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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


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February 23, 2024
This Week at HealthMeans​

Many of us desire to live long, healthy and fulfilling lives. Fortunately, learning how to achieve LONGEVITY is within your reach...

Learn key strategies for living a longer and healthier life at Uncovering the Secrets to Longevity: Live Beyond the Norms, online and FREE from February 26 – March 3, 2024!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

I Am HealingStrong​

Podcast by Jim Mann,​

Stage 4 Cancer Thriver​

Stories of hope are at the heart of HealingStrong's journey. When faced with adversity, it's essential to witness and learn from those who have triumphed against all odds.

Three years ago, during a meeting at HealingStrong offices, I had the pleasure of meeting Jim Mann. It became apparent through our conversation that Jim was not only a celebrity radio host but also a former music minister with an incredible healing story of his own. His story left me in awe. We had always aspired to share the inspiring stories within our HealingStrong community, and in that moment, a beautiful collision of ideas occurred.

The result? The birth of the I Am HealingStrong Podcast, where Jim's talent as an interviewer and his genuine desire to spread hope shines brightly.

Jim is an exceptional human being who is dedicated to amplifying the voices of others and ensuring that people know that hope is always present. If you haven't already, I encourage you to take some time to listen to the I Am HealingStrong Podcast. After three years of planning, the very first episode was released in January 2022.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Jim for his unwavering commitment to sharing his own testimony with countless individuals and empowering them to do the same. If you want to meet him in person, you can find him leading his own HealingStrong Group at the Cancer Survivor’s Park in Greenville, SC.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend filled with inspiration and hope!

Warm regards,

Suzy Griswold


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  1. Post of the week: How to stop binge eating. One of the things that held me back for years in my health and fitness goals was binge eating. It was just so hard to say NO to food. If it was around, I ate it until it was gone. This video from my friend Josiah Novak covers some simple tips to stop the binges before they start.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Free Breathwork Class This Sunday (Tomorrow)

Hi Jimi,

Did you know that samurai warriors were renowned for their exceptional breathing techniques?

It's said that, before battle, a feather was placed beneath their noses to test their breathing steadiness.

If the feather moved too much, they were considered unfit for service.

Fascinating, isn't it? How the significance of controlled breathing was acknowledged centuries ago!

This Sunday 25 Feb (tomorrow), I'm excited to invite you to a workshop titled "Breathe Like a Samurai," where I'll share some of these ancient and powerful breathing skills with you.

Register here

We'll start at 8pm London Time (3pm ET / 12pm PST). Sunday 25 Feb.

In this session, I'll guide you through essential slow breathing exercises designed to improve sleep, boost concentration, and enhance longevity. It's a great opportunity to learn techniques that can significantly impact your daily life.

Plus, I have a special announcement for those who join us live on the call. It's something you won't want to miss!

Spaces are limited, so make sure to register as soon as possible to secure your spot. Here's where you can sign up: Register here

I can't wait to breathe with you tomorrow. Let's take this opportunity to focus on our wellbeing together.

Breathe Well,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How Many Minerals Does the Body Need?
How Many Minerals Does the Body Need?
The human body needs 13 different minerals to maintain overall health. Learn about what they are, the benefits they provide, what foods provide them, and also whether or not you may have a mineral nutrient shortfall. Also find out if a multivitamin will typically contain these minerals.
Learn More


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The Pandemic Treaty That Won’t Prevent a Pandemic. *Heritage Foundation* comes out against the WHO's treaty/amendments efforts​



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Hi Jimi

During the pandemic, the world was led to believe that the best way to stay protected from COVID is by getting vaxxed.

But what you might not know is that the jabs they gave you can be even more dangerous than the virus they are supposed to protect you from…

If you’re curious to know why, you’ll find the answers you need in this F.REE e-book: Cancer Epidemic.

Get your F.REE copy here.
What you might find inside may shock you and challenge what you’ve been led to believe for the past few years, but it’s pure, unfiltered truth backed by science and coming from renowned health experts themselves.

And because it goes against everything that Big Pharma stands for, you likely won’t find the information contained in this e-book anywhere else.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover inside:

  • The intersection between COVID vaccination and the rise in cancer cases
  • The immunological processes at play and evaluate scientific connections based on research findings
  • Empowering strategies for mitigating cancer risk and addressing vaccine-related injuries
  • The alarming surge in post-vaccine turbo cancers, backed by statistical data and real-life case studies
And a lot more!

On top of all that, downloading this e-book will also get you F.REE access to watch Jonathan Otto’s newest docuseries, Cancer Secrets…

Where you’ll hear from over 40 health experts from around the world who will share little-known facts about cancer and the best natural protocols to tackle it head-on.

Not too often will you get this opportunity to empower yourself to combat cancer and reverse or avoid it completely, so don’t pass up on these highly valuable resources and…

Get the e-book + your F.REE pass to watch Cancer Secrets online.

To your fight against cancer,


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How Many Minerals Does the Body Need?

How Many Minerals Does the Body Need?
The human body needs 13 different minerals to maintain overall health. Learn about what they are, the benefits they provide, what foods provide them, and also whether or not you may have a mineral nutrient shortfall. Also find out if a multivitamin will typically contain these minerals.
Learn More

Hi Jimi

During the pandemic, the world was led to believe that the best way to stay protected from COVID is by getting vaxxed.

But what you might not know is that the jabs they gave you can be even more dangerous than the virus they are supposed to protect you from…

If you’re curious to know why, you’ll find the answers you need in this F.REE e-book: Cancer Epidemic.

Get your F.REE copy here.
What you might find inside may shock you and challenge what you’ve been led to believe for the past few years, but it’s pure, unfiltered truth backed by science and coming from renowned health experts themselves.

And because it goes against everything that Big Pharma stands for, you likely won’t find the information contained in this e-book anywhere else.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover inside:
    • The intersection between COVID vaccination and the rise in cancer cases
    • The immunological processes at play and evaluate scientific connections based on research findings
    • Empowering strategies for mitigating cancer risk and addressing vaccine-related injuries
    • The alarming surge in post-vaccine turbo cancers, backed by statistical data and real-life case studies

And a lot more!

On top of all that, downloading this e-book will also get you F.REE access to watch Jonathan Otto’s newest docuseries, Cancer Secrets…

Where you’ll hear from over 40 health experts from around the world who will share little-known facts about cancer and the best natural protocols to tackle it head-on.

Not too often will you get this opportunity to empower yourself to combat cancer and reverse or avoid it completely, so don’t pass up on these highly valuable resources and…

Get the e-book + your F.REE pass to watch Cancer Secrets online.

To your fight against cancer,
peoples mids are the danger, think it will hurt you then it will.when i think of all the needles i have had for various things, i am surprised that none of them have killed me! i mean needles are so dangerous!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Plant Protein Increases Longevity

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Getting your daily protein from plants instead of animals appears to reduce your overall risk of early death.

Every 3% of a person's daily energy intake from plant protein instead of animal protein reduced the risk of premature death by 10%, according to a study published online in JAMA Internal Medicine.

Special: Unraveling the Maze: A Veteran's Guide to New Hidden Benefits

The results were particularly strong when people swapped plant protein for eggs (24% lower risk in men and 21% lower risk in women) or red meat (13% lower risk in men, 15% in women).

The researchers team analyzed dietary data from more than 237,000 men and 179,000 women gathered between 1995 and 2011 as part of a long-term study on eating patterns and health.

Protein made up about 15% of people's daily diet, with 40% coming from plants and 60% from animals. Every 10 grams of plant-for-animal protein swapping per 1,000 calories resulted in a 12% lower risk of death for men and 14% for women.

Meat protein tends to come with higher levels of saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and other nutrients that aren't very good for your health. On the other hand, plant proteins come with loads of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

ICS #5 went very well yesterday. Many talks discussed the Great Reset/New World Order/global governance and the elites/cabal/oligarchs that are trying to take over​



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Member For 5 Years

Interviews I did at CPAC​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Have you ever been so upset about something that you couldn’t think of anything else – to the point where you had a hard time getting to sleep that night?
Of course you have… you’re human!
And for a long time, most of us thought we didn’t have a choice when it came to feeling these negative thoughts. As if this was the only option after something bad happened.
But it turns out that feeling upset is a decision, not an involuntary reaction. And you can free your mind of unwanted, repetitive thinking that isn’t serving your happiness. Right now.
There's a personal tool that I use ALL the time, because it gets me into a state of peace and clarity within minutes - and you can do it all by yourself. It's called EFT (or "tapping") and it combines Chinese Acupressure and effective talk-therapy techniques to help you release negative emotions, traumas, and stressful thoughts.
Want to have a quick experience with it?
In the video below, from our friends at The Tapping Solution, the wonderful Jessica Ortner shows us 3 Easy Tapping Meditations that will help you release negative thoughts and find beautiful peace… in minutes.
You'll get full access to this talk and a bunch of others when you sign up for the FREE Tapping World Summit - which I also highly recommend checking out.
Click here to watch
Stay curious,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Our friends at Food Revolution Network have created a Tackling Type 2 Masterclass — and you’re invited...

--->>RSVP for the Tackling Type 2 Masterclass today!
It’s FREE and hosted by award-winning diabetes expert Brenda Davis, RD, and our good friend, Food Revolution Network cofounder Ocean Robbins.​


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Our friends at Food Revolution Network have created a Tackling Type 2 Masterclass — and you’re invited...

--->>RSVP for the Tackling Type 2 Masterclass today!
It’s FREE and hosted by award-winning diabetes expert Brenda Davis, RD, and our good friend, Food Revolution Network cofounder Ocean Robbins.​
jimmi your saving the world! dont make yourself get to tired!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You may think that artificial sweeteners can help you lose weight, but a new study finds they are no good for your gut’s microbiome. People who use sugar substitutes tended to have intestinal bacteria colonies that differed significantly from those of non-users, Cedars-Sinai researchers found. They had less rich colonies of bacteria in their small intestines or, even worse, higher levels of bacteria that churn out harmful toxins. Read More Here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
For centuries, in cultures around the world, it has been understood that simple breath techniques can reduce stress, calm anxiety, improve sleep, and foster a state of healing and vitality.

Now, backed by both ancient wisdom and modern research, Michael Roesslein is excited to share Gabriel Vitiver’s eBook with you about the profound impact that conscious breathing can have on your life.

--->>Download your complimentary eBook, Breathing for Nervous System Regulation!

Inside this eBook, you’ll delve into the fascinating science behind breathing and its direct influence on your nervous system.

From understanding basic nervous system physiology to recognizing the signs of dysfunctional breathing versus optimal breathing patterns, you’ll gain invaluable insights into how you can harness the innate power of your breath and enter into a healing state.

You will be guided through practices to harness this natural tool for balance, grounding and resilience, enhancing your life with ease and energy. The invitation is to try all of the practices and see which ones resonate the most for you!

Embrace the power of breath and embark on a journey towards greater well-being today.

--->>Gain immediate access to the 31-page Breathing for Nervous System Regulation eBook now!

You’ll also save a seat for the free, online Beyond Functional Medicine: Deep Healing & Advanced Therapies event taking place on March 25-31, 2024, where over 35+ experts will teach you more about the therapies, practices, and tools that can facilitate lasting physical, emotional, and psychological healing in a way that diet, lifestyle changes, and supplements alone cannot achieve!​
So thankful that you’re making an investment in your health, your life and yourself.

Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Can you eat progesterone?
In short, no. No foods contain progesterone. You can, however, eat food that encourages your body's natural progesterone production. I shared the 10 nutrients you can add to your diet that will help support progesterone production.​


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Reddit Exile

Hi Jimi

During the pandemic, the world was led to believe that the best way to stay protected from COVID is by getting vaxxed.

But what you might not know is that the jabs they gave you can be even more dangerous than the virus they are supposed to protect you from…

If you’re curious to know why, you’ll find the answers you need in this F.REE e-book: Cancer Epidemic.

Get your F.REE copy here.
What you might find inside may shock you and challenge what you’ve been led to believe for the past few years, but it’s pure, unfiltered truth backed by science and coming from renowned health experts themselves.

And because it goes against everything that Big Pharma stands for, you likely won’t find the information contained in this e-book anywhere else.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover inside:
    • The intersection between COVID vaccination and the rise in cancer cases
    • The immunological processes at play and evaluate scientific connections based on research findings
    • Empowering strategies for mitigating cancer risk and addressing vaccine-related injuries
    • The alarming surge in post-vaccine turbo cancers, backed by statistical data and real-life case studies

And a lot more!

On top of all that, downloading this e-book will also get you F.REE access to watch Jonathan Otto’s newest docuseries, Cancer Secrets…

Where you’ll hear from over 40 health experts from around the world who will share little-known facts about cancer and the best natural protocols to tackle it head-on.

Not too often will you get this opportunity to empower yourself to combat cancer and reverse or avoid it completely, so don’t pass up on these highly valuable resources and…

Get the e-book + your F.REE pass to watch Cancer Secrets online.

To your fight against cancer,
the most dangerous thing about needles is the f@@@ heads that put them in you!!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you’re clearing your throat a lot, you’re probably dealing with overproduction of phlegm or mucus in your system.

What is Phlegm and Mucus?

Phlegm and mucus is that stringy, slick, sticky substance your body produces to trap germs and material before they can enter the rest of the body. Mucus also lubricates the organs, tissues, and cavities to prevent irritation and fight infection.

It is produced by mucus membranes that line the cavities and organs of the body. Your body produces 1 to 1.5 liters (about 4 to 6 cups) of mucus per day.

The type that ends up in your nasal passages and throat is produced by the membranes lining the cavities and organs of your upper respiratory tract, such as your nose, throat, and mouth. This often makes it difficult to breathe through your nose.

The type you “cough up” is called phlegm, and it’s produced by your lower respiratory tract, i.e., trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Depending on the cause, extra phlegm in your lower respiratory tract often leads to chest congestion. This, too, can make it difficult to breathe.

Though your body is a mucus-producing machine, the only time you’ll notice this substance is when it thickens, causing it to accumulate in and/or drip down the back of your throat.

What Causes Excess Mucus?

Excess mucus production in the lungs, nose, and throat is typically caused by inflammation due to irritation of the membranes, immune system overreaction, or infection.

Here are a few factors that can cause excess mucus in the upper and/or lower respiratory system:

•Seasonal allergies, i.e., pollen

•Non-seasonal allergies (rhinitis), i.e. dust mites


•Foods, i.e. dairy, gluten

•Colds and flu

•A dry indoor environment


•Certain medications



•Lung diseases, i.e. cystic fibrosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

•Bacterial or viral lung infections

•Throat disorders, i.e. strep throat, laryngitis

•Acid reflux

•Sinusitis or sinus infection

•Neurological inflammation that mistakenly signals the body to make extra mucus or phlegm

Common Solutions to Get Rid of Phlegm and Mucus

Nasal Sprays

A nasal spray is effective for temporarily clearing nasal congestion caused by colds, allergies, sinus infections, or acute sinusitis.

The three most commonly used types of nasal sprays are steroid, antihistamine, and decongestant.

When using nasal sprays, follow the package direction, and pay particular attention to any cautions. For instance, overuse of decongestant nasal sprays can have a “rebound effect”. This means that your congestion may worsen once you stop using it.


An expectorant drug thins and loosen phlegm from the respiratory tract. This makes your cough more productive, allowing it to clear the phlegm from your chest.

Taking a good expectorant is an excellent way to soothe the symptoms of chest congestion, such as painful cough.

There are two main types of expectorants: Guaifenesin and potassium iodide.

The most common expectorant is Guaifenesin, as it is generally well-tolerated by most people. These drugs are available without a prescription. Brand names include Mucinex, Robitussin Chest Congestion.

If you have chest congestion, DO NOT use a cough suppressant drug, or an expectorant that includes a cough suppressant, as it will hinder your ability to cough up the phlegm.


Decongestant medications decrease inflammation in the nose, sinus, and chest. This helps get rid of congestion, helping you breathe easier.

These medications are readily available without a prescription to treat symptoms of cold, flu, and allergies. But because they dilate blood vessels, they can raise blood pressure. For this reason, decongestants are not recommended for those with high blood pressure or heart problems.

Home Remedies to Clear Mucus

In most cases, mucus can be relieved with home remedies. Here are a few of the most popular ways to naturally clear it so that you can breathe easily.

Stay Hydrated

It might surprise you to know that dehydration is a common cause of congestion of your airways and lungs.

After all, an estimated 60% of the human body is composed of water, though this can vary between 45% to 75%.3 Consequently, losing just 3% of your body weight in water can result in dehydration, which can hamper cognitive performance, muscle reaction, and other bodily functions and negatively affect all aspects of your health.

By the way…your brain is a whopping 80% to 85% water, so even slight dehydration can make cognitive tasks difficult.

Dehydration can also make mucus thicker and more noticeable.
The solution?


To stay hydrated, experts recommend that women drink 9 cups of water per day and that men drink 13 cups. If you’re sweating at times during the day, i.e. while exercising or exerting yourself outside on a hot day, you should drink more than the recommended minimum to replace the water you lost.

If you have any medical conditions, however, see a doctor before significantly increasing your water intake. Some health conditions make it necessary to limit your fluids.

Use a Humidifier

A humidifier is a machine that adds water vapors to the air. This moisturizes your nose, throat, and lungs, so there is no need for your body to produce extra mucus.

Using a humidifier is a great way to prevent or get rid of phlegm and mucus.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are concentrated oils derived from plants. Ancients used essential oils for medicinal purposes. And it seems they have never gone out of style, as they are currently used in alternative healing practices, aromatherapy, and skincare. These oils can be used in diffusers, incense sticks, and rubbed on the body.

Consider this: the global market value of essential oils is expected to grow from $17 billion USD in 2017 to about $27 billion by 2022.

There is even limited scientific studies attesting to the benefits of essential oils.

Essential oils said to be best for mucus and phlegm include:






Make sure you use 100% pure essential oils, as others are often diluted with less expensive ingredients.

Your brain controls every function in your body, including mucus and phlegm production. That is, neurological inflammation can mistakenly signal your body to produce more of this sticky goo.

And it’s not only more common than you might think, but the symptoms of chronic brain inflammation are often vague and non-specific.
To your best health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

2024 Is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western World/ Paul Craig Roberts​



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2024 Is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western World/ Paul Craig Roberts​

that ended about 10 yrs ago buddy


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Just a quick one to remind you about the last ever Sunday Breath at 8pm (UK time) today.

You’re safely registered already, you just need to hit the link below to join.

Click here to join the call

Make sure you’re ready at 8pm for an amazing session and of course the huge breaking news I’ll be sharing publicly for the very first time!

You’ll be glad you’re there for it.

And remember…

Don’t be flaky!

The last ever Sunday Breath is going to be the best of all time!

See you soon,

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
My almost ingrown toe nail, and how I dealt with it.

I would put this on a timeline of 3-4 months, maybe longer the way time gets away.

One day I stubbed my big toe so hard it was throbbing for hours. I did notice the impact split my toenail near the inside cuticle, but then I forgot all about it. A week or two later, as I was sitting in my bathrobe in my big chair, relaxing after a shower, my feet propped up on the ottoman, my eyes caught a black spot on that same big toe. OMYGAWD, what is that??? Melanoma? Am I gonna die?

One thing I never ever want to do is go to a doctor. I'm afraid they'll knock me out and give me five vaccine shots, then put me out on the parking lot afterwards, like this:

So with the search term "black spot on toe", searching images, I saw things that didn't match my spot. I saw whole black toenails mostly, blackened foot sores, scary diabetic and melanoma stuff I didn't want to believe, and finally this, with the matching spot size and location (though my toenails are not painted green, and the big missing piece of toenail wasn't as obvious on mine):

Toe nail.JPG

It was an article about surgery for an ingrown toenail. The missing piece of toenail in the above image was already ingrown underneath the cuticle. Oh yeah, I remembered. Whatever happened to the split place on my stubbed toenail? The article that belonged with the image was about how the body will try to absorb a piece of split toenail if it's near the cuticle, but it can't. You can absorb a splinter, maybe get a little irritation, a pustule, but left untreated you'll eventually absorb it and break it down. But not a big slice of big toenail. It will get worse. That black spot is a debris offloading station.

This is not going to happen to me, I thought. I took a new fresh emery board out of the packet and made it my dedicated toe filing implement. I put my foot up on the ottoman again and filed toward that inner cuticle to gently open it up. There it was, that piece of split toenail, trying to find a new home, or a way out, under the cuticle. I changed the direction of my filing, bottom to top, to start turning that stray piece of nail into sawdust. The black spot dissolved and turned into sawdust too. After my next shower the black spot was back, but smaller. I did the routine again, gently opening up the cuticle, filing it out gently, never hard enough to cause bleeding, and anyway it's tough down there. The feet are designed to take a lot. As I filed again, lots of sawdust came out again. I had to repeat this routine after every shower for a while, but eventually I got it all out. The black spot has never reappeared. The rest of the nail is growing back normally.

No pharmaceutical quack, no sawbones, no shots, no pills. I hope this will help somebody else.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Bill Gates' Partner GAVI Vaccine Alliance Targets Online Memes, wants to criminalize discussions promoting vaccine hesitancy​

Yeah, he wants it like in France, where you can go to jail for criticizing mRNA shots.


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Well buddy that's because people don't stand together and fight, they just sheeple accept it
yeah true they make things we hate into legality. now people dont know if they sit for a pee or stand!


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If you’re clearing your throat a lot, you’re probably dealing with overproduction of phlegm or mucus in your system.

What is Phlegm and Mucus?

Phlegm and mucus is that stringy, slick, sticky substance your body produces to trap germs and material before they can enter the rest of the body. Mucus also lubricates the organs, tissues, and cavities to prevent irritation and fight infection.

It is produced by mucus membranes that line the cavities and organs of the body. Your body produces 1 to 1.5 liters (about 4 to 6 cups) of mucus per day.

The type that ends up in your nasal passages and throat is produced by the membranes lining the cavities and organs of your upper respiratory tract, such as your nose, throat, and mouth. This often makes it difficult to breathe through your nose.

The type you “cough up” is called phlegm, and it’s produced by your lower respiratory tract, i.e., trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Depending on the cause, extra phlegm in your lower respiratory tract often leads to chest congestion. This, too, can make it difficult to breathe.

Though your body is a mucus-producing machine, the only time you’ll notice this substance is when it thickens, causing it to accumulate in and/or drip down the back of your throat.

What Causes Excess Mucus?

Excess mucus production in the lungs, nose, and throat is typically caused by inflammation due to irritation of the membranes, immune system overreaction, or infection.

Here are a few factors that can cause excess mucus in the upper and/or lower respiratory system:

•Seasonal allergies, i.e., pollen

•Non-seasonal allergies (rhinitis), i.e. dust mites


•Foods, i.e. dairy, gluten

•Colds and flu

•A dry indoor environment


•Certain medications



•Lung diseases, i.e. cystic fibrosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

•Bacterial or viral lung infections

•Throat disorders, i.e. strep throat, laryngitis

•Acid reflux

•Sinusitis or sinus infection

•Neurological inflammation that mistakenly signals the body to make extra mucus or phlegm

Common Solutions to Get Rid of Phlegm and Mucus

Nasal Sprays

A nasal spray is effective for temporarily clearing nasal congestion caused by colds, allergies, sinus infections, or acute sinusitis.

The three most commonly used types of nasal sprays are steroid, antihistamine, and decongestant.

When using nasal sprays, follow the package direction, and pay particular attention to any cautions. For instance, overuse of decongestant nasal sprays can have a “rebound effect”. This means that your congestion may worsen once you stop using it.


An expectorant drug thins and loosen phlegm from the respiratory tract. This makes your cough more productive, allowing it to clear the phlegm from your chest.

Taking a good expectorant is an excellent way to soothe the symptoms of chest congestion, such as painful cough.

There are two main types of expectorants: Guaifenesin and potassium iodide.

The most common expectorant is Guaifenesin, as it is generally well-tolerated by most people. These drugs are available without a prescription. Brand names include Mucinex, Robitussin Chest Congestion.

If you have chest congestion, DO NOT use a cough suppressant drug, or an expectorant that includes a cough suppressant, as it will hinder your ability to cough up the phlegm.


Decongestant medications decrease inflammation in the nose, sinus, and chest. This helps get rid of congestion, helping you breathe easier.

These medications are readily available without a prescription to treat symptoms of cold, flu, and allergies. But because they dilate blood vessels, they can raise blood pressure. For this reason, decongestants are not recommended for those with high blood pressure or heart problems.

Home Remedies to Clear Mucus

In most cases, mucus can be relieved with home remedies. Here are a few of the most popular ways to naturally clear it so that you can breathe easily.

Stay Hydrated

It might surprise you to know that dehydration is a common cause of congestion of your airways and lungs.

After all, an estimated 60% of the human body is composed of water, though this can vary between 45% to 75%.3 Consequently, losing just 3% of your body weight in water can result in dehydration, which can hamper cognitive performance, muscle reaction, and other bodily functions and negatively affect all aspects of your health.

By the way…your brain is a whopping 80% to 85% water, so even slight dehydration can make cognitive tasks difficult.

Dehydration can also make mucus thicker and more noticeable.
The solution?


To stay hydrated, experts recommend that women drink 9 cups of water per day and that men drink 13 cups. If you’re sweating at times during the day, i.e. while exercising or exerting yourself outside on a hot day, you should drink more than the recommended minimum to replace the water you lost.

If you have any medical conditions, however, see a doctor before significantly increasing your water intake. Some health conditions make it necessary to limit your fluids.

Use a Humidifier

A humidifier is a machine that adds water vapors to the air. This moisturizes your nose, throat, and lungs, so there is no need for your body to produce extra mucus.

Using a humidifier is a great way to prevent or get rid of phlegm and mucus.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are concentrated oils derived from plants. Ancients used essential oils for medicinal purposes. And it seems they have never gone out of style, as they are currently used in alternative healing practices, aromatherapy, and skincare. These oils can be used in diffusers, incense sticks, and rubbed on the body.

Consider this: the global market value of essential oils is expected to grow from $17 billion USD in 2017 to about $27 billion by 2022.

There is even limited scientific studies attesting to the benefits of essential oils.

Essential oils said to be best for mucus and phlegm include:






Make sure you use 100% pure essential oils, as others are often diluted with less expensive ingredients.

Your brain controls every function in your body, including mucus and phlegm production. That is, neurological inflammation can mistakenly signal your body to produce more of this sticky goo.

And it’s not only more common than you might think, but the symptoms of chronic brain inflammation are often vague and non-specific.
To your best health,
so spit on a politician


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Cancer remains a complex disease that conventional medicine struggles to defeat. What if nature itself held the key?

Sayer Ji reveals surprising foods that can help us win the fight. In this exclusive interview, Sayer uncovers little-known science on everyday foods that restrain cancer growth and spread. Think curcumin, green tea, mushrooms, berries and more. He also explains the crucial idea of cancer stem cells - and how certain plant compounds may suppress them.

Empower yourself with knowledge on food's cancer-taming capacity from a leading natural medicine expert.

Watch Sayer's paradigm-shifting insights for FREE. Don't miss it!
Cancer is a growing threat in our modern world…

With billions spent on research, why does cancer remain undefeated?

Discover how nature’s own pantry holds the key to fighting cancer, which can help you to restore your health to greater heights! Grab your FREE copy of GreenMedInfo's Top 6 Evidence-Based Cancer Fighting Foods now!
To better health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Why YOU Should Be Taking A Shot Of Olive Oil Every Morning
Hey there,

Would you believe me if I told you, inside your pantry right now is one of the healthiest foods on the planet?! Yep, it's true. And it’s not some weird trendy “superfood” — It’s actually been in people’s kitchens since 3,500 B.C.

SPOILER ALERT! It’s olive oil.

You’re probably used to cooking with it, but there are countless ways to use olive oil to help yourself LOOK and FEEL younger.

For example, olive oil is a NATURAL way to help you achieve a more youthful appearance.

If you want to look younger, try:
  • Swishing it around in your mouth after brushing your teeth to help whiten your smile.
  • Using a drizzle of olive oil to moisturize your hands, or anywhere on your body in place of lotion for hydrated, glowing skin.
  • Keeping a bottle in your shower so you can use it as a deep conditioner for your hair (this can really help moisturize your scalp).
Besides helping you look younger on the outside, it's a FANTASTIC tool for your insides as well.
  • In the Mediterranean, people take a shot of olive oil everyday to help with digestive discomfort, and help support heart health.
  • You can use it as a replacement for salad dressing to help you lose nagging weight, and lubricate your joints.
  • When the bread basket comes around, make sure you dip your slice in olive oil and vinegar for longer-lasting energy throughout your day.
According to Dr. Steven Gundry — a famous cardiothoracic surgeon, nutrition expert, and health advocate — you should get as much high quality olive oil into your daily routine as possible. Whether it's taking a shot of it daily, or keeping a bottle of it in your bathroom medicine cabinet.

But what kind of olive oil is best for your health?

Well, any olive oil can give you SOME benefits… but if you’re looking to get the BEST results, it matters a LOT which one you pick.

The olive oil industry is HUGE. You can tell by the myriad of olive oil brands you see at the grocery store. And you can bet they’re NOT all made with the consumer in mind, and many brands may even cut corners one way or another to increase profits.

When Dr. Gundry came to this realization, he was appalled. You’d have to drink a LITER of olive oil a week to get a fraction of the benefits listed above. And that’s a LOT of olive oil to try and drink every day.

But some olive oils are so powerful, it may only take a few tablespoons a week to see these incredible health benefits.

So, how can you tell between an olive oil that can be a health booster and which one isn’t up to par?

In an effort to answer that question, Dr. Gundry has decided to take a stand and release his personal research and findings.

This video has gone viral since its release, and it’s important you see it so you can start benefiting immediately. That’s why we are streaming it absolutely free.​
People who have taken his advice have shared their results with him, saying the olive oil they bought after learning his simple rules has helped change their lives. Like Adrienne, who shared:

“My husband and I are world travelers. And one of our favorite world regions is the Mediterranean region, especially because of the cuisine, which includes lots of olives and olive oil. We didn't realize though that all olive oils were not created the same…”

That's been about six months ago, and we really are noticing some great benefits. Our skin is glowing more than usual and... we both dropped a few pounds as well.”

*All individuals are unique. As such, your results can and will vary.

You can learn too, in his free presentation, linked below:

Click to learn the 3 things Dr. Gundry recommends in EVERY olive oil

Dr. Gundry is passionate about sharing his knowledge, and helping you find an olive oil that can support all your health goals. So if you still see this page, you’ve still got a chance to learn this important information for yourself.

Click Here To Learn The 3 Things Your Olive Oil MUST Have (Dr. Gundry’s Rules)
Yours in good health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Selenium supports cardiovascular health, cancer prevention, kidney and respiratory function, inflammatory response, thyroid function, and your body’s ability to fight infection.
But too much can cause real problems.
So what’s the right amount, and where should you get it?
Get the whole selenium story here.
Yours for getting the right amount of the nutrients you need,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Can you get enough selenium on a plant-based diet, or should vegans and vegetarians be worried? Here’s what you need to know about selenium.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Member For 5 Years
It’s no secret that we’re currently living through tumultuous times.

From the ongoing wars in Europe and the Middle East, to growing environmental concerns and a pivotal election year in the US, it can be hard to stay centered and maintain a positive mindset even for the most spiritual among us.

In response to these volatile times, many of us are bringing more energy, time and attention to our existing meditation practice.

Whether we’re meditating to reduce stress, to stay centered and focused, or to connect with a deeper source of meaning and purpose during challenging times, more and more of us are finding inner strength and solace in the timeless practice of sitting still.

If you’re feeling drawn to begin or deepen your meditation practice right now, I want to share some free tools to support you on your journey.

So, over this next week, I’ll be sharing a series of articles designed to help you unlock the power of meditation, so that you can experience its most profound, life-changing benefits in your own life.

In the first of these articles, The Myth of the Quiet Mind, I tackle one of the most confusing popular ideas about meditation: the belief that meditation is about silencing the mind, or being free from thoughts.

In my work with tens of thousands of seekers over the past decade, I’ve been intrigued to observe that most people meditating today are engaged in a misguided—and often exasperating—project of trying to find a way to do something about their active mind.

Some of us are trying to get our mind to be quiet. Others are trying to get it to produce more peaceful and spiritual thoughts. And others are trying to find somewhere to place our attention other than our mind—such as our body, or God or our higher self.

The idea that meditation is about having a “still” mind is possibly the most pervasive assumption about meditation circulating today.

And sadly, countless people have become frustrated and even given up on meditation because they were unable to quiet the mind.

But what if I told you the mind wasn’t an obstacle to meditation? What if the presence of thoughts had no impact on your ability to meditate at all?

In The Myth of the Quiet Mind, I share a radically different way of looking at meditation, and a much simpler perspective on what it means to be free from your busy mind.

I also share how approaching meditation as a “practice of awakening” can immediately open the door to profound inner freedom—no matter what your mind happens to be thinking about right now.

You can read the full article here:

Meditation Mistake #1: The Myth of the Quiet Mind

In support of your meditation journey,


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
Hi Jimi,
Cancer remains a complex disease that conventional medicine struggles to defeat. What if nature itself held the key?

Sayer Ji reveals surprising foods that can help us win the fight. In this exclusive interview, Sayer uncovers little-known science on everyday foods that restrain cancer growth and spread. Think curcumin, green tea, mushrooms, berries and more. He also explains the crucial idea of cancer stem cells - and how certain plant compounds may suppress them.

Empower yourself with knowledge on food's cancer-taming capacity from a leading natural medicine expert.

Watch Sayer's paradigm-shifting insights for FREE. Don't miss it!
Cancer is a growing threat in our modern world…

With billions spent on research, why does cancer remain undefeated?

Discover how nature’s own pantry holds the key to fighting cancer, which can help you to restore your health to greater heights! Grab your FREE copy of GreenMedInfo's Top 6 Evidence-Based Cancer Fighting Foods now!
To better health,​
oh please!


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Member For 5 Years
Not too long ago, Roger Daltry, who has spent 24 years working with an organization called The Teenage Cancer Trust, said:
“I don’t think they’ll ever find a cure for cancer. I don’t think they want to find a cure. I’m being cynical here, but scientists look after the science but they also look after themselves. You do imagine if they did find a cure tomorrow it would be fabulous for the country, but there’d be an awful lot of scientists out of work. You might think I’m being cynical, but I do think that."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

“I don’t think they’ll ever find a cure for cancer. I don’t think they want to find a cure. I’m being cynical here, but scientists look after the science but they also look after themselves. You do imagine if they did find a cure tomorrow it would be fabulous for the country, but there’d be an awful lot of scientists out of work. You might think I’m being cynical, but I do think that."
My thoughts exactly, and look at the vast amount of money they would loose


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Top 15 Healing Properties of the Ginger Family (and Some Side Effects)​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do you (or someone you love) struggle with complex, chronic symptoms?

Have you tried all the popular protocols, diets, and programs - but only found minimal improvement?

Do you make progress, but then seem to regress for no reason?

Are you looking for solutions that go Beyond Functional Medicine?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, or if you're a health practitioner who works with individuals who can answer "yes" to any of these questions...

You are the reason we created the Beyond Functional Medicine Summit in partnership with our friends at HealthMeans.

Over the last 5+ years, as my wife and I have navigated her own journey through multiple autoimmune diagnoses, mold toxicity, and other complex, chronic symptoms - we've had to explore deeper layers of healing, cutting-edge therapies, and outside-the-box practices.

This led me to doing extensive professional training in trauma release, nervous system regulation, somatic therapies, energetic healing, breathwork, meditation, and other powerful mind-body approaches to wellness.

And we're not alone.

Millions of people are now struggling with complex, chronic illness that doesn't always respond to the standard dietary changes and supplement protocols of the functional medicine approach.

That's why we've gathered over 40 of the world's leading experts on topics, therapies, modalities, and practices that go Beyond Functional Medicine to share their knowledge, experience, and practical (start today!) action steps with you (at no cost!).

Register today and you'll also receive a beautiful 31-page eBook I've created titled Breathing for Nervous System Regulation, which contains some of the most simple and effective breathing practices I've learned on my own healing journey.

Beyond Functional Medicine airs beginning on March 25th and you'll have 7 FULL days of amazing interviews to watch with dozens of the world's leaders in a wide range of fields - from safe trauma healing to the human biofield and using light in IV's to treat chronic disease. (A lot of things you'll barely believe!)

It's my first time collaborating with HealthMeans, the leaders in educational health summits - and I'm sure it's going to be a valuable experience for all who attend!

If you know anyone who would benefit from this life-changing information - please share the invite with them. Our goal is to reach as many people as possible.

Thank you for the support, it means the world!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We know it's been a while since you've heard from us. We've been working on a special project that we thought you'd might like to know about. If so, please read below!

Back in our late teens and early 20’s, we were so excited to be learning about good nutrition and seeing and feeling all the benefits it had to offer, from making basic changes of reducing unhealthy fat, refined carbohydrates, and processed foods while increasing whole plant foods, to eventually basing our dietary approaches on raw fruits and vegetables.

Since those times over 35 years ago, our excitement and enthusiasm has never wavered!

And we have learned so much more resulting in additional refinements to our diets and to the dietary options that we recommend to others. A great deal of what we have continued to learn has reinforced the basic dietary principles we began decades ago, giving us even more confidence that we are on the right path.

Here is one quick example. We learned early on that saturated fats were different than unsaturated fats. Later we learned that some unsaturated fats had completely different effects on the body than other unsaturated fats. We then learned about testing fatty acid profiles to see the mix of different types of fats in our bodies, and how one's dietary approach can influence that for the better or worse, even on an all-plant diet, or even an all-raw diet.

It turns out that a diet based on fruits and vegetables helps create an ideal fatty acid profile in the body. This alone has major influences over heart disease, brain function, blood sugar regulation, and so much else. Other aspects of eating fruits and vegetables work together with this synergistically. Seeing how all this works together is our idea of fun and continues to give us so much confidence in what we are doing on so many levels.

Would you like to learn these timeless principles along with our current updates and refinements?

We invite you to join us for our new online class called the Science of Raw Food Nutrition!

In 2006, after 15+ years each on this path we began to develop a very thorough plant-based nutrition curriculum, and have been continuing to update it ever since.

Our Science of Raw Food Nutrition Online Course includes 8 hours of educational content recorded in our live classroom in 2012, along with 6½ additional hours of 2023 updates on each topic, and another 1¼ hours of bonus educational content, for nearly 16 hours of educational content.

In addition, this class also includes monthly live conferences directly for 3 months with us in small groups to ask questions and create clarification about the course content, empowering you to have a great deal of confidence in how to put together a whole food plant-based diet that works best for you. And the learning process itself is a lot of fun also! It answers questions about important timeless nutritional topics while bringing you fully up to date at the same time.

And you get all of this for our introductory price of $497.

For more information and registration click here.

We invite you to join us!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Did you know that every day, 5,200 new cases of cancer are diagnosed in the United States alone?

But here's the empowering truth: only about 5% of cancer is hereditary, and up to 90% can be prevented through the right lifestyle changes.

Join us for a free webinar hosted by Nathan Crane, a dedicated researcher in natural health and holistic cancer solutions.

In '3 Steps to Empower Yourself to Heal and Never Be Afraid of Cancer Again,' Nathan will share actionable, evidence-based solutions gathered from top doctors over the past decade.

Date: February 29th
Time: 7:00 PM Eastern
Location: Online

Secure your spot now: Register Here

Can't make it? Register anyway, and we'll send you the replay.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Nutrients to Help Make Serotonin to Help Improve Mood and Sleep
Hey Jim,

Serotonin is a really important neurotransmitter. Its building block comes from protein and amino acids, but serotonin has a lot of important roles in regards to mood, well-being, sleep, stress reduction, and happiness. All of these things play a major major role in helping you feel good.

>> Click here to check out the blog! <<

In today’s blog, I am going to share with you the natural ways to boost your serotonin levels and other alternatives. Let’s talk about nutrients to help support serotonin levels!​

If we have inadequate serotonin levels, that’s going to create a whole bunch of problems. Once you start having sleep issues, mood issues, or stress issues then stress starts to hitch a little more. You don’t quite sleep as well. You don’t adapt to or deal with stress, not quite as resilient as well, and then a lot of times you’re just not going to heal and recover well either.

Learn how to boost your serotonin levels naturally–and sleep & feel better–in today's article!

>> Click here to continue reading <<

Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
In Case You Missed It...
I'm on TikTok! @justinhealth

Last week on TikTok, I posted several videos, including this one on Microneedling Benefits.​
Click here to follow me on TikTok!​

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