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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Meet Sarah.

Like many of us, Sarah struggled with her health for years.

She battled with weight gain, high blood sugar, low energy, and a constant feeling of frustration.

No matter what she tried, nothing seemed to work.

But then, she discovered the Mastering Diabetes method and immediately signed up to work with a private coach.

In only a few months, Sarah learned how to address the root cause of all of her metabolic issues (and turn off the confusing quagmire called the Internet).

With dedication and guidance from her private coach, she began to see incredible changes in her health within only 3 months.

Her fasting glucose dropped by 75 points.

Her A1c dropped by 3.2%.

Her body weight dropped by 37 pounds.

But perhaps most importantly, Sarah rediscovered a sense of hope and empowerment.

She realized that she didn't have to be a victim of her health struggles—that she had the power to transform her life from the inside out.

She took full control of her life, and now she’s feeling the best she’s felt in more than 25 years.

Here’s the best part – the changes she made were simple, convenient, and doable.

That’s why it’s officially your turn to do the same.

All you have to do is register for our groundbreaking video series, where we'll be diving deep into the secrets of reversing the root cause of metabolic problems.

Whether you’re frustrated with
  • High fasting blood sugar
  • Extra pounds around your midsection
  • Medications that just keep piling up
  • Restrictive diets that leave you starving
  • Cravings that won’t go away
  • Mental fog and all-day tiredness
We have the ultimate training that will help you eliminate the root cause of those symptoms.

This series isn't just about managing symptoms – it's about uncovering the true underlying issues and reclaiming control over your health and well-being.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Until our most recent Anti-Cancer Revolution event, I had no idea what a big factor the heart / cardiovascular system is in cancer cases,

In that event, Dr. Jim Roach said good circulation is his second most important goal (peacefulness being first) in cancer patients, as a quarter of all deaths in cancer patients are due to heart attack or stroke, not cancer.

Dr. Jason Miller also spent a lot of time on blood coagulation, saying coagulation systems are activated in cancer, and that cancer patients are 7-10X more likely to experience a thrombotic event.

I just found a 2020 study showing 40% of non-cancer deaths in cancer patients were cardiac-related…

And lastly, while I’ve been well aware for years very that issues stemming from conventional dentistry being a massive cause of cancer…

I learned from Dr. Chandler, the biologic dentist who cleaned my cavitations, that it’s the exact same with heart attacks.

Soooo with all that being said, passing on very high-quality production, the 8 part Cadiovascular Docuclass produced by my friend Jonathan Landsman.

You can get his 7 Key Nutrients To Avoid Heart Attack or Stroke report AND register for the whole class here!

It goes deep into stuff like the dental connection, drug-induced nutrient deficiencies, the "real" causes of plaque deposits and high blood pressure…

and of course a whole bunch about what to actually do about all of it. :)

Speaking of what to do, I had pulled up a bunch of notes from Dr.’s Roach & Miller Anti-Cancer Rev presentations, and was going to summarize them here as there’s quite a lot more in terms of things I usually hear about in terms of cancer that are also heart strategies…

But that would make this one of my infamous 1,000 word emails… and already came close to that on Monday….

so perhaps we’ll save that for heart email part 2. ;)

In the meantime, definitely get the avoiding heart attack report and sign up to watch here!

- Ryan Sternagel & The Anti-Cancer Revolution Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi

Have you ever wondered how some people can easily avoid cancer while others are vulnerable to it even at an early age?

You might think that getting or avoiding cancer is simply a matter of genetics, and while genes do have a part in it, blaming genes entirely means that some of us are just destined to have cancer and others are lucky.

But regardless of what genes we have, cancer is something all of us can address or avoid naturally.

And the secret is simple: it’s in our lifestyle.

How do we eat? What supplements do we take daily? Are you wary of the products you use? How do you detox so your body can flush out the toxins that can make you sick?

To show you the protocols that can help you avoid cancer, renowned cancer expert Dr. Dana Flavin will be sharing a few anti-cancer protocols that you can practice immediately.

From choosing the food and supplements you take to the exercises and activities you need to do, Dr. Flavin breaks down her most recommended protocols to decrease your chances of getting cancer.

Find out what these protocols are by watching this video.

To fighting cancer naturally,

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Paraquat pesticide maker used weak data on Parkinson's link.


Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Paraquat pesticide maker used weak data on Parkinson's link.

My FIL ran a repair business, he used to repair a machine called a veg-all, among other equipment. A veg-all is a machine in the produce department that is basically a huge garbage disposal where they would dispose of all the outdated and wilted produce. These would usually break down while in use and would be stuffed full of ground up produce. I was lucky to have only done a few myself but he did these for over 10 years. Gettin the juice and goo from from these on his hands made his skin peal, mine too, and tingle all the time, he told his Dr. about it and he said it was a nervous condition and gave him some pills which only made him groggy. Then at the age of 64 he started showing signs of Parkinson's and it snowballed from there, he died at the age of 82.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
I hope this email finds you well and in good spirits! I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to those who attended the "Open Heart Meditation" webinar on February 12th.
During the webinar, I shared my tips on incorporating heart-centered practices into your daily routine for true transformation and infinite healing. This concept can help you achieve balance and harmony on a physical and emotional level, including:
  • Reducing stress, lower blood pressure, and improve immune and cardiovascular health
  • Being more receptive to emotions, experiences, and the world around you
  • Developing more compassion toward others and enhance your relationships
  • Continuation of my one-day meditation retreat with shamata and tonglen mediations
  • Insights and practical guiding points specifically in relation to healing
I’m happy to share the recorded version here. If you missed the webinar or simply want to delve deeper into the heart-centered practices we explored, use the replay link below.
>> Click here to watch the “Open Heart Meditation” webinar replay.
As you re-watch it (or view it for the first time), I hope this discussion brings you one step closer toward true transformation and infinite healing. Remember, every effort counts in this journey of self-discovery.
Stay tuned for more tips from me on integrating heart-centered practices into your daily routine. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if there's anything else you'd like to learn about in our upcoming sessions.​
Upcoming Speaking Event
Silent Killers - Reversing The Root Cause Of Chronic Inflammatory Disease Summit | February 20 - 26

Are you grappling with ongoing health issues that seem impossible to solve? The reason may be chronic inflammation — and you may not even be aware of its existence.
Chronic inflammation is a persistent and covert condition that can pose serious risks to your health. The truth is, hidden chronic inflammation remains concealed beneath an already managed but progressively deteriorating chronic ailment. And unless you address the underlying cause driving the chronic inflammation in your body, it will persist.
Discover precisely how by participating in the Silent Killers Summit: Reversing The Root Cause Of Chronic Inflammatory Disease. At this DrTalks summit, you will gain insights into combating and preventing Silent Killers associated with chronic inflammation.
Mold toxicity, parasites, pollution, and heavy metals are not merely external dangers — they are Silent Killers. These factors serve as the primary root causes of chronic inflammatory diseases. At this free event, you will uncover strategies, groundbreaking solutions, and actionable steps to identify the root causes of your condition and reverse chronic inflammation.
Please join me on Day 2 when I will be talking with host Laura Frontiero, FNP-BC, about “Stress, Survival, And Mitochondrial Function: How Much Is Too Much?”
>> Click here to sign up!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Two things before we head into today's email:

ONE -->

Be on the lookout for our big Megaspore + Mega IgG2000 sale this weekend (starting tomorrow/FRIDAY)!

TWO -->

TODAY at 430pm ET, I'm hosting a Candida Overgrowth ASK ME ANYTHING!
If you'd like to submit a question -- ADD IT HERE
You can use THIS LINK to join me later today.

On to today's topic -- A crazy conversation about parasite overgrowth + your eyes...​

If you've struggled with rashes around your eyes, lots of eye inflammation + irritation, or ocular rosacea, THIS is for you.
We talk a lot about the importance of microbiomes + how overgrowth of certain organisms can be HIGHLY problematic.
Well, I have to be honest -- this conversation STUNNED me.
I had no clue how crazy Demodex mite overgrowth can be, NOR how common it is causing it to be mistakenly ignored for other issues.
Today's guest -- Dr. Carly Rose -- is back to break it all down for us.
Get ready to learn a ton, because this was one of the most jaw-dropping interviews I've ever done.

Watch the VIDEO HERE

And if you use Youtube, subscribe to my channel (it's free to do so!) where I'll share unique content outside of the weekly podcast.





Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you dealing with constant pain, fatigue, or brain fog? Or maybe you're battling diabetes or another chronic disease, and it feels like a never-ending struggle.

But here's something to consider: inflammation might be the culprit behind these health issues.

Until you address inflammation, it's like trying to fix a leaky roof while it's still raining. No matter what treatments or medications you try, you won't see lasting improvements until you tackle the root cause.

The good news is that there are effective tools available to help you manage inflammation and regain control over your health.

That's where The Inflammation Solution comes in—a special masterclass series that you can watch for F.REE for a limited time only.

Register here to watch the F.REE screening from February
19th - 28th.

Led by nutritionist Sarah Otto, co-founder of Goodness Lover, this series brings together 27 experts in health and medicine who will share practical strategies and insights to help you combat chronic inflammation and reclaim your well-being.

These are insights you won't typically hear from your doctor, but they could be the key to transforming your health for the better, such as:

✅ How to tell if "silent inflammation" is slowly but surely stealing away your health

✅ Which common supermarket food (and popular dessert ingredient) prevents vision loss, glaucoma, and macular degeneration

✅ The number one supplement for healing the gut (it also boosts the immune system, improves memory, and boosts your fitness level!)

✅ If your favorite foods are making you sick and learn how to overcome food sensitivities

✅ The four factors that can lead to dementia and find out what you can do now to prevent mental deterioration

And a lot more!

This series could help change how you view chronic disease as well as your approach to overcoming them and living a healthier life.

So make sure you save it on your calendar and get these secrets that can lead you to better health and vitality.

Secure your F.REE spot now for The Inflammation Solution masterclass series.

Wishing you vibrant health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I love providing really worthwhile free health gifts to you, and this is one of the best...

Here's a beautiful 44-page color home fermentation guide for you that makes it easy to make your own sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, kombucha, and much more!

Eating more fermented foods is an incredibly effective way to boost healthy probiotics in your body.

However, buying already-prepared fermented foods at the store can be quite expensive.

This is THE guide on how to do it all yourself at home for far less and enjoy the process...

And it's completely FREE for you right here today, Jim!

Now FYI, this is just one of the free gifts that you're getting along with completely free access to Dr Pedram Shojai’s Vitality Summit which airs Feb 19-25th.

The summit features many of today's most renowned and trusted MDs and researchers revealing WHAT TRULY WORKS in health and wellness beyond all the fads and hype.

It’s a truly unique event you won't want to miss...

And it starts with this wonderful free 44-page Fermentation Guide for you!

Research now shows fermented foods provide you many amazing health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-fungal, and anti-diabetic.

They're great for healthy blood pressure and, of course, your gut health...

So this is really an invaluable guide that's also beautifully presented and easy to follow:

--> Click here now for your free new Fermentation Guide <--

Finally, because traditionally fermented pickles are one of the easiest-to-prepare fermented foods...

And because smiles and laughter are always "good medicine"...

Here are a few dad jokes that make my little kids giggle and are worth sharing with YOU:

How does a cucumber become a pickle?

It goes through a jarring experience!


What do you call a pickle made in Hawaii?



What do you call it when you save a lot of money on your pickles?

A great dill.


Okay, you'll definitely relish this amazing new Fermentation Guide, free for you right here, and you'll love Pedram's unique new Vitality Summit that you're getting full access to, as well!

Enjoy the important learning, and enjoy your day.

To Living Long and Living Well,

Brian Vaszily

P.S. The reason this Fermentation Guide was created is because many of the top doctors in the Vitality event speak of the incredible benefits of fermented food for your health.

Tune in and learn all about it and much more!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How a 3 Day Fast Resets the Immune System

Your immune system is your body’s defense system against bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins, and other harm. To function properly, your immune system needs your support through a healthy diet and lifestyle – including fasting.

According to research, embarking on a 3 day fast can reset your immune system and make an enormous difference in your health.

Cholesterol Myth

There are many common & accepted understandings within modern culture that have no true scientific basis but have just merely been accepted as fact. One of the major issues has to do with the pathogenesis of various common diseases including heart disease and cancer.

Cholesterol has been vilified as the major cause of heart disease. The claim that it clogs our arteries is known world-wide, despite no scientific evidence to validate the idea. As a society, we need to retrain our doctors and clinicians to look at this “cholesterol theory” with a skeptical eye.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
H Pylori Protocol: Diet and Herbal Strategies

H pylori is a bacterium that grows inside your digestive tract and can damage your stomach’s protective lining causing chronic symptoms and health issues. H pylori infections are incredibly common.

They are also difficult to eradicate, as they can be resistant to antibiotic treatment. However, with the help of some supplements, nutritional strategies, and lifestyle strategies, you may be able to reduce your symptoms and improve your health.

Berberine: Benefits for Blood Sugar, Fat Burning and Gut Health

High blood sugar, metabolic issues, obesity, and gut health issues are major health concerns in our modern society. This is where berberine comes in. Berberine is a natural plant compound that has been used by Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for thousands of years.

Potential benefits of berberine may include reducing inflammation, oxidative stress, blood sugar, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high triglycerides, improving liver health, circulation, gut health, and supporting fat burning.

The Truth About Red Meat

Is red meat good or bad for you? Society tells us that eating a diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol can lead to heart disease. But is this a myth or is it true?

In this video, I go through the truth, and you may be surprised by my analysis of the research.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Most of our bodies are being assaulted on a daily basis by toxins, stress, and processed foods.
But no matter where you come from or what you’ve been through, there are powerful and proven tools that can make a world of difference. They can help you recover from injury or illness, detoxify your body, and even begin to heal from traumatic events.
My friend, Dr. Pedram Shojai (aka “The Urban Monk”), is bringing together 35 natural health leaders (including yours truly!) to show you what’s been proven to work and how to make it happen in your life.
>> Join the Vitality Summit right here.
Yours for living your best life,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Health is so much more than the absence of disease. Real vitality is a bounce in your step, joy in your heart… and resilience in the face of all the challenges life throws at you. Join the Vitality Summit to learn about a holistic approach — including diet, sleep, stress management, breathing, relationships, and what’s been scientifically proven to WORK.
Find out what it’s all about, and join in now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
6 Ways to Reverse Hair Loss
A condition plaguing over 80 million men and women in the United States alone, hair loss a condition that not only indicates possible health issues but can also profoundly diminish quality of life. Here we provide in-depth, actionable information that can provide hair loss sufferers with tools they need to reverse hair loss.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Nature's Ibuprofen: Pineapple Pill Beats Big Pharma for Pain
A new study found that the pineapple enzyme bromelain reduces pain as effectively as the popular drug ibuprofen after dental surgery.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Name that Herb!​

A new series from HomeGrown Herbalist!​

Play Along and Learn all about a mystery plant!​

Hi friends! We have a surprise for you today. Many of you have been schooling with us or following our blog and YouTube channel for years, so chances are you're a certified herb nerd (and that's a good fact it’s a great thing!). We really love nerds. In light of that, we are giving you a chance to test all your fabulous herbal knowledge...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi

When it comes to treating cancer through natural means, few are as experienced and renowned as Dr. Dana Flavin.

For 40 years, she has been on the forefront of cancer research, making breakthroughs that allowed her to help thousands of patients naturally reverse their cancer diagnosis.

And that’s because she has access to YEARS of inside information including cancerous toxins, foods and substances…

As well as simple treatments that can even address stage 4 cancer situations.

These are things that you won’t learn from school or any other doctor, but can potentially save you or your loved ones from cancer.

And in this NEW interview with Nathan Crane, Dr. Flavin will give you a glimpse into these anti-cancer secrets.

We guarantee that after you watch this interview, you’ll be just like Dr. Flavin years ago asking:

"Why wasn’t anyone teaching this?"
So if you’re serious about being cancer-free and never want to worry about a diagnosis again, make sure you don’t miss out on this video.

Watch this NEW interview with Dr. Flavin here.

To shielding you from cancer,

The Conquering Cancer team

P.S. Don’t wait too long before you start adopting an anti-cancer lifestyle. Visit this page before tomorrow night to get guidance from Dr. Flavin herself.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I’m gonna be honest.

I’ve received a lot of pushback from herbalists about teaching medical astrology. Our conversations typically go something like this: “Wow, your work is great, but that medical astrology stuff . . . [insert eye roll].”

Okay, so the eye roll isn’t always there, but the change in tone and the petering conversation makes me feel as if it was. This bums me out because this disdain for medical astrology doesn’t just affect me or my peers, but the herbal community as a whole because it alienates a very effective traditional approach to herbal medicine.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I’ve been wondering why so many herbalists feel so wary of medical astrology.

I’ve come to realize that the basis for this fear is a basic misunderstanding of what medical astrology is and how it fits into herbal medicine.

Today’s blog post is different than usual (perhaps a little more ranty and me up on a soapbox), but I also speak about the roots, practical application, and concerns surrounding medical astrology. You’ll also learn why it’s important to keep this tradition alive and how it fits into the practice of the modern-day herbalist.

Whether you love medical astrology, want to learn more, or feel hesitant about it, I hope you find this blog post gives voice to your questions or concerns.

Take care,​


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
I’m gonna be honest.

I’ve received a lot of pushback from herbalists about teaching medical astrology. Our conversations typically go something like this: “Wow, your work is great, but that medical astrology stuff . . . [insert eye roll].”

Okay, so the eye roll isn’t always there, but the change in tone and the petering conversation makes me feel as if it was. This bums me out because this disdain for medical astrology doesn’t just affect me or my peers, but the herbal community as a whole because it alienates a very effective traditional approach to herbal medicine.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I’ve been wondering why so many herbalists feel so wary of medical astrology.

I’ve come to realize that the basis for this fear is a basic misunderstanding of what medical astrology is and how it fits into herbal medicine.

Today’s blog post is different than usual (perhaps a little more ranty and me up on a soapbox), but I also speak about the roots, practical application, and concerns surrounding medical astrology. You’ll also learn why it’s important to keep this tradition alive and how it fits into the practice of the modern-day herbalist.

Whether you love medical astrology, want to learn more, or feel hesitant about it, I hope you find this blog post gives voice to your questions or concerns.

Take care,​
eye roll is there jimi!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Here’s the deal…
We all know our food, water, air, and products we use are ripe with “toxins” that experts are telling you to “detox” from…
And if we’re being honest? You might be starting to tune all of that out.
How can you fight back against the 100,000 toxic chemicals you’re in contact with every single day? Is it time to accept that ALL of us will end up with some sort of chronic disease or an early death?
You might be wondering, “Why try at all at this point?”
My friend and one of the world’s top heavy metal experts, Dr. Wendy Myers, answers all those questions and more in her new freeee docuseries, Heavy Which STARTS TONIGHT!
Heavy not only features a NEW approach to detox that’s proven effective enough to take on our growing toxic load…
But also features 107 interviews with experts on topics like:
  • Where to find the safest consumer brands and food
  • How to stay safe from the medications we’re finding in our so-called “clean” drinking water
  • The 6 deadly ways toxins promote obesity
  • The lead and toxins hiding in baby formula, dog food, and protein powders
  • The sneaky way that toxins mimic hormones causing imbalances — and why HRT isn’t the solution
  • How the four most common heavy metals that cause hormone imbalance are dampening your drive in the bedroom
  • The easiest and most effective thing you can do to detox your body every day
  • The forces working against us to prevent optimal health
  • How ozone helps to detox your body by oxidizing heavy metals and toxins
  • How mercury interferes in thyroid hormone production and conversion
And SO much more.
→ You can register to watch Heavy at NO cost here.
Wendy’s name might sound familiar to you because she’s featured in more than 500 podcasts talking about the devastating effects heavy metals have on our health…
And what you’ll hear in this groundbreaking series will change the way you see the world…
How you shop and how you eat…
And how you advocate for yourself when you’re sitting face to face with your doctor who insists there’s “nothing you can do” about your unexplained symptoms.
This may be the most important series you see this year…
→ Head here to register so you can watch this life-saving online event.
It all STARTS TONIGHT! Empower yourself with this info-packed series.
To your best health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi

In case you missed it…

I just had a great conversation with renowned cancer specialist Dr. Dana Flavin on preventive and integrative solutions for cancer…

And the insights she shared in our interview were nothing short of astounding. In fact, most doctors never learn these secrets and unfortunately, neither do their patients.

But now you can by watching this video:

I expected nothing less from Dr. Flavin, who has 40 years of cancer research under her belt and has studied the ins and outs of cancer more than anyone else I know.

So much so, in fact, that the inside information she got from her studies proved to be beneficial to her patients.

Dr. Flavin is known for helping cancer patients reverse their diagnosis and reclaim their lives through natural treatments that few doctors, if any at all, are aware of.

And with one of the BEST track records in the world, her reputation is that of a doctor who other doctors go to for help!

That’s why the treasure trove of knowledge she shared with me in our interview is simply eye-opening.

And if you want to learn more about the not-so-familiar causes of cancer as well as simple practices you can do today to protect yourself from cancer…

Check out my interview with Dr. Flavin here.

I promise, you don’t want to miss this.

To helping you fight cancer,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Today is the last day of our 3-part Energy Healing Series and we have one more powerful remedy to share!
In the video below, Qigong master Tristan Truscott gives you 4 simple postures that you can use to dissolve joint and muscle pain. These movements are a combination of gently squeezing and stretching certain muscles while inhaling and exhaling controlled breaths of air.
(This technique is phenomenal for your back, shoulders, elbows and knees).
While following along with Tristan's video training, you will feel the enhanced circulation of energy throughout your body. In his own words, this practice is specifically intended to rejuvenate the tissue and tendons around your joints and heal any pain in your back.
Click here to watch today's video teaching
If you missed the other two healing videos we shared this week, you can access them as well using the link above.
Stay curious,
Nick Polizzi
Host of Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine
& Founder of The Sacred Science

P.S. If you are loving these videos and want more, you can have the full program at 50% OFF the regular price - but only for the next 3 days.
We'll also give you these 3 Bonus Sessions:
- Exercises for Inner Strength & Stress Release by Donna Eden (Eden Energy Medicine)

- A Mini Facelift for Mind Body & Spirit by Fumiko Takatsu (Face Yoga Method)

- Axis Alignment for Energy & Clarity by Pedram Shojai (Urban Monk Academy)

Click for more information on the full program!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We hope you enjoyed the first video in the 'Unlock Your Best A1c (and Ditch Fad Diets for Good)' series.

We hope it shed some light on the realities of living with diabetes.

It's time to dive deeper. Our next video explores some fascinating science. You'll get to:

  • Unmask the real culprit behind insulin resistance (Hint: fatty foods)
  • Understand why insulin isn't your foe (but actually a life-saver)
  • Debunk the myth that insulin causes weight gain
  • Discover how a single high-fat or high-protein meal increases blood glucose and insulin use

>> Click here to demystify the confusion about insulin and blood sugar

We've used this information to teach people like you how to drop their A1c, and when you understand the science, it all becomes clear.

Our clients are living proof that this works. And guess what?

You're next.

>> Click here to start your journey to incredible health

See you there!

Cyrus and Robby,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
There is a lot of information out there about gut health.
You probably know that your gut influences your brain, mood, and skin, and regulates your liver, thyroid, mood, immune system, and metabolism. A 2020 Oxford University Study conducted by Dr. Katerina Johnson showed that gut bacteria even influences personality traits!
So we know that paying attention to our gut health is important, but how can you find reliable information from experts in the field (and not just your regular GP)?
Dive into 7 days of gut health at The GUT RESCUE Summit HERE. >>
This summit includes 40 gut health experts sharing the latest scientific discoveries, studies, and practical tools to help you get your gut health in order.
Here is a sneak peek of some of the sessions you can enjoy:
  • Proven Solutions to Detox, Defend, and Repair After Pesticide Exposure with Dr. Isaac Eliaz
  • Solve the Gut Puzzle: Revolutionary IBS Treatments with Dr. Mark Pimentel
  • Digestive Enzymes: New Science for a Better Gut and Food Tolerance with Steve Wright
  • Reclaiming Digestive Wellness: Strategies for Restoring Gut Health Post-COVID with Dr. Margaret Christensen
  • How to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve for Better Gut Health with Dr. Nicole DiNezza
These sessions will explore the intricate connections between gut health and various bodily functions. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn actionable steps that you can implement immediately to optimise not only your gut health, but overall wellbeing.
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi

This week I've shared with you how to effectively prevent and reverse cancer naturally with the guidance of renowned cancer expert Dana Flavin, MD.

For over 40 years, Dr. Flavin has studied everything there is to know about cancer, from what causes it to the best treatments and practices to avoid it, and has helped thousands of patients fully recover from cancer.

And if her work can be summarized in one phrase, it’s that cancer is reversible without having to solely rely on expensive and destructive treatments like chemo and radiation.

But knowing it’s possible is one thing... Knowing how to reverse cancer by following the exact steps to build an anti-cancer lifestyle is another.

And if you’re looking for the latter to ensure your success in reversing or preventing cancer…

You’d be thrilled to know that Dr. Flavin herself can guide you in adopting a proven anti-cancer lifestyle insider her new Anti-Cancer Masterclass.

Together, me and Dr. Flavin distilled her 4 decades of expertise into easy-to-follow steps that you can apply immediately so you can build resilience against cancer…

Or, in case you or a loved one has already received a diagnosis, see how to reverse it completely so you can reclaim your health and longevity.

Here’s a summary of what’s included:

  • 6 essential, easy steps to help transform your body into the strongest anti-cancer fortress it can be

  • 7 bonus sessions where Dr. Flavin can give you the answers to any questions you might have

  • Video, audio and transcripts of all the learning materials so you can easily refer to them again at your convenience

  • Checklists, recipes, digital files and guided meditations created to make a big impact on your overall health and wellness

  • Full money back guarantee within 60 days in case the program doesn’t give you the results you want

Yes, this is the exact same anti-cancer blueprint that helped Dr. Flavin’s patients reverse cancer over the years, and if it’s helped thousands, there’s no reason why it can’t help YOU too!

But if you want to get your hands on this protocol along with her guidance and support, you have to act quick…

Because this special opportunity is open for the rest of the day only. After midnight, enrollment will close.

So Jimi, if you want to get the same results as many of Dr. Flavin’s patients have and say goodbye to cancer forever so you can continue enjoying the best that life has to offer…

>> Secure your spot in Dr. Flavin’s Masterclass here.

Your friend against cancer,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

Do you need 8 hours of sleep? Sarah hoped this wasn’t true.

She had a terrible time falling asleep. And once she could sleep, there were no guarantees of sleeping straight.

Loud snoring and sleep apnea were part of her daily life. All while experiencing an unexplained weight gain.

But with the right tools, she not only conquered her sleep troubles but thrived.

And you can thrive too.

Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, disconnected, or lonely?

Or perhaps you feel that you do not deserve to live a full life of abundance?

If so, then we have some great news for you.

Like Sarah, you can sleep deep too!

How? Join us at the encore weekend of the Sleep Deep Summit and you’ll see.

Click here to save your fr-ee spot<<

This summit, hosted by Audrey Wells, MD, a sleep medicine physician and life coach, seamlessly combines medical expertise with practical, life-changing skills.

Through her platform, Super Sleep MD, she empowers individuals to take control of their sleep health, offering personalized solutions for sleep issues and weight management.

With over 15 years of experience in sleep apnea, Dr. Wells is dedicated to helping you achieve your best self through the transformative power of restful sleep.

Don’t miss out on the chance to change your sleep – and your life.

Can’t wait to see you there,

Your DrTalks Family

P.S. Don’t let another night pass without exploring the keys to deep, rejuvenating sleep. The Sleep Deep Summit Encore Weekend is your ticket to uncovering the secrets that could transform your sleep and elevate your life. Click here to secure your fr-ee spot today! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

Do you need 8 hours of sleep? Sarah hoped this wasn’t true.

She had a terrible time falling asleep. And once she could sleep, there were no guarantees of sleeping straight.

Loud snoring and sleep apnea were part of her daily life. All while experiencing an unexplained weight gain.

But with the right tools, she not only conquered her sleep troubles but thrived.

And you can thrive too.

Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, disconnected, or lonely?

Or perhaps you feel that you do not deserve to live a full life of abundance?

If so, then we have some great news for you.

Like Sarah, you can sleep deep too!

How? Join us at the encore weekend of the Sleep Deep Summit and you’ll see.

Click here to save your fr-ee spot<<

This summit, hosted by Audrey Wells, MD, a sleep medicine physician and life coach, seamlessly combines medical expertise with practical, life-changing skills.

Through her platform, Super Sleep MD, she empowers individuals to take control of their sleep health, offering personalized solutions for sleep issues and weight management.

With over 15 years of experience in sleep apnea, Dr. Wells is dedicated to helping you achieve your best self through the transformative power of restful sleep.

Don’t miss out on the chance to change your sleep – and your life.

Can’t wait to see you there,

Your DrTalks Family

P.S. Don’t let another night pass without exploring the keys to deep, rejuvenating sleep. The Sleep Deep Summit Encore Weekend is your ticket to uncovering the secrets that could transform your sleep and elevate your life. Click here to secure your fr-ee spot today! <<


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile

Hi Jimi,

Do you need 8 hours of sleep? Sarah hoped this wasn’t true.

She had a terrible time falling asleep. And once she could sleep, there were no guarantees of sleeping straight.

Loud snoring and sleep apnea were part of her daily life. All while experiencing an unexplained weight gain.

But with the right tools, she not only conquered her sleep troubles but thrived.

And you can thrive too.

Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, disconnected, or lonely?

Or perhaps you feel that you do not deserve to live a full life of abundance?

If so, then we have some great news for you.

Like Sarah, you can sleep deep too!

How? Join us at the encore weekend of the Sleep Deep Summit and you’ll see.

Click here to save your fr-ee spot<<

This summit, hosted by Audrey Wells, MD, a sleep medicine physician and life coach, seamlessly combines medical expertise with practical, life-changing skills.

Through her platform, Super Sleep MD, she empowers individuals to take control of their sleep health, offering personalized solutions for sleep issues and weight management.

With over 15 years of experience in sleep apnea, Dr. Wells is dedicated to helping you achieve your best self through the transformative power of restful sleep.

Don’t miss out on the chance to change your sleep – and your life.

Can’t wait to see you there,

Your DrTalks Family

P.S. Don’t let another night pass without exploring the keys to deep, rejuvenating sleep. The Sleep Deep Summit Encore Weekend is your ticket to uncovering the secrets that could transform your sleep and elevate your life. Click here to secure your fr-ee spot today! <<
find something to do and you will sleep ok


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi friend,

Type 2 Diabetes is reversible. Pre-Diabetes is reversible.

Maybe you knew that... maybe you didn't.

Most physicians won't tell you that. Even though the research about diabetes reversibility is clear, they keep it a secret. Why? Well for one reason, most doctors either don't know how to reverse diabetes or don't want the responsibility.

The conventional diabetes model is much easier. It goes something like this: See the patient 2-4 times per year, order basic tests to monitor the disease, and prescribe medication or insulin. That's it.

But, the truth is very different. Type 2 and Pre-Diabetes can absolutely be reversed, IF you're willing to take the right steps.

That's why I put together a webinar called "Five Steps To Reverse Type 2 And Pre-Diabetes", where I'll help you understand the FIVE steps that you need to take to beat diabetes.

The webinar is on this upcoming Tuesday, February 20th at 7:00pm Eastern, 4:00pm Pacific.

>> Register now by clicking here.

This webinar training will be about an hour, and will be jam-packed with valuable information.

Here's some of what I'll cover:

  • Why having the right mindset is more important than you think and how to re-program your mind for the diabetes reversal journey
  • The mainstream conventional model of diabetes treatment and why they continue to get it wrong
  • How to figure out the exact treatment path that you should follow to address you diabetes SUBTYPE (this is critical!)
  • The first step that everyone should take when trying to reverse diabetes
  • Ten important ROOT CAUSE factors that you may need to address before you can finally and permanently reverse diabetes

In this exclusive webinar training, I'll be sharing some powerful information about blood sugar health! If you really want to reverse type 2 or pre-diabetes, join me for this powerful and practical webinar.
I hope you can join me, and I'll see you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

For the past few days, we’ve been talking about the simple yet most effective steps to prevent and reverse cancer based on the proven protocols of Dr. Dana Flavin’s 40+ years of helping thousands of patients conquer cancer.

It’s no secret that cancer is one of the most devastating diseases today that can affect every aspect of your life, from your physical and emotional health to even your finances and relationships.

That’s why many people who get diagnosed with cancer feel that all hope is lost. But as we found out from Dr. Flavin, that’s not necessarily the case…

Because cancer is mostly preventable AND reversible without draining your wallet… as long as you follow the right steps and in adopting an anti-cancer lifestyle.

So if you want the best chance of fully integrating these proven anti-cancer practices into your life…

Why not get guidance directly from Dr. Flavin herself?

That’s right — Dr. Flavin will give you the exact anti-cancer protocol that many of her patients used to reverse their cancer diagnosis and reclaim their lives…

And you can get it through her Anti-Cancer Masterclass that compiles thousands of Dr. Flavin’s work into 6 actionable steps that you can use immediately!

This masterclass will give you the best resources and tools that Dr. Flavin has discovered throughout the years to effectively drive cancer out of your system for good so you can continue living the healthy, happy life you’ve always wanted!

Here’s what you’ll get inside Dr. Flavin’s masterclass:

  • 6 comprehensive modules that cover all areas of your daily life to help you keep cancer away, from detoxing and anti-cancer meals to exercises that can help you conquer the disease.
  • 7 additional sessions to provide you with extra support throughout your journey
  • Video, audio and written transcripts of everything so you can experience the program your way, again and again
  • Cheat sheets, checklists, recipes and guided meditations to make your anti-cancer journey easier and speed up your results
  • 100% money back guarantee within 60 days in the rare event that this program doesn’t give you the results you want.
Imagine returning to the life you loved before a cancer diagnosis where you’re full of energy, vitality and happiness…

Or never having to get a cancer diagnosis in the first place!

Many of Dr. Flavin’s patients over the years got those results, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t too.

So don’t wait any longer and…

Claim your spot in Dr. Flavin’s Anti-Cancer Masterclass here.

Yours in health,

The Conquering Cancer team

P.S. By the way, this program is available for the rest of the day. After that, the limited time discount goes away and enrollment will close.

So if you or someone you know is in total need of the ultimate anti-cancer blueprint, don’t wait any longer and get access to Dr. Flavin’s program before midnight tonight.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Irrefutable Toxicity of Fluoride -- GreenMedInfo's Database Shows 90+ Signals of Harm - Dr. Joel. Bohemier
On February 13th, Dr. Joel Bohemier, senior advisor and co-founder of, co-founder of Stand For Health Freedom, shares public testimony on the broad spectrum toxicity of fluoride on public health.

Following this powerful testimony, and those submitted by other members of the public, Collier County voted to remove fluoride from its drinking water, setting a powerful precedent for the rest of the nation!​


U.S. Water Fluoridation: A Forced Experiment that Needs to End
The United States stands almost entirely alone among developed nations in adding industrial silicofluorides to its drinking water—imposing the community-wide measure without informed consent. Globally, roughly 5% of the population consumes chemically fluoridated water, but more people in the U.S. drink fluoride-adulterated water than in all other countries combined. Within the U.S., just under a third (30%) of local water supplies are not fluoridated; these municipalities have either held the practice at bay since fluoridation’s inception or have won hard-fought battles to halt water fluoridation.​
How to Detox From Fluoride
In today's world, fluoride is hard to avoid completely. Here's how to detox your body.​


GreenMedInfo Research Dashboard: Fluoride
Discover results-driven, evidence-based natural medicine research on the adverse health effects of fluoride in the GreenMedInfo database.​


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Reddit Exile
people should think about all the coins you get in change given to you by shop cashiers. you cant stop it so stop worrying about everything in thw world. people are very paranoid.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
France's "Article Pfizer" could send those who criticize mRNA shots to prison for three years.

Will the French really put up with this? Dans la rue!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

6 Natural Flu Prevention Methods​


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