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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Top 7 Tips to Balance Blood Sugar and Burn Fat

Healthy blood sugar levels are critical for your overall health and well-being. Unbalanced blood sugar may increase your risk of insulin resistance, prediabetes, diabetes, and other health issues, including heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, liver issues, vision loss, and other health issues.

Balancing your blood sugar through a healthy diet, lifestyle, and supplementation is essential for reducing your health risks and improving your health.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
5 Common Health Myths Your Doctor Lied to You About

Is sunshine bad for you? Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? Is eating a diet high in cholesterol and saturated fat bad for your health? Is salt bad for you? Is a high-protein diet bad for your kidneys?

The answer to all these questions is: no. These are all common health myths that most people believe — including medical doctors and health professionals. It’s time to debunk this myth and learn how to take care of our health.

Cardiac Autophagy: Healing Damaged Heart Cells

Did you know that every 36 seconds someone dies from cardiovascular disease? You don’t want to be one of them. Your heart is a very important organ that is working all the time, beating every second of your life to keep you healthy and alive.

Your heart can’t stay healthy without help though. It needs your support to function optimally and support your health. This is where cardiac autophagy comes in: a way to repair your damaged heart health and support your overall health.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New, Free Course
Hypnotherapy for Mental Health with Marisa Peer
Heal from what holds you back in life. Sign up for a free course pass.​
Here’s a law of the universe, Jim: In order to get what you want in life, you must believe you are worthy of having it.

And it’s amazing how many of us are walking around feeling unworthy of having the things we want – whether that’s love, success, or health.

Instead, most of us experience looping, negative thoughts that deny our ability to feel joy, serenity, and purpose. Subtly and insidiously, this self-limiting mindset then controls our behaviors and how we navigate life.

Instead of being our best selves, we end up living as less than who we know deep down we can be… and we may not even realize that cycles of self-criticism, self-judgment, and self-sabotage that are controlling us.

Over time, we become mentally sick, and our self-esteem suffers. We then settle for less than we deserve – because what other choice is there?

Life doesn’t have to be this way.

Hypnotherapy for Mental Health with Marisa Peer is a NEW 8-day online mental health course that will help you boost your self-esteem, improve your sense of self-worth, and support you in cultivating a positive mindset through gentle, effective hypnomeditations. By taking this course, you can break free from limiting beliefs and learn how to get what you really want in life – really!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Heart & Health Alert Reader:

Dr. Crandall thought you would be interested in Dr. Mehmet Oz’s column below on sinus health.

Also, Dr. David Brownstein has some important information on a natural immune support supplement called Retamin. Dr. Brownstein developed Retamin with a strategic selection of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and phytonutrients to support and maintain optimal immune system health and function.

Please read the information below to see how you can get a 30-day trial of Retamin at no cost to you!


The Editors

Dr. Chauncey Crandall’s Heart & Health Alert

Relieving Chronic Sinus Problems

By Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, MDs

Among the world's billions of people, Israeli researchers claim there are only 14 types of noses!

Albert Einstein's "fleshy nose" is the most common — around 25% of people sport that schnozzle. But whether you share Albert's proboscis, have a hawk nose (like Barbra Streisand), or a bulbous nose (Bill Clinton), if you're one of the more than 28 million North Americans with chronic sinusitis, you know (with apologies to Jimmy Durante) "the nose blows."

Special: Doctor Reveals Little-Known Immune Health Secret

Sinusitis is persistent inflammation of the sinuses that lasts for at least eight weeks, causing symptoms such as headache, facial tenderness or pain, fever, cloudy or discolored discharge, stuffiness, and even sore throat and cough.

The inflammation in your sinuses shows up on a CT scan despite attempted treatment.

The cause? It might be from a bacterial or viral infection, allergies, polyps, a deviated septum, or even an immune system condition.

Until now, it's been difficult to know how to provide effective relief. And misuse of antibiotics to treat symptoms that don't come from bacterial infections is just plain risky.

But a study in JAMA reveals daily saline irrigation (keep those neti pots clean) and intranasal corticosteroids are your best initial treatment. The researchers also found no effect from the routine use of antihistamines, allergy immunotherapy, topical antifungals, or topical antibiotics.

And if you also have nasal polyps, try one to three weeks of systemic corticosteroids or three weeks of doxycycline or leukotriene-antagonist therapy.

No polyps? Perhaps long-term, anti-inflammatory, macrolide therapy (three-plus months) or short-term (up to three months) non-macrolide antibiotics.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Did you know there's much more to elderberry than just being a popular remedy for colds?

This remarkable tree has a wealth of benefits.

Join Tara Ruth in our latest Herb Note as she delves into elderberry, uncovering its top 3 health benefits.

Plus, she'll share which type of elderberry you should avoid. 🚫

  1. Elderberry for Immune Support: Beyond just colds
  2. Elderberry's Anti-Inflammatory Magic: A natural way to reduce pain and inflammation
  3. Elderflower for Skin Health: Gentle and effective care for your skin

Tara’s videos aren't just informative; they're beautifully crafted and meditative.

Take a few minutes to enrich your day with elderberry.

Wishing you a beautiful day!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jim,

I'm excited for my friend Wendy Myers who has put together a new docuseries, Heavy, about toxins and detox.

You may know Wendy as a heavy metals, podcast host and energetics expert. She is constantly learning and has her finger on the pulse of the detox world.
Heavy features a NEW approach to detox that’s proven effective enough to take on our growing toxic load…
But also features 107 interviews with experts on topics like:
  • Where to find the safest consumer brands and food
  • How to stay safe from the medications we’re finding in our so-called “clean” drinking water
  • The 6 deadly ways toxins promote obesity
  • The lead and toxins hiding in baby formula, dog food, and protein powders
  • The sneaky way that toxins mimic hormones causing imbalances — and why HRT isn’t the solution
  • How the four most common heavy metals that cause hormone imbalance are dampening your drive in the bedroom
  • The easiest and most effective thing you can do to detox your body every day
  • How ozone helps to detox your body by oxidizing heavy metals and toxins
  • How mercury interferes in thyroid hormone production and conversion
And much more.

Heavy delves into how heavy metals and environmental chemicals are causing obesity, resistant weight loss, diabetes, fatigue, hormone havoc (stress, sex and thyroid), brain health issues, digestive distress and many modern chronic health issues.
→ You can register to watch Heavy at NO cost here.

In Health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

Did you know that being overweight is the second leading cause of cancer? 😱

Or that we are up to 60 times more likely to get diabetes the heavier we get?

Or that obesity accelerates aging by shortening telomere length, compromises the immune system, increases inflammation, and speeds up the early onset of chronic diseases?

In short: weight loss is not a vanity goal.

And solving the underlying challenges may just be the most important step you can take for your health...

That’s why we want to invite you to a unique online event.

Chef AJ, who became obese by the age of 11, interviewed 45 of the most trusted experts on The Truth About Weight Loss and is making it available at no cost for a short time.

Grab your spot right here.

Over the course of nine days, you'll discover:

▶️ Why it's so hard to eat healthfully (getting off track is not your fault)

▶️ Proven strategies to lose weight and keep it off without counting calories, portion control, or exercise

▶️ The "calorie penalty" or the surprising reason others can eat more calories than you and not gain weight

▶️ A proven method to stop snacking (and what the urge to snack tells you about your health)

▶️ How to ramp up your metabolism without breaking a sweat (it's like getting the metabolism of a 20-year-old)

▶️ The exact steps Tami took to end 40 years of yo-yo dieting (and the science of breaking old habits)

▶️ How you can eat until you’re full and satisfied with every meal and still lose weight (revealed by the world's leading researcher on satiety who rarely gives interviews)

And so much more, including first-hand accounts from people who've been in your shoes and that will inspire you to take action.

>> Click here to review the line-up and claim your complimentary spot today.

And even if obesity doesn’t affect you directly, all of us face the same challenging food environment and chances are that someone you care about needs to hear this. So please forward this email to anyone that comes to mind. This summit is for everyone and without charge.

Thank you so much and see you at the summit!

To your health,
Your DrTalks Family

P.S. When it comes to weight loss you won't find a more experienced, in-depth panel than on this summit and we can’t wait to watch the success stories because sometimes you just need to hear the unfiltered truth from someone who’s been through the worst. Click here and secure your spot right now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you know that you can use astrology to assess clients and study plants? If you’ve been following the school for a while, you’ve likely heard me talk about something called medical astrology a lot, and for good reason!

This ancient practice goes far beyond just understanding your personality type–it gives you a glimpse into your physical body, including its relative strengths and weaknesses. It can even help you forecast into the future and predict how (and when) someone might get sick.

The practice of medical astrology, was an integral part of medical education during the Renaissance age and was considered an essential study for herbalists and doctors. However, astrology today is something many of us only catch glimpses of when rummaging through magazines.

An ancient system that possesses the ability to transform your practice, it’s my goal to revitalize medical astrology and bring it to the forefront of herbalism again.

Medical astrology is an incredibly potent tool to have in your belt as an herbalist. Through it, you can gain a holistic perspective on plants, people, and the relationship between the two. With this paradigm, you’ll experience greater accuracy, precision, and efficacy with your practice.

In this week’s blog post, you’ll learn how medical astrology can offer you a cosmic viewpoint on health and vitality and the ways you can harness this information to become a better herbalist.

Take care,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

New Video From Doc!​

Yackin' about Yarrow - The Wound Healing Super Herb!​

People often ask me if I could only have five or ten herbs, what would they be? And, while many of the spots on such a list might happily be filled with any number of herbs, one of the stalwart, must-have herbs would be yarrow, Achillea millefolium.
So, let’s yack about yarrow a bit. It really is an amazing medicinal plant. In my veterinary practice, yarrow was always within arm’s reach in every room. Why? Because I saw trauma cases almost every single day...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Supplements Help Repair Cells

By Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, MDs

The comedian Andy Kaufman used to lip-sync part of the 1950s "Mighty Mouse" cartoon theme song: "Here I come to save the day!"

Well, another mighty mouse — several, actually — recently made their debut in a study published in the journal Nature, titled "Nicotinamide Riboside Preserves Cardiac Function in a Mouse Model of Dilated Cardiomyopathy."

One day they might save the day, too, for your heart and brain.

Special: Dr. Crandall Saved His Own Heart With This

Mitochondria, the power plants in each cell of your body, enable every cell's healthy metabolic activity. If they can’t deliver the energy your body needs, various organ systems suffer.

It's now known that as we age those mighty mitos may not get the support they need from a coenzyme called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, shortened to NAD.

But according to that Nature study, boosting NAD by taking its precursor, nicotinamide riboside (a form of niacin or vitamin B-3) may help repower the mitochondria and protect aging organs and the brain.

The researchers reported that mice with heart problems have lower NAD levels — as do humans with heart diseases.

Furthermore, they said that giving mice more nicotinamide riboside improves their heart health by restoring NAD levels.

And even more amazing, once the mice had more fuel for their mitochondria, they became Mightier Mice.

The NAD boost also improved memory impairment, which is very encouraging.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Did you start a plant-based diet hoping to lose a few pounds?

Has it been harder than you expected?

Well, if this is you, then you need to come to the class I’m teaching Friday!

There are important things you need to know that can really affect your success at losing weight on a plant-based diet.

In fact, if you are eating certain foods, you can actually GAIN weight pretty easily!

In this Friday’s class, I’ll be sharing with you how you can lose weight on a plant-based diet without stressing over every single calorie or bite.

Sounds impossible? I used to think so.

But I’ve been able to not only lose 20 pounds & 17 inches, but I’ve kept it off for over 4 years! Something I was NEVER able to do in the previous decades of dieting.

And this was AFTER I had turned 40! I know as we get older, losing weight can be more and more challenging with changing hormones and slower metabolism, but not if you learn the secrets I’m going to share tomorrow!

Plus, I lowered my cholesterol, got rid of my brain fog, increased my energy, and my joints stopped hurting. BONUS!

So join me for this FREE CLASS on Zoom this Friday, February 9th, at 12pm central time called “Lose Weight, Feel Great, and Prevent or Reverse Chronic Disease with a Plant-Based Diet.”


See ya there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
NEW Episode of The HEAL Podcast -
Indigenous Wisdom and Intuitive Healing with Modern Medicine Woman Sara Eaglewoman
In this beautiful episode of The HEAL Podcast, I am honored to interview one of my personal healers, the remarkable Sara Eaglewoman, an Indigenous Medicine Woman and Intuitive Healer. Born with powerful gifts, Eaglewoman approaches her work with deep gratitude, recognizing it as both a blessing and a profound responsibility. Her divinely guided healing, teaching and counsel is highly sought after, and she readily brings her gifts to the trenches of today’s society. Whether helping people through major life transformation, assisting those with illness to heal or transition, or counseling everyone from industry leaders to politicians, celebs, and athletes, she clears the obstacles inhibiting the soul’s expansion. As a bridge to the multi-dimensional, Eaglewoman guides and aligns people to their healing, to their success, and/or to their next level of self-realization by changing the “outcome” to “become."

Over the course of this episode, we delve into a number of fascinating subjects including how she came to know of and embrace her gifts, how to determine if a healer is pure or misaligned, what is a soul grid, and how to shift trauma triggers to create lasting change and true growth. We also explore the soul as a continuum, karma's role in shaping who we are, and Eaglewoman’s take on plant medicine.
You can also listen to this episode and all other episodes of The HEAL Podcast now on both SPOTIFY or APPLE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Coping With Grief: Finding the Beauty in this Human Experience - Quick 10 Minute Podcast Nugget
In this nugget from last week's episode of The HEAL Podcast, Victoria Strong shares poignant insights into her personal journey of navigating grief. Her reflections illuminate the universal human experience of loss and the intricate process of finding beauty amidst the pain. By courageously opening up about her own path to healing from the diagnosis and passing of her daughter Gwendolyn, Victoria showcases the incredible strength in resilience, hope, and the transformative power of embracing grief.

Watch this Nugget now to uncover the profound wisdom that emerges from coping with grief and finding the beauty within our shared humanity.
You can also watch the full podcast episode with Victoria Strong on YouTube by CLICKING HERE, or listen to it now on both SPOTIFY or APPLE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Balanced Sense of Self Meditation -
Now Available on YouTube
Embark on a holistic journey of balance and self-discovery with the latest breathwork and meditation session now available on YouTube from HEAL producer, Adam Schomer.

This session is a transformative exploration of cultivating equilibrium and a deep sense of self. Adam's guidance gently leads participants through breathwork techniques that harmonize the mind and body, fostering a renewed connection with one's inner essence. Through immersive guided meditation, discover a space for introspection and self-awareness, offering a sanctuary for those seeking balance in the ebb and flow of life.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Want to lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, and A1C with a plant-based diet?

Would you even like to lose some weight without dieting or portion control?

Let me help you make it super simple & easy to get started with my FREE MASTERCLASS called "Lose Weight, Feel Great, and Prevent or Reverse Chronic Disease with a Plant-Based Diet"!

You'll learn all the important details to get enough protein, calcium, the right carbs, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients so you aren't missing anything important.

I’m going live on Zoom in just a few hours, and I wanted to make sure you got my invite!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you unable to find the health answers you need? Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, disconnected, or lonely due to an ongoing condition?
Your health journey is uniquely yours, and you have the right to seek the answers that will lead you to a life of wellness. Knowledge is power!
That's why we want to invite you to a promising health event happening soon. It's called the Silent Killers Summit: Reversing The Root Cause Of Chronic Inflammatory Disease, and it aims to help us prevent lethal diseases by healing their root causes.
CLICK to join the Silent Killers Summit fre.e. >>
The host of this summit is Laura Frontiero, who has served thousands of patients as a Nurse Practitioner over the last 25 years. Her work in the health industry marries both traditional and functional medicine.
She also has a lot of suggestions for identifying and clearing the root causes of our health problems (usually toxins, chronic infections, and nutrient deficiencies), eliminating inflammation, and restoring our gut and mitochondria health.
Here's what some of the first viewers of this summit had to say:
“Important information here needs to be available to a wider audience. Imagine if regular medical doctors knew about mold and the diseases it progresses to. It would empty the hospitals and save lives and money! Keep Going!!!!” – Claire.
“I have learned so much and I find the health professionals involved to be particularly refreshing in their attitudes and approaches. It has given me so many extra tools in my toolbox to know what to do, where to go, and how so many of my chronic health conditions are connected. Thank you thank you. I am so grateful” – Denise.
I am a terminal Cancer stage 4 survivor. Doctors said I had 7 months to live (6 years ago) and that I was behind in chemo… But I know I can do more! I began to study day and night. I changed my food, turned to organic, changed the cleaning elements, creams, and make-up, began meditation, improved my immunity system, and so on… And here I am. So, this was really interesting for me, to be continuously alive and healthy. Thanks a lot!” – Ana.
We'll hope you consider joining this summit, asking questions, and getting the knowledge you need.
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
60% of Americans have chronic inflammation, so chances are, you could too.

Chronic inflammation is long-term inflammation in the body. It means your immune system gets overwhelmed, and you get sick. Your metabolic system breaks down, so you gain weight. Your digestive system collapses, and even “healthy diets” don’t help.

But here’s the good news... As scary as inflammation is, it’s not that hard to manage! There are quick, cheap, easy, and 100% natural ways to manage inflammation in your own home. Want to know what they are?

Check out The Inflammation Solution masterclass HERE. >>

In this masterclass, health researchers Sarah Otto and her husband Matt Potts interviewed over 20 leading scientists and doctors who specialize in helping people shift out of that chronic inflammatory state.

Watch to learn:

👀 How to tell if you have chronic inflammation – and why spotting those early symptoms is crucial for successful treatment

🧠 Tips to reverse the symptoms of aging (goodbye aches, pains and brain fog – hello boundless energy and bright skin!)

🌿 How to reduce your inflammation naturally — without expensive treatments or doctor visits

🍽️ Foods you MUST eat to combat inflammation – i.e. easy and delicious meals for a healthier you in a few weeks

For a limited time, this masterclass is totally free – you just need to sign up.

We want you to look younger, feel better, and live longer, so this could really help.

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Clinically-Proven PectaSol Modified Citrus Pectin Helps to Disrupt the Detrimental Cycle of Unhealthy Inflammation and Cellular Dysfunction

The inflammatory protein, Galectin-3, has been called by thousands of practitioners and research papers "one of the root causes of nearly every chronic illness".

PectaSol Modified Citrus Pectin is clinically-proven and backed by over 80 studies, 6 patents, and 30+ years of clinical success. This researched super-nutrient helps to disrupt the detrimental cycle of unhealthy inflammation and cellular dysfunction that comes with high levels of the protein galectin-3.

The life-changing benefits are supported by thousands of doctors who trust and recommend PectaSol to their patients to support oncology, immune health and gentle detoxification.*

I take PectaSol as a way to help manage the cascade of unhealthy inflammation and keep my body healthy and vital. The science behind this product is extraordinary! I can’t recommend it enough.

-->> Start your journey today toward a healthier you with PectaSol Modified Citrus. Get 15% OFF with the code NCRANE15.

How Pamela Reversed Cancer Naturally

Embark on a transformative journey as we explore conquering cancer through a natural approach. Learn key insights from Pamela Chambers' inspiring story and discover the holistic strategies that empowered her healing process. Uncover the role of a holistic lifestyle, stress management, and dietary choices in Pamela's successful journey to health, guided by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn's wisdom.

-->> Listen Here on Apple, Spotify or Google
-->> Watch here on Youtube
Reset Your Nervous System in Just 12 Minutes

Join Lauren Walker in a rejuvenating session of Energy Medicine Yoga, specifically designed to reset and rebalance your nervous system. This session combines the ancient wisdom of yoga with the modern understanding of energy medicine to create a powerful practice that can bring harmony to your body and mind. Whether you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or simply seeking a deeper connection with yourself, this session is an ideal way to bring balance back to your life. Lauren Walker's expert guidance makes this practice accessible and beneficial for everyone, regardless of your yoga experience.

-->> Reset Your Nervous System in Just 12 Minutes


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I wanted to share a bit of Native American wisdom with you today.

Like many of the teachings that come from indigenous culture, the 10 virtues below are intended as a roadmap for living a more balanced and connected life. The beauty of these ancient pillars of existence is that they always remain relevant, regardless of how evolved or learned we think we've become.

10 Ancestral Teachings

1) The Earth is our mother, care for her.

2) Honor your ancestors through your actions.

3) Open your heart and soul to the Great Spirit.

4) All life is sacred; treat all beings with respect.

5) Take from the Earth what is needed and nothing more.

6) Put the good of all before your own interests.

7) Give constant thanks for each new day.

8) Speak the truth; but only of the good in others.

9) Follow the rhythms of nature; rise and retire with the sun.

10) Enjoy life's journey, but leave no tracks.

They seem so simple right? But somehow these core concepts are easy to forget or take for granted when life gets challenging.

I've come across this list of ten before, but as I read through it again I was struck by one item in particular that really hit home. Today it was number nine, but who knows what it'll be next time!

I hope you too find benefit in these native commandments.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This Goes Live In Two Weeks

It is now common knowledge that many of the modern diseases our world faces are caused by inflammation. Everything from cognitive dysfunction to heart disease all the way to cancer stem from or involve the "I" word.

But where does inflammation come from? What truly causes it?

And how can chronic inflammation be healed for good?

To show us the way, our friends at Dr. Talks are hosting a FREE series called the Silent Killers Summit: Reversing The Root Cause Of Chronic Inflammatory Disease.

Hosted by leading gut, toxin, and mitochondria energy expert, and founder of the BioRadiant Health Online Clinic, Laura Frontiero, FNP-BC, this summit will dive deep into strategies, breakthrough solutions, and actionable steps you can take to identify your root causes and reverse chronic inflammation in your body.

Click here for all the details

If you are working to soothe inflammation inside yourself or a loved one, this series is well worth checking out!

Stay curious,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Dark chocolate is one of the world’s most beloved foods, hailed not only for its delicious flavor but also for its health benefits.
However, recent studies have revealed that many dark chocolate products contain alarming levels of lead and cadmium, which can pose serious health risks.
How are these heavy metals making their way into our chocolate supply? Are organic varieties safe? Is there a way to indulge without compromising your health?
Here's what you need to know.
Yours for sharing the bittersweet truth,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. With Valentine’s Day coming up, it’s important to know the truth about chocolate. Because it’s not very loving to give someone you cherish a dose of cadmium or lead! Get the whole story, and find out how you can enjoy chocolate safely here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
if you're ever frustrated with poor sleep or feeling exhausted too much or too soon in your day...

For the sake of your energy, health, and longevity, please make sure you read this eye-opening and very helpful new guide:

TIRED OR TOXIC? 10 TOXINS KEEPING YOU EXHAUSTED (completely free for you right here today!)

Because in this concise and very clearly-written new guide, you're about to find out the 10 types of "everyday" products most strongly linked to toxicity...

...Including those that can "zap" your daily energy, harm your deep sleep, and cause many other serious health issues!

Most importantly, you're also about to discover the smartest steps you can take right away to greatly reduce and AVOID these common toxin sources:

Click here now for your free copy of TIRED OR TOXIC? 10 TOXINS KEEPING YOU EXHAUSTED

You see, Jim, many people don't sleep well and they aren't sure why.

Meanwhile, others DO feel like they get proper sleep and yet they still feel "worn out" too much or too soon in the day.

In both cases, these widespread toxins may be THE little-known top cause.

(Of course, as you'll see, these toxins can cause serious harm to our health in many other ways, too.)

That's why it's so important that you are fully aware of the sources of these toxins and the best steps you can take to greatly reduce them!

Now, this new guide is provided to you by Dr. Wendy Myers in support of her new online event, Heavy, to which you'll also get entirely free access.

Wendy is a good friend and a leading expert in heavy metals, and in Heavy she's gathering the world's top MDs and researchers on toxicity to reveal everything you need to know about this true TOP health epidemic of our time -- including the most important steps you'll want to take to protect and heal yourself.

It all starts with this exceptional and essential-as-it-gets new guide, TIRED OR TOXIC? 10 TOXINS KEEPING YOU EXHAUSTED, so...

Head here right now for you completely FREE copy of this very helpful new guide!

FINALLY, while these toxins are a very serious topic, smiling and laughing are always some "good medicine."

And to help toward that end, I must share a dad joke with YOU that my little girl recently shared with me:

What do you call a deer with no eye?

I have no eye deer!


Alright, I do know you will greatly appreciate the important new learning in the free new guide, so...

Get your free copy of TIRED OR TOXIC? 10 TOXINS KEEPING YOU EXHAUSTED right here, and enjoy your day!

To Living Long and Living Well,

Brian Vaszily


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
B Vitamins Slow Alzheimer’s Brain Atrophy 7-Fold
Amid a devastating epidemic stealing minds and memories, a new study suggests an astonishing 7-fold reduction in Alzheimer's brain atrophy from a shockingly simple treatment: high-dose B vitamins.​
The Power of Activated Charcoal: An Ancient Remedy Proven to Improve Kidney Function
For centuries, a crude black powder derived from burning wood or coconut shells has quietly offered humanity health salvation--only to be mercilessly denigrated as quackery by modern medicine. But new clinical evidence reveals this ancient therapeutic charcoal deserves genuine scientific redemption.​
Clinical Trial: Baking Soda Rinse a COVID Gamechanger?
What if a pinch of a common pantry staple could dramatically shorten viral clearance time for COVID-19 infections?​


Lifestyle Medicine for Your Brain and Heart
In this special feature presentation Dr. Joel Bohemeir and Sayer Ji discuss the possibilities of regenerating the brain and heart with simple lifestyle changes.

You will learn:
  • How psychological trauma can cause brain cell degeneration
  • Using mushrooms to promote brain regeneration
  • Truth about statins


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey there Jimi,

We had such a great time in the masterclass I did today (and I had many requests for the recording) that I’ve decided to offer an encore of "Lose Weight, Feel Great, and Prevent or Reverse Chronic Disease with a Plant-Based Diet."

Plus, some people didn't get their Zoom link - so sorry!

So, if you missed it or didn’t get to stay for the entire class, you still have a chance to catch it for a limited time!

Or if you enjoyed the class & got a lot out of it, please forward this email to a friend or family member - it just might save their life.

There are additional times to choose from to fit your schedule:

Pick your class time HERE

***You do have to attend one of the available times as there will not be a replay sent out, BUT you’ll receive a free gift just for showing up!

Hope you can make it!


"Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates

My mission is to help you create a plant powered life that you love so you can have your best health and life.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

I hope you're happy to welcome yet another great weekend :).

An ancient Native American prophecy states:

“When the Earth had been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of people from all races, creeds and colours will put their faith in deeds, not words to make the land green again. They will be called Warriors of the Rainbow, Protectors of the Environment.”

Our ancestors understood our symbiotic relationship to nature and the elements and foresaw the collapse of an unsustainable world.

I’m thrilled to invite you to watch the exceptional Time of the Sixth Sun the Movie and the 8-part documentary series.

You’ll discover how to reconnect with your inner wisdom — and how to ‘Dream Yourself Awake’ for living your optimal life.
This series features Indigenous Elders, Wisdom Keepers and Visionary Thought Leaders sharing their knowledge and teachings, as you go on an inspiring global cinematic journey offering great insights into the incredible changes happening on our planet at this time.

You can explore the awakening of our species through the ways of the Indigenous, allowing ‘alignment’ to lead rather than ‘timing’, and you’ll begin to understand why the call to awaken is spreading so fast and how it goes deep within every strand of your DNA.

Register to watch Time of Sixth Sun Movie and docu-series for FREE

This movie and docu-series, filmed in 16 countries, features over 80 Indigenous Elders, wisdom keepers, thought leaders, doctors, and researchers — including Charles Eisenstein, Pat McCabe, Desmond Tutu, Caroline Carey, Jeva Uqualla, Mac Macartney, Andrea Cranmer, Jagamarra, Dr Karambu Ringera, White Eagle Medicine Woman, Jorge Luis Delgado and so many more.

They’ll share illuminating conversations about Indigenous Wisdom, Spiritual Practices, the importance of Mindfulness and Gratitude and offer practical techniques that can help you strengthen your connection to daily life.

Over 11 years, the team recorded 1000+ hours of footage of the contributors’ remarkable combined knowledge and then conscientiously edited it all down into this easy-to-watch format that will offer comfort, hope, and support, enabling you to harness the power of your inner wisdom and beliefs. Global feedback has been incredible!
→ Head here to save your seat for Time of the Sixth Sun Movie and 8-Part docu-series at no charge.

This movie and docu-series come at the perfect time, as we individually and collectively are looking to understand the phenomenal shifts taking place on our planet at this time.

Watching Time of the Sixth Sun will help you gain confidence that you really do have the power to affect your own reality - and to use this knowledge passed down from generation to generation to address current challenges both internal and external.

Register here to watch Time of the Sixth sun now.
Have a marvelous rest of the day, Jimi.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Chocolate Keto Brownies

I absolutely love this recipe! Chocolate, coconut, avocado and stevia/monk fruit are 4 of my absolute favorite food combinations! This is a tasty dessert in that it is low-carb and high in good fats, antioxidants and prebiotic fiber.

If you are looking to make a tasty recipe for your spouse or significant other for Valentine’s or an anniversary, this is a good one and the rose on top is a really nice touch!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Top 7 Nutrients to Support Heart Health

In this article, I am going to cover the top 5 root causes of heart problems (that you may have not heard of before) and nutrients you can take to support your heart health. The heart is a high energy muscle that needs certain nutrients in order to function optimally.

Unfortunately, most people are either not consuming enough of these 7 key nutrients (especially the first 3) or they are not absorbing these nutrients properly.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Wow, Jimi!

We've heard from so many about the Holistic Oral Health Summit. The response has been incredible, but some people were upset they missed a few of the presentations — and even more people were upset they missed the special offer on the recordings + bonuses.

So, I would love to offer you an All Access Pass to watch all 35 presentations for free for the next 48 hours.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Always Have an Advocate During Hospital Stay

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

A hospital is not a place where you should be left to fend for yourself. It puts you at a disadvantage, since you may be in pain or not able to cope with the situation the way you would normally.

And remember that understaffing in hospitals is a problem, one that’s getting worse. That’s why you need an extra pair of eyes and hands.

Special: Dr. Brownstein Warns: Your Eyes Are Under Assault From This 'Blue' Threat

This is where an advocate comes in — usually a patient’s spouse or adult child, but it can also be a loved one or trusted friend. Your advocate will look out for you, making sure, for instance, that the medications you’re given were actually ordered, and that you receive the right tests.

It’s important to have someone with you as much as possible, including overnight. However, if you’re in the ICU, you won’t be allowed to have someone stay with you all night; if you’re in a regular room you can often make arrangements to have someone stay with you at night.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
Most of us are in a state of near-constant contraction. This can feel like stress, worry, fatigue, or aches and pains. For many people, this contracted state leads to things like chronic illness, depression, anxiety – even cancer and heart disease.

While there are different strategies and approaches to getting your body back into a parasympathetic state, I’ve found a much more powerful way to get your body and cells out of survival mode and into a state of healing.

Through what I’ve coined Open Heart Medicine, anyone can create a state of harmony that allows the body to heal and function at optimal levels.

A practice of consistently tapping into love, compassion, and openness, Open Heart Medicine moves you from the limited place of your mind into the infinite field of the heart.

Please join me for a live webinar on February 12th at 4pm PST . I’ll be exploring the science and significance behind Open Heart Medicine, including how it can help you:

  • Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and improve immune and cardiovascular health
  • Be more receptive to emotions, experiences, and the world around you
  • Develop more compassion toward others and enhance your relationships
  • Align with your true purpose
  • Tap into the heart’s innate intelligence, creating a positive ripple effect on your health and the well-being of others
In this month's live online event, I’ll share my tips on easily incorporating heart-centered practices into your daily routine for true transformation and infinite healing.

Prepare to embark on a journey of self-discovery as we unlock and appreciate the immense potential of our hearts.​
P.S. We understand that schedules vary, so for those of you who register but can't attend the live event, there will be a replay offered.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Maybe 5% of the WHO Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendment negotiations are about a trade agreement. The other 95% are about global control of information, pandemics and medicine through the WHO​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Nutritional Deficiencies Are Common

Dr. David Brownstein, M.D., writes:

My job as a physician is not only to properly diagnose a patient, but also to help that patient improve his or her health. My medical education taught me how to diagnose pathologies. However, it did not teach me how to analyze a patient’s health status.

After educating myself about what aids the human body in achieving good health, I learned to order the proper lab tests to assess a patient’s nutritional status. This includes checking for proper macronutrient and micronutrient levels.

Special: Doctor: All Multivitamins Are Not the Same

Unfortunately, I was also taught that nutritional deficiencies were a thing of the past that only occurred back in the days when food was scarce. I recall only three hours (out of four years of medical school) of instruction devoted to illnesses caused by vitamin and mineral deficiencies. I learned that scurvy — caused by severe vitamin C deficiency — was characterized by bleeding gums and leaky blood vessels.

I was also taught that iodine deficiency causes goiter, which is a swelling of the thyroid gland. During that instruction, the professor emphasized that both scurvy and iodine deficiency were essentially extinct conditions because of the U.S. government’s mandate that many foods be fortified with vitamin C and that salt be iodized. But during those three short hours, I was not taught to order a lab test to see if a patient had optimal levels of vitamin C or iodine (or any other nutrients, for that matter).

Some 30 years later, after ordering and interpreting thousands of laboratory tests for micronutrient and macronutrient levels, I can assure you that nutritional deficiencies are very common in the modern world.

When I began checking patients’ micronutrients and macronutrients, I was astonished by how deficient they were. It didn’t matter whether they were young or old — everybody had some deficiencies. How could that be the case with our abundant food supply?

I had very few overweight classmates when I was in elementary school. Today, obesity has become commonplace in schools, and a third of U.S. adults are obese. That’s a national tragedy. Overweight patients have many more abnormal lab test results. In fact, I’ve found that the vast majority of all patients and nearly every obese patient has multiple nutritional and hormonal imbalances.

Unless those imbalances are identified and dealt with, the patient will continue to struggle with his or her weight and other comorbidities such as diabetes and heart disease.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Access Previous Videos: Day 1
There are 2 days left in the free period of Hypnotherapy for Mental Health. To watch at your own pace, buy the full 8-day course at 50% off, or become a Commune Member today.​

Day 2 of Hypnotherapy for Mental Health

Why do we get depressed and anxious? What makes us feel lonely? Why does our mental health suffer? Join us today to learn the #1 cause of depression and mental health issues – and what you can do to rewrite your own experience and behavior.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi

Just wanted to remind you that if you haven’t signed up for this F.REE gut health webinar featuring globally renowned gut health expert Dr. Jason Hawrelak…

I strongly suggest you do so as soon as possible because it promises to be one of the most transformative webinars you could ever attend.

Join the upcoming F.REE webinar on gut health with Dr. Jason Hawrelak now.

My good friend Ari Whitten, an energy and fatigue specialist and researcher, decided to invite Dr. Hawrelak to give his best insights and protocols for improving gut health and getting your microbiome back in good shape.

Now why is this not just important, but necessary?

Because the microbiome, a "hidden" organ in our bodies, is responsible for regulating various aspects of our health such as digestion, energy levels, blood sugar, aging, and the functionality of our organs.

Which means that our microbiome can wreak havoc on our bodies if it’s not being taken care of.

Sadly, many people are unaware that their microbiomes aren’t being maintained properly, causing them to suffer from various chronic diseases.

If they only knew that their gut is the culprit, they can take the steps to address it and reclaim their health.

That’s something I would want for you, and you know you do as well.

A healthier gut can get you steps ahead in living the healthy, disease-free life that you’ve always wanted. You’ll start enjoying higher energy levels, more vitality, and you can even feel young again!

So if you want the best solutions to an unhealthy gut…

Register now to attend this F.REE webinar.

And discover:

✅ How to strengthen the microbiota-mitochondria connection (yes, it’s real!) for more energy, stronger immunity, and lower inflammation

✅ The top research-based ways to support your gut bugs to counteract cognitive decline, chronic fatigue, kidney stones, and even cancer

✅ The 4 food additives that can negatively affect your microbes and their ability to regulate your metabolism, mood, and more

Among many other vital information.

Jimi, you deserve a healthy life that you can enjoy for more years to come. Give yourself this favor and learn how to unlock that kind of life by knowing the best ways to keep your gut happy.

Click here to register and be a part of this life-changing f.ree webinar.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

Do you know just how important your microbiome is and why it’s crucial to keep your gut healthy?

You can determine how sickly someone is just by looking at the state of their microbiome.

The fact is that your microbiome is the “hidden organ” that regulates your overall health; meaning if you ignore it, you can expect to get all kinds of diseases like cancer, diabetes, inflammation and Alzheimer’s, to name a few.

Now there’s a lot of advice out there on how you can keep your gut healthy, but which are the ones that really work?

To help you get only the facts, our good friend Ari Whitten has Dr. Jason Hawrelak, one of the world’s leading experts on gut health, to share his best and proven secrets on how you can keep your microbiome healthy.

And the best part? You can learn from Dr. Hawrelak for F.REE!

Click here to reserve your F.REE spot for this upcoming webinar.

Here’s what you can look forward to in this webinar:

✅ Top research-based ways to support your gut bugs to counteract cognitive decline, chronic fatigue, kidney stones, and even cancer

✅ 5 hallmarks of a healthy microbiome, including why we need some pathogenic bacteria!

✅ Why many probiotic supplements are a complete waste of your time and money and what to focus on instead

✅ The powerful microbiome-mitochondrial connection that affects energy levels, endurance, and healthy aging

✅ Why your immune system and your ability to avoid or stay in remission from autoimmune disease largely depends on your microbiome

✅ Hidden chemicals, food additives, common pharmaceuticals, and even some supplements that contribute to microbial imbalances

And so much more!

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to discover groundbreaking insights from one of the foremost gut health experts in the world and elevate your health to the level that you deserve.

Reserve your spot for this F.REE webinar now.

To being healthy and disease-free,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Citrus to the Rescue! Ancient Lime Peel Oil Stops "Nightmare Bacteria" When Modern Antibiotics Fail
As "nightmare bacteria" impervious to antibiotics proliferate, an ancient remedy steeps hope for modern medicine in lime peels and steam.​


Welcome The NEW GreenMedInfo!
Join us for an exciting event featuring Sayer Ji, where he will dive into the latest research on GreenMedInfo accumulated since the beginning of the year! Discover groundbreaking insights, emerging trends, and cutting-edge discoveries in the field of health and wellness.

Additionally, Sayer Ji will analyze our most recent poll results, offering valuable interpretations and highlighting key takeaways.

This is the FIRST live event of 2024 and NOT to be missed!

Get ready for an engaging Q&A session where you can interact directly with Sayer Ji, ask burning questions, and gain deeper insights into “The Science Of Natural Healing”. Join us LIVE on Tuesday, February 13 @ 1pm EST.
Can Clay Help Adsorb Harmful Aflatoxins in the Body? Texas Trial Provides Clues
A silent threat contaminates foods across the globe, but a common clay shows promise for intervention.​
New Proof The Less You Eat, The Longer You Live
Could the age old search for the 'fountain of youth' be as accessible and simple as cutting down on caloric intake?​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This week's newsletter explores the effects of nature on mental health, a fascinating exploration of Alzheimer's disease pathology, why playing music is excellent for brain health preservation, and why you may want to stop picking your nose...

-->> Therapists Trade the Couch for the Great Outdoors - New York Times (February 2024)​

Mental health practitioners are hiking, camping and braving the elements with their clients — all in an effort to help them connect with the Earth, and with themselves...

-->> Inside Alzheimer’s disease - Nature (January 2017)​

Our understanding of Alzheimer’s disease has come along way in the last century. In this animation, Nature Neuroscience takes us inside the brain to explore the cells, molecules and mechanisms involved in the onset and progression of this devastating condition...

-->> Functional Human Brain Tissue 3D-Printed for First Time - Technology Networks (January 2024)​

The first 3D-printed brain tissue could change the way researchers investigate neurological disorders...

-->> Playing a musical instrument good for brain health in later life - BBC (January 2024)​

A new study shows that practicing and reading music may help sustain good memory and the ability to solve complex tasks...

-->> Can nose-picking really contribute to dementia and Alzheimer's disease? An expert explains - USA Today (February 2024)​

Could picking your nose be bad for your brain? According to one report, it could be possible...

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Imagine this, Jimi

You’ve tried all the diets and supplements that experts say can bring your weight down…

But despite all your efforts, you barely see the weighing scale move (if at all).

And you’re left frustrated thinking to yourself: "What else could I do?"

If you’ve already experienced something like this, maybe the problem isn’t in what you eat (or don’t) anymore…

But in the toxins that you’re exposed to on a daily basis.

That’s right - toxins that creep into our bodies doesn’t just cause diseases. The truth is that a lot of these toxins are absorbed by our fat cells to keep them from attacking our vital organs.

Which means the more toxins that enter our bodies, the more fat cells are being produced to keep them away from our vital organs, which explains the unwanted weight gain.

If that’s the case, then the solution is to never need additional fat cells again. And the way to do that is to make sure that these toxins are gone.

If you want to know how, here’s a F.REE e-book from my good friend Wendy Meyers to help you out:

Download your F.REE copy now!
This f.ree resource will explain how these toxins can make you heavy and how you can keep them away from your body so you can achieve your health and weight goals.

And speaking of heavy, this e-book also acts as a F.REE ticket for you to watch Wendy’s latest docuseries, Heavy.

For this series, Wendy has invited over a hundred experts to discuss the consequences of toxin and heavy metal exposure on us, such as more vulnerability to diseases, rapid aging, and unwanted weight gain.

They will also provide their best methods for effective detoxification so you can purge yourself of these toxins, keep yourself safe from them moving forward, and ensure that you live the rest of your years in the best shape of your life.

Every day, we’re being exposed to over 100,000 different toxins. And that number is growing year after year.

Don’t wait until you can’t catch up anymore and take the steps to safeguard your health now.

Downoad the e-book + get F.REE access to the limited-time screening of Heavy.

To the healthy weight you deserve,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Secrets to Addressing Lyme and Parasites
Hey Jim,

It’s Dr. Justin Marchegiani here! I am really excited to bring back this important podcast with Dr. Jaban Moore. In this show, we dive into the areas of Lyme and parasites, which are increasingly common.

Lyme disease is most well-known as a tick bite infection than cause cause sometimes debilitating symptoms that can last for years. For this episode, Jaban Moore joins me to discuss different strategies to address Lyme from food templates and lifestyle modifications to medical strategies that effectively address Lyme.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
The Secrets to Addressing Lyme and Parasites with Dr. Jaban Moore | Podcast #375
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
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Reduce Inflammation & Improve Joint Mobility

Inflammation is a process in which your body’s white blood cells and immune proteins help protect you from infection and things like bacteria and viruses.
In this episode of Beyond Wellness Podcast, I'm joined by Evan Brand to discuss how and why your immune system triggers an inflammatory response – even when there isn’t anything to fight off.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Transform Cancer Care with PEMF Therapy

Dive into the world of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF), a revolutionary approach to treating cancer. PEMF Therapy is a non-invasive, side-effect-free way to improve your cancer treatment experience. This ground-breaking approach promotes deeper healing and recovery by targeting the cancer process itself in addition to helping to manage symptoms.

PEMF therapy improves tissue health, lowers inflammation, and speeds up recovery after other cancer therapies, making it ideal for various stages of cancer. Consider this multiple action strategy to strike a balance between giving comfort and cancer prevention.

Find out how incorporating PEMF into your everyday cancer care routine can help maintain your health and vitality. Discover more about this integrative, cutting-edge treatment and get personalized guidance at, your complementary and holistic source as part of your comprehensive cancer care solutions.

-->> For more detailed information, guidance and options click here

Clinically-Proven PectaSol Modified Citrus Pectin Helps to Disrupt the Detrimental Cycle of Unhealthy Inflammation and Cellular Dysfunction

The inflammatory protein, Galectin-3, has been called by thousands of practitioners and research papers "one of the root causes of nearly every chronic illness".

PectaSol Modified Citrus Pectin is clinically-proven and backed by over 80 studies, 6 patents, and 30+ years of clinical success. This researched super-nutrient helps to disrupt the detrimental cycle of unhealthy inflammation and cellular dysfunction that comes with high levels of the protein galectin-3.

The life-changing benefits are supported by thousands of doctors who trust and recommend PectaSol to their patients to support oncology, immune health and gentle detoxification.*

I take PectaSol as a way to help manage the cascade of unhealthy inflammation and keep my body healthy and vital. The science behind this product is extraordinary! I can’t recommend it enough.

-->> Start your journey today toward a healthier you with PectaSol Modified Citrus. Get 15% OFF with the code NCRANE15.

How Pamela Reversed Cancer Naturally

Embark on a transformative journey as we explore conquering cancer through a natural approach. Learn key insights from Pamela Chambers' inspiring story and discover the holistic strategies that empowered her healing process. Uncover the role of a holistic lifestyle, stress management, and dietary choices in Pamela's successful journey to health, guided by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn's wisdom.

-->> Listen Here on Apple, Spotify or Google
-->> Watch here on Youtube


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 2/14, our 136th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Ep. 136 - IG - 1
Click to watch the show!​
In his From the Heart, Dr. Paul dives deep into the essence of self-love this Valentine's season. Unpacking lessons from Gladys McGarry's book "Life Wisdom at 102", he explores overcoming self-love barriers through visualization and embracing forgiveness. This From the Heart isn't just a conversation; it's a guide to rediscovering the love within.
This week's interview with Dr. Paul and DeeDee Hoover further this exploration, highlighting the practical steps towards self-acceptance and unconditional love. They share insights into the healing power of forgiveness for oneself and others, promising a journey towards profound personal transformation and deeper, more fulfilling relationships.
And rounding things out in her From the Soul, DeeDee Hoover shares her soulful reflections on love, sparked by her recent interview with Dr. Paul. DeeDee delves into the nature of unconditional love, addressing the common misconception that love can cause pain. She argues that it's not love that hurts but rather the loss and circumstances surrounding it. With a deep connection to her faith and the innate love found within every soul, DeeDee discusses love's healing power and ability to break down barriers and foster connections. Join her as she explores how leading with love from the soul can transform lives and relationships, making a case for love's unparalleled strength and purity.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

When discussing the best ways to address cancer, the first things that probably come to mind is chemo, medications and all these other treatments that are done in the hospital.

However, there is one way to fight this disease that is criminally overlooked even by health experts: proper diet and nutrition.

Eating the right foods and integrating this diet into your lifestyle can fight cancer before it takes hold of your body and affects everything in your life.

Sadly, not a lot of doctors heavily promote the importance of an anti-cancer diet…

Which is why a lot of people with cancer would only take the steps to address it once it’s there, putting them at a higher risk.

The good thing is that there are doctors like Dr. Dana Flavin who still promotes the importance of such a diet in the battle against cancer.

And in this article from Nathan Crane, he draws from the expertise of Dr. Flavin to explain why everyone should integrate an anti-cancer diet in their lives.

Check out Dr. Flavin’s anti-cancer diet

To overcoming cancer naturally,

The Conquering Cancer team

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