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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years Mourns the Passing of a Giant in Natural Medicine, Dr. Andrew Saul
It is with profound sorrow that acknowledges the passing of Dr. Andrew W. Saul, a pioneering force and beloved pillar in the field of orthomolecular and nutritional medicine. We join countless others touched by his life's work in grieving this immense loss while honoring his resounding legacy.​
COVID Patients Recover 11 Days Sooner Thanks to Virgin Coconut Oil
A new randomized controlled trial provides compelling evidence that virgin coconut oil can accelerate recovery from COVID-19 by rapidly resolving symptoms and reducing inflammation.​
Tapping Into Tree Power: A New Renewable Energy Source?
You know that tingling sensation when you touch certain trees? Now scientists are figuring out how to tap into that organic electricity to power your devices.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi!
Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to an integrative cancer therapy icon.
Dr. Robert Gorter, founder of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research and the Medical Center for Cologne.
In 1975, Dr. Gorter was diagnosed with stage 4 germ cell carcinoma and healed with mistletoe therapy.
Over many decades Dr. Gorter has treated countless patients and gained attention for his innovative work using mistletoe, dendritic cells, hyperthermia, and cannabinoids to stimulate the immune system and inhibit tumor growth.
Dr. Gorter is a brilliant physician and researcher. I know you will enjoy this interview.
Topics include:
-Healing stage IV with mistletoe
-Dendritic cell therapy for cancer
-Combining dendritic cell therapy with hyperthermia
-How to induce total body hyperthermia
-How Dr. Gorter discovered mistletoe
-The root cause of cancer
-Why dendritic cells are not used in the U.S.
-Mistletoe's function in the body
-Dr. Gorter's success rate with stage IV patients
-Using mistletoe and vitamin D for cancer
-CBD reduces chronic inflammation as a COX-2 inhibitor
-CBD is more beneficial than THC
-The Gorter Model: a nontoxic approach to healing
-And more!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Our Glands Are Under Attack

Dr. David Brownstein, M.D., writes:

The human body contains many glands, which are organs that secrete or interact with chemicals called hormones to facilitate vital processes. These glands include the thyroid, ovaries, uterus, pancreas, prostate, and breasts. Each of these glands either produces hormones or is hormone-sensitive tissue that utilizes hormones in its normal function.

For example, the thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones that are required by every cell in the body to function optimally. The uterus does not produce a hormone but contains tissue — endometrium — that requires hormones such as estrogen and progesterone to prepare the uterine lining for the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Special: Dr. Brownstein: Your Tiny Thyroid Causing Big Problems

Hormones impact other cells and tissues. Examples of hormones and which glands they are produced by include:

• Estrogen (ovaries and adrenal glands)

• Insulin (pancreas)

• Progesterone (ovaries and adrenal glands)

• Testosterone (testicles and adrenal glands)

• Thyroid hormone (thyroid gland)

People throughout the U.S. are suffering serious illnesses — including cancer — affecting glandular tissues. For such a problem to be so widespread means we have an infectious agent, a pervasive nutrient deficiency, or some environmental exposure causing a nationwide problem.

In the case of glandular diseases, there are two major issues causing the rise: iodine deficiency and exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals.

This is important to know, because once you understand why glandular problems are occurring, you will be in a position to lower your risk of developing one.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Day 4 of Hypnotherapy for Mental Health

Any action you take in life is at risk for criticism and rejection, but that doesn’t have to prevent you from pursuing what matters to you. You can, instead, make yourself bulletproof to rejection and criticism. You’ll learn how today.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
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Dear Jimi,

Have you listened yet? Episode 7 of Meditation Changes Everything was released last week and is available now on most popular podcast platforms.

In The Life-Changing Power of Letting Go - Part Two, Craig continues his exploration of what it really means to let go–this time by leading a 20-minute guided meditation.

As Craig shares in this episode, most of us sit down to practice meditation hoping for a specific outcome or benefit. And while meditation does bring us tremendous benefits, it's often not in the way we expect . . . or on the timeline that we've set for it. In fact, wanting something from the practice can often be an obstacle to awakening.

There is a part of us that needs nothing from this world to be whole, to be full, to be at peace. This fundamental completeness is who we already are and what is already true.

What might you discover if you allow yourself to rest in that place of needing nothing from the meditation?

Tune in to The Life-Changing Power of Letting Go - Part Two for a 20-minute guided meditation with Craig and discover the freedom and fullness that comes from not needing anything at all.

And, if you haven’t already, we encourage you to listen to our previous episode, The Life-Changing Power of Letting Go - Part One, in which Craig creates a powerful, evolutionary context for this practice, illuminating how letting go of wanting can connect us to a deeper imperative to evolve for the greatest good.

You can hear both of these episodes now wherever you get your podcasts! (Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, etc.) or on the podcast web page where you’ll also find transcripts for each episode.

If you’re enjoying the podcast, it would be a big help to us if you would take a minute to give us a rating and click the “Follow” or “Subscribe” button in your podcast app—thank you!

We hope you’ll tune in to the show and find it to be helpful support on your path.


The Meditation Changes Everything Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
Meditation is finally getting its due in the medical community.
Researchers and physicians now recognize that things like stress and constant negative thinking can actually exacerbate disease.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, meditation can help calm stress and actually help speed the healing process. But sometimes it can feel like a constant battle against the thinking mind.
What if there is a way to begin the healing process at a cellular level by focusing your energy on a much more powerful healing center – an organ with 100 times the electromagnetic field of the brain?​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Upcoming Speaking Event
Silent Killers - Reversing The Root Cause Of Chronic Inflammatory Disease Summit | February 20 - 26

Are you grappling with ongoing health issues that seem impossible to solve? The reason may be chronic inflammation — and you may not even be aware of its existence.
Chronic inflammation is a persistent and covert condition that can pose serious risks to your health. The truth is, hidden chronic inflammation remains concealed beneath an already managed but progressively deteriorating chronic ailment. And unless you address the underlying cause driving the chronic inflammation in your body, it will persist.
Discover precisely how by participating in the Silent Killers Summit: Reversing The Root Cause Of Chronic Inflammatory Disease. At this DrTalks summit, you will gain insights into combating and preventing Silent Killers associated with chronic inflammation.
Mold toxicity, parasites, pollution, and heavy metals are not merely external dangers — they are Silent Killers. These factors serve as the primary root causes of chronic inflammatory diseases. At this free event, you will uncover strategies, groundbreaking solutions, and actionable steps to identify the root causes of your condition and reverse chronic inflammation.
Please join me on Day 2 when I will be talking with host Laura Frontiero, FNP-BC, about “Stress, Survival, And Mitochondrial Function: How Much Is Too Much?”
>> Click here to sign up!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
check out these recent episodes from Rosie Radio:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Here's an outstanding new health report for you...

Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally: 18 Effective Solutions

You're getting this crystal-clear and evidence-based new report immediately on the page after free sign up.

In it, you're about to discover the 18 foods, herbs, minerals, and more to consider consuming more of...

...Because research shows they can be particularly helpful for naturally lowering your blood pressure!

Now, the good news is that these foods, herbs, vitamins and more are easily available (many are likely in your kitchen right now).

--> Head here now to find out The 18 Top Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally <--


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sweating Out Heart Disease: The Cardiovascular Case for Infrared Saunas
With heart disease reaching crisis levels yet most unable to exercise adequately, could simply sitting and sweating in an infrared sauna truly provide comparable cardiovascular benefits?​
Honey for the Heart: Cardiovascular Benefits for Postmenopausal Women
Honey has long been celebrated for its beneficial effects on cardiovascular symptoms. A study from 2018 takes the sweet benefit up a notch by looking at the 12-month effects of tualang honey and honey cocktail on cardiovascular risk factors of postmenopausal women.​


EXPOSED: Big Pharma's Lies About Heart Disease?
What's the first thing you think of when I say..,


There's a good chance you immediately thought...


That's because the pharmaceutical industry has spent 40 years (and billions of dollars) promoting the idea that your cholesterol levels are associated with heart disease.

But the latest heart health research is showing that cholesterol is NOT the enemy anymore - it's actually your friend!

That's just one of the many truth bombs being dropped during the Cardiovascular Docu-Class hosted by Jonathan Landsman, a natural health expert for over 35 years.

This one-of-a-kind online program is no cost to you and starts Tuesday, February 27th.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Welcome The NEW GreenMedInfo!
Join us for an exciting event featuring Sayer Ji, where he will dive into the latest research on GreenMedInfo accumulated since the beginning of the year! Discover groundbreaking insights, emerging trends, and cutting-edge discoveries in the field of health and wellness.

Additionally, Sayer Ji will analyze our most recent poll results, offering valuable interpretations and highlighting key takeaways.

This is the FIRST live event of 2024 and NOT to be missed!

Get ready for an engaging Q&A session where you can interact directly with Sayer Ji, ask burning questions, and gain deeper insights into “The Science Of Natural Healing”. Join us LIVE TODAY, Tuesday, February 13 @ 1pm EST.


7 Simple Ways to Unclog Your Arteries Naturally
We all want to live a long life, but did you know eating these simple foods has been proven scientifically to prevent and in some cases reverse the #1 cause of death in the modern world?

At present, atherosclerosis (the progressive narrowing and clogging up of the arteries) is the driving process behind cardiovascular mortality, the #1 cause of death on this planet, at approximately18 million deaths annually. A complex process, involving autoimmunity, infection, dietary incompatibilities, and many known and unknown factors, it is - despite conventional medical opinion - entirely preventable, and in some cases reversible.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Tips for Scheduling a Hospital Procedure

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Every year, hospital errors kill 210,000 to 440,000 patients, making it the third leading cause of death in the United States, after heart disease and cancer.

Short staffing at hospitals is one of the primary causes of errors. But there is a way to avoid understaffed hospitals — knowing when staff will be thin. Here’s how to avoid this predictable danger:

Special: Don’t Miss Out! Unlock Extra Social Security Income (Free Report Inside!)

  • Schedule your procedure early in the week. Mondays and Tuesdays are best. Avoid Thursdays, Fridays, and weekends.
  • Ask to have your surgery scheduled for early in the morning. Outcomes are usually better for morning procedures.
  • Don’t schedule on a major holiday, and especially avoid the week between Christmas and New Year’s, when surgeons are apt to be on vacation. Also avoid the first week of January, which a very busy time in most hospitals. Delay the procedure until mid-January, when staffing levels and patient loads are back to normal.
  • If you’re having surgery, ask for information about the nurse-to-patient ratio for the time you are thinking of scheduling it. There should be one nurse to every four patients in a surgical unit.
  • Make sure you will be assigned to a room in the correct unit after your surgery. If you had cardiac surgery, for instance, make sure you will be assigned to that ward and not to a urology unit or some other area of the hospital. You may not receive appropriate care in the wrong unit, and that could lead to serious medical problems.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

B Vitamin Deficiencies: Symptoms, Causes and Solutions
If you are dealing with fatigue, concentration issues, depression, anxiety, memory problems, weakness, skin issues, or other chronic symptoms, it may be time to check for B vitamin deficiencies.

B vitamins are a group of vitamins that are critical for your cellular health, brain health, hormonal health, metabolism, skin health, and other areas of your health.

B vitamin deficiencies can result in an array of symptoms and serious health issues. Thankfully, it is easy to correct these deficiencies through a nutrient-dense diet and supplementation.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

B Vitamin Deficiencies: Symptoms, Causes and Solutions
If you are dealing with fatigue, concentration issues, depression, anxiety, memory problems, weakness, skin issues, or other chronic symptoms, it may be time to check for B vitamin deficiencies.

B vitamins are a group of vitamins that are critical for your cellular health, brain health, hormonal health, metabolism, skin health, and other areas of your health.

B vitamin deficiencies can result in an array of symptoms and serious health issues. Thankfully, it is easy to correct these deficiencies through a nutrient-dense diet and supplementation.

Boost Up Dopamine for Motivation and Focus
Dopamine (dopa) has been called the “motivation molecule,” as it helps provide the drive and focus needed to get stuff done. Dopamine is also involved with the “pleasure system” of the brain and functions to create a feeling of enjoyment and a sense of reward in order to motivate performance.

People that suffer with low dopa often experience hopelessness, worthlessness and struggle to handle stress. These individuals will often isolate themselves from others and have self-destructive thoughts and behaviors.

Being easily distracted and having trouble focusing and finishing tasks can be signs of early deficiencies. Long-term, poor dopa signaling can result in hand tremors, slowness of movement and pre-Parkinson’s symptoms.

The Cholesterol Myth
There are many common & accepted understandings within modern culture that have no true scientific basis but have just merely been accepted as fact.

One of the major issues has to do with the pathogenesis of various common diseases including heart disease and cancer. This article will go into the cholesterol myth and how exactly it came to be.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Is your health faltering?

Are you doing all the "right things" but still don't feel well?

Are you struggling to get through your days with enough energy?

You're not alone!

Most people today are smothered by toxins, stress, poor food quality, and more!

But, what can we do to actually feel better?

That’s the question Dr. Pedram Shojai is asking top experts from around the world...

Why? Because there’s too much health information out there to not feel great. It's time to cut through the noise and discover a new approach to healthcare.

--->>Learn how to build a framework for lasting health when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Be sure to mark your calendar for February 19-25, 2024!​
Vitality is a lifestyle!

It’s an "operating system" that allows us to stack more good habits than bad so our health and energy emerge and thrive.

Here’s the Vitality Summit schedule:

Day 1: Vitalism
On the opening day, we explore the concept of Vitalism and how it applies to our lives. We learn about the body’s innate healing capacity and explore how to best sync up with it for more energy, vitality and vigor.

Day 2: Diet and Nutrition
Here we explore the role of food, the gut lining and the microbiome in our health and Vitality. All disease and inflammation start in the gut so we have to get this right to restore health and vibrant energy.

Day 3: The Exercise Dilemma
Getting going is hard. Avoiding injuries is important. Getting right with movement is essential. Today we visit with experts who are truly walking the walk. Let’s get you moving…

Day 4: Sleep
What goes up must come down. Sleep is the best medicine we have but most people are not getting it in sufficient quantities or quality. How can we fix this? Let’s visit with the experts…

Day 5: Mindset
Getting our heads wrapped around lifestyle as an "Operating System" is critical. Health isn’t something we "do" when "not health" sets in. It isn’t a correction to disease but more a way of life. How can we reframe our mindset to "live healthfully" all the time?

Day 6: A Healthy and Safe Home
We spend most of our time at home. What if we were getting poisoned in the very place we need to feel safe…the place to go to recover? It turns out that indoor air quality is 5x worse than outdoor air. The toxins in our furniture, carpets… clothes, and candles may make us sick. Let’s help you make your home safe again…

Day 7: More Energy, More Life
Let’s wrap it up on this final day by helping you understand that there’s a new scoreboard. It’s all about Vitality and resilience. It’s all about feeling our best and having abundant energy daily.

The event is full of raw wisdom, clinical pearls, and actionable advice designed to help you immediately start feeling better.

Why? Because with more energy and clarity, you can keep going… you can roll forward into a better tomorrow!

--->>We’ll see you online at the Vitality Summit when you register now!
So thankful that you’re making an investment in your health, your life and yourself.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Candida May Be Causing Your Mood Issues

Candida is a type of fungus that many (if not most) people will deal with from time to time. When dealing with a Candida overgrowth, you may experience symptoms such as horrific dermatitis (like a crusty scalp), blotchy skin rashes, jock itch, toenail fungus, and thrush (white coating of the tongue).

Evan Brand joins me for this deep dive into Candida issues, how these affect our mood, different treatment approaches, and a lot more!

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have you ever wondered why we give each other chocolate for Valentine’s Day?

Exactly why is cacao associated with love and romance?

A few years ago, I became fascinated with questions like this. Why are some herbs considered aphrodisiacs, and why would I choose one aphrodisiac herb over another?

My pursuit of the answers led me to the researching and writing of Aphrodisiac: The Herbal Path to Healthy Sexual Fulfillment and Vital Living.

Artemis, a woman in my Aphrodisiac circle who helped me research the book, still remembers the first night she entered into intentional relationship with cacao. She was preparing for a first date with a writer who had begun wooing her with his poetry.

She had just finished installing a sensual, sunset orange, hanging fireplace in her straw bale home. She spread her lamb rug out in front of it and began preparing ceremonial cacao for the two of them — grating the cacao, feeling its smoothness on her fingertips, measuring (3 1/2 tablespoons ceremonial cacao to 1 cup water), and simmering. Adding just the right amount of cinnamon and cream.

She was holding the intention of a night of nestling and sweetness, adding it as an ingredient to the cups of cacao. She says, "As I stirred the cacao with cream, I could feel my body begin to surrender, to ground, to soften and open my heart.”

Later, the two shared the cacao in small clay cups, there on the lambskin by the fire. Gazing into one another’s eyes, their hearts opened to one another encouraging them to talk freely. She remembers the sweet massage he gave her and he remembers being amazed at the depth and nuance of her body and intricacy of all the muscles and joints.

Cacao, can do that, drop us into this place of open-hearted, sensual wonder.

The two talked until they fell asleep fireside — maybe 4:00 am.

Six years later, that night still lives in their memory, in their eyes, touch, and continued passion for one another.

Cacao had worked its magic with this couple, introducing a boost of phenylethylamine, a natural compound in our brains that is released when we are in love.

The theobromine in the cacao helped dilate the coronary arteries, literally opening their hearts. The caffeine and nourishing minerals like potassium and magnesium provided an energy boost to allow them to talk and connect long into the night.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,

Dr. Murphree is hosting a free online Fibromyalgia Live Q & A Thursday, 2-15-24 at 6pm CDT​

+ He will cover in depth, step-by-step information on how to dramatically reduce your fibromyalgia symptoms.
+ What is the difference between Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
+ What is the first and perhaps most important step for reducing fibro pain, fatigue, brain fog, irritable bowel, and restless leg syndrome.
+ How to prevent fibro flares.
+ The common drugs for fibromyalgia-is there something that works?
+ The number one nutrient for fibromyalgia.
+ What’s the best diet for fibromyalgia.

And he’ll be taking your questions.​

Submit your questions at [email protected]


Meeting ID: 838 6872 5096
Passcode: 435788

Listen on Facebook:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dietary Factors That Increase Blood Pressure

Dr. Chauncey Crandall, M.D., writes:

Salt consumption is a common cause of high blood pressure. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture, recommend limiting sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg per day. That’s equal to about one teaspoon of salt.

But by some estimates, the average American takes in 50% more salt than the daily limit, and this excess starts in childhood. Kids between ages 6 and 10 take in 2,900 mg a day, while teens top out at about 3,700 mg per day.

Special: Heart Surgeon's Secret to Healthy Blood Pressure

More than 75% of the salt we consume comes from processed foods. That’s because sodium is added to virtually everything. Any item in your cupboard is likely to contain added salt.

Eating out is also to blame. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), many entrees at leading restaurants and fast food eateries contain almost a full daily allotment of salt — about one teaspoon, or 2,300 mg. And depending on what you chose, the amount may be significantly higher.

What you drink can also be a factor. For instance, you may know that coffee contains caffeine, which is a stimulant, and that over time coffee drinkers tend to have higher blood pressure.

But coffee isn’t the only beverage that presents this problem. A 2019 study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association looked at the impact on blood pressure and the heart after 34 health volunteers between ages 18 and 40 consumed 32 ounces of an energy drink in a short time span compared to a group that drank a placebo. The energy drinks tested contained 304 mg to 320 mg of caffeine per 32 ounces.

Other common ingredients studied in energy drinks included taurine (an amino acid), glucuronolactone (found in plants and connective tissues), and B vitamins. The placebo drink contained carbonated water, lime juice, and cherry flavoring.

Researchers found a 4 mmHg to 5 mmHg increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in participants who consumed energy drinks.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Gut Rescue Summit
March 11-17, 2024
Did you know that 70% of your immune system is in your gut? Join Dr. Christensen for this series of masterclasses that explore and distill the latest insights science provides, so you can heal your gut and immune system. Dr. Christensen discusses the role of covid and spike protein in gut disfunction.

Some highlights of The GUT RESCUE Summit include:
  • 48 expert-led masterclass sessions on the latest research in gut health
  • Practical insights on how gut health influences different aspects of well-being
  • All presentations are based on evidence &/or clinical trials
  • Access to information on groundbreaking treatments & holistic lifestyle practices for comprehensive gut care that are based in science & tried-and-true results
  • And so much more!
—>>Get the answers you need at the complimentary and online GUT RESCUE Summit: Evidence-Based Solutions to Finally Fix Your Health!
To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

"Pray as though everything depended on God.
Work as though everything depended on you.”​

~Saint Augustine



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you follow the latest health science, one thing becomes obvious, Jimi.

The biggest threat to our health is hiding in plain sight, glanced over and even misrepresented in mainstream media...

The fact is that too much food and resulting obesity is a primary contributor to every chronic disease.

However, the solution goes much deeper than knowing what a healthy diet looks like.

That's why I urge you to join the groundbreaking The Truth About Weight Loss Summit.

>> Click here and register now for 9 days of knowledge led by 45 of the world's most renowned experts.

In this summit, you’ll:

  • Tackle the hard questions and break down exactly how to thrive without counting calories or relying on shakes or pills…
  • Turn science into action—you'll get the best tips from people who've been in your shoes
  • Connect and get support in a live community chat only available during the summit!
You’ll get the latest insights on how to achieve the healthy, lean body you desire and deserve without all the deprivation and stress associated with traditional diets.

>> Click here to register today for a completely new take on weight loss!

To your lean, long-term health!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Transform Cancer Care with PEMF Therapy

Dive into the world of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF), a revolutionary approach to treating cancer. PEMF Therapy is a non-invasive, side-effect-free way to improve your cancer treatment experience. This ground-breaking approach promotes deeper healing and recovery by targeting the cancer process itself in addition to helping to manage symptoms.

PEMF therapy improves tissue health, lowers inflammation, and speeds up recovery after other cancer therapies, making it ideal for various stages of cancer. Consider this multiple action strategy to strike a balance between giving comfort and cancer prevention.

Find out how incorporating PEMF into your everyday cancer care routine can help maintain your health and vitality. Discover more about this integrative, cutting-edge treatment and get personalized guidance at, your complementary and holistic source as part of your comprehensive cancer care solutions.

-->> For more detailed information, guidance and options click here



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Clinically-Proven PectaSol Modified Citrus Pectin Helps to Disrupt the Detrimental Cycle of Unhealthy Inflammation and Cellular Dysfunction

The inflammatory protein, Galectin-3, has been called by thousands of practitioners and research papers "one of the root causes of nearly every chronic illness".

PectaSol Modified Citrus Pectin is clinically-proven and backed by over 80 studies, 6 patents, and 30+ years of clinical success. This researched super-nutrient helps to disrupt the detrimental cycle of unhealthy inflammation and cellular dysfunction that comes with high levels of the protein galectin-3.

The life-changing benefits are supported by thousands of doctors who trust and recommend PectaSol to their patients to support oncology, immune health and gentle detoxification.*

I take PectaSol as a way to help manage the cascade of unhealthy inflammation and keep my body healthy and vital. The science behind this product is extraordinary! I can’t recommend it enough.

-->> Start your journey today toward a healthier you with PectaSol Modified Citrus. Get 15% OFF with the code NCRANE15.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The 5 Key Steps To Healing A Leaky Gut
Hey Jim,

Today we are diving deep into the intricacies of gut health as we explore gut inflammation and the phenomenon of a ‘leaky gut'!

In this podcast, we'll unravel the connection between the two, discuss their potential health impacts, and provide insights on management, healing, and prevention.

Whether you're experiencing gut-related symptoms or just eager to understand the key to optimal digestive health, this comprehensive guide is for you. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more health insights!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
The 5 Key Steps To Healing A Leaky Gut - Live Podcast #399
In this episode, we cover:

– “Leaky Gut”
02:24 – Overreactive Immune System
04:09 – Addressing Food Allergies and Inflammatory Foods
09:12 – Improving the Breakdown and Digestion of Food
12:50 – Improve Gut Lining Inflammation and Hormone Balance
16:49 – Addressing Microbial Imbalances
20:16 – Support from Probiotics and Prebiotics
24:00 – Takeaways

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
You May Also Like... Movement Vs. Exercise

On this great show with Katie, the co-founder of, shares her expertise on redefining fitness standards through functional movement patterns for sustainable results.

Discover how offers personalized at-home workouts and engages users in a holistic approach to fitness. Tune in to gain valuable insights and embark on a journey towards improved well-being!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sedentary Behavior Boosts Mortality 163%: How Exercise Offsets the Risk
If you spend most of your waking hours sitting, pay attention - one study correlated highest versus lowest sedentary quartiles with a 163% elevation in mortality risk. A few more active hours weekly could yield big benefits.​
Pineapple Enzyme Helps Athletes Bounce Back While Blunting Plunging Testosterone
Hard training exacts harsh bodily punishment - just ask any competitive athlete. Yet a little-known natural proteolytic enzyme called bromelain, derived from pineapple stems and fruit, shows great promise easing sports recovery and maintaining masculine vitality.​
Two-Thirds of COVID Patients Using Remdesivir Faced Side Effects in New Study
When remdesivir received emergency approval for COVID-19, real-world safety data took a backseat. A new study changes that.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
As we walk through this wild world, we sometimes pick up stress and patterns of thought that begin to inhibit our happiness and vitality. Especially during these turbulent times, we can become more susceptible to fear-based energies and thought constructs.
We all need a little adjustment now and then in order to stay pain-free, stress-free, and all-around ageless.
Luckily, there exists a number of powerful personal tools that are designed to keep your energy flowing and dissolve any discomfort you might be feeling in your body - mentally or physically. These quick practices are easy to learn and can have a dramatic effect on your health and happiness.
Over the next 3 days, I am going to share 3 video exercises, each led by a different masterful healer, that are intended to help you:
- calm any stress or anxiety you are experiencing
- boost your immune system
- overcome mental and physical fatigue
- dissolve any pain you are feeling
- get better sleep that actually restores you
- feel and look younger

Are you ready?
In today's video: Maryna Allen shares a few simple and powerful techniques that will help you flush out any stressful thoughts and reset your mind and body. The DIY exercises she takes you through can change the way you feel right NOW.
Click here to start watching!
I hope you receive as much benefit from these techniques as we have!
Remember, we're all in this thing together.
Stay curious,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
What we love about naturopathic medicine is that it looks at identifying the underlying causes of the health issues you may be facing, so you can heal faster and jump right back into living life to its fullest!

That's why we want to invite you to listen to our conversation with naturopathic doctor and teacher, Dr. Valerie Franc. She brings twenty years of clinical experience to explain what a naturopath is, what natural therapies they use, and why you shouldn't settle for simply “not being sick”.

Listen to Dr. Valerie Franc here. >>

You don't want your health holding you back from new adventures, exciting opportunities, and the ordinary day-to-day things you love.

We hope that this information helps you consider how naturopathic medicine can work for you.

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Once upon a time, we believed that arthritis was purely a result of aging and wear and tear on the joints…
Well, that story is old news now, because now we know it’s a result of inflammation.
Better said, it’s a result of your immune system overreacting and the inflammation your body uses to fight off pathogens becoming severely out of balance, creating chronic inflammation.
The great news is breakthrough studies have revealed that 70% of our immune system resides in our gut.
This has led researchers to look into the power of the gut microbiome to help treat arthritis, joint pain, and other inflammatory diseases.
In fact, a case study published in Clinical Case Reports found that the transfer of a healthy microbiome to a woman with severe rheumatoid arthritis resulted in a “dramatic” drop in her symptoms, in as little as seven days
But this groundbreaking science is far from reaching the general public.
That’s why nutritionist Sarah Otto and the team at Goodness Lover created a brand-new masterclass called The Natural Solution —to spread the word about the latest discoveries in this field, straight from 26 world-leading experts.
They will show you how to overcome health challenges like arthritis and joint pain by using proven strategies to improve your gut health.
You’ll also be introduced to safe, affordable remedies to soothe inflammation, trigger detoxification, stimulate the vagus nerve, grow your brain, and so much more.
This series is so comprehensive that I’m positive it will change many lives.
I hope one of them will be yours.
Go here to discover the natural solutions for you (watch it for freeee while you can!)
To your best health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi
There are many ways to express your love and gratitude on Valentine's Day, but chocolate HAS to be one of the best!
If you're looking for that 'made with love' touch, try our super simple recipe for raw chocolate. All you'll need is a handful of nourishing ingredients from the health aisle of your local grocery store. You can also boost the flavor with chili powder, shredded coconut, goji berries, or chopped nuts.
CLICK HERE for our simple Raw Chocolate recipe. >>
Trust us, these treats won't last long, and they don't disappoint!
Once you know how simple it is to make chocolate without the nasty additives from home, you may ditch store-bought chocolate bars for good.
Enjoy the recipe, and Happy Valentine's Day.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

WITH THE WIND WITH DR. PAUL - SHOW 136; Featuring: Dr. Paul & DeeDee Hoover Valentines Day Special

Wednesday, 2/14, our 136th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Click to watch!
In his From the Heart, Dr. Paul dives deep into the essence of self-love this Valentine's season. Unpacking lessons from Gladys McGarry's book "The Well-Lived Life", he explores overcoming self-love barriers through visualization and embracing forgiveness. This From the Heart isn't just a conversation; it's a guide to rediscovering the love within.
"If we allow ourselves to heal and just to love, putting love forward and never letting it leave us internally, we let our soul lead with love, making the world a better place."
DeeDee Hoover
This week's interview with Dr. Paul and DeeDee Hoover further this exploration, highlighting the practical steps towards self-acceptance and unconditional love. They share insights into the healing power of forgiveness for oneself and others, promising a journey towards profound personal transformation and deeper, more fulfilling relationships.
And rounding things out in her From the Soul, DeeDee Hoover shares her soulful reflections on love, sparked by her recent interview with Dr. Paul. DeeDee delves into the nature of unconditional love, addressing the common misconception that love can cause pain. She argues that it's not love that hurts but rather the loss and circumstances surrounding it. With a deep connection to her faith and the innate love found within every soul, DeeDee discusses love's healing power and ability to break down barriers and foster connections. Join her as she explores how leading with love from the soul can transform lives and relationships, making a case for love's unparalleled strength and purity.
Watch the episode here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

A GlycoCheck Test May Help Prevent Metastasis​

You can’t heal from what you don’t know. Tests can now provide vital information about early warning signs of cancer and metastasis, as well as heart disease, stroke, inflammatory disorders, diabetes, bacterial infections, hypertension, and so much more. Your body is no longer a mystery.
Don’t stress and guess. Take the GlycoCheck Test.
Instead of just hoping you will never have to deal with tragedies such as a stroke or cancer metastasis, you can now have hard data to direct strategic medical actions and lifestyle changes. You may look and feel healthy on the outside, but inside, your organs could be slowly starving. This could lead to breakdowns in your microvascular and capillary systems and the silent spiral of health challenges. Fatigue, hearing loss, high blood pressure, slow wound healing, leg cramps, memory loss, and hair thinning could all be signs your capillaries are beginning to lose functionality.
This blog provides a brief overview of Glycocalyx health and the GlycoCheck Test, but please visit their website for more research, details, and testing locations.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Cancer is a continual riddle; no two cases will be identical. Therefore, a one-size-fits-all standard treatment plan may kill the tumor but won’t help an individual get well. It's time to shift from survival mode to the living mode.
In this episode, Dr. Michael Karlfeldt, an ND, PhD, and board-certified Naturopath, and I dive deep into mind, body, and soul breast cancer healing.

Tune in to learn more about getting out of survival mode and into joyfully living mode.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This Week on the Podcast...​
Don't miss this week's episode featuring
Glenn Sabin - Complete Remission from Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.

Be sure to like, follow, and review our show on your favorite podcast app to help us continue bringing you these inspiring stories of healing!​
In the early 1990s, Glenn began to develop a comprehensive and highly individualized approach to managing his chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) – a disease his doctors said was incurable and would eventually take his life. Today, Glenn is alive and thriving and he has achieved a complete, medically documented remission of his CLL without conventional treatments. Glenn is also the author of “N of 1”.
Tune-in on Spotify, Apple, Google or wherever you listen to your podcasts. Visit us at the Radical Remission Project Stories That Heal Podcast to check out all of our episodes.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

There’s only a handful of things that are worse than getting a cancer diagnosis.

For many, being told that you’ve got cancer or are at a high risk of getting it feels like the end of the world. You might feel a range of emotions telling you that it’s all downhill from here, and the best you can do is spend your remaining time left the best way you can.

While we understand why a cancer diagnosis can make you feel this way, know that there’s still hope.

Because despite cancer being one of the most feared diseases of our time, it is often 100% reversible.

And you don’t even need to spend thousands of dollars on treatments to do so.

As you’ll learn in this conversation between Nathan Crane and renowned cancer expert Dr. Dana Flavin, it only takes a few small changes and additions to your daily routine to fight against cancer or protect yourself from a future diagnosis.

You may know Dr. Flavin as one of the world’s leading cancer researchers and her 40 years of experience in helping thousands of people naturally reverse cancer and go on to live a healthier, happier life.

And in this short video, she shares her proven protocols and practices that you can start doing immediately to strengthen your defenses against cancer.

If you need easy and convenient strategies you can do today to help yourself or your loved ones fight cancer, you wouldn’t want to miss this conversation.

Check out the video here.

Your allies against cancer,

The Conquering Cancer team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A new class of “encrypted RNA” vaccines are being developed where the RNA would piggyback onto an existing wild virus and spread from person to person without any person’s knowledge or consent. Although this may sound like science fiction, it is far from it. Two companies involved in this research have received millions of dollars from the federal government. A study using this technology on hamsters and the SARS-Cov-2 virus has already been completed and a Phase I trial on humans is in the works. ICAN’s attorneys have already sent legal demands to all government agencies involved.
It seems the government and the military are so enthused about this new vaccine deployment technology that Congress tucked a law, the PREVENT Pandemics Act, into the 2023 omnibus appropriations bill to facilitate it. Among other things, the Act has a section dedicated to Platform Technologies that supports the “development and review of new treatments and countermeasures that use cutting-edge, adaptable platform technologies that can be incorporated or used in more than one drug or biological product.”
This Act will also be used to fund a new HHS government agency called ARPA-H (Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health), which was created in 2023 to “take big technical risks that can spark new biomedical breakthroughs” and “revolutionize the detections, diagnosis, mitigation, prevention, treatment and cure of diseases and health conditions.” Both former NIH Director Francis Collins and HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra supported the agency’s creation, and Collins described his vision for ARPA-H as “a DARPA-like culture at NIH.”
This so-called “therapy” uses a technology called TIPs (Therapeutic Interfering Particles), which are described as “engineered molecular parasites” that piggyback on a wild virus. If you get the virus, you also get these parasites. Once inside an infected person, the TIPs are supposed to rapidly multiply, hijacking the resources the wild virus needs to multiply and therefore stopping the virus.
Supporters of this technology claim it will “solve” several problems with traditional vaccine delivery, including “behavior barriers” like noncompliance. Meaning everyone gets vaccinated—whether they like it or not.

One of the companies developing this technology is Autonomous Therapeutics, led by Dr. Ariel Weinberger. Autonomous has received over $15 million in federal government contracts and grants, including an ongoing $4.58 million award from DARPA (a Department of Defense agency) for “A Rapid-Response Platform to Develop & Deliver TIPs Against Respiratory Viral Threats, Including MERS-CoV” and a $3 million contract from DARPA for “New Platform Technologies for Viral and Therapeutic Evolution Assays” that was completed in 2022. Dr. Timothy Notton is the Chief Scientific Officer at Autonomous and his bio references his work on “automated screening platforms (inhalable) LNP delivery platforms.”
In a recent article, Ariel gushes:
This next-generation RNA, which we aim to advance at Autonomous Therapeutics Inc., is designed to encode an artificial immune system that can detect and eliminate every variant of a viral family. We have developed encrypted RNA candidates with potential variant-proof efficacy against a wide range of pathogens, from coronaviruses to influenza and RSV. These can be made inhalable and shielded from human immune systems to enable safe and long-term prophylaxis. (Emphasis added.)
The other company working on similar vaccines, VxBiosciences, appears to collaborate with the J. David Gladstone Institutes, led by Dr. Leor Weinberger—who happens to be Ariel’s brother. Patents are already established, such as this one by Leor and Gladstone Institutes in 2017. In a 2020 TEDMED talk, Leor talked about how using viruses would “convert super-spreaders from spreading the virus to spreading the therapy.”
HHS issued a $4.8 million grant to VxBiosciences for “Autonomously Deploying, Co-evolving SARS-CoV-2 Antiviral.” The grant was for engineering “therapeutic molecular parasites of SARS-CoV-2 that can co-adapt and transmit among infected hosts … acting as single-administration therapies that circumvent compliance issues.”
So, how safe are these “inhalable therapies”? What could possibly go wrong with a man-made parasite designed to self-replicate in your cells and to transmit without anyone’s knowledge or consent? Your guess is as good as ours. But we’d prefer not to find out.
Through its attorneys, ICAN has already submitted numerous FOIA requests to DARPA, DOI, the Navy, and NIH concerning these grants and contracts to ascertain the truth about who stands to benefit from these alarming products.
ICAN is already deploying a legal strategy to ensure that individuals will never be infected with engineered viruses and bacteria without their express consent.
ICAN is also keeping a close eye on a new COVID-19 nasal vaccine, called CoviLiv, developed by Codagenix. It is described as “designed using the Codagenix platform technology that re-codes the genetic material of a virus – converting the virus from a disease-causing pathogen into a stable and safe, live-attenuated vaccine.” No word yet on whether they anticipate this vaccine could spread from person-to-person, but they have just received funding from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).

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