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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi, Everyone!

In 2008, what started as a "feel-good experiment" exploded into the phenomenon now known as "The Power of Eight." Join me as we learn all about the remarkable healing influence of focused group intention from world-renowned author, public speaker, and spiritual and integrative health guru Lynne McTaggart.

During this groundbreaking Cancer Conversation, Lynne will share how gathering in a small group and focusing healing intentions on one another has measurable, profound effects on health and wellbeing. She has seen it time and again during her lectures and classes around the world and will share just a smattering of these extraordinary stories with us.

Tune in to see how:
  • A clinical psychiatrist was able to finally discover the actual cause and reverse decades of crippling depression.
  • A partially paralyzed man regained feeling in his atrophied limb.
  • A woman with multiple sclerosis pushed away her wheelchair and stood on her own two feet.
  • A Vietnam veteran overcame his PTSD symptoms and found love and joy in life—for the first time ever.
  • A shy and writer’s block-riddled author overcame her fears and found her way to the top of the best-sellers list.
  • A woman with a rare liver disorder received not ONE but TWO clean bills of health from two separate clinicians.

Though these testimonials may sound too good to be true, Lynne has spent the last 15+ years delving into why and how The Power of Eight leads to miraculous, measurable, and positive outcomes.

Of the 41 groups (and counting!) she has tested this practice on, an impressive 37 have had profound effects. That is more effective than any drug…and all comes from the power within.

The best part? These healing gifts are not only beneficial to those on the receiving end. The people who bestow these positive, healing thoughts on others reap the benefits as well.

The Power of Eight is too much for me to explain in one short email, so keep your eyes peeled for the link to this life-changing webinar on Tuesday, February 6th, around 5 PM PST (our typical broadcast time).

I can’t wait to share this very special Cancer Conversation with all of you.
To your health,

Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The World Premiere of the Better Brain Blueprint begins Wednesday, February 7th! Are you coming?
We’re so thrilled to share this empowering series with you! If you haven’t registered yet, it’s not too late. Just click here to register so you can join us for this FREE broadcast!
Here’s what you can expect if you join us:
  • You’ll get totally FREE access to watch all 12 episodes in the Better Brain Blueprint series as they’re broadcast online over the course of 12 days.
  • Each 30-45 minute episode will bring you powerful science in a rich, easily digestible way with actionable recommendations for building a better brain.
  • When you tune in, you’ll learn simple tools and tactics you can use to help protect, heal, and keep your brain sharp – no matter what your age is!
  • You’ll also discover practical tips and actionable steps you can take to help improve your brain and mental health right now and for decades to come.
  • Starting Wednesday, you will begin receiving emails each morning with your link to watch that day’s episode. (This is why it’s so important that you register here today!)
  • You’ll have 24 hours to watch each episode, at your convenience, each day! Then it will be replaced with the next episode in the series.
When you join us for this online broadcast, you’ll receive life-changing information you can’t find anywhere else, straight from the world's top researchers and clinicians on the frontlines of brain science and mental health!
No matter what your health history looks like or what your age is, you have the power to improve your brain function by incorporating the information from this series into your daily life.
If you want to feel better, think clearer, have more energy, and generally enjoy life more, this series is the blueprint.
-->> Click Here to register FREE for the World Premiere of the Better Brain Blueprint!

Then, set a reminder for yourself and get ready for the life-changing information that’s headed your way!
It all starts Wednesday at 9:00 AM ET. Don’t miss out!
We’ll see you there!
In health,
- The Better Brain Blueprint Team
P.S. - Are you experiencing low energy, depressed mood, anxiety, or trouble concentrating? If you are, you’re certainly not alone. But the great news is this: Groundbreaking research from across the world is telling us that you have the power to heal your brain and help reverse these common issues.
-->> Register here and tune in tomorrow to learn more about how!


Gold Contributor
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Reddit Exile
The World Premiere of the Better Brain Blueprint begins Wednesday, February 7th! Are you coming?
We’re so thrilled to share this empowering series with you! If you haven’t registered yet, it’s not too late. Just click here to register so you can join us for this FREE broadcast!
Here’s what you can expect if you join us:
  • You’ll get totally FREE access to watch all 12 episodes in the Better Brain Blueprint series as they’re broadcast online over the course of 12 days.
  • Each 30-45 minute episode will bring you powerful science in a rich, easily digestible way with actionable recommendations for building a better brain.
  • When you tune in, you’ll learn simple tools and tactics you can use to help protect, heal, and keep your brain sharp – no matter what your age is!
  • You’ll also discover practical tips and actionable steps you can take to help improve your brain and mental health right now and for decades to come.
  • Starting Wednesday, you will begin receiving emails each morning with your link to watch that day’s episode. (This is why it’s so important that you register here today!)
  • You’ll have 24 hours to watch each episode, at your convenience, each day! Then it will be replaced with the next episode in the series.
When you join us for this online broadcast, you’ll receive life-changing information you can’t find anywhere else, straight from the world's top researchers and clinicians on the frontlines of brain science and mental health!
No matter what your health history looks like or what your age is, you have the power to improve your brain function by incorporating the information from this series into your daily life.
If you want to feel better, think clearer, have more energy, and generally enjoy life more, this series is the blueprint.
-->> Click Here to register FREE for the World Premiere of the Better Brain Blueprint!

Then, set a reminder for yourself and get ready for the life-changing information that’s headed your way!
It all starts Wednesday at 9:00 AM ET. Don’t miss out!
We’ll see you there!

In health,
- The Better Brain Blueprint Team

P.S. - Are you experiencing low energy, depressed mood, anxiety, or trouble concentrating? If you are, you’re certainly not alone. But the great news is this: Groundbreaking research from across the world is telling us that you have the power to heal your brain and help reverse these common issues.
-->> Register here and tune in tomorrow to learn more about how!

the brain only powers itself. we are not smart enough to play with it


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
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Reddit Exile

Hey Jimi

We’ve always talked about the importance of eating the right foods to boost your health and protect yourself from diseases like cancer.

But why stop there?

And what if it were possible to make these healthy foods more potent?

If you want to find out how, we recommend you check out this F.REE e-book: Your Guide To Fermentation At Home.

Download your F.REE copy now.
Just imagine enjoying even more benefits from the already healthy foods that you’re eating…

And doing so without you having to spend on additional pills or supplements because all the ingredients you need to ferment these foods are already in your kitchen?

That’s what fermentation can do for you, and this e-book will show you how to do that - from the ingredients and equipment you need to the step-by-step process of fermentation.

You’ll also get to enjoy 11 recipes of the most popular fermented foods and beverages out there!

Excited to learn how to elevate your health beyond just better through fermented foods?

Grab your F.REE copy now and discover the benefits of fermentation.

To your health,

The Conquering Cancer team
for the right foods, just ask the jungle people plus they give advice free.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Posting for @Jimi who is out shining his light in a very dark place right now. I don't get all of the feeds he does, but I do get GreenMediInfo, so this:

Wheatgrass Rapidly Reverses Cataracts (Animal Model): A Closer Look at the Regenerative Biochemistry Involved



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
There’s one big problem with inflammation that people don’t usually talk about.

Finding out if you have it, most of the time, requires some detective work.

Some signs can be obvious: redness, swelling, or feeling hot to the touch.

But some of the signs can mimic other conditions and can be too subtle to notice.

In fact, symptoms like eczema, psoriasis, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, depression, brain fog, and joint issues all point to one underlying cause…

Chronic inflammation.

So many people are not even aware they have any inflammation until they run lab tests!

These symptoms are the alarm bells of the body letting us know that something is not right. If we ignore these symptoms when they are mild, they will only get louder until we are forced to stop and listen.

Unfortunately, most people don’t know how to stop inflammation in its tracks.

That’s why today, I’m inviting you to watch the brand-new masterclass called The Inflammation Solution.

Health researchers Sarah Otto and her husband Matt Potts (creators of ‘The Gut Solution’, ‘The Gut-Brain Solution’ & ‘The Gut Immune Solution’), this masterclass is a stunning and practical solution to the onslaught of inflammation that is robbing us of health and vitality today.​
Over 20 leading scientists will give you the latest natural protocols to halt—and even reverse—the chronic ‘death loop’ of inflammation in your body right now.

This is something that natural health practitioners have been sounding the alarm about for decades, but only now is the mainstream scientific community jumping on board.

The Inflammation Solution Masterclass could be a life-saving event for you and your loved one.

Don't miss this masterclass airing February 19 - March 3.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How Exactly Does Lyrica Work?
Lyrica is the first prescription medication approved to treat fibromyalgia. Because fibromyalgia patients typically do not respond to conventional painkillers like aspirin, Lyrica affects the brain and the perception of pain. Pfizer’s Lyrica, known generically as pregabalin, binds to receptors in the brain and spinal cord and seems to reduce activity in the central nervous system....
Side Effects of Lyrica
There are many side effects that are considered "normal" of Lyrica. However, it should be noted that if these symptoms occur, they should be brought to the attention of the prescribing doctor. You must keep in mind that the FDA often approves drugs that will result in certain side effects. However, they do so on the notion that the benefits of the prescription will outweigh the consequences associated with side effects in the long run. The following outlines some of the "common" side effects of Lyrica: - Experiencing Weight Gain - Blurred Vision - Body Tremors - Possible Insomnia - Gastrointestinal Difficulties, i.e. Diarrhea and Constipation - Mild to Severe Headaches - Nausea - Swelling in Hands - Dry Mouth - Swelling in Ankles - Dizziness - Drowsiness - Possible Fainting...
Lower Your "Risks" with Vitamin E
This study needs to be placed in context. Vitamin E has been studied for many years and there are literally thousands of citations in the scientific literature. There is solid evidence showing the benefits of vitamin E, including double-blind clinical trials, that report 400 to 800 IU of natural vitamin E can reduce heart attacks....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Lower Your "Risks" with Vitamin E
Vitamin E has been studied for many years and there are literally thousands of citations in the scientific literature. There is solid evidence showing the benefits of vitamin E, including double-blind clinical trials, that report 400 to 800 IU of natural vitamin E can reduce heart attacks....
Easy Ways to Make Better Nutritional Choices
An easy way to make your nutritional choices is to look for foods that are bright in color, for they usually contain more beneficial vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. For example, red and pink grapefruit have the heart-healthy cancer-fighting antioxidant phytochemical called lycopene while white grapefruit does not. Here are seven more simple ways to start eating healthier...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Best Natural Ways To Address Skin And Histamine Issues
Hey Jim,

Discover the top 5 ways to burn belly fat through the lens of functional medicine in our latest podcast! Dive deep into holistic approaches focusing on root causes, addressing hormonal imbalances, gut health, and nutrition.

Learn about the power of targeted exercises and lifestyle habits that promote optimal metabolic function. Say goodbye to quick fixes and embrace sustainable, science-backed strategies. Click below for your comprehensive guide to a flatter, healthier midsection!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
The Top 5 Ways To Burn Belly Fast - Lab Tests That Will Help! | Live Podcast #402
In this episode, we cover:

01:25 – Insulin and Blood Sugar Levels
05:12 – Inflammation
10:18 – Interval Training
15:13 – Eat enough so you are satiated: Proteins and Fats
18:12 – Intermittent Fasting
20:54 – Summary

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
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Why Do I Have Low Motivation

In this podcast, you'll learn what physiological issues may be behind ylow motivation as well as the functional medicine strategies, hormones, and lifestyle changes you need to do to improve your mood and overall health function!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Reset Your Nervous System in Just 12 Minutes

Join Lauren Walker in a rejuvenating session of Energy Medicine Yoga, specifically designed to reset and rebalance your nervous system. This session combines the ancient wisdom of yoga with the modern understanding of energy medicine to create a powerful practice that can bring harmony to your body and mind. Whether you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or simply seeking a deeper connection with yourself, this session is an ideal way to bring balance back to your life. Lauren Walker's expert guidance makes this practice accessible and beneficial for everyone, regardless of your yoga experience.

-->> Reset Your Nervous System in Just 12 Minutes
Stefan Rudolph: On Conquering Addiction & Reversing Epilepsy

Join me and Stefan Rudolph in a candid conversation about our personal battles with addiction, the journey towards sobriety, and how we transformed our lives. From struggles to triumphs, this discussion sheds light on overcoming life's toughest challenges and finding new beginnings.

-->> Listen Here on Apple, Spotify or Google
-->> Watch here on Youtube


Diamond Contributor
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Introduction to Medicinal Mushrooms​

In this video, join Tradd Cotter as he walks you through a gallery of common species of medicinal mushrooms that can be easily grown or harvested wild.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

What are Cordyceps Mushrooms?​

What are cordyceps, and what are cordyceps good for? William Padilla-Brown demystifies the "zombie mushroom," talking cultivation, benefits, and more!​

Growing Mushrooms Outdoors in the City​

Learn about growing mushrooms outdoors in the city that you can harvest, eat, and enjoy, including photographed step-by-step instructions.​


Diamond Contributor
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check out these recent episodes from Rosie Radio:



Diamond Contributor
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Sugar Cane Extract “Policosanol” Puts Toxic Statin 'Heart Drugs' To Shame
A natural sugar cane extract called policosanol is emerging as a promising alternative or adjunct to statins for lowering cardiovascular disease risk factors like high cholesterol and blood pressure.​
Should You Add Whey Protein to Your Daily Routine?
Using whey protein has the potential to enhance your overall health and longevity.​
Research Reveals Plants Can Think, Choose & Remember
Modern science is only beginning to catch up to the wisdom of the ancients: plants possess sentience and a rudimentary form of intelligence.​


6 Powerful Benefits of Cacao
Cacao is a powerful medicinal substance used since ancient times. Researchers have now gathered evidence of its proven health benefits.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Alternative Medicine Not Magic Solution for Heart Health

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Although alternative medicine can play a role in heart health, too many people look to it because they are seeking a magic way to solve their problem.

But when it comes to your health, there is no magical solution.

The closest thing to magic is simple lifestyle change — the kind that you do day in and day out.

Special: Top Cardiologist Reveals Secret for a Healthy Heart

This means the following:

  • Lose weight. Strive to get to what you weighed in high school.
  • Reduce stress. Studies continue to point this out as a significant heart disease risk factor.
  • Follow a plant-based diet. This means largely vegetarian eating.
  • Exercise. A daily one-hour walk does wonders.
  • Get enough sleep. Your goal should be at least eight hours a night.
Following this program helps you conquer heart disease and maximize the effect of any conventional or alternative therapies.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cancer Conversation Season 3 Episode 3 Full Video

Have you ever wondered just how much positive influence a small group of people could have if they all focused intently on the same goal or outcome?

In 2008, what started as a “feel-good experiment” exploded into the phenomenon now known as “The Power of Eight.” Join me as we learn all about the remarkable healing influence of focused group intention from world-renowned author, public speaker, and spiritual and integrative health guru Lynne McTaggart.

During tonight’s groundbreaking Cancer Conversation, Lynne will share how gathering in a small group and focusing healing intentions on one another has measurable, profound effects on health and wellbeing. She has seen it time and again during her lectures and classes around the world and will share just a smattering of these extraordinary stories with us.

Tune in now to see how:

  • A clinical psychiatrist was able to finally discover the actual cause and reverse decades of crippling depression.
  • A partially paralyzed man regained feeling in his atrophied limb.
  • A woman with multiple sclerosis pushed away her wheelchair and stood on her own two feet.
  • A Vietnam veteran overcame his PTSD symptoms and found love and joy in life—for the first time ever.
  • A shy and writer’s block-riddled author overcame her fears and found her way to the top of the best-sellers list.
  • A woman with a rare liver disorder received not ONE but TWO clean bills of health from two separate clinicians.
Though these testimonials may sound too good to be true, Lynne has spent the last 15+ years delving into why and how The Power of Eight leads to miraculous, measurable, and positive outcomes.

Of the 41 groups (and counting!) she has tested this practice on, an impressive 37 have had profound effects. That is more effective than any drug…and all comes from the power within.

The best part? These healing gifts are not only beneficial to those on the receiving end. The people who bestow these positive, healing thoughts on others reap the benefits as well.

Just click on the link below to view the Cancer Conversation Season 3 Episode 3: The Power of Eight with our special guest Lynne McTaggart.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Or that extra weight leads to a 60 times greater risk of diabetes and speeds up the early onset of all chronic diseases?

Weight loss is not a vanity goal.

That’s why I want to invite you to a unique (free!) online event featuring 45 of the most trusted wellness experts—The Truth About Weight Loss.

>> Click here to grab your spot and start reducing your waistline and risk of chronic illness.

Over the course of nine days, you'll discover:

  • Why it's so hard to eat healthfully (getting off track is not your fault)
  • The "calorie penalty"...the surprising reason others can eat more calories than you and not gain weight
  • A proven method to stop snacking (and what the urge to snack tells you about your health)
  • The exact steps you need to take to end yo-yo dieting (and the science of breaking old habits)
  • How you can eat until you’re full and satisfied with every meal and still lose weight (revealed by the world's leading researcher on satiety, who rarely gives interviews)
And so much more, including first-hand accounts from people who've been in your shoes and will inspire you to take action.

>> Click here to review the line-up and claim your complimentary spot today.

Even if obesity doesn’t affect you directly, we all face the same challenging food environment…chances are someone you care about needs to hear this. So please forward this email to anyone who comes to mind—this summit is for everyone and free of charge.

To your lifelong health, free of chronic disease,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

"A snow day literally and figuratively falls from the sky,
unbidden, and seems like a thing of wonder.”​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi ,

Imagine receiving the devastating news: "You have cancer." Those words echo in the minds of countless individuals who find themselves facing one of life's greatest challenges.

Elaine Gibson knows this all too well. Her world turned upside down when her doctor uttered those words and delivered the grim prognosis: stage 4 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, spreading throughout her body, with a prognosis that shook her to the core.

But Elaine's story isn't one of defeat; it's a testament to resilience, courage, and the power of holistic healing.

Despite the dire prognosis, Elaine refused to surrender to despair. She fought back with unwavering determination, seeking out holistic treatments and embracing a mindset of hope and healing.

Against all odds, Elaine emerged victorious, not once but twice, overcoming stage 1 cancer years earlier and defying expectations by beating stage 4 cancer with holistic therapies.

Her journey is a powerful reminder that cancer is not the end of the road. With the right information and a steadfast resolve, you can overcome this disease and reclaim your life.

Elaine recently shared her remarkable story with us, detailing the strategies and holistic approaches that helped her defy the odds and emerge stronger than ever.

And now, I invite you to join us on this journey of hope and healing.

As a member of the Healing Life community, you'll gain access to Elaine's inspiring story and a wealth of resources designed to support you on your path to wellness. From expert insights to survivor testimonials, our Healing Life Library offers a comprehensive blueprint for overcoming cancer naturally.

Don't let cancer define you. Take the first step towards healing and join us in the Healing Life community today.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Tracking Biometric Data with David Korsunsky
Hey Jim,

On this episode, David Korsunsky from Heads Up Health joins me to talk about the different ways to track your biometrics, your blood glucose/your continuous glucose monitor, your biometric data, functional medicine test - as well as WHY this matters.

I see this as a big problem in the functional medicine field.

People have all this data. How do you consolidate? How do you track it? How do you measure? How do you monitor it? And why track it in the first place?

We'll be talking to Dave all about that in this show!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Best Way To Track Your Blood Glucose, Glucose Peptides, Biometric Data & Functional Medicine Tests
In this episode, Dave and I discuss some of the challenges of consolidating and monitoring this data and how Heads Up Health offers a solution that makes health data measurable and understandable for individuals.

We also explore the future of health tracking, which includes passive sensor data collection and at-home lab tests.

If you've been curious about continuous glucose monitors (which allow individuals to track their blood sugar levels in real-time and make necessary adjustments to their diet and lifestyle) or have interest in peptides for weight loss and other health benefits, we cover that, too!

In this episode, we cover:

– Heads Up Software
02:56 – Blood Glucose Monitoring
11:10 – Peptides Monitoring
12:06 – Health History Consolidation
18:20 – Weight Loss Peptides

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
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Top 5 Reasons You Are Losing Muscle Mass

Whether you are trying to be a body builder, or just want to be capable of normal human functions– muscle mass is vital!

In this video, Evan and I discuss the top reasons you lose muscle mass– aside from aging. We'll also go over what you can do to combat age-related muscle loss to stay healthy and able for life!

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How Pamela Reversed Cancer Naturally

Join me and Stefan Rudolph in a candid conversation about our personal battles with addiction, the journey towards sobriety, and how we transformed our lives. From struggles to triumphs, this discussion sheds light on overcoming life's toughest challenges and finding new beginnings.

-->> Listen Here on Apple, Spotify or Google
-->> Watch here on Youtube


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
While complex meal prep can be fun and even relaxing, some days, you might just want to throw a bunch of ingredients into the oven and come back in an hour to a delicious, fully-cooked meal.
That’s where a sheet pan meal can truly shine.
Find out all about sheet pan meals and how they can save you time while expanding your culinary awesomeness right here.
Yours for simple solutions,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Sheet pan meals can be a great way to produce a healthy, home-cooked meal without breaking a sweat. Get the whole story and some amazing and healthy recipes right here.

Food Revolution Network, Inc., PO Box 3563, Santa Cruz, CA,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Discover the RIGHT diet for you with​

the Nutrition Genome Test​

It seems like every month, a “health guru” claims that a new diet will solve all your problems. It’s “critical to go Keto, cut the fat, eat more fats, low-carb is the law, plant-based is the only way…” As a result, there is much confusion and contradictions about what you should eat or not eat. It gets pretty frustrating! I get it becasue I felt like that at one time, until I discovered the Nutrition Genome test.
Like I always say: Don’t guess and stress—TEST.

Let Food Be Thy Medicine​

No one knows you better than your actual genes. Instead of following the diet flavor of the week, eat precisely what your body needs for healing and health. Especially on a breast cancer healing journey, what you eat is critical to how well your body and immune system function. This is why Essential #1: Let Food Be Your Medicine (in my 7 Essentials System®) is a top priority.
Food is the foundation of your health; it fuels your cells and organs. If you ingest toxic food or too much of the wrong food, your health will suffer. You really are what you eat. Therefore, taking a whole-body personalized approach to diet and lifestyle is vital to your journey to a vibrantly healthy life.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

After the UK Parliament we went to Ireland, which could be instrumental against the WHO. Tess Lawrie wrote a great piece on our day in Dublin, which I reproduce with some comments.​



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Member For 5 Years
What Causes Sleep Problems?

Dr. David Brownstein, M.D., writes:

Although there are a variety of conditions that can cause sleep problems, the end result of these conditions is a disruption in the body’s normal sleep-wake cycle.

In my medical training, I was taught to take a complete history from a patient in order to understand their concerns. In the case of a sleep disorder, a history is vital to understanding what is causing the patient’s issues.

Special: The Simple Secret to Really Good Sleep

Conditions that can cause sleep disorders include:

  • Aging
  • Arthritis
  • Dental disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Ingesting too much alcohol or marijuana
  • Heart disease
  • Lung disorders such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Taking certain medications such as stimulants
  • Pain in the body
  • Prescription medication problems
  • Psychiatric disorders including depression and anxiety
Taking a thorough patient history is vital to treating a sleep complaint because the treatment differs for each of the conditions above. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis is required to provide the best treatment.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

World Premiere of Better Brain Blueprint Online Series February 7th Through the 18th
What are your plans for protecting your Brain Health this year? Dr. Austin Perlmutter, the host of "Better Brain Blueprint: The Science of Mental and Cognitive Wellness," a free online series Feb. 7th - 18th, gives you the blueprint for better brain health.

Dr. Dale Bredesen joined Dr. Perlmutter and over 20 health and wellness experts, including Drs. Mark Hyman and Heather Sandison, for the worldwide premiere of the online series that gives you actionable information to rewire and build your better brain for a healthier, more vibrant life.

During his conversation with Dr. Perlmutter, Dr. Bredesen shared his transformative and cutting-edge, science-backed information, discussing:
  • Alzheimer’s prevention and reversal
  • Research updates
  • The role of neurotransmitters
  • And much more …
The Better Brain Blueprint empowers you to live a longer, better, happier, and healthier life. No matter what your health history looks like or what your age is, you have the power to improve your brain function by incorporating the information from this series into your daily life.

It's time to prioritize your brain health because when your brain thrives, you thrive!

Join us on a journey to unlock your brain's potential; select the button below to register and gain free access.


Cranky Old Fart
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Qigong: The Eight Brocades
Cultivate strength, harmony, and health through slow, silken movement. Great for all ages and abilities! Sign up for free today.​
Qigong: The Eight Brocades with Mimi Kuo-Deemer is a five-day course that teaches you this traditional qigong sequence alongside essential qigong philosophy. For centuries, practitioners have used the eight silken forms of the Eight Brocades to balance vital energy, align with the natural world, support the body’s organs and meridian systems, and live grounded, centered, healthy lives.​
Plus, Mimi would love to continue share her love of qigong with you! If you would like to hear about her upcoming online and in-person workshops, you can sign up by clicking the button below.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
We’ve all heard the stories of someone in seemingly perfect health — a runner, a health nut, a teetotaler — who develops heart disease or dies unexpectedly of a heart attack.
This isn’t surprising when you consider that cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke, is the leading cause of death worldwide. In fact, it’s responsible for a third of all deaths globally.
While lifestyle choices like poor diet and smoking are well-known risk factors for cardiovascular disease, there is a group of lesser-known culprits you need to know about — environmental pollutants. These include heavy metals, pesticides, and industrial chemicals, and they are everywhere, from the air we breathe to the food we eat.
A growing body of research suggests that these toxins can have severe implications for cardiovascular health.
According to the American Heart Association, exposure to contaminant metals found in household products, air, water, soil, and food can contribute to the development of cardiovascular conditions.
Metals such as lead, cadmium, and arsenic — even at low levels — have been associated with a higher prevalence of coronary artery disease, stroke, and peripheral artery disease.
Learn more about the link between environmental toxins and heart disease in my new blog.​
Open-Heart Medicine Webinar | February 12 @ 4pm PST

Most of us are in a state of near-constant contraction. This can feel like stress, worry, fatigue, or aches and pains. For many people, this contracted state leads to things like chronic illness, depression, anxiety – even cancer and heart disease.
Through what I’ve coined, Open Heart Medicine, anyone can create a state of harmony that allows the body to heal and function at optimal levels.
A practice of consistently tapping into love, compassion, and openness, Open Heart Medicine moves you from the limited place of your mind into the infinite field of the heart.
Please join me for a live webinar where I’ll be exploring the science and significance behind Open Heart Medicine, including how it can help you:
  • Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and improve immune and cardiovascular health
  • Be more receptive to emotions, experiences, and the world around you
  • Develop more compassion toward others and enhance your relationships
  • Align with your true purpose
  • Tap into the heart’s innate intelligence, creating a positive ripple effect on your health and the well-being of others.
In this exclusive online event, I’ll share my tips on easily incorporating heart-centered practices into your daily routine for true transformation and infinite healing.
Prepare to embark on a journey of self-discovery as we unlock and appreciate the immense potential of our hearts!
>> Click here to sign up!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Molecular Hydrogen Gas: Novel Therapeutic Frontier
Having fueled distant stars before nurturing primordial life, molecular hydrogen turns over a new leaf as a leading-edge therapeutic modality.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,
Get ready early for the sexiest holiday of the whole year…Valentines Day!
What I am sharing today is not dedicated solely to special occasions, but can change your love life any day, all year long.
I’m talking about spicing up the bedroom, no matter your age. I’m not stopping there though. Let’s dive into how a little more pleasure can have a powerful impact not just on your relationship, but on your happiness and health too.
Learn how an active love life can protect your health!
There are a lot of reasons why many couples fall short of active time together “between the sheets.” Life is busy, right?!
Maybe you are struggling with low libido? Maybe you or your partner is a victim of the modern I am a spammer ban me dysfunction epidemic. I’m not joking either: more than 50% of the entire American male population struggles with ED, regardless of their age…
That’s where a friendly amino acid comes into play to save the day: N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC). Let’s take a look at some juicy details on what NAC is all about (backed by science):
  • Boosting Libido for All: According to a study in the "Journal of Sexual Medicine," antioxidants like NAC can significantly improve sexual function in both men and women. So, if you're looking to ramp up the passion, NAC might just be your secret weapon.
  • Enhancing Blood Flow: NAC is known to increase nitric oxide levels in the body, as highlighted in research published in the "Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology." Nitric oxide helps your blood vessels relax, allowing for better blood flow – including to those intimate areas. Say hello to heightened pleasure!
  • Stress Relief for Better Connections: Feeling stressed? NAC has your back. Studies, including one in the "Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience," suggest that NAC can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. When you're feeling more relaxed, you're more open to intimacy and connection.

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