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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Episode 358: THE POWER GAME
Breaking news in the ongoing efforts to bring transparency to the COVID-19 vaccine campaign: The first batch of "free-text field” data from the V-Safe system is now available for download.
These initial entries represent some of the earliest reports following vaccine administration, offering valuable insights into the real-world experiences of recipients. Over the upcoming months, we will continue to release this data, providing a comprehensive overview of the safety profile associated with the COVID-19 vaccines.
In this first production, users have shared their experiences within 24 to 48 hours of receiving the jab, highlighting a range of symptoms and reactions, including throat swelling, rapid heart rates, intense anxiety, numbness, dizziness, stiffness, miscarriage, and more.
To explore this critically important resource and access the latest data, you can visit to download the information and delve into the details firsthand. Next, don’t miss First Look at the Free-Text COVID Vaccine Safety Data the CDC Wanted to Hide by Tracy Beanz and Michelle Edwards for valuable insights and further analysis.
We will continue to keep you updated as production of this data is provided — please share!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
❓Do You Have Questions About Cancer? We Have Answers! Join us LIVE on Tuesday, February 20, at 5 pm PST/8 pm EST for Season 3 Episode 4 of the Cancer Conversation 🎥❗
It’s that time again…Tuesday, February 20, is your chance to ask our doctors your most pressing questions about cancer. Join Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Natalie Greenberg as they share insights about various diagnoses and discuss the many cutting-edge approaches to integrative cancer care we use at the Cancer Center for Healing.

Learn all about our BRAND-NEW Personalized Patient Prevention Plan geared toward uncovering underlying health concerns BEFORE they become problematic. And see how our 4 Pillar Approach to Integrative Cancer Care is revolutionizing cancer treatment options for patients worldwide.​

Those of you who join LIVE will have the opportunity to have your questions answered during the webinar. If you would like to submit your question for consideration ahead of time, you may email it to [email protected]. If you have registered for the webinar but miss the live broadcast, you will receive a replay link you can access anytime.

Be sure to join us LIVE on Tuesday! We will do our best to get to previously submitted questions and give you the opportunity to ask new ones during the live broadcast.

Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at 5pm PST / 8pm EST
Whether you or a loved one are facing a cancer diagnosis, have been grappling with another health issue, or want to ask general questions about how to get—and stay—well, Dr. Roney and Dr. Greenberg are standing by to provide answers and guidance.

Reserve your spot today for this informative Cancer Conversation Q&A session. And don’t forget to invite your family and friends to join.

Cancer Conversation Season 3, Episode 4
Q&A: Ask Anything!
With Hosts Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Natalie Greenberg​
We can’t wait to see you on Tuesday.

To your health,

Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Audrey Wells will be your host at the Deep Sleep Summit. After more than 15 years of experience helping people with sleep issues and weight management. Dr. Wells combines her medical knowledge and life coaching skills to help people sleep better and control their weight. Her struggle with insomnia and her journey to find deep sleep show her dedication to her field and make her a person others can relate.​
At the Sleep Deep Summit, you'll learn:
  • Cutting-edge strategies and expert insights
  • How to conquer sleep apnea and insomnia once and for all
  • Practical tips and techniques for immediate implementation
  • Connect with a supportive community on the same journey to restful nights
  • Inspiring success stories from individuals who have overcome sleep struggles
  • And more!
Learn from 50+ of today’s leading experts on how to break free from the cycle of sleeplessness – including doctors, researchers and authors – at the Sleep Deep Summit taking place on February 16-18, 2024!

--->>Register today and take the first step towards a well-rested, energized you!
So thankful that you’re making an investment in your health, your life and yourself!

Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

The response to this new documentary series has been absolutely incredible.

Over 130,000 people have attended the World Premiere broadcast this week, and the positive feedback has been pouring in!

Lives are being changed. People are walking away from this series with actionable science-backed advice feeling hopeful and empowered to take control of their brain health.

I want you to be the next success story!

The series is called the Better Brain Blueprint, and when you click here to register, you can watch ALL 12 episodes FREE all weekend!

When you tune in to this online event, here’s what you can expect:
  • Clear recommendations on the kinds of changes you should make if you want to preserve your memory, enjoy more energy, and unlock vibrant mental health
  • Simple tools and tactics you can use to help protect, heal, and keep your brain sharp
  • Practical tips and actionable steps you can take to help improve your brain and mental health right now and for decades to come
  • Specific ways you can give your brain all the support it needs to function properly today, tomorrow, and into old age
  • Life-changing information you can’t find anywhere else, straight from the world's top researchers and clinicians on the frontlines of brain science and mental health
→ Click Here to watch the Replay Weekend of the Better Brain Blueprint!

The Better Brain Blueprint was created to empower you to live a longer, better, happier, and healthier life.

No matter what your health history looks like or what your age is, you have the power to improve your brain function by incorporating the information from this series into your daily life.

Your brain is the most important thing you own. It determines your mood, your energy, your motivation and so much more. So, don’t you want the blueprint for a better brain?

It's time to prioritize your brain health because when your brain thrives, you thrive!

Start your journey to unlock your brain's true potential.

Click Here to Register for the Replay Weekend of the Better Brain Blueprint!

Wishing you abundant health,

Jason Prall

P.S. Did you know that many modern day foods are toxic to your brain? Find out which foods you should eat for the best brain and mental health, which you should avoid, and so much more during this FREE online event!

Click here to watch all weekend.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Keto Mediterranean Tortilla Recipe
These Mediterranean tortillas are a fantastic low-carb recipe that tastes great and uses anti-inflammatory ingredients that support your gut and immune system. This recipe is easy to make and works really well!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

Did you know that 50% of all deaths worldwide can be traced back to one underlying cause…

And that is inflammation?

That’s because many of the deadliest chronic diseases of our time, including cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and depression are all linked to inflammation.

It’s also the same reason why some treatments to these diseases don’t work: because they never address the root cause which is inflammation.

Experts are estimating that around 60% of Americans are suffering from chronic inflammation, whether they are aware of it or not.

That means 60% of Americans are completely vulnerable to chronic diseases that can compromise their life, worsen their health, and shorten their lifespan.

However, there’s no need to worry too much because inflammation, like any other condition, is manageable.

And it won’t even cost you a lot on prescription pills and medications to do so.
If you want the best and natural methods to fight inflammation, you’d love the 10-part masterclass series, The Inflammation Solution.

Register here to watch the F.REE screening from February
19th - 28th.
Hosted by Goodness Lover co-founder Sarah Otto, this masterclass series features over 20 health experts from all over the world who will dive deep into the causes and facts surrounding inflammation, and how exactly they trigger chronic diseases.

Additionally, you’ll discover simple but proven secrets and strategies for naturally managing inflammation so you can avoid these diseases and preserve your health.

Now here’s the thing…

Because of the value that’s inside this masterclass, they typically price it at $297. But from February 19th - 28th only, The Inflammation Solution can be viewed for F.REE!

All you need to do is sign up here so you can get your f.ree ticket!

You don’t want to pass up on this special opportunity if you or someone you know is suffering from any chronic disease. Take advantage now and learn the simplest and most effective ways to get rid of inflammation and reclaim your health!

Save your spot to view The Inflammation Solution for F.REE! (limited time only)

To your healthiest self,

The Conquering Cancer team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hope you're enjoying the weekend and the bright start to the new year!

Earlier this week, we shared two insightful lessons from our video workshop.

If you haven't had the chance to watch them yet, here they are:

Video 1:
The Confusing and Mysterious Symptoms of Diabetes
Video 2: Ignite Your Blood Sugar Revolution: Discover Your Path to Exceptional Health

Got a busy schedule? No stress. This is your chance to catch up on all you've missed.

We have another exciting video coming your way tomorrow.

It's all about demystifying the confusion about eating carbohydrates.

This ONE teaching point can drop your A1c, lower your fasting blood glucose, and help you shed unwanted weight.

Missed any videos? Watch them here for free:

Video 1:
The Confusing and Mysterious Symptoms of Diabetes
Video 2: Ignite Your Blood Sugar Revolution: Discover Your Path to Exceptional Health

Don't let confusion hold you back.

Watch these free videos today, take the first step towards your best health, and say goodbye to uncertainty.

Talk soon,

Cyrus and Robby,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Common Nutrient Shortfalls in Women

Common Nutrient Shortfalls in Women
Nearly 30 percent of all women can come up short in one or more of the most important vitamins and minerals, and for many women the risk only increases with age. Let’s examine some of the shortfalls and how best to address them through a nutrient-dense diet and high-quality supplements.
Learn More


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,
In this episode, I’m speaking with world-renowned breathing expert, Patrick McKeown, who shares his amazing expertise on the breathing habits you need to know to reduce stress and anxiety, raise your energy levels, and boost performance…and they’re NOT what you expect!
I’m also incredibly excited to share that I’ve partnered with Patrick to develop a one-of-its-kind Breathing for Energy program, a powerful course with content from both Patrick and I showing you how to use your breath to battle low energy, brain fog, depression, sleep issues, and chronic anxiety.
(FYI… Right now, we’re offering 40% off this transformational course when you order today!)
In this podcast, Patrick and I discuss:

  • The negative impact modern life has on our breathing patterns and why just 24 hours of stress or being sedentary can shift us out of optimal breathing habits
  • Why the popular advice of “just take a deep breath!” might be the worst thing you can do for your physical and mental health!

  • The “oxygen paradox” and the extreme importance of a balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide…and how to achieve this health-enhancing equilibrium
  • The nearly unbelievable role of carbon dioxide in getting oxygen into your cells and how it’s not the waste product you think it is

  • The fascinating interplay between stress and breathing…stress affects your breathing, but did you know the way you breathe affects your levels of stress?

  • A practical, easy-to-use tool that takes less than 1 minute to track your breathing patterns and if they’re leading to health or fatigue and disease

  • How sleep apnea, grinding your teeth at night, and waking up exhausted are connected to your breathing patterns…and how to stop these problems for good!

  • 2 specific breathing tips for people with chronic fatigue

  • How most yoga, pilates, and stress counselors are not teaching you the right way to breathe
Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Checklist for When You Leave the Hospital

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Leaving a hospital is not as simple as it once was. Because of administrative paperwork and government regulations, the process can now stretch on for as long as four hours.

It’s also likely to be filled with confusion and involve multiple people, including doctors, nurses, a hospitalist, and case manager.

Special: Doctor: All Multivitamins Are Not the Same

Before you leave the hospital, be sure to perform a self-inspection. In their zeal to discharge you, it’s possible (and not even all that unusual) that the medical staff may have overlooked an aspect of your care.

Examine your wound site to make sure there is no redness, drainage, warmth, or any other evidence of infection. Make sure that any IV sites or incisions are healing.

Before you’re discharged, be sure to get a copy of your medical records. (There may be a small printing charge.) You are legally entitled to have them, and even if you request they be sent to the doctor you intend to follow up with, such requests are often delayed or forgotten.

Inquire if you are entitled to home nursing services. Such help could include washing, dressing, and simple household tasks, and can be a lifesaver — especially for those who live alone.

You should also make a follow-up appointment with your primary care doctor and any other specialists that are appropriate.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Health is so much more than just the absence of disease.
Real vitality can give you a bounce in your step. Joy in your heart. And resilience in the face of adversity.
That’s why my friend Dr. Pedram Shojai (The Urban Monk) has chosen to focus his practice on treating root causes of disease and more importantly, on cultivating wellness (from the inside out).
Pedram’s about to convene 35 leading-edge natural healthcare practitioners to illuminate the path to a more vibrant and fulfilling life. They’re taking a holistic approach — including diet, sleep, stress management, breathing, relationships, and what’s been scientifically proven to WORK.
>> Join the Vitality Summit right now.
Pedram’s goal is that this Summit will clear away confusion, inspire you with hope, and help you take practical action to create a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
Yours for living your best life,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. When you register, you’ll gain access to the entire Summit. And you’ll also get some potent free bonuses, including a food fermentation guide, meditation tracks, and three of Pedram’s popular feature films.
Get it all here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi

You might not be aware of this, but many chronic diseases like digestive problems, heart disease and cancer share one underlying cause: inflammation.

If you’re indeed unaware of that fact, you’re not alone. Most people have no idea that they’re suffering from inflammation until they start experiencing the symptoms of chronic diseases.

And unless they start addressing inflammation, they won’t be able to eliminate these chronic diseases.

Now, you might think fixing inflammation means breaking the bank on treatments and pills. However, there’s a treasure trove of natural herbs and superfoods that can ease inflammation without emptying your wallet.
You’ll discover some of the best of them in this F.REE e-book: 12 Natural Remedies to Combat Inflammation

Download your F.REE copy here.
I’m sure you’re already familiar with some of them and you’re used to seeing them at your local grocery, but you’ll be surprised at their potency against inflammation.

Now here’s the best part:

When you grab your copy, you’ll also score a F.REE pass to watch The Inflammation Solution, a must-see masterclass hosted by nutritionist and co-founder of Goodness Lover, Sarah Otto.

From February 19th - 28th, you’ll discover everything there is to know about the inflammation problem that’s responsible for 50% of deaths worldwide, and uncover cutting-edge strategies to combat it with the help of 27 experts, researchers and doctors.

This is your chance to properly address the hidden cause behind the most devastating chronic diseases of our time. Make sure you don’t miss out and equip yourself with the knowledge and tools for a healthier, disease-free life.

Download the e-book + get your F.REE pass to watch The Inflammation Solution.

Yours in good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Protect Your Health, Protect Your Liver
The liver is the most hard-working organ in the human body. It performs many functions that are vital to life. It plays an important role in digestion (breaking nutrients down) and assimilation (building up body tissues). It is the storage site for many essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron, copper, B12, vitamins A, D, E and K. Red blood cells, which are responsible for carrying oxygen around the body, are also produced in the liver and Kupffer cells help to devour harmful micro-organisms in the blood so helping to fight infection.....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A healthy diet plays a crucial role in managing and improving fatty liver disease. Here are some foods that can help with fatty liver:
1. Fruits and vegetables: These are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can support liver health. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet, such as leafy greens, berries, citrus fruits, broccoli, and carrots....
Here’s how brassica foods help with liver detoxification:
Brassica foods are rich in glucosinolates, which are sulfur-containing compounds. When these compounds are broken down during digestion, they form biologically active substances such as isothiocyanates and indole-3-carbinol. These substances have been shown to enhance the liver’s detoxification enzymes, helping to eliminate toxins from the body....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Feeding Your Joints

Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., writes:

Arthritis is a real pain — and 27 million of us deal with pain and stiffness from the wear-and-tear of osteoarthritis, where the cartilage that covers and cushions the ends of your bones becomes thin or disappears and your bones rub together and hurt.

Another 2.5 million endure the red, hot, swollen, and painful joints of rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease that causes your immune system to mistakenly identify your cartilage and bones as foreign invaders (like viruses) — and attack them.

Special: Alleviate Your Joint Pain in as Little as 5 Days.

Arthritis isn’t an “equal opportunity annoyer.” It picks on seniors (65% of people over 65 have osteoarthritis) and women (7 out of 10 people with rheumatoid arthritis). With so many folks afflicted, you’d think modern medicine would offer some good, safe solutions for arthritis pain. Think again.

The most common class of pain-relieving drugs — nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) — hospitalizes more than 100,000 Americans a year from bleeding ulcers and kills more than 16,500!

Adding joint insult to digestive injury, NSAIDs don’t slow the progression of arthritis — and may even speed it up.

The best advice? Take steps to optimize joint health so you can minimize the chances of developing problems in the first place. And there are three easy ways to do just that.

There are several nutrients and natural compounds that are uniquely effective for promoting healthy joints.

Glucosamine Sulfate: Feeding Your Cartilage

Glucosamine is a component of cartilage. When you take a glucosamine-containing supplement, the compound is incorporated into your cartilage molecules, which helps repair joints and reduce the pain that can result from overuse. I recommend the sulfate form (not glucosamine hydrochloride), because sulfate also promotes healthy joint function. The standard dose is 750 milligrams, two times daily, taken with or without food.

After six months, you may find that you don’t need to take the supplement daily; at that point, you may choose to take it only when your joints feel like they need help.

Chondroitin Sulfate: More Cartilage Support

This compound also helps create, maintain, and repair cartilage. One downside is that only 10% is absorbed. To improve absorption, use the “low molecular weight” form of chondroitin. (Look for those words on the label.) The standard dose is 400 milligrams three times daily, or 1,200 in a single dose.

MSM: Sulfur, a Surprisingly Important Nutrient

MSM is an abbreviation for methylsulfonylmethane, a sulfur-containing compound that gives your proteins a key building block needed for tissue repair. Research shows that MSM, chondroitin, and glucosamine work well together. It is reasonable to take all three of these daily for the first six to 12 weeks after you begin the regimen. This will lay a solid nutritional foundation from which you can begin to maintain healthy joint function. After that, you can scale back to a lower dose.


Gold Contributor
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Reddit Exile
Feeding Your Joints

Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., writes:

Arthritis is a real pain — and 27 million of us deal with pain and stiffness from the wear-and-tear of osteoarthritis, where the cartilage that covers and cushions the ends of your bones becomes thin or disappears and your bones rub together and hurt.

Another 2.5 million endure the red, hot, swollen, and painful joints of rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease that causes your immune system to mistakenly identify your cartilage and bones as foreign invaders (like viruses) — and attack them.

Special: Alleviate Your Joint Pain in as Little as 5 Days.

Arthritis isn’t an “equal opportunity annoyer.” It picks on seniors (65% of people over 65 have osteoarthritis) and women (7 out of 10 people with rheumatoid arthritis). With so many folks afflicted, you’d think modern medicine would offer some good, safe solutions for arthritis pain. Think again.

The most common class of pain-relieving drugs — nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) — hospitalizes more than 100,000 Americans a year from bleeding ulcers and kills more than 16,500!

Adding joint insult to digestive injury, NSAIDs don’t slow the progression of arthritis — and may even speed it up.

The best advice? Take steps to optimize joint health so you can minimize the chances of developing problems in the first place. And there are three easy ways to do just that.

There are several nutrients and natural compounds that are uniquely effective for promoting healthy joints.

Glucosamine Sulfate: Feeding Your Cartilage

Glucosamine is a component of cartilage. When you take a glucosamine-containing supplement, the compound is incorporated into your cartilage molecules, which helps repair joints and reduce the pain that can result from overuse. I recommend the sulfate form (not glucosamine hydrochloride), because sulfate also promotes healthy joint function. The standard dose is 750 milligrams, two times daily, taken with or without food.

After six months, you may find that you don’t need to take the supplement daily; at that point, you may choose to take it only when your joints feel like they need help.

Chondroitin Sulfate: More Cartilage Support

This compound also helps create, maintain, and repair cartilage. One downside is that only 10% is absorbed. To improve absorption, use the “low molecular weight” form of chondroitin. (Look for those words on the label.) The standard dose is 400 milligrams three times daily, or 1,200 in a single dose.

MSM: Sulfur, a Surprisingly Important Nutrient

MSM is an abbreviation for methylsulfonylmethane, a sulfur-containing compound that gives your proteins a key building block needed for tissue repair. Research shows that MSM, chondroitin, and glucosamine work well together. It is reasonable to take all three of these daily for the first six to 12 weeks after you begin the regimen. This will lay a solid nutritional foundation from which you can begin to maintain healthy joint function. After that, you can scale back to a lower dose.
get some fresh oil!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

My interview with Epoch Times on how the WHO instruments will cause pandemics and how the pandemic industry makes a bundle in cahoots with the WHO​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

Did you know that 50% of all deaths worldwide can be traced back to one underlying cause…

And that is inflammation?

That’s because many of the deadliest chronic diseases of our time, including cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and depression are all linked to inflammation.

It’s also the same reason why some treatments to these diseases don’t work: because they never address the root cause which is inflammation.

Experts are estimating that around 60% of Americans are suffering from chronic inflammation, whether they are aware of it or not.

That means 60% of Americans are completely vulnerable to chronic diseases that can compromise their life, worsen their health, and shorten their lifespan.

However, there’s no need to worry too much because inflammation, like any other condition, is manageable.

And it won’t even cost you a lot on prescription pills and medications to do so.
If you want the best and natural methods to fight inflammation, you’d love the 10-part masterclass series, The Inflammation Solution.

Register here to watch the F.REE screening from February
19th - 28th.
Hosted by Goodness Lover co-founder Sarah Otto, this masterclass series features over 20 health experts from all over the world who will dive deep into the causes and facts surrounding inflammation, and how exactly they trigger chronic diseases.

Additionally, you’ll discover simple but proven secrets and strategies for naturally managing inflammation so you can avoid these diseases and preserve your health.

Now here’s the thing…

Because of the value that’s inside this masterclass, they typically price it at $297. But from February 19th - 28th only, The Inflammation Solution can be viewed for F.REE!

All you need to do is sign up here so you can get your f.ree ticket!

You don’t want to pass up on this special opportunity if you or someone you know is suffering from any chronic disease. Take advantage now and learn the simplest and most effective ways to get rid of inflammation and reclaim your health!

Save your spot to view The Inflammation Solution for F.REE! (limited time only)

To your healthiest self,

The Conquering Cancer team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Oral health is not just important, Jimi. It’s CRUCIAL for your overall well-being!

This is one of the most overlooked aspects of your health because the issues that can arise are often not properly addressed by doctors or dentists.

That’s why I’m sharing this game-changing resource:

The Crucial Role Of Oral Health In Chronic Disease Prevention by Sanda Moldovan, DDS, MS, CNS.​
This isn’t your average dental guide — it’s a revelation that explores the profound connections between oral health and your overall vitality.

What’s inside?
  • Uncover the impact of oral health on your longevity and well-being.
  • Dive into the transformative realm of biological dentistry, merging ancient wisdom with modern practices.
  • Discover effective alternatives to mundane “drill and fill” techniques.
Your oral health isn’t just about your teeth — it’s a mirror reflecting your systemic health.

From early indicators like tender gums signaling vitamin C deficiency to uncovering severe conditions like leukemia, this guide empowers you to decode your body’s signals.

Head here to discover the CRUCIAL role of oral health on your overall well-being.

Wishing you abundant health,

Jason Prall

P.S. Remember, your health journey is uniquely yours, and you have the right to seek the answers that will lead you to a life of wellness. Empower yourself with knowledge and make continual progress toward lasting health.

Click here to download your copy of this FREE report.

If you no longer want to hear about the Silent Killers Summit, please click this link to let me know → I don’t want to receive any more emails about free resources related to this event.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have you ever made your own yogurt, kombucha, or sauerkraut, Jimi?

Today’s the perfect day to start this fun and health-giving hobby!

>> Click here for your free copy of a lovely home fermentation guide that expertly helps you make your own ferments at home.

With this guide, you can easily make many fermented foods from scratch and enjoy the process and immense health benefits.

This guide is a complimentary gift included with Dr. Pedram Shojai’s Vitality Summit, airing February 19th - 25th. (Be sure to catch my talk on the 19th!)

The summit features the most innovative names in health and wellness, discussing WHAT TRULY WORKS beyond the fads and hype. It’s a unique event, and you shouldn’t miss it!

>> Click here to get your free Fermentation Guide and to join the event!

The guide is really practical, and the summit is not to be missed. (You’ll get access to the summit when you redeem your guide!)

Enjoy fermenting at home!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
being "at peace" within yourself and able to focus deeply is a golden key to achieving your goals and your overall health and longevity.

That's why I highly recommend you experience this powerful meditation you're getting free right here today.

This simple and very effective meditation is provided to you by Dr. Pedram Shojai (NY Times bestselling author of The Urban Monk) in support of his exceptional Vitality online event that starts tomorrow.

And by listening to it, it can quickly help you eliminate the worries, over-thinking, doubts, fear, stress, and confusion that hinder your inner peace and your ability to focus.

With Dr. Pedram's soothing voice, his expert guidance on conscious breathing, and the deeping relaxing sounds of ocean waves in this meditation...

You'll feel deeply relaxed yet positively energized and focused, an ideal state to be in, so...

Give this free Focus Meditation a try!

FYI, this is just one of the gifts that you're getting along with completely free access to Dr Pedram Shojai’s Vitality Summit which STARTS TOMORROW -- Feb 19 -- and airs online through the 25th.

The summit features many of today's most renowned and trusted MDs and researchers revealing WHAT TRULY WORKS in health and wellness beyond all the fads and hype.

It’s a truly unique event you won't want to miss...

And it starts with Pedram's powerful and free Focus Meditation for you today!

Now, you are likely well aware that we live in an age where the "Attention Economy" makes it hard to stay focused on anything long enough to achieve your desired results.

So many people today feel "pulled" in different directions and distracted by seemingly endless worries and "chatter" in their brains.

Research shows guided meditation can be an especially potent way to quickly calm your brain and body and provide you the energy and focus you desire...

As you'll experience when you listen to this very effective Focus Meditation -- completely free for you right here!

FINALLY, because smiles and laughter are always "good medicine", much like mindfulness and meditation...

Here's a "dad joke" that makes my little kids giggle and is worth sharing with YOU:

What do you call a mindful wolf?

Aware wolf.


Okay, then, even if you're new to meditation, even if you're apprehensive...

I encourage you to give this simple yet powerful new meditation a try!

Enjoy it, and enjoy your Sunday :)

To Living Long and Living Well,

Brian Vaszily

P.S. The reason Dr. Pedram Shojai is giving you this Focus Meditation along with your free access to the Vitality event that starts tomorrow...

...Is because he has decades of experience guiding people with these techniques and it really can work what feels like "wonders."

Please don't let how easy and even enjoyable listening to this meditation is fool you:

As you'll experience even just a few minutes into listening, it really is very powerful "medicine" to clear your stress quickly and help you feel calmly energized and focused!

Head here now:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good news!! You still have time to register for this Tuesday’s LIVE Cancer Conversation: Ask Anything! Join Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Natalie Greenberg as they answer your most pressing questions and discuss the many cutting-edge approaches to integrative cancer care we use at the Cancer Center for Healing.

Learn all about our BRAND-NEW Personalized Patient Prevention Plan geared toward uncovering underlying health concerns BEFORE they become problematic. And see how our 4 Pillar Approach to Integrative Cancer Care is revolutionizing cancer treatment options for patients worldwide.​

Those of you who join LIVE will have the opportunity to have your questions answered during the webinar. If you would like to submit your question for consideration ahead of time, you may email it to [email protected]. If you have registered for the webinar but miss the live broadcast, you will receive a replay link you can access anytime.

Be sure to join us LIVE on Tuesday at 5 pm PST! We will do our best to get to previously submitted questions and give you the opportunity to ask new ones during the live broadcast.

Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at 5pm PST / 8pm EST
Whether you or a loved one are facing a cancer diagnosis, have been grappling with another health issue, or want to ask general questions about how to get—and stay—well, Dr. Roney and Dr. Greenberg are standing by to provide answers and guidance.

Reserve your spot today for this informative Cancer Conversation Q&A session. And don’t forget to invite your family and friends to join.

Cancer Conversation Season 3, Episode 4
Q&A: Ask Anything!
With Hosts Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Natalie Greenberg
We can’t wait to see you on Tuesday.

To your health,

Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hidden Heart Disease (48% Of Us)​

The American Heart Association says 48% of us have some form of cardiovascular disease (CVD).
In fact, about four yearago I was surprised to receive a blood test result showing a potential sign of cardiovascular inflammation (elevated myeloperoxidase), which I believe was due to gut dysbiosis and/or a lectin sensitivity.
We've all been taught that CVD is all to do with cholesterol, but the latest research reveals something quite different.
And with hundreds of thousands of people dying every year of CVD---and almost half of us already having some degree of CVD---it's urgent that each of us get up to speed on what really matters so we can stop this threat in its tracks before its too late.
Jonathan Landman has teamed up with experts to create the Cardiovascular Docu-Class (starts February 27th) in which you'll learn things like:
  • The most significant reason why artery health is linked to your gum health
  • The best at-home remedies to minimize the risk of bacterial infections … while at the same time reversing the negative effects of gum disease
  • How unwanted “stealth” pathogens are more dangerous than high cholesterol
  • The BIG difference between “bad genes” and a “genetic tendency” for disease ... and the most advanced testing protocols to uncover your risk of heart failure
  • How the eyes reveal heart problems
  • What most people NEVER hear about the true cause of plaque development … and a lesser-known test used to detect excess build up, before it’s too late
  • How to properly measure all the toxins that increase your inflammatory markers
  • Why the conventional view of “liver detoxification” is all wrong … and, more importantly, how a dysfunctional liver threatens heart health
  • The “SIBO-Gut Connection” and how to avoid this threat to your heart
  • The most dangerous bacteria that threaten your heart … and how to safely get rid of them
  • Several astonishing truths about how cellular energy is directly linked to heart function … and why infections must be eliminated
  • To avoid serious nervous system, brain and heart problems … find out why Dr. DeMaria considers this one functional test to be the most important
  • A special message for women over 50 concerned about heart health … including the number one food to eat on a regular basis
With almost half of us already in some state of CVD, many of us without knowing it, this event is a power-packed education not to be missed!
>> Go here to sign up for the Cardiovascular Docu-Class
The 1st episode debuts soon! This information could literally save your life, or the life of someone you love dearly.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Most people think the reason that vegetables make us healthier is that they contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, etc ... and that's certainly part of the picture.
But a less obvious reason that vegetables are healthy to eat is that many of the nutrients generally called "phytonutrients" are actually mild stressors that induce an adaptive response in our bodes that makes us stronger in various ways.
It's kind of like biochemical exercise for our cells.
When the source of this beneficial stress is supplied by a molecule from outside of the body, it is called "xenohormesis".
Many phytonutrients promote increased production of our body's own antioxidants like glutathione via the Nrf-2 (nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2) pathway.
Another result can be that your the mitochondria in your cells get bigger, stronger, more numerous, more resistant to stress, and capable of producing more energy ... and you feel more energetic.
But vegetables purchased in the store have usually lost many of the nutrients they had before they were harvested.
This could be why many centenarians are gardeners. They're getting the full complement of phytonutrients from their own fresh-picked veggies.
So more and more people are growing their own food, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can waste precious time and even squander your efforts and get discouraged.
Don’t let that happen to you.
Allow Stacey Murphy to empower you to grow fresh veggies high in phytonutrients in the Joyful Gardener Virtual Event, starting February 20th.
Learn how to grow more phytonutrient-dense food, in less space, in harmony with your local climate conditions ... Reserve your spot here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The biggest event for 2024 in health and wellness begins tomorrow. I personally hosted 40 of the most influential minds in the space to help dispel the noise and bring some clarity and sanity back into the space.

---> Register Here For Free <---

Even if you think you're not a "summit person," I invite you to reconsider. This is an important conversation that you need to be a part of and you don't want to miss what's said.


Because I'm BREAKING THINGS with the help of my guests. The healthcare model is broken and terrible. The wellness bazar is a fiasco and equally dangerous.

It's time to meet in the middle and focus back on WHAT WORKS. That's what this entire event is about and it begins tomorrow morning.

Optimal health and wellbeing shouldn't be a mystery. It should be complicated and stressful. I gathered the brightest minds and a roster of people who are ACTUALLY HEALTHY to speak here...because they practice what they preach.​

I'll see you there!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Urine Therapy: Everything You Never Thought You Needed to Know!

Today, we're joined by Jonathan Otto, renowned documentary filmmaker and health advocate, to explore the resurgence of urine therapy. Discover the scientific backing and inspiring success stories that highlight its benefits, from immune boosting to detoxification. Don't miss out on the latest in holistic health—subscribe now and join our social media community for groundbreaking wellness insights.

-->> Listen on your favorite podcast channel here

-->> Watch on Youtube here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We wanted to ensure that you didn't miss another important video in the Unlock Your Best A1c (and Ditch Fad Diets For Good) workshop.

This video is all about understanding the contrast between refined carbohydrate-rich foods that lead to weight gain, energy loss, and insulin resistance versus whole carbohydrate-rich foods that promote weight loss, energy, and insulin sensitivity.

CLICK HERE: How Whole and Refined Carbs Actually Influence Your Blood Sugar

You see, there are specific components of whole carbohydrates that can help you lower your A1c and reverse insulin resistance:

Component #1: Fiber

Fiber helps slow the rate of glucose absorption into your blood, which is great news for you because it protects you against unwanted blood glucose elevations.

Scientists used to believe that fiber merely helped sweep undigested food material and excess cholesterol into the toilet, but now we know that that’s only part of the story.

Your body is home to approximately 38 trillion bacteria, and the majority of those bacteria live in your “microbiome.”

These bacteria make short-chain fatty acids that have broad anti-inflammatory effects and help boost immune function, regulate insulin production, and minimize your risk for many chronic diseases.

Component #2: Antioxidants

Antioxidants neutralize free radicals in your blood and tissues and protect you against inflammation in your muscles, liver, pancreas, brain, thyroid gland, kidney, and just about any tissue you can think of.

The truth is that plant foods contain on average 64 TIMES more antioxidant content than animal foods, which is great news for every tissue in your body.

Component #3: Phytochemicals

Phytochemicals are an extremely diverse collection of compounds found only in plants that have an extensive portfolio of biological activities.

Diets rich in phytochemicals are associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and premature death from any cause. And THAT’S a big deal.

CLICK HERE: How Whole and Refined Carbs Actually Influence Your Blood Sugar

So sit back, grab a mango (or 5), and enjoy!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Shocking news, Jimi:

Cancer rates are skyrocketing more than ever, with over 2 million cases expected in the United States this year.

At this rate, it’s probably best to assume that nobody is safe from getting a cancer diagnosis at some point in their life.

This is seriously alarming especially given the medical breakthroughs in cancer treatment over the years. But if you really dig deep, the reason modern medicine is still struggling to contain cancer is because it falls short in addressing the root causes of the disease.

Aside from that, many modern treatments are painful and expensive, forcing many patients to look for other alternatives.

And if you or someone you know is one of them, I’m happy to tell you that you don’t have to look any longer…

Because award-winning filmmaker and investigative medical journalist Jonathan Otto has found the answers you need, and he’ll share them with you through his latest 12-part docuseries, Cancer Secrets.

Register here to view Cancer Secrets for F.REE.
For this docuseries, Jonathan has teamed up with 60 top cancer experts worldwide to bring you their valuable insights and groundbreaking solutions to fighting this disease.

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s inside:

✅ Insights into surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation evolved from wartime practices, shaping the landscape of cancer treatment over the last century

✅ Understanding how electronic devices and 5G towers may impact cancer risk

✅ Unconventional approaches to support the body’s natural healing processes, including hyperthermia, and its potential impact on cancer treatment

✅ The interrelated treatments for Long COVID, vaccine injury, chronic fatigue syndrome, and cancer

✅ The significant role of optimizing sleep and nutrition in improving autoimmune diseases and cancer

And so much more.

You won’t find the insights you’ll get here anywhere else. So if you want to increase your chances of avoiding and reversing cancer while avoiding painful, expensive treatments, make sure you carve out some time in your schedule to watch this docuseries.

Secure your seat to watch Cancer Secrets for F.REE.

To a cancer-free future,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What Do Your Fingernails Mean?
Hey Jimi,

I wanted to bring back this podcast I did with Evan to talk about nails. Like your skin and hair, nails can say a lot to people about your health.

While nails exist to offer the sensitive upper surface of our fingers some degree of protection, both fingernails and toenails serve as a visual advertisement of a person’s health: nails can show signs of an impending ailment and are therefore examined by many doctors to help in diagnosing certain diseases.

Learn all about nails by tuning into today's podcast hosted by myself and Evan!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
What Do Your Fingernails Mean? | Podcast #253
In this episode, we cover:

On digestion
06:25 On fungus problems
12:47 Vertical/Horizontal Ridges
15:12 Spoon Nails
17:32 Clubbing Nails

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
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Addressing Subconscious Trauma and Healing Emotional Wounds

Today I am joined by Daniel Hill for a very important episode. In this video, we discuss methods for addressing subconscious trauma and healing emotional wounds that go beyond traditional talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy.

We go over different techniques for working on subconscious trauma at the root level, and teach you how to create a domino effect to bring healing to other areas of your life. I hope you will give this a listen and share with a loved one who would benefit from this message too!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Your thyroid may be tiny, but it has a huge impact on how you look and feel.

Your thyroid acts like a “master switch” that regulates your metabolism, mood, digestion, skin and hair health, and so much more.

But, your thyroid is extremely vulnerable to heavy metals.

This is especially true for women.

In fact, women are 8 times more likely to have thyroid problems than men!

Some of the most common symptoms of poor thyroid function include:

  • Unexpected weight gain/weight loss
  • Thinning hair, hair breakage, and bald spots
  • Hormone fluctuations and mood swings
  • Constipation
  • Puffy face
  • Dry skin
  • Fatigue
If you’re struggling with any of these symptoms, heavy metals could be sabotaging your thyroid health.

In today’s blog, we’ll look at how heavy metals harm your thyroid… and… and what you can do right now to protect your health.

Get the full story here:

>> 5 ways heavy metals harm your thyroid (click to read)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Many of us enjoy walnuts, almonds, pecans, Brazil nuts, pistachios, cashews, macadamia nuts, and hazelnuts, plus honorary peanuts (even though peanuts are technically a legume) with enthusiasm.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Get the whole nutty story here.
Yours for healthy choices,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Are some nuts better for you than others? And are there any downsides to consuming them?
Here’s what you need to know about nuts.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
I always say this, and I will continue to say it because it’s true:

The C0VID jabs are causing catastrophic harm!
Right now, we know that a new and unexpected phenomenon has emerged—an unsettling surge in post-vaxx turbo cancers.
The very “solution” that was meant to “protect” us from the infamous CVD-19…
Is now the ACTUAL cause of the vicious post-“pandemic” cancer epidemic.
Now, if you know me well, you’ll know I love to be part of the solution…
So I had a chat with someone who is also hungry to make change and curb the rise of these strange cancers.
Dr. Tony Jimenez is a wonderful medical doctor and a naturopathic doctor…
Who serves roughly about 600 cancer patients every year.

In his practice, their treatments are focused on the key principles of cancer therapy…
And he has a book about this but essentially…
Their cancer treatment focuses on the Therapeutic Order of Health and Healing:
“One is removing obstacles of health.
The natural state of the body is health and what is leading to disease is these obstacles such as stress, poor diet, digestive disturbances, and so forth. The second is stimulating self-healing mechanisms. This is done through modalities such as homeopathy, and natural nontoxic therapies. The third is strengthening weakened systems. Is your weakened system the immune system? Is it the digestive? Is it the emotional thoughts and conflicts and traumas in life? What are they? Let's strengthen that weakened system. The fourth one is correcting structural integrity, which can be done with things like acupuncture, chiropractic, and structural adjustment. This is so important in aligning the body so the flow of the energy is not blocked. And then we use natural substances to restore and regenerate the body.”

When I heard this…
I was filled with hope because I know this is a safe approach to deal with cancer…
And so many people have been impacted by Dr. Jimineze’s Hope4Cancer…
That’s why I knew I had to include his insights in my BRAND NEW eBook, Cancer Epidemic: The Alarming Rise in Post Vaxx Turbo Cancers – And How to Reverse Them
In this eBook, he and many other health experts share key principles and non-toxic cancer therapy…

That you just CAN’T keep to yourself!​
Download your f.ree copy right now:
>>>Click HERE to download your f.ree copy of Cancer Epidemic: The Alarming Rise in Post Vaxx Turbo Cancers – And How to Reverse Them

Here's a glimpse of what you'll uncover upon Downloading this F.REE eBook:
  • Dr. Patrick Quillin explores the intersection between C0VID v@ccination and the rise in cancer cases.
  • Delve into the immunological processes at play in cancer development.
  • Discover empowering strategies for mitigating cancer risk and addressing vaxx-related injuries.
  • Learn non-toxic cancer therapies that’ve saved lives.
  • And SO. Much. More!
And here's the BEST part:

When you download this amazing eBook, you’ll also get F.REE VIP access to my BRAND NEW 12-Episode docuseries Cancer Secrets
You’ll hear from 40+ of the world’s top medical doctors and natural health experts who share the uncensoredtruth…
About highly effective ways to reverse cancer with natural medicine protocols!
Cancer Secrets
begins the 4th or March, and it will feature breakthrough after breakthrough…

Our world-class health experts are dedicated to pouring out as much as they know so that YOU can gain control of your health.
All you need to do?
>>>Click HERE to download your f.ree copy of Cancer Epidemic: The Alarming Rise in Post Vaxx Turbo Cancers – And How to Reverse Them


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How to Sleep Better at Night Naturally​

Learn how to sleep better at night naturally by creating a peaceful sleep environment with tips for decorating your bedroom.​

Herbs for Dream Pillows: Make Your Own!​

Get some herbs for dream pillows and make your own to encourage natural relaxation. Slip the cushion under your pillow for a restful night’s sleep.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

4 Herbs for Better Sleep Video​

Consider trying some of these herbs for better sleep, including a chamomile tea recipe, valerian root tea, hops, and more.​

Natural Sleeping Herbs for Better Sleep​

Learn what kind of tea helps you sleep to let Mother Nature's natural sleeping herbs work on your behalf to obtain the restorative rest you need.​

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