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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi!
Can we be honest for a second?
Our standard diet is making us sick and miserable. We're heavier than ever despite our best efforts. Instead of nourishing us, food is speeding up our aging, causes diabetes, heart disease and cancer
At the same time there is so much conflicting information on what we "should" be eating that it's almost impossible to see what is genuinely helpful and what are empty promises...
So where do you turn to put an end to all the confusion, misinformation and yo-yo dieting?
Well, we have good news for you. Our friend and colleague Chef AJ is getting ready to bring you the most powerful event on weight loss yet.
Click here to discover The Truth About Weight Loss (complimentary access):
When you join, you’ll hear first hand from 45 of the world’s leading doctors, researchers and dietitians.
And I’m not talking about some hyped celebrity trainer… we’re talking about the doctors who are working for non-profits, the researchers in universities and dietitians helping clients daily… It’s the kind of expertise you won’t find anywhere else.
Speakers include Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Doug Lisle, Dr. Alan Goldhamer, Dr. Barbara Rolls, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. William Li, Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, Cyrus Khambatta PHD, Dr. William Li… and the list goes on.
Many speakers even prepared presentations that they typically reserve for paid conferences or seminars - but because this matters to all of us, you get to watch it all free of charge when you register today.
Click here to register right now
And my favorite part:
Every day you'll learn from someone who's beaten the odds like Jamie who lost 250 pounds, Tami who ended 40 years of yo-yoing, Chuck and Tim who both weighed over 400 pounds or Adam who attempted suicide and will share life-changing lessons you can't afford to miss…
…because sometimes you just need to hear the unfiltered truth from someone who’s been through the worst and turned it around so you can do the same.
So if you know that what you eat matters, then THIS is the one event you can't miss even if you think you've tried it all.
Click here to secure your spot now.
I’ll see you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Did you miss last Thursday’s Fibromyalgia Live Q&A presentation?

If so you can watch the replay below.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Washington University Scientists recently made a startling blood sugar discovery.
The average bear can eat over 200,000 sugar filled blueberries in a single day…​
And they DON’T have any of the erratic blood sugar spikes that we do.​
How’s that possible?​
The average bear has a “Blood Sugar Pipeline” that’s as strong as steel…​
Their pipeline is fortified with 8 KEY proteins that keep sugar OUT of their bloodstream.​
You can’t turn yourself into a bear…​
But you can copy similar nutrients into YOUR blood sugar pipeline to reseal it…​
That way, you can regain control over your erratic blood sugar…​
Without sacrificing your favorite carbs like pasta, pizza, and bread.​
Find out how to FORTIFY your blood sugar pipeline in this FREE video:​
In health and wellness,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Does it seem like everyone is sick these days, Jimi?

I don’t mean the occasional cold or flu, but chronic health conditions like dementia, arthritis, heart disease, and cancer that are slowly and silently killing us.

Today, I want to invite you to the Silent Killers Summit: Reversing The Root Cause Of Chronic Inflammatory Disease.

>> Click here to save your free spot!

Every single speaker (including me) at this summit has the same goals in mind…

  • To provide you with the tools and information you need so you can take action against chronic inflammatory disease
  • To help you understand exactly what steps you should take to start your journey toward real health
  • To empower you to make choices that strengthen your body and mind and transform your life!
I truly hope you make the time to attend this actionable summit. You’ll gain insights from trusted sources with decades of experience and the wisdom to lead you on a successful path toward lifelong health.

>> Click here to join me!

I’m speaking on day one of the summit! Don’t miss it!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Childhood Obesity Puts Heart at Risk

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

A recent study found evidence of stiff, thickened arteries in children who had been obese as toddlers.

Researchers followed more than 1,800 children in Australia whose weight and height were checked every two years to determine their heart disease risk scores.

Special: It's Not Keto . . . Your Liver Is Causing Obesity

At age 11 to 12, their blood pressure, blood vessel health, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels were also assessed.

Those who were obese or overweight as toddlers had evidence of stiffer arteries and thickened arterial lining, and were at high risk of developing metabolic syndrome later in life. Metabolic syndrome is a group of heart disease risk factors that occur together.

The signs of heart disease were worse the longer children were overweight or obese.

"Public health efforts are needed in the very early years to prevent problems with obesity and being overweight, to avoid the risk of adolescent and adult cardiovascular disease," said study author Melissa Wake, professor at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute in Australia.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Top 12 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Nutrients
Our diets can both feed or starve cancer cells productivity by affecting multiple mechanisms which promote cancer. Cancer cells rely on the ability to multiply, repair, differentiate and evade apoptosis (programmed cell death).

The recent discovery of cancer stem cells has scientists looking at a whole new approach to preventing and treating cancer.

Cancer and autoimmune diseases are rising at an alarming rate.

In 2024, for the first time ever…

The United States is expecting over 2 MILLION new cases of cancer!

From lung cancer to breast cancer, to prostate and colon cancer….

The American Cancer Society is showing a major surge in common cancers.

But not enough people are talking about what ACTUALLY causes cancer and autoimmune diseases!

>>>Click HERE to download your f.ree copy of The Root of All Disease: Natural Protocols that Reverse the Root Causes of Post-COVID Autoimmunity and Cancer

Here's a glimpse of what you'll uncover upon downloading this FREE eBook:

  • Explore the immune system as your body's personal army, tirelessly defending against invaders.

  • Understand the immune system's role in defending against infections, and recognizing abnormal cells.

  • Discover the various factors that influence your immune system's performance.

  • And SO. Much.More!

When you download this amazing eBook, you’ll also get F.REE VIP access to the BRAND NEW 12-episode docuseries, Cancer Secrets

You’ll hear from 40+ of the world’s top medical doctors and natural health experts including myself who share the uncensored truth…

About highly effective ways to reverse chronic diseases with natural medicine protocols!

Autophagy: What is it and 8 Ways to Enhance It
Autophagy happens when your body recycles and gets rid of old or excess cells (like fat) that don’t serve a purpose or benefit your health.

The major drivers of autophagy are cellular stressors such as nutrient deprivation brought on from various mechanisms including fasting, exercise, and significant temperature change.

The Nobel Prize in 2016 was awarded to the Japanese researcher Yoshinori Ohsumi for his breakthrough work in helping us understand the process of autophagy and how it works. In this article, you will discover why autophagy is such an important concept and how to structure your life to optimize its benefits in your life.

8 Ways Fasting Improves Heart Health
Intermittent fasting is a powerful health strategy where you are fasting and not taking in food for a certain portion of your day, only non-caloric drinks, such as water or herbal tea. Depending on the specific intermittent fasting strategy, it may be practiced on certain days of the week or daily.

Intermittent fasting has many science-backed benefits, including immune regulation, cellular autophagy, genetic repair, improved insulin sensitivity, and reduced risk of chronic diseases.

One of the main benefits of intermittent fasting is that it improves heart health. Considering that that 610,000 people die from heart disease and is responsible for 1 in every 4 deaths each year in the United States, this is exciting news.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Eat This Before You Fast

In this video, I go over what you should eat before you begin a short intermittent fast or a longer 2-3 or even a 5 day fast. The foods you eat impact your blood sugar and satiety level and will either make it harder to fast or much easier.

Watch the video and check out the short narrative in the description box of the video to get a quick review of this powerful information.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We just released the final video (video 4) in the Unlock Your Best A1c (3 Simple Breakthrough Steps) workshop.

It’s designed to get you to ask yourself a simple question:

Are you living up to your fullest potential?

Most people’s answer to this question is “no.” An emphatic “no.”

Not because they don’t want to be in great health.
Not because they don’t want to feel great.
Not because they don’t want to be active.
Not because they don’t want to have excellent blood sugar.
Not because they don’t want to stop yo-yo dieting for good.

The reason most people say “no” is because they don’t have a rock-solid support system that’s guaranteed to make it work.

That’s why in this video, you’ll have an opportunity to join the blood sugar revolution and join the program that has already helped thousands of people sit in the driver’s seat of their diabetes health.

And it’s guaranteed to work, no questions asked.

>> CLICK HERE: Unlock Your Permanent Health Transformation with the Mastering Diabetes Method

If you want average health, or don’t mind being frustrated controlling your blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, and weight every day, this approach is NOT for you.

It’s not for you if you aren’t willing to commit to changing your habits from the ground up
to say bye-bye to high blood sugar, weight gain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and chronic pain.

It is for you if you’re living with any form of diabetes and want to use your food as medicine to completely transform your diabetes health from the inside out.

We’re opening enrollment for the Masting Diabetes Personalized Coaching Program today – and we’ll talk about that towards the end of the video.

We have multiple different coaching programs that you can join, so if you’re ready to get started then this is your opportunity.

We’re 100% committed to a high quality of coaching and helping you achieve exceptional results. Now go watch the video to get started today…

>> CLICK HERE: Unlock Your Permanent Health Transformation with the Mastering Diabetes Method

See you inside,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We just released the final video (video 4) in the Unlock Your Best A1c (3 Simple Breakthrough Steps) workshop.

It’s designed to get you to ask yourself a simple question:

Are you living up to your fullest potential?

Most people’s answer to this question is “no.” An emphatic “no.”

Not because they don’t want to be in great health.
Not because they don’t want to feel great.
Not because they don’t want to be active.
Not because they don’t want to have excellent blood sugar.
Not because they don’t want to stop yo-yo dieting for good.

The reason most people say “no” is because they don’t have a rock-solid support system that’s guaranteed to make it work.

That’s why in this video, you’ll have an opportunity to join the blood sugar revolution and join the program that has already helped thousands of people sit in the driver’s seat of their diabetes health.

And it’s guaranteed to work, no questions asked.

>> CLICK HERE: Unlock Your Permanent Health Transformation with the Mastering Diabetes Method

If you want average health, or don’t mind being frustrated controlling your blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, and weight every day, this approach is NOT for you.

It’s not for you if you aren’t willing to commit to changing your habits from the ground up
to say bye-bye to high blood sugar, weight gain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and chronic pain.

It is for you if you’re living with any form of diabetes and want to use your food as medicine to completely transform your diabetes health from the inside out.

We’re opening enrollment for the Masting Diabetes Personalized Coaching Program today – and we’ll talk about that towards the end of the video.

We have multiple different coaching programs that you can join, so if you’re ready to get started then this is your opportunity.

We’re 100% committed to a high quality of coaching and helping you achieve exceptional results. Now go watch the video to get started today…

>> CLICK HERE: Unlock Your Permanent Health Transformation with the Mastering Diabetes Method

See you inside,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Why is cancer still on the rise?


The number is 2 million.

That’s the shocking number of cancer cases that the United States is expecting this year.

How is this possible when there has been so many medical breakthroughs when it comes to tackling cancer? Is modern medicine not doing a good enough job of containing cancer and bringing the number of cases down?

The short answer is NO.

While there have been many solutions and treatments discovered over the years, a lot of them are simply too expensive or come with side effects that can cause long-term damage without the guarantee of complete healing

However, there are proven methods to beat cancer without resorting to expensive or painful treatments. You might not know about them because they’re not as marketable or profitable as other treatments, but they exist…

And they are some of the simplest yet most potent solutions to cancer that you can discover.

Excited to learn about them?

Here’s your chance by registering for the F.REE screening Jonathan Otto's latest 12-part docuseries, Cancer Secrets.

Reserve your spot for the F.REE viewing of Cancer Secrets

Jonathan, known for his insightful health documentaries, has gathered insights from 60 top cancer experts worldwide. These experts reveal evidence-based natural solutions to cancer that you won't find in conventional medicine.

Here's a glimpse of what awaits you in this groundbreaking series:

✅ Exploring the link between myocarditis and COVID shots

✅ Unveiling the connection between electronic devices, 5G towers, and cancer risks

✅ Understanding cancer as a multifaceted condition triggered by various factors

✅ Delving into the mechanisms of chromosomal damage and protein synthesis in cancer

✅ Uncovering how lifestyle factors affect overall well-being

These insights are invaluable and rarely discussed elsewhere, but could be some of the most valuable tools you’ll get for the fight against cancer. You wouldn’t want to skip out on this, especially since it’s F.REE.

So if you're seeking a better strategy to prevent or treat cancer and secure a healthier future...

Register here for the F.REE screening of Cancer Secrets.

To fighting cancer,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
7 Proven Ways to Keep Your Brain Young
Over 5 million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Another 10,000,000 suffer with severe dementia and Parkinson’s. Even more struggle with age-related mild cognitive impairment. Here are 7 natural ways to defend your brain.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Milk Thistle Seed Extract Matches Doxycycline Antibiotic for Acne Without the Side Effects
Antibiotics can clear acne yet wreak internal havoc. Emerging research suggests a plant compound mirrors drugs' skin-clearing potency without the battering.​


Regenerate- Cancer & The New Biology
Learn how to avoid a modern medical pitfall commonly overlooked in the name of “preventing cancer” and “saving lives.” Get in-depth information into the true nature of cancer, and ways to avoid becoming a cancer statistic due to overdiagnosis and overtreatment. You’ll also learn about evidence-based, alternative treatment options.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
To us modern herbalists, we're blessed to have a vast variety of traditions, perspectives, and tools that enhance our understanding of people, plants, and how to effectively heal people.
TCM. Ayurveda. Physiomedicalism. Tibetan Medicine. Unani-Tibb. Pharmacology.
So many to choose from it's almost overwhelming!
But what's the ultimate purpose of these systems?
I'd say it's to give us an understanding of how herbs heal us, and how to decipher what's going on with a person's health so we know what plants will heal them.
The end result is simple: the system should help us to better heal people.
Modern herbalists for the most part accept these traditions, put them to good use, and some even revere them as a part of their spiritual understanding of life.
But there's one tradition commonly overlooked, cringed at, frowned upon, and highly misunderstood: medical astrology.
Similarly to how people like Michael Tierra bridged Chinese Medicine to Western herbalism and Vasant Lad helped bring Ayurveda to the west, I'm doing my best to show how medical astrology is a valid approach to practicing herbalism that helps us to better help people.
But most people have no idea how medical astrology is connected to herbalism, how it works, and ultimately how it can make you a better herbalist.
That's ultimately why I created the Astro-Herbalism Mini-Course, a totally free workshop series sharing the profound connections between medical astrology and clinical herbalism.​
  • In the first lesson, you’ll learn the 5 connection points between medical astrology and clinical herbalism, as well as how the foundational principles of medical astrology are the same as many herbal traditions.
  • In the second lesson, we’ll illustrate how the planets are connected to plants and people. I’ll show you seven attributes of a plant that determine its planetary correlation and how the planets give you deep insights into herbs.
  • The third lesson shows you how to apply this new insight in a therapeutic context. You'll get a step-by-step framework for how to holistically assess a client with their birth chart, get a deeper understanding of their symptoms and select the right plants for them.
Click here to get started with the first lesson right now!
I hope you’ll join me to see how incorporating medical astrology will totally change your practice of herbalism.
Take care,
PS: This is a much more in-depth workshop series than our standard weekly-ish blog posts, but it'll only be available for a short period of time, so be sure to check it out while you can!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Red onion syrup has long been a trusted remedy for treating coughs and sore throats, but its significance extends far beyond home remedies; it embodies a rich history of healing and resilience.

In her brand new post, Shereel Washington reminisces about the comforting and healing powers of her family's simple tomato-based red onion soup, a cherished cold and cough remedy. She also shares the inspiring story of an African American man from Virginia, whose red onion remedy not only cured ailments but also earned him his freedom.

Shereel's article, however, isn't just a dive into history; it's about fostering a profound connection with heritage. The wisdom of Black North American herbalists has long been a cornerstone of healing in our nation.

Today, we delve into how to make and use the red onion syrup that Shereel has relied on for years. She also reveals the myriad health benefits of red onions, which are more extensive than you might imagine!

This remedy is remarkably simple to prepare, requiring just red onions and one other readily available ingredient from your local market.

I've crafted similar remedies for years, but using red onions is a first for me. The simplicity of this syrup means you can read the recipe once and immediately start making it.

Wishing you a healthy transition from late winter to early spring!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Can Some Humans Produce Vitamin C?​

For as long as vitamin C has been known as the "antiscorbutic factor" (preventing or curing scurvy, a symptom of vitamin C deficiency), most scientific evidence has suggested that humans cannot produce vitamin C and must get it from food.
However, tantalizing evidence suggests that some humans might be able to produce vitamin C and that there might be a way to induce vitamin C production in all or most of us.
And I'm pretty sure this woman is confident that she produces vitamin C ...
If you would like to know how your body might be able to produce its own vitamin C, read on.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hidden Heart Disease (48% Of Us)​

The American Heart Association says 48% of us have some form of cardiovascular disease (CVD).
In fact, about four yearago I was surprised to receive a blood test result showing a potential sign of cardiovascular inflammation (elevated myeloperoxidase), which I believe was due to gut dysbiosis and/or a lectin sensitivity.
We've all been taught that CVD is all to do with cholesterol, but the latest research reveals something quite different.
And with hundreds of thousands of people dying every year of CVD---and almost half of us already having some degree of CVD---it's urgent that each of us get up to speed on what really matters so we can stop this threat in its tracks before its too late.
Jonathan Landman has teamed up with experts to create the Cardiovascular Docu-Class (starts February 27th) in which you'll learn things like:
  • The most significant reason why artery health is linked to your gum health
  • The best at-home remedies to minimize the risk of bacterial infections … while at the same time reversing the negative effects of gum disease
  • How unwanted “stealth” pathogens are more dangerous than high cholesterol
  • The BIG difference between “bad genes” and a “genetic tendency” for disease ... and the most advanced testing protocols to uncover your risk of heart failure
  • How the eyes reveal heart problems
  • What most people NEVER hear about the true cause of plaque development … and a lesser-known test used to detect excess build up, before it’s too late
  • How to properly measure all the toxins that increase your inflammatory markers
  • Why the conventional view of “liver detoxification” is all wrong … and, more importantly, how a dysfunctional liver threatens heart health
  • The “SIBO-Gut Connection” and how to avoid this threat to your heart
  • The most dangerous bacteria that threaten your heart … and how to safely get rid of them
  • Several astonishing truths about how cellular energy is directly linked to heart function … and why infections must be eliminated
  • To avoid serious nervous system, brain and heart problems … find out why Dr. DeMaria considers this one functional test to be the most important
  • A special message for women over 50 concerned about heart health … including the number one food to eat on a regular basis
With almost half of us already in some state of CVD, many of us without knowing it, this event is a power-packed education not to be missed!
>> Go here to sign up for the Cardiovascular Docu-Class
The 1st episode debuts soon! This information could literally save your life, or the life of someone you love dearly.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Most people think the reason that vegetables make us healthier is that they contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, etc ... and that's certainly part of the picture.
But a less obvious reason that vegetables are healthy to eat is that many of the nutrients generally called "phytonutrients" are actually mild stressors that induce an adaptive response in our bodes that makes us stronger in various ways.
It's kind of like biochemical exercise for our cells.
When the source of this beneficial stress is supplied by a molecule from outside of the body, it is called "xenohormesis".
Many phytonutrients promote increased production of our body's own antioxidants like glutathione via the Nrf-2 (nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2) pathway.
Another result can be that your the mitochondria in your cells get bigger, stronger, more numerous, more resistant to stress, and capable of producing more energy ... and you feel more energetic.
But vegetables purchased in the store have usually lost many of the nutrients they had before they were harvested.
This could be why many centenarians are gardeners. They're getting the full complement of phytonutrients from their own fresh-picked veggies.
So more and more people are growing their own food, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can waste precious time and even squander your efforts and get discouraged.
Don’t let that happen to you.
Allow Stacey Murphy to empower you to grow fresh veggies high in phytonutrients in the Joyful Gardener Virtual Event, starting February 20th.
Learn how to grow more phytonutrient-dense food, in less space, in harmony with your local climate conditions ... Reserve your spot here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Do you find yourself frustrated as you search for answers to your most persistent health problems?

Dr. Google isn’t cutting it. You’re spending hundreds of dollars on every promising supplement, and specialist appointments are taking up too much of your time. We get it. You’re not alone.

Our community has come to us in search of answers to health issues like inflammation, mood swings, gut issues, unexplained pain, unbalanced hormones, and simply feeling a little lost and confused. If you can relate, then you’re in the right place. That’s why we want to invite you to our brand new 2024 Masterclass Series.

CLICK HERE to save your seat to our 2024 Masterclass Series. >>

We believe that this is the year you can finally find solutions to your health issues and start living happier than you have in a long time. And we’re going to show you how in this brand new series: Discover Practical Solutions to Heal Your Gut, Balance Your Hormones, and Reduce Stress & Inflammation.

This brand new Masterclass Series will teach you:

  • How to Heal Your Gut & Detox Your Body with Dr. Tom O’Bryan
  • How to Manage Your Hormonal Changes Naturally with Christa Orecchio
  • How to Use Medicinal Herbs to Find Calm & Restore Balance with Nick Polizzi
  • How to Turn Your Passion for Nutrition Into a Career with Nat Kringoudis
  • How to Identify and Treat Inflammation Naturally with Dr. Christine Smith
  • How to Improve Your Brain Health & Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s & Dementia with Dr. Heather Sandison
  • How to Use Nutrition to Prevent & Heal Autoimmune Conditions Naturally with Dr. David Jockers
Plus, when you save your seat to the Masterclass Series, you will receive free instant access to our brand new eBook: 3 Simple Health Habits to Manage Stress, Heal Your Gut & Boost Your Brain - including easy recipes to improve your health.

The Masterclass Series goes live on March 5, and one Masterclass will be released daily until all 7 are available. Then, you will have until March 21 to watch them all. But not to worry, we will email you when they are live so that you don’t miss out.

Make sure to save your spot to this limited-time series by CLICKING HERE. >>

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Pediatric Perspectives with Paul Thomas: A New Show on CHD.TV
19 Feb 04:40 PM​

DR. PAUL PREMIERS PEDIATRIC PERSPECTIVES ON CHD.TVAre you looking for a reliable source of information on children’s health, vaccines, and wellness? Do you want to hear from a pediatrician who has over 30 years of experience in caring for thousands of children? If so, you won’t want to miss the new show on CHD.TV: Pediatric Perspectives with Paul Thomas.In his new show, he will share his insights and expertise on a variety of topics related to children’s health, such as:

- How to boost your child’s immune system naturally

- How to prevent and treat common childhood illnesses

- How to navigate the vaccine schedule and make informed decisions

- How to protect your child from environmental toxins and EMFs

- How to foster a healthy lifestyle and mindset for your child

The show will air every...Read More


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Did you know that nicotine can FIGHT certain forms of cancer?

That it can REVERSE brain tumors by 50%...

In only 72 HOURS?

And, that nicotine is NOT addictive…

It’s actually the deadly chemical pyrazine that’s added to cigarettes to make them addictive (while nicotine takes the blame)..

This contradicts everything we’ve been told…

Because the truth has been CENSORED.

That’s why I’m so grateful for the incredible Dr. Bryan Ardis…

Who is determined to expose the TRUTH.

He reveals how nicotine is actually one of the most powerful anti-cancer substances on Earth

And, that it can help reverse Parkinsons…

There’s so MUCH life-saving medical information that’s been HIDDEN from us…

People are getting sicker and sicker…

While Big Pharma and the medical establishment are getting richer and richer.

That’s why my good friend, Filmmaker, investigative Journalist, and humanitarian, Jonathan Otto and his team have spent countless hours putting together his latest docuseries, Cancer Secrets…

Where you will learn some INCREDIBLE natural protocols that your local doctors aren´t telling you…

From world-class experts that have successfully treated tens of thousands of people!

Discover the truth for yourself!

→ Watch the Cancer Secrets trailer HERE!

Get ready to learn from world-renowned natural health experts who have risked it ALL to save lives.

They have experience and a deep understanding of how to turn the tables on chronic disease by healing its root cause.

In this docuseries, you’ll get to:​
  • Discover alternative treatments and natural protocols to prevent and reverse cancer, featuring survivors and experts who have sought solutions beyond conventional medical approaches.
  • Explore new perspectives that view cancer as a response to imbalances within the body rather than a random occurrence.
  • Learn about the significance of mindful living in promoting overall health and preventing the onset or recurrence of cancer.
  • Uncover the role of epigenetics in cancer, exploring how lifestyle and environmental factors can influence gene expression and contribute to the development of the disease.
  • Receive a paradigm shift in understanding cancer as an opportunity for self-reflection and growth
  • And SO. Much. More!
Get ready to get the answers to the questions you’ve always had about cancer…

And other chronic diseases!

→ Watch the Cancer Secrets trailer HERE!

Wishing you abundant health,

Jason Prall

P.S. This groundbreaking docuseries is going to serve as a beacon of knowledge…

Guiding you through a transformative journey towards holistic well-being. It's not just about understanding the flaws in conventional approaches…

But also about embracing the empowering alternatives that natural health experts will unfold. You’re going to hear from other incredible people who have followed natural health protocols and reclaimed their health and well-being.

Click here to save your seat.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
ICAN Lead Attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq., gives the second of two presentations to Arizona’s Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee titled ‘Safeguarding Vaccine Exemptions: Religious & Medical.’​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you tired of struggling with autoimmunity or other chronic health conditions?

Because it's vital to take control of your immune system to beat autoimmunity!

Which is why want to share a valuable and highly anticipated event: The Beating Autoimmunity Masterclass, led by our good friend and colleague Dr. Peter Kan.

This transformative event will revolutionize your understanding of immune function and empower you with REAL tools to restore your health.

Forget the outdated approaches of the past – this masterclass is at the cutting edge of functional medicine.

Dr. Kan is one of our favorite colleagues, and he has cracked the code to conquer chronic brain, immune, hormone, and gut challenges, by connecting the dots like never before.

With insights gained from working with over 6,000 clients, he has developed a clinical roadmap that will change the way you approach your health.

Get ready to dive deep into the fascinating world of immune function:

  • Discover all the key players involved, and unlock the secrets of innate immunity and adaptive immunity
  • Learn how your immune system acts as a shield against infections, and uncover how immune dysfunction can lead to inflammation and disease
  • Discover the factors that suppress or trigger an overactive immune system (often giving you insights into achieving remission from autoimmune conditions)

--->>Learn more when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Be sure to mark your calendar for February 27-March 3, 2024!

But that's not all – this masterclass goes beyond the immune system alone!

The Beating Autoimmunity Masterclass is not just about theory – it's about practical solutions that you can implement in your daily life.

Join Dr. Kan as he guides you through a step-by-step roadmap to support and balance your immune system, helping you overcome chronic health issues once and for all.

Say goodbye to endless medications (often with harmful side effects) and learn to become your own "best detective" to create your best holistic approach to healing.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to transform your health and reclaim your vitality.

--->>Your path to a healthier, happier you starts here!
So thankful that you’re making an investment in your health, your life and yourself.

Because health means everything,


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
Are you tired of struggling with autoimmunity or other chronic health conditions?

Because it's vital to take control of your immune system to beat autoimmunity!

Which is why want to share a valuable and highly anticipated event: The Beating Autoimmunity Masterclass, led by our good friend and colleague Dr. Peter Kan.

This transformative event will revolutionize your understanding of immune function and empower you with REAL tools to restore your health.

Forget the outdated approaches of the past – this masterclass is at the cutting edge of functional medicine.

Dr. Kan is one of our favorite colleagues, and he has cracked the code to conquer chronic brain, immune, hormone, and gut challenges, by connecting the dots like never before.

With insights gained from working with over 6,000 clients, he has developed a clinical roadmap that will change the way you approach your health.

Get ready to dive deep into the fascinating world of immune function:
  • Discover all the key players involved, and unlock the secrets of innate immunity and adaptive immunity
  • Learn how your immune system acts as a shield against infections, and uncover how immune dysfunction can lead to inflammation and disease
  • Discover the factors that suppress or trigger an overactive immune system (often giving you insights into achieving remission from autoimmune conditions)

--->>Learn more when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Be sure to mark your calendar for February 27-March 3, 2024!​

But that's not all – this masterclass goes beyond the immune system alone!

The Beating Autoimmunity Masterclass is not just about theory – it's about practical solutions that you can implement in your daily life.

Join Dr. Kan as he guides you through a step-by-step roadmap to support and balance your immune system, helping you overcome chronic health issues once and for all.

Say goodbye to endless medications (often with harmful side effects) and learn to become your own "best detective" to create your best holistic approach to healing.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to transform your health and reclaim your vitality.

--->>Your path to a healthier, happier you starts here!
So thankful that you’re making an investment in your health, your life and yourself.

Because health means everything,
morning young fellow, hope you know who is ok pass on a hug.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What are you doing tonight at 5 pm PST? If you’re free, please tune in for our LIVE Cancer Conversation: Ask Anything! Join Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Natalie Greenberg as they answer your most pressing questions and discuss the many cutting-edge approaches to integrative cancer care we use at the Cancer Center for Healing.

Learn all about our BRAND-NEW Personalized Patient Prevention Plan geared toward uncovering underlying health concerns BEFORE they become problematic. And see how our 4 Pillar Approach to Integrative Cancer Care is revolutionizing cancer treatment options for patients worldwide.​

Those of you who join LIVE will have the opportunity to have your questions answered during the webinar. If you would like to submit your question for consideration ahead of time, you may email it to [email protected]. If you have registered for the webinar but miss the live broadcast, you will receive a replay link you can access anytime.

Be sure to join us LIVE tonight at 5 pm PST! We will do our best to get to previously submitted questions and give you the opportunity to ask new ones during the live broadcast.

Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at 5pm PST / 8pm EST


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dear Jimi,​

This week's newsletter looks at the brain boosting power of exercise, how PCOS may change your brain, the key to preventing Alzheimer's disease, how infections and environmental exposures affect the brain's immune system, and more...

-->> How Exercise Can Help Boost Your Memory - Cleveland Clinic (February 2024)​

Cardio is great for improving cognition, but strength and balance training are just as important...

-->> Sleep deprivation increases the risk of stroke by 70 percent - Earth .com (February 2024)​

Women who consistently slept fewer than five hours per night were at a risk up to 75 percent higher of encountering severe cardiovascular issues such as strokes, heart attacks, heart failure, and coronary artery disease...

-->> How PCOS Can Change The Brain, According To New Research - MindBodyGreen (January 2024)​

A recent study published in the journal Neurology found that women with PCOS had lower cognitive performance and lower white matter integrity at midlife when compared to women without PCOS...

-->> David Perlmutter on the Key to Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease - Integrative Practitioner (February 2024)​

Physicians are led to believe that β-amyloids are the cause of Alzheimer's disease, and we can only treat it with treatments designed to rid the brain, Dr. Perlmutter explained...

-->> Immune Genes of Alzheimer’s Patients Are Epigenetically Altered - Technology Networks (February 2024)​

Viral infections or environmental factors could put person at risk for Alzheimer’s, scientists suggest...

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ask Your Doctor for These Glucose Tests

By Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, MDs

Several years ago, Major League Baseball expanded the use of instant replay, so coaches and/or managers could challenge almost any call an umpire makes, except balls and strikes. By allowing the review of questionable calls ("He's safe!" "No way!") from several camera angles, fewer games have been decided by a faulty call.

With diabetes, it can be just as difficult to make perfect calls ("I can eat this cookie — I just need a little extra insulin.").

Special: Why Your Sugar Is Out of Control (Has Nothing to Do With Sweets

And when you blow a call, you can end up paying with a risky low blood sugar incident or with a spike in your glucose that silently damages your cardiovascular system.

Well, Johns Hopkins researchers have demonstrated that adding blood tests for fructosamine and glycated albumin to your glucose checkup may provide two new angles on how you're managing your diabetes, or whether you're likely to develop it.

The tests also tell you if you're at heightened risk for diabetes-related vision problems and kidney disease.

You'll get these tests between your three- and six-month blood tests for HbA1c, an average of your glucose levels in the past several months. They'll let you know how you've been doing in the past two to four weeks, which is especially useful if you're pregnant, anemic, or already have kidney or liver disease.

So if you're worried that diabetes is in your future or you're having trouble stabilizing your A1c readings, ask your doctor about these tests. Then you may get a clearer view of what you need to do to control your diabetes.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Earlier today we released the fourth and final video of our educational training series “Unlock Your Best A1c (and Ditch Fad Diets For Good)

>> If you missed it, click here to watch it (available for 48 more hours).

We also opened up registration for the Mastering Diabetes Personalized coaching program which has helped over 5000 people get their best A1c ever.

If you’re still on the fence about whether this opportunity is right for you, or if you want to learn more about our approach to reverse the root cause of high blood sugar levels…

…then register for our FREE LIVE training tomorrow Wednesday at 4pm PST / 7pm EST where you’ll be able to interact with Cyrus and Robby.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
P-Tau: A Promising Blood-Based Biomarker
By Ram Rao, Ph.D., Principal Research Scientist for Apollo Health
Early and accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is crucial for effective treatment and management. For the first time, blood tests are available that will aid in the early detection and monitoring of AD. One such promising blood biomarker is p-tau, a specific isoform of tau protein.
Brain HQ and I are going steady,
but it’s complicated.
By Valerie Driscoll, Lead Coach and Coaching Program Developer for Apollo Health
Brain HQ (BHQ) winked at me from the Apollo dashboard for quite some time before I took the bait and the offer. Sure, I knew that BHQ was smart and intuitive, slick, and attractive, but I wasn’t sure I was ready for the level of commitment required. I’ve had relationships like this before, which promise great results but also require some level of suffering: Spanx, cold showers, and squats come to mind. But finally, I caved, and it has been quite the roller coaster ride. BHQ has the power to make me elated, celebratory, irate, and despondent, all within our rather short meetings times a week. What a catch!

KetoFLEX 12/3 Kitchen:
It's Soup Season!​

Winter is the perfect time to dive into the warmth of a nourishing bowl of soup. Whether you like to follow a recipe or get creative with ingredients you already have on hand, soup is a simple one-pot meal that you can easily prepare ahead. This month's recipes for our PreCODE and ReCODE members include Super Greens Miso Soup, Soul Warming Chili, and Calming Cauliflower Soup (recipe below.)
Calming Cauliflower Soup
Not only is this soup comforting, but it is also deeply nourishing. The stars in this soup are turmeric and cauliflower. Turmeric contains many anti-inflammatory healing benefits giving the soup its beautiful yellow color, and cauliflower is naturally packed with vitamin C and fiber. Serve this soup as the main course or as a side dish on a chilly night and enjoy!
Yield: Three Servings


● 1 large head of cauliflower, cut into 6 to 8 large chunks
● 1/2 large carrot or two small carrots, peeled and cut into four pieces
● 1 thumb size piece of ginger, peeled and cut into four pieces
● 3 cloves of garlic
● 2 tbsp turmeric powder
● Black pepper
● Pink Himalayan sea salt
● 1 cup of unsweetened coconut milk or 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk for those concerned about cholesterol.


● Coconut milk, full fat (optional)
● Your favorite dried herbs (pairs well with thyme and dill)
● Freshly ground black pepper


Bring 6 cups of water (48 oz) to a boil in a large pot. Add the cauliflower, carrots, and ginger. Cook for about 20 minutes on medium heat until your veggies are thoroughly cooked through and are very soft.
2) Turn the heat off your soup and let it completely cool.
3) Using a high-power blender, blend your soup until smooth.
4) Add in salt to taste, turmeric and black pepper to taste, garlic, and coconut milk. Blend.
5) Transfer the soup back to the pot and heat on low-medium.
6) Serve your soup; use a spoon to drizzle on an extra bit of coconut milk. Sprinkle with your favorite dried herbs and enjoy!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
90 Day Urine Therapy Experiment

The science and case studies behind urine therapy are so compelling, I decided to put it to the test.

I'm doing 90 days of urine therapy while conducting extensive before and after testing.

I can't believe I'm doing this!

-->> Go here to see all the details, and watch me drink urine! :-o​
Urine Therapy: Everything You Never Thought You Needed to Know!

Today, we're joined by Jonathan Otto, renowned documentary filmmaker and health advocate, to explore the resurgence of urine therapy. Discover the scientific backing and inspiring success stories that highlight its benefits, from immune boosting to detoxification. Don't miss out on the latest in holistic health—subscribe now and join our social media community for groundbreaking wellness insights.

-->> Listen on your favorite podcast channel here

-->> Watch on Youtube here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Functional Medicine Steps to Reversing Depression and Mood Disorders​
Hey Jim,

Today I want to share this episode with Evan where we talk about depression from a functional medicine standpoint. Depression is a common mental disorder characterized by persistent sadness and hopelessness. While conventional treatment options usually include anti-depressant medication and mental health practices such as therapy, we're taking a look at recent research which suggests that factors such as amino acids and gut health may also play a role in the development of depression.

Another approach to treating depression and mood disorders is Functional Medicine, which focuses on identifying and addressing the condition’s underlying causes. As I'm sure you can guess, this is what Evan and I are really diving into today. This approach may include addressing nutrient deficiencies, addressing gut health issues, and identifying and addressing any underlying chronic health conditions contributing to depression or mood disorders.

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<
Functional Medicine Steps to Reversing Depression and Mood Disorders | Podcast #382
In this episode, we cover:

– Depression
03:12 – Amino Acids
10:14 – Gut
28:17 – Key Takeaways

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
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Holistic Farming and Improving the Food Chain

Your Immune System Starts with Good Food, which is why I am so excited to share this episode of Beyond Wellness with you.

In this episode, I am joined by Joel Salatin–American farmer, lecturer, author, and owner of Polyface Farm. He uses successful, unconventional agricultural methods which are “beyond organic”.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
I teamed up with award-winning dietitian Brenda Davis, RD, to create the Tackling Type 2 Masterclass. We had a lot of fun putting this detailed masterclass together, and I’m so excited to share it with you!
>> This week, you can watch the Tackling Type 2 Masterclass for free right here.
You’ll learn:

  • Which so-called “health foods” can cause type 2 diabetes (make sure you aren’t eating any of these now)
  • Powerful foods that can prevent and reverse type 2 diabetes (newsflash: certain fruits are on the list!)
  • Mind-blowing insights from Brenda’s research in the Marshall Islands that dramatically altered our understanding of type 2 diabetes.
  • And much more.
Jimi, this is the most important thing you can do today. Please make sure you’re not unknowingly eating the wrong foods that put you at risk for type 2 diabetes.
>> Learn how to tackle type 2 diabetes here.
To your BEST health,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. It’s so important to get the latest updates. Even if you’re pretty sure you’re not at risk — what you learn could make all the difference in the future or for someone you love right now.
Register for the free Tackling Type 2 Masterclass here.
P.P.S. I’ll be telling you more about this Masterclass in the coming days (because I’m really excited about it!). If you know you aren’t interested and that you don’t want to get any more emails about the Tackling Type 2 Masterclass, click here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Magnesium Sulfate vs Fentanyl: The Future of Spinal Analgesics
A new study found that intrathecal fentanyl and magnesium sulfate can effectively enhance spinal anesthesia, offering prolonged pain relief and sensory blockade.​
Berberine Supplement Shows Promise for Pre-Diabetes Management: New Study
A centuries-old Chinese and Indian herbal medicine ingredient could beat Big Pharma at its own game when it comes to managing pre-diabetes.​
The Childhood Myopia Epidemic: Screen Time to Blame; Red Light To the Rescue
Does your child spend hours glued to digital devices? This common habit could sabotage their vision for life. The solution could be as easy as targeted light exposure.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi ,

Mitochondria are tiny energy generators in our bodies, but how do we "turn them on"?

Eating healthfully helps, of course, but there's something crucial that few think about: Breathing.

In all our summits, we briefly touched on breathwork, but it deserves much more attention. Ignoring your breath is like driving a car with a missing wheel...

That's why I'm excited to share with you a free web-class with Ari Whitten on how to ramp up your energy in just a few minutes each morning.

>> Click here to get free access.

You'll discover:

  • The critical link between breathing and mitochondria (your cellular energy generators) -- and how a specific breathing routine can supercharge them
  • Science-backed breathing techniques that optimize your brain function (decrease anxiety, balance neurotransmitters, eliminate brain fog, and protect against brain diseases).
  • Specific breathing practices can help you sleep like you did when you were a kid
  • How dysfunctional breathing wires your nervous system into stress/anxiety mode, and how to fix it
  • Why resetting your CO2 threshold is the big key to conquering anxiety and getting supercharging oxygen delivery to your brain
  • The 4 keys to optimal breathing (and how to rewire your brain into doing it automatically)
This "Breathing For Energy" web-class happens tomorrow (Thursday), so be sure to register here today.

Wishing you a great day, and remember to take a deep breath while you're reading this :)

Yours in health,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
By now, you’ve probably figured out that dieting doesn’t work.

Sure, it may “work” in the short-term, but most of us end up on a yo-yo dieting train that leads to … well, even more dieting.

In this week’s episode of “In Session with Marc David,” we explore dieting and weight loss from the perspective of what it means to be a “natural” eater.

In many ways, dieting is the opposite of natural eating. It requires restriction, intense effort – and for many, frequent self-attack and self-criticism.

But how sustainable can such a state truly be?

And even more to the point, is that really the life we want to lead for the rest of our lives?

That’s what this week’s podcast guest and coaching client, Cherie, 56, is contemplating.

Cherie would like to lose about 20 pounds, which she’s been battling just about all her adult life. As she shares, it’s been a constant fight and struggle.

Cherie is hoping to find a way to lose weight that doesn’t mean constant vigilance and self-attack.

Marc coaches Cherie to look at weight loss from a perspective she may never have considered before: developing a natural, flowing, intuitive relationship with food.

This is the opposite of what she learned as a 13-year old gymnast, where being fit and trim was paramount – and food became the enemy.

It’s this young imprint that Cherie needs to release so she can create a thriving relationship with food, and shed weight from a place of ease and naturalness vs. force and restriction.

Listen in to hear Marc explain how to become a natural eater.

Because while many of us get off track with food early in life, it’s never too late to create a natural, inspiring relationship with food and body.

We hope you enjoy this episode!

Warm wishes,

The Institute for the Psychology of Eating
[email protected]


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How The NanoKnife® is Revolutionizing Cancer Treatments​

The FDA-approved NanoKnife® IRE (irreversible electroporation) System is a revolutionary localized therapy for treating soft tissue cancers, mainly pancreatic, liver, colorectal, and prostate.
Hopefully, very soon, breast cancer will be added to the list. Until then, please send this information to anyone you know with the above cancers, and stay tuned to this blog for updates.
As you know, my focus is on supporting women through their breast cancer healing journey. However, my online program for integrative healing and 7 Essentials System® can help anyone heal different types of cancers and dis-eases and enjoy a healthy life.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Take the emotional and physical healing and pain-relieving powers of acupuncture and light therapy wherever you go with Taopatch! ⁠⁠
Taopatch is a patented wearable nanotechnology device that captures heat from your body and converts it into light, emitting it into specific acupoints. ⁠

On this episode, Dmitri Leonov, serial wellness entrepreneur and CEO of Taopatch USA, and I chat about upgrading healing in our stressful, toxic world. ⁠


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Lower Blood Pressure in 2 Weeks

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Changing lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise can slash blood pressure in only 14 days, says a recent study presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition.

In fact, the lifestyle changes lowered blood pressure as effectively as medication. On average, participants in the study saw their blood pressure drop 19 points after taking part in the Weimer Institute Newstart Lifestyle program for just 14 days.

Special: Heart Surgeon's Secret to Healthy Blood Pressure

Other studies have shown that a blood pressure reduction of this significance can cut the risk of heart disease or stroke in half.

People participating in the Newstart Lifestyle program follow a vegan diet, walk outside daily, drink substantial quantities of water, get adequate daily sleep, and participate in optional spiritual activities.

The program's vegan diet consists of foods such as legumes, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, olives, avocados, soymilk, almond milk, and whole-grain breads.

For the study, the researchers evaluated data from 117 Newstart Lifestyle participants with high blood pressure. After two weeks, half of them achieved a systolic blood pressure below the recommended 120 mmHg.

The program lowered blood pressure effectively in different types of individuals, including otherwise healthy men and women with diabetes, people who were obese, and those with high cholesterol levels.

The reduction in blood pressure was equivalent to using three half-dose standard medications for blood pressure. In addition, 93% of the participants were able to either reduce the dose (24%) or eliminate their blood pressure medications (69%).


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Building Your Resilience for Positive Mental Health​


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