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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Stop Cancer!
Free Webclass this Thursday
Cancer is scary, and for good reason!

There's a massive lack of information available to the mainstream public about how to prevent and heal it...

And there's a lot of fear pushed by Medical Doctors and Pharmaceutical companies rushing patients into treatments they dont fully understand that often leave quality of life worse then when they started treatment.

But cancer doesn't have to be scary!

And in fact, you can be empowered to not only prevent a cancer diagnosis, but help your body heal from it without nasty side effects.

I'll prove it to you!

-->> Attend my next free webinar to learn how to overcome the fear of cancer and empower your body to heal and thrive - Go here for all the details


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Have you ever thought to yourself, "I could never do that..."?

Maybe you even thought those same words before starting a plant-based diet?

Maybe you're thinking them RIGHT NOW! 😂

Well, you're not alone!

And my friend Carrie Barrett has a podcast dedicated to just that topic.

Carrie's podcast is literally called "I Could Never Do That."

She recently interviewed me on what I've been doing over the past 6 years since beginning my whole food plant-based journey, leaving my teaching career, starting a plant-based coaching business, writing & publishing my first book, and basically pushing through all those limiting beliefs of "I Could Never Do That."

So if those words are holding you back in any way, then check out our interview HERE and her inspiring podcast!

Carrie is also Rip Esselstyn's Podcast Director & is whole food plant-based, so we talked a lot about plant-based eating as well!

You can find Carrie's Barrett's Podcast, "I Could Never Do That" wherever you get your podcasts or by going HERE.

Happy listening!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Can Vitamin C Prevent Kidney Stones??​

You probably know that Vitamin C can convert to oxalate and that oxalate can contribute to the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones.
But it turns out that it's not that simple. I came across some research that showed that vitamin C and other antioxidants can actually reduce the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones.
I also looked at the research on high doses of vitamin C causing kidney stones and found something interesting. It looks like high-dose vitamin C therapy only contributes to kidney stones under certain conditions, and even then it seems quite rare.
So I added this information to beginning and end of the article I wrote previously, "How To Stop Vitamin C From Forming Oxalate". I recommend taking a look.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Why Fatigued People Probably Have the Biggest Risk Factor for Heart Disease - A Fascinating Interview with Dr. Thomas Lewis, PhD​

Every interview I've heard with Thomas Lewis, PhD has been fascinating and eye-opening, and the one on Day 5 of the Cardiovascular Docu-class is no exception.
Dr. Lewis explains the specific number one cause of cardiovascular disease, and I'll bet that this is not what you have heard before, at least not in this way.
It's "stealth infections". And in my opinion, most people with chronic fatigue (and/or gut health challenges), have this issue.
But this goes way beyond people with these challenges and is truly essential for all of us to hear because it's something that can sneak up on any of us.
And you absolutely must hear what Dr. Lewis share about a study of women and the difference in mortality among women with differing white blood cell counts in the normal range. And this applies equally to men.
Dr. Levy explains how this occurs and how to spot it on a $20 Comprehensive Blood Count with Differential blood test. This is priceless info.
So I encourage you to sign up for the Cardiovascular Docu-Series (February 27 - March 6).
By the way, if you decide to purchase the docu-series, they will probably offer you a great deal to add the Fatty Liver Docu-Series, which I think is an even better series. So it's a good opportunity to save a bundle on great content.
>> Sign up for the Cardiovascular Docu-Series here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 2/28, our 137th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Ep. 137 - IG - 1
Click to watch the show!​
In his From the Heart, Dr. Paul Dr. Paul reflects on the healing power of love. He shares instances where seemingly impossible health challenges miraculously shifted when surrounded by prayerfulness and love. Even in heartbreaking situations, he has witnessed the unity and love within families inspire positive change in the world. While the mysteries of life remain, embracing love in any circumstance feels right and can make things better. His prayer is that for those facing tragedy, they would choose to love unconditionally, wholeheartedly, and with reckless abandon.
Zen Honeycutt, the founding executive director of the nonprofit Moms Across America, joined Dr. Paul and DeeDee Hoover to discuss critical issues related to health and the environment. Moms Across America has organized over a thousand community events across all 50 states to raise awareness about GMOs, toxins in the food supply, and other environmental risks. Their mission is to empower moms and others to create healthier communities. Zen’s journey from fashion design to advocating for healthier communities highlights the power of passionate individuals making a difference.
In the final segment of the show, DeeDee reflects on courage. She emphasizes that courage often involves standing up to others, especially when it comes to making decisions for our children’s well-being. Drawing from her soul, she encourages seeking help when needed and trusting in the community around us. Ultimately, having faith and reaching out for support allows us to do what’s best for our children.​
Watch the show here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Tyson Foods launches insect protein production plant to supply the global food chain
Mike Adams
They're serious about making you "eat ze bugs" Now, Tyson Foods has launched a major insect protein manufacturing plant to push ground up insect larvae into the global food supply chain.
Yummy: And they feed them scraps of processed food that are not suitable for human consumption, by the way.
Plus, today we feature an interview with a Texas Muslim. "Muslims and Christians must unite to defeat the Antichrist - Aamar the Muslim joins Mike Adams (the Christian) in studio."
Find all this and more in today's Brighteon Broadcast News here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I don't talk about it much, but working through my own traumas, improving my self-talk and emotional regulation, finding boundaries and using my voice...this is my current journey.

I'm still a work in progress but the emotional/energetic side of my health is what I've focused on the most in the last 4 years. Frankly it's harder work than the physical stuff, but it's worth it.

Trauma, chronic stress and suppressed emotions can have profound effects on the nervous system that can lead to a long list of symptoms.

Neuroscientific research has revealed that traumatic experiences can reshape the brain’s neural pathways and functioning. These changes can impact emotional regulation, memory, hormones, immune system function and overall well-being.

Now here’s the silver lining… the human nervous system is not only resilient; it’s incredibly adaptive! Through the marvel of neuroplasticity, your brain can rewire itself, opening the door to recovery and profound healing.

Beyond Functional Medicine: Deep Healing & Advanced Therapies, hosted by my friend Michael Roesslein, is your gateway to tapping into these innate abilities, offering new hope for trauma resolution and comprehensive healing where traditional approaches often fall short.

With over 35 innovative and inspired practitioners, this event will share valuable information on:

  • Integrating functional medicine with trauma healing
  • Nervous system regulation
  • Stress management
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Energetic modalities
  • Advanced cutting-edge technologies and treatments

—>>Save your spot at Beyond Functional Medicine: Deep Healing & Advanced Therapies -->> Happening March 25-31, 2024! You'll get access to some helpful guides and interviews right away.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Apple Extracts Remove Radiation: Chernobyl Survivors Show Protection Potential Amid Nuclear Fears
When nuclear disasters expose millions to stealth health hazards, scientists race to uncover protective solutions in one of the most easily accessible, safe, and affordable foods that Nature provides humanity: apples.​
Twice as Deadly? Statin Drug Crestor Associated with Over Double the Mortality Rate in ARDS Trial
When it comes to cholesterol levels and statin medications, less is not always more. Drastically low cholesterol may deprive patients of crucial biological functions during acute critical illness, while some statins like rosuvastatin appear to further endanger these already vulnerable individuals.​
How WHOLE Turmeric Heals the Damaged Brain
Brain regeneration: long considered a feat impossible to accomplish, compelling research now reveals how a simple spice might contribute to stimulating the stem-cell mediated repair of the damaged brain.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As required by court order, in December, FDA released another batch of documents related to Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine for ages 18+ and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for ages 12-15. The productions contain over 200,000 pages of data, including information on a Department of Defense study related to myocarditis that appears to have been mysteriously terminated.
As ICAN supporters will recall, the attorneys who represent ICAN have won several lawsuits related to obtaining the documents FDA relied upon to license COVID-19 vaccines. While the document production for Pfizer ages 16+ is complete, the rest of the documents are still being released.
The December 2023 release of documents related to Moderna’s Spikevax consisted of 1,069 pages, including:
  • Serious Adverse Events 4.5x higher: An October 8, 2021 Moderna report titled “CBER Requested Tables” provided detailed vaccine adverse event data that had been requested by FDA, including a Safety Overview table showing that solicited serious Grade 3 or Grade 4 systemic adverse reactions were 4.5 times greater in the vaccine arm (17.4%) versus the placebo arm (3.8%).
  • No safety data collected: In a response to FDA’s request for additional safety data, on September 17, 2021, Moderna made clear that it had no intention of providing the additional requested data, which consisted of long-term data from original study participants as well as short-term data from the more than ten thousand original placebo participants who were unblinded and then vaccinated. Moderna claimed that analyzing the additional data would “not serve any additional analytical purpose” and additionally admitted “[t]here was no systematic collection or analysis of [adverse reactions]” in the additional data.
  • Natural immunity ignored: Additional efficacy data was also requested by FDA and supplied in a follow-up response by Moderna on September 28, 2021. Table 4-1 showed that participants in the placebo arm who had a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection at the start of the study had significantly lower case rates than those who had no history of infection. Instead of acknowledging the effectiveness of natural immunity, Moderna insisted that “Due to the small sample size of participants with positive SARS-CoV-2 status at baseline, and the number of COVID-19 cases are too small in these participants, the results can not [sic] be interpreted in a meaningful way.”
  • Why the interest in shingles? Two documents, dated November 10, 2021 and January 7, 2022, show FDA was very interested in the incidence of herpes zoster (shingles) after vaccination. Note that a previously produced Moderna document provided details on fatal case reports involving herpes zoster.
The December release of documents related to Pfizer’s 12-15 vaccine consisted of 214,549 pages, including:
  • Military myocarditis study disappears: An April 29, 2022 Pharmacovigilance Plan states that study C4591011 was designed “To assess whether individuals in the US DoD Military Health System (MHS) experience increased risk of safety events of interest, including myocarditis and pericarditis, following receipt of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.” However, a footnote below Pfizer’s “Action Plan for Important Identified Risk ‘Myocarditis and Pericarditis’” states: “Milestones deleted as this is a voluntary sponsor study (as per FDA … characterize[ing] [the study] as ‘voluntary’ and therefore no longer commitment).” Further investigation led to this October 2023 European Medicines Agency report where a footnote showed that Pfizer requested to terminate the study “based on delays in data access and overlap between C4591011 and on-going parallel studies with respect to key safety endpoints, analyses, and broad target populations.” Because it was not required by FDA, Pfizer decided to terminate it and so one can only speculate what the early results from that particular study of healthy young adults may have shown.
  • Appendicitis caused by vaccine: A December 10, 2021 document submitted to FDA wherein Pfizer reports there was a case of appendicitis within 4 days of vaccination that the Pfizer investigator, surprisingly, determined was “related” to the vaccine.
  • Eighteen teenage death reports: A response by Pfizer to FDA regarding post-authorization adverse event reports for ages 12 to 15, included detailed data on 5 fatal U.S. cases and 13 fatal foreign cases. Cases included a 13-year-old boy who died in his sleep three days after vaccination, another 13-year-old boy who died 3 days after vaccination and whose autopsy “showed enlarged heart and fluid surrounding the heart caused by the Covid vaccination” and a 15-year-old girl whose cause of death was listed as “Anoxia cerebral and Cardiac arrest while outcome of the other events was unknown.”
We encourage those interested to download the productions and review the data. ICAN will continue to keep you updated as more documents are released.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Delicious Comfort of Bone Broth​

In this video, follow along with April Jones as she shows you how to prepare bone broth: a highly nutritious food with multi-faceted benefits to your health.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Homemade Fish Stock Recipe​

Learn how to make this decadent fish stock recipe for use in soups, sauces, risotto, and more!​

Homemade Chicken Stock Recipe​

Use this homemade chicken stock recipe for richer and more nourishing soups.​

Homemade Beef Stock Recipe​

Make this homemade beef stock recipe for a nutritious taste of heaven.​

Homemade Mushroom Broth Recipe​

Try this savory mushroom broth recipe for nutritious umami-flavored soups.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Acetyl-L-Carnitine Heals Injured Nerves

Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D., writes:

Nerve pain is a common problem. Studies have shown that the natural compound acetyl-L-carnitine can stimulate healing of injured nerves and reduce nerve pain.

One way it does this is by triggering the production and release of neurotrophins that promote nerve repair and healing.

Special: 4 Medical Doctors Made a Surprising Discovery

Acetyl-L-carnitine also activates a special type of glutamate receptor (mGluR2) that dampens pain signals.

Interestingly, when stimulated this same glutamate receptor acts as a powerful antidepressant.

Other studies have shown that acetyl-L-carnitine also stimulates the growth of brain cells, which would benefit people suffering from a stroke or other types of brain injury.

Nerve problems often occur with diabetes, and one study found that acetyl-L-carnitine could correct diabetic nerve damage, even though it had no effect on blood sugar.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The V-safe Free-Text Data is Out and Aaron Siri, esq., Has the Details; Jefferey Jaxen reports on the state of vaccine mandates and informed consent in a post-COVID world, and a new vaccine technology beyond injectables that takes it a step too far; The Clot Thickens As A New Study The Severity of The Blood Clot Problem; Funeral director and embalmer’s firsthand account corroborates Haviland’s survey data.
Guests: Aaron Siri, Esq., Thomas Haviland, Richard Hirschman
AIRDATE: February 22, 2024​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Quick one today, Jimi.

I had a bunch of emails yesterday from people who wanted to attend my (last ever) live Sunday Breath Workshop, but couldn’t make it.

Didn’t work for their timezone, spending time with their family, ‘out and about’ etc…

Which is why I’ve just uploaded the full recording for you to watch (no charge).

CLICK HERE to go watch it now
Simply click through, pop in your name and email, and you’ll be able to instantly access the entire recording ‘on demand’ - i.e. you don’t have to wait around, you can watch it from start to finish.

One thing to note though:

On the recording, I announce something that’s already causing a stir in the breathwork community.

And you need to watch it ahead of Thursday to find out what that is (and take advantage).

I won’t spoil the surprise for you…

But I recommend you CLICK HERE and go watch it right now!

Breathe well,

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Not too long ago, Roger Daltry, who has spent 24 years working with an organization called The Teenage Cancer Trust, said:
“I don’t think they’ll ever find a cure for cancer. I don’t think they want to find a cure. I’m being cynical here, but scientists look after the science but they also look after themselves. You do imagine if they did find a cure tomorrow it would be fabulous for the country, but there’d be an awful lot of scientists out of work. You might think I’m being cynical, but I do think that."

What passes for science these days is a fiction written by the pharmaceutical industry.

I believe if you look for it, in this wonderful era of the free and open internet, you will find there are cures, there are theories proven out, there are survivors to tell you about it.

But the open internet may soon be a thing of the past. Just as the TV news outlets became increasingly consolidated, editorial content strictly censored, there is where the internet is headed. Get the info before you need it.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What Is Collagen, and Why Are People Taking It?

Jimi, I'm not arguing with you. I know you post content you believe can be helpful to some, but this is something I argue whenever the subject comes up.

Consuming collagen to increase your collagen is like eating hundred dollar bills to become wealthy. When you consume collagen you digest it and it does very little toward helping your body produce collagen, not any more than eating beef.

For better collagen production, start with organic MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), and organic just means not lab created. You want the fine crystals, not the big flakes. It is my second highest value supplement I use every day. I started taking it to restore my skin barrier after the horrible 2018 eczema attack I've written about here. Wow did it work. The effect on my skin repair was slower, because healing eczema just has to finish turning over, flaking off while new skin builds underneath, but once it was over, my skin has been better than it ever was. But hair and nails immediately went insane, an unexpected bonus.

The packages give different amounts to take. When I was first doing the research in 2018, the prevailing wisdom was to take it twice a day, but I only have hot coffee in the morning, and it will only dissolve in hot drinks, so I have ever since then taken one heaping tablespoon daily in my morning coffee. I don't think you taste it. I have never been able to tell anything was in my coffee. Start out slow with two teaspoons a day, then build up to that heaping tablespoon per day. It gives you very vivid dreams when you first start taking it.

These MSM crystals help your body produce collagen, as well as glutathione (the natural antioxidant young people have, which tends to decline as we age).


Cranky Old Fart
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Jimi, I'm not arguing with you. I know you post content you believe can be helpful to some, but this is something I argue whenever the subject comes up.

Consuming collagen to increase your collagen is like eating hundred dollar bills to become wealthy. When you consume collagen you digest it and it does very little toward helping your body produce collagen, not any more than eating beef.

For better collagen production, start with organic MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), and organic just means not lab created. You want the fine crystals, not the big flakes. It is my second highest value supplement I use every day. I started taking it to restore my skin barrier after the horrible 2018 eczema attack I've written about here. Wow did it work. The effect on my skin repair was slower, because healing eczema just has to finish turning over, flaking off while new skin builds underneath, but once it was over, my skin has been better than it ever was. But hair and nails immediately went insane, an unexpected bonus.

The packages give different amounts to take. When I was first doing the research in 2018, the prevailing wisdom was to take it twice a day, but I only have hot coffee in the morning, and it will only dissolve in hot drinks, so I have ever since then taken one heaping tablespoon daily in my morning coffee. I don't think you taste it. I have never been able to tell anything was in my coffee. Start out slow with two teaspoons a day, then build up to that heaping tablespoon per day. It gives you very vivid dreams when you first start taking it.

These MSM crystals help your body produce collagen, as well as glutathione (the natural antioxidant young people have, which tends to decline as we age).
@Bliss Doubt What brand do you use and where do you get it. Amazon has organic MSM crystals with the brand name Happy Body $32 for a pound.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I believe if you look for it, in this wonderful era of the free and open internet, you will find there are cures, there are theories proven out, there are survivors to tell you about it.
This is very true but one thing a lot of people don't realize is that 2 people can have the same disease and treat it the same way and have completely different outcomes. IMHO, and this is my opinion, One has to have complete mental contact with their bodies in order to overcome any disease, read your body and let it tell you what to do. so in the above case one person one person, the survivor, was mentally in contact with their bodies.

Yes I believe in ancient Chinese and Korean Medicine :giggle:
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Check out these favorite episodes of Rosie Radio!

I’m so excited to bring you some amazing new interviews to support your healing in 2024!

In the meantime, check out these recent episodes from Rosie Radio:


→ Check out the exciting convos in the Healing Rosie Facebook group this week!

You must be a member of the Healing Rosie FB group to see these threads. 👇

💅What is a good supplement for peeling nails?

👃Has anyone ever had a transnasal esophagoscopy?

🌿What website is safe to order supplements from?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
I’m super excited that we’re getting closer and closer to the launch of my BRAND NEW docuseries, Cancer Secrets!
I’m mainly excited because it’s always such an honor and blessing to serve you with transformational insights…
That can make a REAL impact in your life and in the lives of your loved ones.
You’re going to be empowered to combat one of the MOST feared chronic diseases of our time in the right way…
And that’s SO important!
I’m still thanking you for signing up for Cancer Secrets by giving you a sneak peek at some of the BEST insights our experts share in this docuseries.
I recently had a chat with Dr. Peter McCullough who shared something you have to hear…
There are about 800 papers in the peer-reviewed literature dealing with the COVID vaccine and the heart. And what we understand is there is a distinct syndrome of COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis probably where there's a substantial size of damaged tissue in the heart. That's enough to be clinically detectable. That is chest pain. EKG changes, and elevations in cardiac troponin, abnormality seen on echocardiography and cardiac MRI. Many times it's the outer part of the myocardium and the surface layer of the myocardium and it's containing structure in the chest, the pericardium. So it's termed myopericarditis.

What's known there is that messenger RNA is found in the human heart, in a paper by Crossin and Colleagues,
the spike protein is intensely staining in the heart, a paper by Bonemeir showed that in living tissue necropsies and then there's inflammation and the inflammation results in either an abnormal heart rhythm as the depolarization goes down through heterogeneous tissue and circles around, it becomes a re-entrant ventricular tachycardia, degenerating to ventricular fibrillation and asystole as a mode of sudden death largely triggered by adrenaline during sports or between 3:00 AM and 6:00 AM in the waking hours or can result in heart failure if it's a substantially large area of the myocardium.”
>>> Click HERE to watch the full sneak peek!

It's crazy to see how a so-called “vaccine” that we were told was safe and effective…

Is actually one of the deadliest bioweapons humanity has ever faced!

Yes, this is different to what Big Pharma would tell you…
But it is the TRUTH!

Knowing this is the first step towards stripping them of their power…

And allowing you to rebuild your health independent of their pills and jabs.

Don’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity.

Remember, this sneak peek is only live for 24 hours.
Tomorrow night at 8 pm EST we will remove it, so don’t wait to watch!
>>> WATCH this exclusive sneak peek here before tomorrow night.

To your health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi ,
Cancer is undeniably frightening, and the lack of accessible information on prevention and healing only adds to the fear.
Unfortunately, many individuals are rushed into treatments they don't fully understand, often resulting in a compromised quality of life.
But here's the truth: Cancer doesn't have to be scary, and you have the power to take control of your health journey.
In our upcoming free web class 3 Steps to Empower Yourself to Heal and Never Be Afraid of Cancer Again, Nathan Crane will show you how to overcome the fear of cancer and empower your body to heal and thrive.
Date: February 29th
Time: 7 PM Eastern
Location: Online
During this webinar, you'll discover:
  • Proven strategies to prevent a cancer diagnosis
  • Holistic approaches to support your body's healing process
  • How to navigate treatment options with confidence and clarity

Don't let fear hold you back from living a vibrant, healthy life.

Join us this Thursday and unlock the power to heal.
Secure your spot now: Register Here
We look forward to empowering you on your journey to wellness.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Joel Fuhrman, M.D, is one of America’s MOST LOVED doctors (and a good friend who, I can assure you, genuinely cares deeply about helping people!)

And today, he's giving you over 80 healthy recipes, guidance on the top foods to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and more in...

The completely free Dr. Fuhrman's Transformation 20 guide available for you right here

Now, if you are concerned with your blood pressure and cholesterol, Dr. Fuhrman's free guide really is an ESSENTIAL.

However, anyone who wants to provide some TLC for their heart will greatly appreciate this guide that he's giving you today in support of his free Reversing Heart Disease Naturally online event (that he's co-hosting with world-renowned cardiologist, Joel Kahn, MD..)

Dr. Fuhrman's Transformation 20 guide provides you:

  • The 9 best foods to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol
  • The 5 worst foods to avoid
  • The 17 top herbs for blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart health
  • 9 top supplements for blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart health (and 5 supplements to AVOID)
  • Dr. Fuhrman's answers to 10 top questions (addresses common areas of confusion and controversy!)
  • A "cheat sheet" on page 20 of all the best foods to stock your pantry with
  • Dr. Fuhrman's 16-day meal plan for you providing exactly what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for fastest results
  • Over 80 of Dr. Fuhrman's top recipes -- including easy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, salads, snacks, drinks, and desserts
  • And much more!
Get your FREE copy of Dr. Fuhrman's exceptionally helpful Transformation 20 guide right here!

FYI a few of my own favorite recipes from this wonderful health guide and eCookbook include:

  • Blueberry Nut Steel Cut Oats
  • Pesto Pizza with Broccoli, Mushrooms, and Onions
  • Seasoned Lentils with Spinach
  • Margarita Cooler (super easy and refreshing!)
  • Avocado Toast with Sliced Tomatoes and Toasted Pumpkin Seeds
  • Cauliflower Soup with Coconut, Ginger, and Turmeric
  • Healthy Moose Tracks Ice Cream (seriously yummy!)
Meanwhile, in the forthcoming Reversing Heart Disease Naturally 2.0 that you'll also get free access to...

You'll learn the best ways to prevent and manage heart disease from the world's TOP experts.

Again, it's co-hosted by Dr. Joel Fuhrman and Dr. Joel Kahn, two of the world's most renowned and trusted MDs.

And it features other luminaries such as Dean Ornish, MD, Kristi Funk, MD, Columbus Batiste, MD, Michael Greger, MD, Audrey Wells, MD, and more!

Head here right now


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you or someone you know dealing with autoimmune issues, constant pain, digestion problems, or just feeling drained and stressed out?

Maybe you’ve tried addressing these through pills or trips to the doctor but nothing’s working. If anything, the solutions you’re getting are only temporary - within weeks, your health issues come back and start stressing you out again.

It's tough, but you're not alone. And the good news is, there are practical solutions out there to help you feel better and live the life you want.

Curious to know what they are?

You’ll find them in the Food Matters Institute 2024 Masterclass Series, which runs from March 5 - 21, and is 100% F.REE!

Just sign up here to reserve your F.REE spot for this masterclass.

Hosted by James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch this series brings together top experts who've been in your shoes and found ways to heal and thrive…

Including names like Dr. Tom O’Bryan, Christa Orecchio CN, HHC, Nick Polizzi, Nat Kringoudis, Dr. Christine Smith, Dr. Heather Sandison, and Dr. David Jockers.

Here's a sneak peek at what they will share with you:

  • How to heal your gut & detox your body

  • How to manage your hormonal changes naturally
  • How using medicinal herbs can help you find calm & restore balance
  • How to turn your passion for nutrition into a career
  • How to identify and treat inflammation naturally
  • How to improve your brain health & reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s & dementia
  • How to use nutrition to prevent and heal autoimmune conditions naturally
And many more!

The great thing is that unlike most events, you'll have 17 days to watch all the masterclasses at your own pace.

Remember, it's never too late to take charge of your health. With the right knowledge, healing is possible.

Get ready to say goodbye to unwanted symptoms and hello to a life that inspires you every day!

Register here to reserve your spot for this F.REE masterclass series.

To your health,

The Cause Health team

P.S. Sign up now and receive a free e-book: 3 Simple Health Habits to Manage Stress, Heal Your Gut & Boost Your Brain, where you’ll get delicious healthy recipes and tips to better manage your stress, take care of your microbiome and improve your brain health.

Go here to sign up for the masterclass + get your F.REE e-book.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
If you had access to the expertise of some of the top names in the health and nutrition world, what would you do?

We can imagine you’d take full advantage of all of the information they shared - applying it to your own life and passing the life-changing knowledge onto family and friends.

We know that most people don’t have this sort of exclusive access, and in reality, many don’t even have the easy and affordable access to simply visit their local health practitioner. That’s why we reached out to some of our friends in the industry to bring you this BRAND NEW Masterclass Series - for free!

CLICK HERE to save your seat to the series: Discover Practical Solutions to Heal Your Gut, Balance Your Hormones, and Reduce Stress & Inflammation. >>

This Masterclass Series is designed to give you practical information that you can start applying to see changes in your health and life overall, today. These experts don’t hold anything back!

Here’s a snippet of what you can expect from the first few Masterclasses...

  • ✨ Headaches, Fatigued, Addicted to Gluten? Learn How to Heal Your Gut & Detox Your Body with Dr. Tom O’Bryan
You’re going to learn why gluten intolerance isn’t just a trend, what makes gluten addictive, the importance of detoxification for overall well-being, the best vegetable for your gut, the surprising benefits of wheat, and so much more!

  • ✨ Low Energy, Low Libido, Mood Swings? Learn How to Manage Your Hormonal Changes Naturally with Christa Orecchio
Get ready to hear about the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, natural treatments to help you as your hormones change, what’s happening to your hormones during menopause, how you can make this transition seamless, and so much more.

  • ✨ Stressed, Burnt Out, Poor Sleep? Learn How to Use Medicinal Herbs to Find Calm & Restore Balance with Nick Polizzi
This Masterclass covers the science of herbalism and how you can use it to manage stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep issues, herbs to help calm your nervous system, herbs for digestion, and so much more!

  • ✨ Feeling Stuck, Uninspired & Ready For a Change? Learn How to Turn Your Passion for Nutrition into a Career with Nat Kringoudis
Nat covers how to follow your passion and find your niche in nutrition, how to transition from studying nutrition to running a nutrition business, how to use different marketing platforms to build your presence and credibility… plus much more!

In the lineup, we also have the following Masterclasses:

  • Unexplained Pain, Aching Joints, Irritability? Learn How to Identify and Treat Inflammation Naturally with Dr. Christine Smith
  • Brain Fog, Forgetfulness, Difficulty Concentrating? Learn How to Improve Your Brain Health & Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer's & Dementia with Dr. Heather Sandison
  • Gut Discomfort, Inflammation, Thyroid Issues? Learn How to Use Nutrition to Prevent and Heal Autoimmune Conditions Naturally with Dr. David Jockers
The series is only available for a limited time starting from March 5.

You can get more details, and save your seat HERE. >>

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I came across a quote from the revered Hindu mystic Jiddu Krishnamurti that stopped me in my tracks.

I hope the words below warm something inside you, as they did for me.

“Freedom and love go together.
Love is not a reaction.
If I love you because you love me,
that is mere trade,
a thing to be bought in the market;
it is not love.
To love is to not ask anything in return,
not even to feel that you are giving something.
And it is only such love that can know freedom.”

- J. Krishnamurti


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Review Medication Before Heart Procedure

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Before you undergo a cardiac procedure, it’s critical to let your doctor know everything you are taking — not just prescription medications, but over-the-counter drugs and supplements as well.

Special: Are You Sabotaging Your Heart With Statin Drugs?

For instance, many cardiac patients take blood thinners such as aspirin, Coumadin (warfarin), Plavix (clopidogrel), or Effient (prasugrel). Fish oil and vitamin E supplements also act as blood thinners.

The best thing to do is bring all your medications to your doctor’s office for a thorough review. You should also take a complete list to the hospital when you go in for the procedure.

You’ll need this information for admission, evaluation, work-up, and discharge.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Feel Good Blood Sugar Challenge
with Jessie Inchauspé, Glucose Goddess
Enjoy the first 5 lessons from this popular course on our new, free podcast. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or search Commune Courses on your favorite podcast app.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Top 10 Most Inflammatory Foods to Avoid

Inflammatory foods are major players in the development of much of the suffering in our society. This is because the process of inflammation is at the root cause of most chronic health issues.

No wonder you want to learn what foods you need to eliminate and what diet to follow to reduce inflammation, pain, and disease. It can feel confusing to find the right dietary advice with so many options available.

The truth is that eating healthy food is actually rather simple. Once you understand what foods may damage and what foods may protect your health, you can finally eat a nutrient-dense diet without a worry, healing your body with every bite.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Cancer and autoimmune diseases are rising at an alarming rate.

In 2024, for the first time ever…

The United States is expecting over 2 MILLION new cases of cancer!

From lung cancer to breast cancer, to prostate and colon cancer….

The American Cancer Society is showing a major surge in common cancers.

But not enough people are talking about what ACTUALLY causes cancer and autoimmune diseases!

>>>Click HERE to download your f.ree copy of The Root of All Disease: Natural Protocols that Reverse the Root Causes of Post-COVID Autoimmunity and Cancer

Here's a glimpse of what you'll uncover upon downloading this FREE eBook:

  • Explore the immune system as your body's personal army, tirelessly defending against invaders.

  • Understand the immune system's role in defending against infections, and recognizing abnormal cells.

  • Discover the various factors that influence your immune system's performance.

  • And SO. Much.More!

When you download this amazing eBook, you’ll also get F.REE VIP access to the BRAND NEW 12-episode docuseries, Cancer Secrets

You’ll hear from 40+ of the world’s top medical doctors and natural health experts including myself who share the uncensored truth…

About highly effective ways to reverse chronic diseases with natural medicine protocols!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
10 Day Kidney Cleanse for Better Energy & Skin Health

Your kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs located on each side of your spine below your rib cage. They help to filter and return blood to your bloodstream while filtering and removing waste and toxins from your body.

Protecting your kidney health is critical for your energy, skin health, and overall well-being.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
My friends at Forks Over Knives are true allies in the food revolution.
For years, they’ve championed the message that the choices we make at the dinner table can profoundly benefit our health — and the health of our planet, too.
They’re also masters at cooking up delicious, nutritious meals!
This week, they're sharing an exclusive recipe collection designed to help you prevent and reverse heart disease — and it’s all yours completely free.
>> Click here to get your free copy of Forks Over Knives’ Top-Tasting Recipes To Reverse Heart Disease.
You’ll get 10 irresistible whole-food, plant-based recipes, along with real-life success stories of dramatic heart health transformations, all underpinned by solid science.
When you download your recipe book, you’ll also get a free ticket to the Reversing Heart Disease Naturally Summit 2.0 hosted by Food Revolution Summit speakers Dr. Joel Fuhrman and Dr. Joel Kahn.
These two brilliant plant-based physicians will give you this year’s latest insights about heart health as they interview 30 of the world’s leading experts.
>> Find out more, get your recipe book, and claim your spot in the free summit here.
Yours for healthy hearts and happy forks,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. You seriously don’t want to miss the super creative (and amazing) recipes for Savory Shiitake Oats, Black Bean Sloppy Fries, or Broccoli Lo Mein! Download your Forks Over Knives recipe book and join the summit right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi

One of the worst feelings in your journey towards good health is trying different diets, supplements or protocols that you were told would be the key to healing…

But ultimately make no difference.

You go through a lot of effort only to stay the same - struggling with chronic disease while also grappling with other issues like unresolved trauma, nervous system troubles, and chronic stress that add to your mounting list of health concerns.

If this is you, then it might be time to explore a more holistic approach. Because, let's face it, when it comes to healing, there's no one-size-fits-all solution.

Curious to discover what else might be out there beyond what you've already tried?

Then you’d love to join the upcoming F.REE online event, Beyond Functional Medicine: Deep Healing & Advanced Therapies.

Go here to secure your spot for this F.REE event.

Hosts Ana Paula Munoz and Michael Roesslein have invited me along with 34 other esteemed health and wellness experts to share the best practices, tools and secrets to long-lasting physical, emotional, and psychological healing in ways that diet, lifestyle changes, and supplements alone may not achieve.

Here’s a preview of what you’ll discover in this event:

  • The positive healing benefits of PEMF therapy
  • Getting to the root causes of disease with narrative medicine
  • How your quantum nature relates to states of health and disease
  • Addressing physical, mental and emotional health for true healing
  • Why trauma plays a huge role in unresolved symptoms
And a lot more.

This event runs from March 25-31, and promises to bring you the best and most innovative protocols for taking your health to the next level that are more effective than functional medicine’s best solutions.

Ready to discover new paths to full healing and your best self?

Register now and reserve your F.REE spot for Beyond Functional Medicine.

To your best health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,

Not so long ago, Dr. Bryan Ardis shared a pretty interesting revelation with my good friend and investigative journalist, Jonathan Otto…

About what he found to be the root cause of a huge number of “cancers.”

What’s fascinating, is that a few years ago, I had also heard about a popular horse dewormer that’s been used to combat cancer all over the world.

Recently this is what Dr. Ardis told Jonathan:​
“If you want to know something very interesting, 50% of all cancerous tumors, polyps that I have ever seen in my patients in my practice actually weren't cancer. They were actually parasitic egg sacs misdiagnosed as cancerous tumors.

If you want to know just how huge the misdiagnosis of cancer for parasites is, look at every research study published that ivermectin cures certain cancers.

Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug specifically, but it's being used around the world to combat and cure all types of cancers.
Imagine being able to combat cancer just by killing the parasites in your body!

Instead of using chemo, radiation, or surgery.

What’s even more astonishing is that there are in vitro studies examining the parasite-cancer relationship…

That has shown that not only could many cancer cases be parasitic infections, but that:

“Parasites that can cause cancer directly, [and] there are also parasites that can indirectly stimulate cancer development through various mechanisms.”

This is exactly what discovering the root causes of diseases can do for you!

And I can guarantee that many Western medicine doctors either don’t know about this or won’t tell you about it.

After all, oncology drugs account for the most profit for Pharmaceutical companies today.

Statista shared that cancer drugs reached $176 billion in sales in 2021.

If you don’t know about the powerful, natural alternatives that have successfully treated cancer in countless people around the world, then you NEED to read this!

Even if you do know, this eBook reveals some of the latest, most cutting-edge research that is yet to be shared…

In Jonathan’s BRAND NEW eBook, The Root of All Disease: Natural Protocols that Reverse the Root Causes of Post-COVID Autoimmunity and Cancer

You will learn more from incredible health experts about how to turn the tables on the rising cancers and chronic diseases in our world.​
Download your free copy right now:

→ Click HERE to download your copy of The Root of All Disease: Natural Protocols that Reverse the Root Causes of Post-COVID Autoimmunity and Cancer

Here's a glimpse of what you'll uncover upon downloading this FREE eBook:​
  • Explore the immune system as your body's personal army, tirelessly defending against invaders.
  • Understand the immune system's role in defending against infections, and recognizing abnormal cells.
  • Discover the various factors influencing your immune system's performance.
  • And SO. Much.More!
When you download this amazing eBook, you’ll also get FREE VIP access to Jonathan’s BRAND NEW 12-episode docuseries, Cancer Secrets

You’ll hear from 40+ of the world’s top medical doctors and natural health experts who share the uncensoredtruth…

About highly effective ways to reverse chronic diseases with natural medicine protocols!

Cancer Secrets begins on the 4th of March, and it will feature breakthrough after breakthrough.

Click here to grab your report and save your seat.

Wishing you abundant health,

Jason Prall

P.S. The world-class health experts featured in this docuseries are dedicated to pouring out as much as they know so that YOU can gain control of your health.

All you need to do?

Click here to download your copy of The Root of All Disease: Natural Protocols that Reverse the Root Causes of Post-COVID Autoimmunity and Cancer.

See you on the 4th of March, 2024 at 8 PM ET for the world premiere launch of Cancer Secrets.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This is very true but one thing a lot of people don't realize is that 2 people can have the same disease and treat it the same way and have completely different outcomes. IMHO, and this is my opinion, One has to have complete mental contact with their bodies in order to overcome any disease, read your body and let it tell you what to do. so in the above case one person one person, the survivor, was mentally in contact with their bodies.

Yes I believe in ancient Chinese and Korean Medicine :giggle:

I agree. I'm just saying you have to do your research, try theories because they're not going to harm you the way the standard surgery /radiation /chemo will break down your health and eventually kill you.

I agree with you, "physician, know thyself".

But most of all I'm saying we live in a cancerous era, with threats in our air, food, water, soil, the stuff they treat car seats with, stuff in our clothes, in our detergent, toothpaste and soap, so it's best to start reading and listening to people who have had success curing themselves and curing others, learn the language, start to understand before you're given a frightening diagnosis and that death sentence "you have this long to live, get your affairs in order".

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
@Bliss Doubt What brand do you use and where do you get it. Amazon has organic MSM crystals with the brand name Happy Body $32 for a pound.

Depending on what's on sale, I mostly go back and forth between Happy Body and Bozoomer.

The brand isn't as important as the "organic" label, so you know it isn't some lab created product probably based on petroleum by-product.

My most recent order was this, because there was a great deal on five bags:

Yeesh, why does that link have to be so long?

Sometimes I don't buy it on Amazon at all if I find the best deal from an online store, or on Ebay from a reputable seller.


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
I agree. I'm just saying you have to do your research, try theories because they're not going to harm you the way the standard surgery /radiation /chemo will break down your health and eventually kill you.

I agree with you, "physician, know thyself".

But most of all I'm saying we live in a cancerous era, with threats in our air, food, water, soil, the stuff they treat car seats with, stuff in our clothes, in our detergent, toothpaste and soap, so it's best to start reading and listening to people who have had success curing themselves and curing others, learn the language, start to understand before you're given a frightening diagnosis and that death sentence "you have this long to live, get your affairs in order".
with threats from doctors and text book medical experrts also.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
But most of all I'm saying we live in a cancerous era, with threats in our air, food, water, soil, the stuff they treat car seats with, stuff in our clothes, in our detergent, toothpaste and soap, so it's best to start reading and listening to people who have had success curing themselves and curing others, learn the language, start to understand before you're given a frightening diagnosis and that death sentence "you have this long to live, get your affairs in order".
Oh I agree, you don't use any of those items do you?
When I was first diagnosed they told me I had 2 maybe 3 years if I was lucky, they also said there wasn't anything that would change it no diet change, no herbs, no magic bullet, the only thing that would buy me more time, which was 6 mo. to maybe a year, was to start chemo SAP, I was lost, and like a miracle, @TygerTyger posted a thread about a series comin on called "The Truth About Cancer" so I registered. That changed my whole outlook, Also found out why they push chemo so much, they get a 6% bonus from Big Pharma for prescribing it, Geee I wonder if that's why they say "There's nothin else that will give you more time above ground :facepalm:

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