sandison

P.S. The Food Solution summit 3.0 is offered live at no cost, but it’s only available for a limited time, so be sure to Join the Summit 3.0 Today.
food solution summit
Click to register


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Diamond Contributor
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This Week on the Podcast...​
Don't miss this week's episode featuring Chris Joseph - Stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer Thriver and Author of Life is a Ride.

Be sure to like, follow, and review our show on your favorite podcast app to help us continue bringing you these inspiring stories of healing!​
Chris Joseph was diagnosed with Stage 3 pancreatic cancer in October 2016. He is also a dad, environmental consultant, cancer patient advocate, book author, television producer, podcaster, and founder of two music record companies and a complementary non-profit helping New Orleans musicians, and a lover of all things outdoors. Chris’ first book was “Life is a Ride: My Unconventional Journey of Cancer Recovery” and he is currently writing his next book.
Tune-in on Spotify, Apple, Google or wherever you listen to your podcasts. Visit us at the Radical Remission Project Stories That Heal Podcast to check out all of our episodes.​


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Reddit Exile
Top Harvard cancer researchers accused of faking data, committing scientific fraud:

what a surprise!...not. there are so many fakes out there screwing real sufferes and guess what? look at their houses their cars, look at their medical history have they suffered from it? they know how it feels? no
people who do suffer will cling to anything, thats human nature, would any of these experts give away cures that would make them millions if they were true? we hate spammers but these liars really deserve some pain!!

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
what a surprise!...not. there are so many fakes out there screwing real sufferes and guess what? look at their houses their cars, look at their medical history have they suffered from it? they know how it feels? no
people who do suffer will cling to anything, thats human nature, would any of these experts give away cures that would make them millions if they were true? we hate spammers but these liars really deserve some pain!!

I really believe we are exiting this era of medical lies and fraud, and of trusting the profitable medical and pharmaceutical industries. I hope so. As that old TV show the X-Files exclaimed, "the truth is out there".


Gold Contributor
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New Member
Reddit Exile
I really believe we are exiting this era of medical lies and fraud, and of trusting the profitable medical and pharmaceutical industries. I hope so. As that old TV show the X-Files exclaimed, "the truth is out there".
but those asswipes dont know that! as long as their wallets fat enough.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
but those asswipes dont know that! as long as their wallets fat enough.

Oh they know, which is why they are heavily involved in internet censorship. But they're not as successful with the censorship as they have been with the fraud, the lies and the poisons.


Gold Contributor
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New Member
Reddit Exile
Oh they know, which is why they are heavily involved in internet censorship. But they're not as successful with the censorship as they have been with the fraud, the lies and the poisons.
ike evangelists they need a kick in their bits!


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Member For 5 Years
Do you know what a healthy diet looks like? I expect that you do if you have been following my work over the years.

Most people can describe the basic principles of healthy eating, but that doesn’t mean that they actually do it. And that’s where the problem lies – because, if you follow the latest health science, one thing is clear:

Food is killing us, more than any other cause.

It's not that we don’t know what to eat, or that we aren’t trying hard enough to eat a healthy diet. The real challenge goes much deeper than knowing what a healthy diet looks like. And whether you're trying to lose weight, or you’re face chronic health conditions, or you simply want to be in charge of your health, I’ve got an important invitation for you:

My friend, Chef AJ, is hosting a groundbreaking summit...
Chef AJ Truth Weight Loss image copy
The Truth About Weight Loss Summit
Click here and register now

Chef AJ has invited me to be one of the 45 world-renowned experts who will tackle all the hard questions and break down exactly how to thrive without counting calories, portion control, exercise, shakes, pills...
Over the course of nine days, we’ll show you how to turn science into action. You'll get the best tips from people who've been in your shoes, like...
  • Tami, who ended 40 years of yo-yo dieting
  • Tim, who weighed over 400 pounds and was on 20 meds
  • Chuck, who was addicted to Taco Bell and couldn't stop.
  • Jamie, who is cursed with a slow metabolism and found herself severely overweight..
Plus, you’ll be able to connect and get support in a live community chat that’s available during the summit! So this may be helpful for you to glean further motivation and connection with like-minded people, who have struggled in their past, and managed to overcome their difficulties with sticking with healthful eating.

>> So register today by clicking here

And even if you’re already at a healthy weight, this summit will strengthen your conviction to continue on your path in a world full of junk food and temptations.

Speakers include: myself, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Barbara Rolls, Dr. Doug Lisle, Dr. Alan Goldhamer, Dr. Joan Ifland, Cyrus Khambatta PhD, Dr. William Li, Dr. Columbus Batiste, Dr. Will Bulsiewicz and many more…

While you may know, I may not agree with everything that is said during this and other summits, I still feel it has value to hear from a variety of experts. I know you’ll likely glean some valuable – and even life-changing – information. And, though I share – and promote the summits that I speak in – to my list, I also know that some elements can be confusing or even incorrect, I am always here at to help you sort through any confusion.

Click here to secure your spot now.

Last but not least: I look forward to seeing you at the summit!

Joel Fuhrman, M.D.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I really believe we are exiting this era of medical lies and fraud, and of trusting the profitable medical and pharmaceutical industries. I hope so. As that old TV show the X-Files exclaimed, "the truth is out there".
I seriously doubt it, we will be plagued with this as long as people believe them and there are sooooo many that are just plain ignorant and can't comprehend that they are bein lied too by their trusted so called doctors :crazy:. That is one of the reasons I started this thread, to spread the truth and help them understand. ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello, Jimi!​

A third of all Americans will suffer from cancer in their lifetime. By 2040, this number is expected to be one in two.

Alarming as this may seem, there’s an extremely common misconception that cancer cannot be effectively treated or cured through innovative testing and treatment — and that we must all adhere to a one-size-fits-all standard of care!

Which is why our friend Ryan Sternagel is hosting a LIVE Q&A call with one of the top holistic cancer doctors in the world, Dr. Jason Miller…

Owner and founder of Jade Mountain Medicine Inc. in Ashland, Oregon, Dr. Jason Miller specializes in the collaborative management of patients with cancer and chronic diseases.

He is so well known for his success in helping people reverse and prevent cancer that he spends half of his time seeing patients and the other half training other doctors through the renowned Mederi Foundation.

He's TRULY integrative and has a deep knowledge of things like Traditional Chinese Medicine while having his finger on the pulse of all the latest clinical trials in the institutional world.

--->>That’s why we’re sending you this special invitation to join Dr. Jason Miller and Ryan Sternagel for a LIVE Q&A session taking place on Thursday, February 1, at 8pm U.S. Eastern!
Sometimes the best way to shortcut your healing journey is to pick the right brains, and…

Dr. Miller’s brain is overflowing with decades of hard-earned wisdom about personalized cancer treatment!

This is your opportunity to ask your most burning cancer questions and to receive answers drawn from decades of medical experience.

--->>We’ll see you online at the Going Integrative+ LIVE Q&A when you register today!
Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Treating Atrial Fibrillation

Dr. Chauncey Crandall, M.D., writes:

Atrial fibrillation is a potentially serious condition that causes the heart to pulsate rapidly at 300 to 600 beats per minute. This can trigger symptoms such as:

• Palpitations
• Weakness
• Reduced ability to exercise
• Fatigue
• Lightheadedness
• Shortness of breath
• Chest pain

Atrial fibrillation also causes blood flow to become irregular, which means it can pool and form a clot, increasing the risk of stroke. People with chronic atrial fibrillation are five times more likely to have a stroke than those with a normal heartbeat.

Special: The Shocking Truth About Magnesium

Research has also linked the condition to memory loss.

Depending on the underlying cause of atrial fibrillation and how long you’ve had it, doctors may be able to reset your sinus rhythm using a procedure called electrical cardioversion. During this brief procedure, an electric shock is delivered to the heart through paddles or patches placed on the chest; this shock stops the heart’s electrical activity for a moment. The goal is to reset the heart’s normal rhythm.

In most cases, one to three shocks will restore the normal sinus rhythm. But how long it will stay that way is not predictable, so medication is often prescribed to help prevent future episodes.

Treatment of atrial fibrillation has also changed in recent years, with earlier intervention now found to be preferable. The main reason for early intervention is that it avoids the possibility that atrial fibrillation will result in a process called “heart remodeling,” which refers to changes in the heart’s size and shape that occur in response to cardiac disease or cardiac damage.

When you remodel your house, it’s often a good thing. Not so with remodeling of the heart. In general, the greater the degree of ventricular remodeling, the worse a person’s outcome is likely to be.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I seriously doubt it, we will be plagued with this as long as people believe them and there are sooooo many that are just plain ignorant and can't comprehend that they are bein lied too by their trusted so called doctors :crazy:. That is one of the reasons I started this thread, to spread the truth.

It's good you did start this thread, and I enjoy reading it, but the truth is spreading. People who lack curiosity, I would even say who lack an active intellect, believe the TV, which is heavily funded by pharma with massive ad buys, but TV news is crumbling underneath them. Viewership keeps falling and falling. One of them started an online version that was an abject fail.

Yes, it's painfully slow, but people are finding out, and the trickle will become a stream, and one day the stream will be a flood, and we will be free. In the mean time, "do your own research" has more meaning than ever.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yes, it's painfully slow, but people are finding out, and the trickle will become a stream, and one day the stream will be a flood, and we will be free. In the mean time, "do your own research" has more meaning than ever.
Yes some are listenin but those same ones are too scared to try natural ways. I have tried to help several here who had cancer, their oncologist told them I was a witchdoctor and crazy. Well I may be crazy but I am still here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Our colleague Dr. Kevin Dobrzynski has an amazing message for anyone worried about Dementia. Keep reading...

-your friends at Well Daily

Can you now “breathe away” Alzheimer’s memory loss?

Incredibly, new science is showing a simple “breathing technique”

That can be done from your own home…

REVERSED memory loss in Alzheimer’s and dementia sufferers.

Researchers called it the best improvement ever seen in an Alzheimer’s patient.

Are you concerned about your or a loved one’s memory as you age?

Go here to see everything you need now >>

– Dr. Kevin Dobrzynski


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
It’s no secret that falling in love affects the heart and brain. Romantic phrases like my heart skipped a beat and head over heels allude to the topsy-turvy feeling that falling in love can bring — and that’s no coincidence.
While something as complex as love can’t be defined by physiology alone, researchers have uncovered some of the science behind what this powerful emotion does to the heart and brain.
While the heart plays a role, the brain is ultimately responsible for creating those exhilarating, euphoric feelings associated with falling in love. What’s fascinating is how key neural pathways activate specific hormones and neurotransmitters when we are swept off our feet by someone.
There are four chemical messengers that play a significant role in love, including dopamine and oxytocin. Discover how each one lights up the brain in a different way — increasing your joy, happiness, and health!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Open-Heart Medicine Webinar
Did you know the heart is considered the “Emperor” of the body in Chinese medicine, the most important organ in the body? Its ability to pump blood tirelessly, deliver nutrients to every cell in the body, and support overall health is awe-inspiring.
But there is a whole other side to the heart beyond its physical functions. I call it Open-Heart Medicine, or the practice of living with an open heart. When you allow your heart to remain open and non-judgmental, you create a harmonious flow of energy throughout your body, allowing for deep healing to take place.
Please join me for a new webinar where I’ll be exploring the science and significance behind Open-Heart Medicine, including how it can help you:
  • Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and improve immune and cardiovascular health
  • Be more receptive to emotions, experiences, and the world around you
  • Develop more compassion toward others and enhance your relationships
  • Align with your true purpose
  • Tap into the heart’s innate intelligence, creating a positive ripple effect on your health and the well-being of others
During the webinar, I’ll share my tips on incorporating heart-centered practices into your daily routine for true transformation and infinite healing. Prepare to embark on a journey of self-discovery as we unlock and appreciate the immense potential of our hearts!
>> Click here to sign up!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As you can imagine being in my position interviewing and hosting Q&A calls with holistic & integrative cancer doctors is a big part of what I do for a living Jim…

The question I get asked, on almost a daily basis, is “Who’s the BEST cancer doctor?”

My answer is always the same, there is no best, but we do bring ONLY the best of the best doctors onto our Going Integrative Plus Q&A calls…

and whoever you resonate most with, out of that select group of the best of the best, is the best one for YOU.

That said, when a friend or a friend of a friend has a concern…

and that person hasn’t had the luxury of attending all our live calls, and binging on the massive library of replays, to find their soul doctor so to speak…

I do have a short list of docs I typically tell people to start with, and always hanging out around the tip top of that list is Dr. Jason “Cedar” Miller…

and he’ll be answering audience cancer questions LIVE TONIGHT on our Going Integrative Plus “call open to all!”

(As in these are usually private calls but you can come to this one even if you’re not in the program… yet!) :)

You can register to attend live tonight (Thursday) at 5pm PT / 8pm ET and/or catch the replay here!!

If we’re lucky, maybe someone will ask how he got the nickname Cedar, because I just realized I have no idea. :)



If you can take that much Ryan in one day…

(I wouldn’t be surprised if these double call days are Teddy’s favorite days because I’m out of the house in the office all day) ;)

I’ll be live with my friend Ian Farrar of Purium talking about the “Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation” aka “this is a fantastic place to start covering all your nutritional and healing bases” pack and program!!

This will be a great call to go over just what all “the bases” are so you can get a better understanding of the main priorities we have in our supplement rotation…

And Purium definitely made a great jumping off point with this program!

THIS call will be happening this (Thursday) afternoon at 1pm PT 4pm ET and you can register to attend + ask questions live / catch the replay / get the webinar only deal here!!

See you once or twice in a bit!

- Ryan Sternagel & The Anti-Cancer Revolution Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Inflammaging: The Role of Inflammation in Aging

As we age, our body starts to slow down, break down, and develop various symptoms, ailments, and diseases. We accept this as a fact without thinking much about it. One of the reasons for age-related symptoms and diseases is inflammaging, a low-grade inflammation that develops with advanced age.

Many don’t know, but you don’t have to accept symptoms of inflammaging as an unavoidable consequence of aging. It doesn’t have to be this way. You can live a vibrant and healthy life at any age.

With proper nutrition and lifestyle strategies, you can slow the inflammaging process and reduce your risk of age-related symptoms and health issues.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Bad Circulation: Symptoms, Root Causes and Support Strategies

Your circulatory system is a system in your body that includes your heart and blood vessels. Good circulation is critical for heart health, immune health, brain function, wound healing, and other important functions.

It supports your organs, tissues, and health, and helps your body to stay alive and thrive. Bad circulation may increase your risk of some serious health issues, including serious cardiovascular problems.

Supporting good circulation is critical for your health and well-being.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello, Jimi!​

Did you know that around 80% of adults might have sleep apnea?

If you often feel tired during the day, snore, wake up during the night, and have trouble with your memory, mood, appetite or staying motivated…

You could be one of them!

And if left unaddressed, it can cause serious health problems like high blood pressure, heart problems, or even worse – a stroke.

--->>Learn how to break free from the cycle of sleeplessness when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Be sure to mark your calendar for February 6-12, 2024!​
Dr. Audrey Wells will be your host at the Deep Sleep Summit. After more than 15 years of experience helping people with sleep issues and weight management. Dr. Wells combines her medical knowledge and life coaching skills to help people sleep better and control their weight. Her struggle with insomnia and her journey to find deep sleep show her dedication to her field and make her a person others can relate.

At the Sleep Deep Summit, you'll learn:
  • Cutting-edge strategies and expert insights
  • How to conquer sleep apnea and insomnia once and for all
  • Practical tips and techniques for immediate implementation
  • Connect with a supportive community on the same journey to restful nights
  • Inspiring success stories from individuals who have overcome sleep struggles
  • And more!
Learn from 50+ of today’s leading experts on how to break free from the cycle of sleeplessness – including doctors, researchers and authors – at the Sleep Deep Summit taking place on February 6-12, 2024!

--->>Register today and take the first step towards a well-rested, energized you!
Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi

To say that we’re being exposed to more and more toxic chemicals every day is an understatement.

Research has shown that over 3,000 new and untested chemicals are being released into our environment every year. And that’s on top of the 100,000 toxic chemicals we’re already exposed to on a daily basis which can cause a number of life-altering diseases.

A while back, detoxing used to be a luxury; something that people do if they want better-than-average health. But now, it’s a necessity.

The problem is that it’s getting harder and harder for us to protect ourselves from these toxins which keep on adding up every day. So how do we catch up?

Our good friend, renowned heavy metal expert and detox specialist Wendy Myers, can answer that question and more in her new limited-release docuseries, Heavy.

The first episode starts streaming on February 15th, and you can watch that - as well as the other episodes - for F.REE!

Register here and get your F.REE ticket to watch this new

For this series, Wendy has gathered 107 wellness leaders to share their expertise, insights and best recommendations to effectively detox despite the mounting assault from these health-threatening toxins.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll learn from them:

✅ The lead and toxins hiding in baby formula, dog food, and protein powders

✅ The 6 deadly ways toxins promote obesity

✅ Medications that are found in our so-called “clean” drinking water

✅ The sneaky way that toxins mimic hormones causing imbalances — and why HRT isn’t the solution

✅ The easiest and most effective things you can do to detox your body every day

And a lot more!

Much of the information you’ll discover in this series is highly confidential and will expose the blind spots of traditional and functional medicine in effectively addressing our health today.

So expect a few explosive moments and revealing truths that will change the way you see your health and how you safeguard yourself from the toxins that are all around you.

Can’t wait to know how to live better and thrive in our world today?

Register now to watch this groundbreaking docuseries for F.REE.

Your companions in health,

The Conquering Cancer team

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