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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Study: One Egg Per Day Is OK

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

For years, there’s been a back-and-forth about the health benefits or risks of eating eggs. One day scientists say stay away, the next day they recommend.

But a major new study should make egg lovers breathe a sigh of relief. You can enjoy an egg a day without having to worry about your heart.

Special: How to Keep Your Doctor From Lecturing You About Cholesterol

"Moderate egg intake, which is about one egg per day in most people, does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or mortality, even if people have a history of cardiovascular disease or diabetes," said study lead author Mahshid Dehghan, investigator at the Population Health Research Institute (PHRI) of McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada.

The study analyzed data on more than 177,000 people from three large, long-term international studies, all conducted by the PHRI. The three studies involved people with various income levels in 50 different countries on six continents.

"No association was found between egg intake and blood cholesterol," Deghan said. "These results are robust and widely applicable to both healthy individuals and those with vascular disease."

Study principal investigator Salim Yusuf pointed out prior studies about eggs and health have yielded conflicting findings.

"Most of these studies were relatively small or moderate in size and did not include individuals from a large number of countries," Yusuf said.

And Audrey Koltun, registered dietitian at Cohen Children's Medical Center in Lake Success, New York, says eggs are loaded with nutrients.

"They have many essential vitamins and minerals as well as very high-quality protein," Koltun said. "The egg white contains most of the protein; the yolk contains iron, phosphorus, fat-soluble vitamins including vitamin D, B vitamins, healthy fat, and other valuable nutrients."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Will You Actually Catch More Microbial Health with Honey?

As divisive an argument as any in the Western health sphere, the benefits and pitfalls of bees’ gift to Pharaohs and your evening tea are complex and intricate.

Simply put? We know honey is a natural whole food with centuries of documented holistic use… but we can’t seem to decide if it’s a good idea to snack on it like it’s sauerkraut.

Especially from the perspective of your microbiome, its effects can be wide-ranging.

There’s so much to consider – was the honey wild-harvested? Organic? Raw? Processed? What kind of bees created this honey? Is it even ethical to buy honey, knowing that the process of cultivating honey can harm bees and their precipitously declining population? Even though it’s good sugar, is it still too much? Does heating it matter, or are you supposed to eat it raw in order for it to have any benefits?


We don’t have to have all the answers to all of those questions right at this minute.​

But we can parse through the available literature on the effect honey has on your microbiome and determine how to best use it as a digestive aid, and how to avoid it messing with your digestive system.

First things first: you need raw, or unpasteurized, honey. Your garden variety grocery-store-honey has likely been pasteurized in order to extend its shelf life, prevent crystallization (which is actually fine), and kill yeast.​
But… we know that any process responsible for changing the structure of any product that much is a double-edged sword. The pasteurization process kills a lot of the beneficial nutrients in honey.

Let’s examine where raw honey can help feed beneficial bacteria, and what kind of interactions it might have with harmful bacteria…

The Sour Sides of Honey

We know the effect that antibiotics can have on the microbial diversity of the gut biome – they tend to indiscriminately wipe out bacteria.

Which is, of course, a problem when your gut thrives on the presence of beneficial bacteria.​

While honey is considered antibacterial, it also contains hydrogen peroxide naturally, which is an antiseptic. In many cases, its antiseptic properties are responsible for its classification as antibacterial.

Antiseptic isn’t exactly the same as antibacterial. Antibacterials can only target bacteria, for example, and can only kill them. Antiseptics can target bacteria and other microbes, and not kill them… just slow them down.
However, its high sugar content can feed Candida and other harmful bacteria in the gut. Fructose doesn’t only disrupt the balance of the microbiome – it also isn’t absorbed well in the gut, and so can ferment and lead to gas, bloating, and other digestive discomforts.

It’s still better for you than table sugar, but too much fructose is always the gut’s enemy.

But on the bright side…

Honey’s Sweet Benefits

Honey is considered to be an excellent prebiotic.

Prebiotics are different from probiotics. For something to be considered a prebiotic, it must meet these standards:

  • It must be able to resist digestion from human enzymes and thus reach the large intestine still whole.
  • It must be able to be fermented by the probiotics living in your gut.
  • It must hold up against gastric acidity.
  • It must aid in the growth of bacteria associated with well-being.

Raw honey meets all of those qualifications!

It contains oligosaccharides, which are not digestible by the small intestine and thus are able to make it to the large intestines. Once the oligosaccharides reach their destination, they feed the good bacteria and help them create nutrients we need.

Specifically, honey tends to nurture bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which we know are some of the main bacteria responsible for our positive gut health and for crowding out harmful bacteria that cause digestive and other issues.

And remember – not all honey is harvested the same way, or comes from the same nectar source.

Most honey produced in the world is flower honey, produced by bees removing the nectar from flowers.

But other, more specialized forms of honey might be more effective for the purposes of gut rejuvenation and nourishment. Pine, acacia, and chestnut honeys, for example, have all been used to help build a healthy gut and soothe digestive issues.

When consuming honey on a daily basis, putting it in your tea or coffee, over granola, in your marinades, or any other way can help you reap its benefits.

If you want it to have a concentrated impact, consider simply swallowing a spoonful of it raw! But keep in mind the quality of the honey you’re eating, its high sugar content, and the kind of honey it is for the best gut benefits.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

I hope you’ve been learning a LOT through my Wellness Workshop about how to take care of your sweet self! For the past few sessions, we’ve discussed the challenges to healthy eating and what we can do to conquer them.

Finally, we’re going to talk about putting it all together—how to make this healthy lifestyle HAPPEN!

If you’ve been craving a simple plan or blueprint to keep yourself well in this crazy season, I created this just for you. Ready to get started?

Take some time right now to watch Video #4: The Blueprint for a Healthy Lifestyle:
    • How to eat a flavorful plant-based diet and experience daily relief and renewal
    • How to get encouragement and support for your healthy eating habits
    • How to “get moving” and start activating your energy again, slowly and steadily
    • How to resist peer pressure and care for yourself more consistently

Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Nazism, COVID-19 and the Destruction of Modern Medicine: An Interview with Vera Sharav, Part One
Stand for Health Freedom recently had the honor of sitting down with Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav and capturing her personal story on film. It's a story that every individual needs to hear. A renowned champion of human rights and expert in biomedical research ethics, Ms. Sharav offers rare and valuable insights into the public health arena and state of emergency affecting each and every one of our lives. She also draws parallels between what happened in Nazi Germany and what's happening in our society today -- and discusses why it's more important than ever for us to take a stand.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Did you know that over 70% of the world’s food is produced by small farmers?

Despite global pressure to “upscale” ag into mega-farms owned by huge companies, our food-growing workforce— and the very foundation of our food system— rests on the shoulders of the little guys: our smaller agricultural entrepreneurs. This includes small vegetable farmers, grain farmers, dairy farmers, ranchers, and many others.

They deserve (and need) our attention now.

Agricultural workers, family farms, immigrants, migrant workers, rural and indigenous communities, and so many other figures all around the globe are the true cogs and wheels of our delicate food system.

And long ago, being a small farmer was a much easier and more desirable calling in life — but not so much now.

How will we keep producing that 70% chunk of the world’s food while creating an honest livelihood for those who grow it? How will we keep this food healthy and nourishing to our communities?

How will we produce it in a way that is healing to our planet?

There is a lot stacked up against the success of small family farms and farmers right now. Including:

  • Impoverished and dwindling rural communities.
Around the world, interest in farming as an occupation is shrinking. Opportunities in cities are becoming more and more appealing, and often more lucrative than running a farm.

Rural communities, the lifeblood that sustains agricultural livelihoods, are shrinking especially fast. People are leaving the farm in vast numbers all over the world, even if it’s been part of the family for generations— sometimes for a more ‘modern’ city life, but sometimes because they must (in order to survive financially).
  • Increasing natural disasters.
Natural climate disasters are becoming far more common than they once were.

But if farmers are given the means to grow food more sustainably, and to capture more carbon, small farmers could be our greatest tools in the fight against climate and environmental degradation.

Hurricanes, inland storms, high winds, floods, wildfires, droughts, and more are also enormous threats to small farmers. These can wipe out an entire crop and all their income along with it. Though environmental degradation affects us all, the livelihoods of small farmers are some of the most at-risk careers due to these effects.
  • Less government support.
Countries all over the globe once had more programs and subsidies helping small farmers, farm workers, and rural families. After all, farmers are responsible for feeding us, right? Farmers take care of us, and the government takes care of farmers— that’s how it used to be. But not anymore.

Government support has shifted more towards lucrative commodity farms in recent decades – most often, the ones producing ingredients for junk food, or for feeding animals in horrific factory farm conditions.

This has left our important, deserving, and overlooked food farmers in the dust, and the health of our communities and our planet in need and at risk.

What can you do about it?

World Food Day was this week (Oct. 16th!) and was created to bring attention to the plight of small farmers and our food system.

Here are a few things you can do to make a difference, and celebrate the occasion:

· Support your local farmer. Buy direct from them as much as you can, such as farmers markets. Sign up for a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) this season or next spring. Take care to support the most vulnerable farmers among us: immigrant farmers, small family farms, and farmers of color.

· Buy organic and non-GMO. Chances are if you’re buying organic and non-GMO (AND local) foods, you’re supporting a farmer that is doing the important work of fostering food systems that help heal the planet. And that is a huge task!

· Got money? Donate it. Specifically to local food farmer cooperatives, initiatives, and organizations that lead the way and support the next generation of food farmers near and far. Farm Aid, Farmer's Footprint, Farmworker Justice, and Farms to Grow, Inc. are some excellent organizations to support so we can keep nurturing our most vulnerable small food farmers.

Our food system and small farmers take care of us by working hard to feed us. How will we take care of them in return?

This is a great question to think about in honor of the occasion of World Food Day this week!

To a healing future,

Rob Herring
Director, The Need To GROW / Earth Conscious Life

P.S. Though I used it a lot in this message, I really don't even love the term "small" farmers. To me, they should just be called farmers. Maybe it's the ones we see as 'regular' that are bordering on too big? It's a lot of work to run a farm, and the more space you have, the more likely you are to rely on inputs like artificial fertilizers and chemicals. This is a paradigm shift I believe needs to happen in humanity when farming is respected once again and valued more as a profession. We need more good people inspired and enabled to become farmers, and less centralization and consolidation into the monocropped mega-farm model.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi ,

I'm excited to invite you to a brand new summit hosted by Chef AJ called the GI Health Summit!

Click here to claim your spot right away.

Over 2,000 years ago Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said:

“All Disease Begins in The Gut”

For over 2,000 years we ignored his advice - well, we should have listened...

Over the last five to ten years scientists have learned more about our gut than throughout human history and all leads to one simple conclusion:

Your health starts in your gut.

Did you know for example that:

  • The gut is connected to our brain and 90% of the fibers connecting the two send information from the gut TO the brain, not the other way around
  • The ten trillion gut bacteria have more DNA than all human cells combined (in fact 100 times more!)
  • 70% of our immune system lives in our gut
  • The gut produces 90% of one of our most important neurotransmitters which is responsible for mental and neurological health
  • GI health is linked to almost every chronic disease from cancer, diabetes, weight gain, arthritis, auto-immune conditions, depression and even Alzheimer’s
Most importantly:

You CAN control whether your gut works for you or against you - but you need to know the rules!

That’s why I want to invite you to join Chef AJ and I on the GI Health Summit. For the first time 40 of the world’s leading GI experts will reveal a new framework for a healthy body starting with your gut.

Click here to claim your complimentary spot now.

What makes this event so special is that you’ll learn from the pioneering professors and researchers at universities, the doctors inventing new treatment protocols and the dietitians and chefs turning science into delicious, health-promoting food.

Have a look at the line up and topics - each of the 9 days has a new focus and you’ll love each and every one of them because we made sure, they relate to everyone, not just people suffering from GI problems.

Now don’t be surprised:

Chances are that unless you’re a GI researcher yourself, you have never heard of many of these speakers but when you check out their credentials on the page you’ll find this is the real deal...

The panel even includes Dr. Drossman, the founder of the ROME Foundation - a non-profit founded to classify and critically appraise the science of gastrointestinal function and dysfunction.

In other words: on this summit you’ll get answers you can trust together with tips you can implement with confidence.

So whether you’re suffering from GI problems, chronic disease, weight gain or simply want to protect your health and wake up full of energy, you don’t want to miss this summit.

Click here now to register your spot right away.

And look out for more insights on gut health and inside scoops on the summit over the next weeks including why we decided to create a GI summit even though Dr. John McDougall told us it would be hard to get any interest for it and I hope with you joining us, we can prove him wrong :)

Yours in health,


P.S. Know someone that struggles with GI problems or discomfort? Please forward this email. Thank you!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
October 19, 2020

Food Deserts and How COVID Has Affected Those of Lower Income



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
No time to read this email? Take a moment and click Here to Watch an Amazing Video. (Forget everything you’ve ever been told about Alzheimer’s. It’s all about to change!)
Almost nobody knows it, but a small, elite group of doctors is reversing Alzheimer’s. And I mean really small.
Counting all their associates and the other doctors they’ve taught, there might be a few dozen doctors who can claim to know how to reverse this dreaded disease.
How successful are they, really? Let me answer that question like this: in just one study, six out of ten people with Alzheimer’s recovered enough to go back to their full-time jobs.
Another patient – treated by a different doctor – started out in the third percentile on tests of cognitive ability. After this doc’s protocol, he was in the 84th percentile.
This should be front page news. But have you seen it on CBS or NBC or CNN or PBS or anywhere else?
Of course, the answer is NO.
This may be one of the most important news stories of the last decade. But so far, it’s gone almost unnoticed by the media.
But all of that is about to change...
Because in just a few days, a free 12-day online video event unlike anything you’ve ever seen brings you face to face with leading doctors on the frontline against Alzheimer’s and dementia...
And they’re actually winning.
Click the image below for a preview of this event:
For the first time ever, the most brilliant minds in Alzheimer’s research have come together in a free 12-day video event to share everything they’ve learned about actually REVERSING the disease.
And this isn’t pie-in-the-sky. The doctors interviewed for this event are reversing Alzheimer’s now – today – for hundreds of patients!
The event is called Awakening from Alzheimer’s, and it’s an inspiring beacon of hope for the millions around the world who’ve been touched by this devastating disease.
It’s hard to describe how it feels to finally see that Alzheimer’s CAN be defeated and hear the stories of people who have actually done it – and what YOU can do yourself to protect against this insidious disease...
You have to experience it for yourself.
Take just a few minutes and watch the preview here.
Dr. Tom O’Bryan
PS: The therapies and protocols you’re about to witness are the result of decades of grueling research conducted from some of the world’s top institutions – from UCLA to Columbia University. The results are real and the people are real. But you don’t have to take my word for it.
Watch this short preview and then decide for yourself. You can’t afford to miss a single minute!



Diamond Contributor
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Bill Gates and MIT unveil quantum dot technology to mark children’s skin so they can be scanned for vaccine compliance​



Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Woman suffers brain injury from coronavirus cotton swab test​



Diamond Contributor
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Whats Next? Worldwide Starvation and Upcoming Food Shortage


Diamond Contributor
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World leaders are planning new lock downs to introduce “The World Debt Reset Program” which includes universal basic income and vaccination requirements​



Diamond Contributor
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Hi Jimi,

What would you do without your brain? Not much!

You wouldn't be able to talk, walk, or think. You would not be able to love! And you certainly wouldn't be able to read these words.

Most of us take our brains for granted. Like the air we breathe, we've been happily relying on a working brain our whole lives long.

But the human brain is not invulnerable. Why do you think we evolved these thick skulls? To protect our squishy and delicate brains!

Did you know that your brain actually only weighs about three pounds? Think about that (with your brain)! Those three precious pounds carry an awful lot more than their weight, don't they?

Our brains change over time. Every time we learn something, every time we feel something, we "rewire" our brains in some small way.

But if we do nothing to nourish and maintain our brains - if we just let our brains "sit there" - our cognitive powers decline significantly as we grow older.

There are measures we can take to ensure our brain health as we age - to ward off dementia and stay as sharp as we have ever been!

That's why I'm eager to tell you today about a FREE Brain Health Masterclass created by two of the world's leading neurologists, Ayesha and Dean Sherzai, M.D., co-directors of the Alzheimer's Prevention Program at Loma Linda University Medical Center.

This extraordinary online masterclass describes simple and easy-to-implement lifestyle changes that will slash your risk of Alzheimer's and dementia, and boost your brain power for many years to come!

Ayesha and Dean have studied brain health for many years and their findings are backed by abundant peer-reviewed scientific research.

Join this masterclass here for FREE

You will learn the four most dangerous myths about brain health that are out there, and behaviors to avoid in order to protect your brain.

You'll also learn 10 potent breakthroughs that can strengthen your brain health and heighten your experience of life.

Do your brain a favor! Take advantage of this gift and grab your seat now for the Brain Health Masterclass.

Because there is nothing - nothing - more critical to a full, rich, joyful life than a healthy brain.

See you there!

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi
Host of Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science
& Founder of The Sacred Science


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi, I hope you are doing well today

Thousands of studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals now make this crystal clear...

You can slash your risk of cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and other dementias just by making simple lifestyle changes...

>>Discover 10 of the most effective steps you need to know in the free Brain Breakthroughs Masterclass right here

This important and free online class is being offered to you by Ayesha and Dean Sherzai, MD — who are good friends, two of the kindest people you'll ever meet, and two of the top neurologists in the world.

As directors of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Program at Loma Linda University Medical Center, their research has demonstrated that specific lifestyle changes you can make can radically boost a brain’s performance — and slash risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

You'll discover the10 potent brain health breakthroughs that can unlock your ultimate health potential.

(PLUS, you’ll find out the four most dangerous brain health lies most people still believe, and more!)

You obviously value your brain health, so this is one you don't want to miss!

>> Find out more and "grab your seat" here today (completely free)

Enjoy the important learning, do stay safe and healthy, and I'lll talk to you soon.

To Your Best Decade Yet,

Brian Vaszily

P.S. Ayesha and Dean have an incredible story. They both left behind lucrative careers in pharmaceutical research to discover and share the truth about brain health. In this Masterclass, you’ll be inspired by their remarkable story, and find out how to put their breakthrough research into action in your life. Click here to grab your spot now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

9 Solutions to Prevent Breast Cancer and Recurrence & Supportive Cancer Care

Hi, Jim.
It’s breast cancer awareness month. My mom has been a survivor for 10 years.
I can almost guarantee you know at least one person who has or has had breast cancer, likely and unfortunately - I’ll bet it’s a handful or more people.
There is SO much we can do to prevent breast cancer and to dilute the 1 in 8 women statistic.
Or if you’ve already had or are currently going through treatment, there is SO much you can do to prevent reoccurrence or add on supportive cancer care with holistic methods.
Today, I’m sharing a three-part interview I did with breast cancer survivor (and thriver), Cynthia Apodaca, founder of Tea of a Kind - the high antioxidant tea.
I helped her years ago while she was going through breast cancer and afterward to rejuvenate her liver and cellular health post treatment.
We discuss why breast cancer is proliferating, what we can do to prevent it or prevent the recurrence of it as well as supportive nutritional cancer care therapies if you’re currently going through treatment.
We also go into:
  • Ways to test and balance your pH so that your body will be able to neutralize acidic poisons and support your liver, how to lower the inflammation set point of your body and how to strategically increase antioxidants.
  • How to use food as your medicine to make healthy upgrades without sacrificing taste.
  • Creating a body where all kinds of cancer, but especially breast cancer cannot thrive.
  • The most important supplement for eating up foreign proteins and processing them out of the body.
  • Four easy, yet oh-so-powerful and supportive DIY interventions that truly work in the most supportive way.
Head over to the blog to watch the interview and get the tips and PLEASE pass this on to all the women in your life that you love.
Oh and we’re also doing a giveaway on Instagram today, tomorrow, and Thursday. We’ll be giving away one free case of Tea of a Kind and one free TWJ program ($697) so head over there if you’re interested in details.
With healing intent,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
A balanced nervous system supports healthy brain function, mood and emotional stability and enhances physical health through supporting healthy digestion, detoxification and immune function, minimizing pain and calming inflammation.
Your parasympathetic nervous system activates your ability to relax and heal, routing blood flow to your organs of digestion and detoxification, slowing your heart rate, normalizing your breathing and calming anxiety and depression.
Learn to balance your nervous system when you attend The Parasympathetic Summit, happening November 9-15.
Why attend this important health event?

Your host, Jodi Cohen, has studied the parasympathetic nervous system for the last decade after discovering the impact that activating your parasympathetic branch can have on your mood, energy and health.
Her experience supporting the parasympathetic state extends beyond her clinical practice and research. Her knowledge and experience accessing this state played a critical role in her own ability to navigate tragedy and loss after her 12-year old son, Max, was killed in a car accident.
She credits her daily parasympathetic activation practice as the life raft that allowed her to show up for her surviving daughter, as well as her employees and clients.

Jodi Cohen's intention with this summit is to share this powerful tool that everyone can access when life is too overwhelming.
The Parasympathetic Summit could help you:
  • Heal your gut, calm systemic inflammation and optimize GI function
  • Accelerate healing and detoxification
  • Enhance mood and calm anxiety, depression, anger, fear and grief
  • Improve memory and enhance mental stamina
  • Reduce pain and improve muscle strength
  • Reverse and heal chronic symptoms
  • Learn simple, natural parasympathetic activation techniques
  • And so much more!
You can truly get started on better health today!

In Good Health,
The GreenMedInfo Team
P.S. When you register for The Parasympathetic Summit, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Low Carbohydrates Diet Shows Benefits

BIRMINGHAM - A new study, published in Nutrition and Metabolism, conducted at the University of Alabama at Birmingham's Nutrition Obesity Research Center sought to determine if a very low carbohydrate diet could result in improvements in body composition, fat distribution and metabolic health in seniors.

The team explained in their paper that seniors have a higher risk from excess fat deposits because seniors tend to have a propensity to develop the deposits in the abdominal cavity and skeletal muscle which may confer the greatest risk of disease development.

The study was conducted over an 8 week period where two groups of seniors that ate different diets were observed. One group ate a low carbohydrate diet including the consumption of eggs three times a day and another group which ate a normal amount of carbohydrates.

According to the study's lead author, Amy Goss, Ph.D., RDN, an assistant professor with UAB's Department of Nutrition Sciences:

"After the eight-week intervention, despite the recommendation to consume a weight-maintaining diet, the group consuming the very low-carbohydrate diet lost more weight and total fat mass than the control diet group,"

With the risk of seniors having fatty deposits that are more prone to cause sickness, you might want to consider trying to reduce them by eating a low carbohydrate diet.

Have a healthy day,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Is there anything more dreaded as a woman than the onset of menopause?
Hot flashes, weight gain, plummeting libido, fatigue... this is the story we hear from our culture, our moms and grandmothers, and—sadly—even our doctors.
All of this is written off as a "normal" part of aging... but nothing could be further from the truth.
Yes, it's common. But NO—you don't have to settle for this!
Dr. Kyrin Dunston is a retired OB-GYN who discovered the power of functional medicine to help women not only survive menopause, but also THRIVE and make it the best time of their life!
Today she's sharing...
  • How to get to the root of your menopause madness to jumpstart your healing
  • The key hormone players that are behind your symptoms
  • Simple remedies and solutions for the biggest menopause symptoms
  • The #1 foundational step to get the needle moving on your health
  • And so much more!

Essentially You Episode 234: How to Stop the Menopause Madness with Dr. Kyrin Dunston​

==> LISTEN NOW <==



Diamond Contributor
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Still think 5G is harmless? Scientific American issues warnings about the confirmed and UNKNOWN DANGERS of 5G tech​



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Could Exposure to Toxins & Poor Air Quality Be The Cause of Your Anxiety?​



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Diamond Contributor
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Unsurprisingly, we here at Rebel Gardens care a lot about seeds. I would love nothing more than to go out of business because we have such a big, robust, & diversified, seed saving culture that seed companies are no longer needed.
However, until that day arrives we need to care about our seeds, we need to care about securing our seed diversity & independence lest a couple of big corporations own our food.
With that in mind I am so excited that my friends at Urban Farm U and Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance have joined together to create what might be the biggest event for the year on seeds and our future.
Join me this November 17-20 for the Global Seed Summit. It’s entirely free and online, with world class speakers whose insight will inspire and empower you to use seeds to grow robust crops, improve your local food economy and improve your health and food security.

Click here to reserve your spot in the Global Seed Summit

Over 4 days, you’ll learn how seed libraries strengthen food sovereignty, and WHY you’ll want to join or maybe even create one in your own community. You’ll also learn about seed adaptation for extreme climates and be amazed by inspiring seed initiatives from around the world.
The Global Seed Summit is free to attend, and there will be opportunities to ask experts your own pressing seed questions and even stock up on bulk seeds to start your own seed journey.
If you can’t make it to the live sessions, that’s OK! When you sign up, you’ll get access to replays, which will be available for a limited time. There will also be an option to own the Summit.
Are you ready to take control of your seeds and food, and build a more healthy, self-sufficient life and world?
Sign up now and join me at the free Global Seed Summit.
Keep grow'n,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

3 Quick Tips for Breast Health​

This month the "big wigs" (you know who they are) will promote their “pink ribbon" Breast Cancer campaigns. The truth, however, is that these very organizations will spend only a fraction of the millions they raise on actual Breast Cancer prevention research and education.
Here at Breast Cancer Conqueror, we believe that prevention is the number one priority! That is why we have proclaimed October "Breast Health Awareness Month," i.e "BHAM Month" for over a decade.
In honor of BHAM and your unique path towards health, here are 3 “quick tips” that can keep you vibrantly healthy and cancer-free for life!

#1 Prime Your Brain (and Your Attitude) for Healing.

They say that “attitude is everything.” If you are on a journey to prevent or heal Breast Cancer, there is no truer statement.
Remember that “healing is not just about getting rid of that lump or bump. Healing is a metamorphosis and a transformation…” (from Heal Breast Cancer Naturally, 2nd Edition).

#2 Eat for Prevention.

Getting into a “healing mindset” is crucial for preventing and healing dis-ease in general. What you put in your mouth is super important too. If you are reading this blog, odds are that you already know you should be eating organic, non-GMO whole foods as much as possible.

#3 Be Smart with Your Supplements.

You have the right attitude for healing. You are eating a whole food, organic diet. That should be enough to live a healthy, life cancer-free, right?
Fifty years ago, that may have been true. Unfortunately, however, we live in quite a different world than our grandparents (or even our parents) did. Environmental pollutants, fewer nutrients in food, and more stress mean that each and every one of us are deficient in at least one essential nutrient. For example, a recent University of Colorado study found that three out of every four Americans are deficient in vitamin D!
Using some combinations of supplements is not an option these days. The key is to be smart about how you use them! The following are what I recommend as must-haves for anyone who wants to prevent and heal Breast Cancer:
Melatonin regulates sleep patterns. It is also essential for creating serotonin, a "key" healing, mood-regulating hormone. Melatonin can not only help you sleep better. It can also reduce Breast Cancer stem cells.
Vitamin D (as D3/K2)
Many people don’t actually realize how all-important getting enough D really is. That is because D is not really a vitamin. It is actually a steroid hormone that is essential for hundreds of functions in the body, including calcium absorption, gut health, reproductive functions, and the immune system. Most of the women with Breast Cancer that I have helped over the years have been deficient in D, and this connection has been confirmed by science.
If you are on a Healthy Breast journey, you must get your D levels checked and consider taking a supplement if you are low. If you are going to supplement with D, make sure it is the D3/K2 combo. K2 is needed as a vital “helper” for vitamin D absorption.
Studies conducted by biochemist and nutritional pioneer Dr. Paul Talalay found that sulforaphane obtained from broccoli sprouts in particular significantly reduced breast area tumors in rats. His studies and many more have led to the common knowledge that sulforaphane is a sound "dietary means" of reducing Breast Cancer risk.
For those on a Healthy Breast journey, the best way to get enough sulforaphane is through supplementation.


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Today's Health Thought:
“Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."


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Why do I feel sick after working out?​



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Call me old fashioned… But I still pray before every meal.

This seems like something the younger generation forgot about.

What a shame, right?

There was a time in America (and the rest of the world) that values and traditions still meant something. That sharing a meal with loved ones, was an important time to say a prayer in thanks for our food and our blessings.

You know not everyone can be so blessed. For millions of people, they’re facing tough times.

If you can still eat well, are living healthy, and surrounded by people who care and love you…

That’s a reason to pray, and give thanks.

A year ago, I was visiting an old friend and while having dinner with their family they shared with me a beautiful tradition. They pray before their meals, and each person at the table takes turns sharing something they are grateful for.

What a beautiful habit to build with your family right?

I noticed too, that it put us all in the right mood. The food and drinks seemed to taste better (honestly the food was delicious!). And I think it had to do with being in the right mood before eating.

If you’re upset, angry, or mad while you’re eating, I think you’d have a hard time actually enjoying the flavor of the food. I started to notice it too.

Mood affects food.

When you’re stressed or mad, you tend to over-eat, or eat the wrong kind of food, right?

I’m sure there’s a medical study somewhere to back this up. I just know it from personal experience.

So, my advice? Give thanks with every meal.

Even if you’re having leftovers! (Or even if you’re not a great cook)

Taking a moment to just reflect about how grateful we should be for the life and blessings we have can really change the way we live, and the way we eat. Wishing you good health and delicious meals...


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Dear Jimi,

In Alzheimer's - The Science of Prevention we discovered that thousands of studies, published in peer-reviewed medical journals, make it clear that...

You can slash your risk of cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and other dementias just by making simple lifestyle changes.

-->> Find out which ones, and how to take advantage of the latest breakthroughs, in the Brain Breakthroughs Masterclass, here

This brilliant (and totally free) Masterclass is being offered to you by some familiar faces: Drs. Ayesha and Dean Sherzai — two of the top neurologists in the world. As directors of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Program at Loma Linda University Medical Center, their research has demonstrated that specific lifestyle changes can radically boost a brain’s performance — and slash risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

In this Masterclass, you’ll discover four of the most dangerous brain health lies most people still believe. And you’ll learn about 10 potent brain health breakthroughs that can help unlock your brain health potential while reducing your risk of cognitive decline.

If you value your brain health, and we know you do, then you don’t want to miss this!

-->> Find out more and grab your seat here

Yours in health,

-The Science of Prevention Team

P.S. -
Ayesha and Dean have an incredible story. They both left behind their careers in pharmaceutical research to discover and share the truth about brain health. In this Masterclass, you’ll be inspired by their remarkable story, and find out how to put their breakthrough research into action in your life. Click here to grab your spot now.


Diamond Contributor
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With each new day, the censorship gets more and more crazy as Big Tech accelerates their massive “vaccine truth purge” in order to cover up the fraud and lies of Big Pharma.
Last week, YouTube confirmed they will ban any video that questions vaccines, while Twitter and Facebook are openly banning any post that dares to question the safety of vaccines. In true tyrannical and dictatorial fashion, Big Tech is strategically eliminating any dissent about vaccines, including true stories of vaccine damage and vaccine injury.
As a result, only FALSE statements will be considered “true” while actual FACTS will be considered “false” and will get you banned. With each passing day, we are literally witnessing the accelerating rollout of complete digital tyranny with truth being censored and “nonconforming thoughts” being punished, while scientific “fairy tales” and propaganda are pushed as truth.
Welcome to the “Medical Fascist Matrix.”
When we decided to broadcast ‘The Truth About Vaccines 2020’ we had no idea that Big Tech would literally try to ban reality in the middle of our launch!
It’s time to combat censorship and fight for truth.
TTAV2020 Episode 8 is still on the air! If you haven’t watched yet, you owe it to yourself to go watch it today before we move on to episode 9 tonight.
You deserve to have all the up-to-date scientific data to be able to make an informed choice on whether or not to vaccinate yourself and your children.
‘The Truth About Vaccines 2020’ will provide you with the information you need in light of the blatant censorship that’s happening by Big Tech.

We’ll see you later tonight for Episode 9: “W.H.O.’s Not Telling The Truth.”

Yours in Health Freedom,

P.S. It’s time! ... It’s time for us all to make a difference! ... It’s time for us to rise up and educate the world with the truth!


Diamond Contributor
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Diet Can Affect Stroke Risk

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

A new European study of more than 418,000 people found that what you eat can influence your risk for different types of stroke.

People who consumed greater amounts of fruit, vegetables, fiber, milk, cheese, or yogurt had a lower risk of ischemic stroke, but there was no significant association with hemorrhagic stroke.

The total amount of fiber (including fiber from fruit, vegetables, cereal, legumes, nuts, and seeds) was associated with the greatest reduction in the risk of ischemic stroke, the study found.

Special: More Than 50% of Older Americans Fail to Get Enough Magnesium

Every 10 grams more intake of fiber a day was associated with a 23% lower risk, which works out to two fewer strokes per 1,000 people over 10 years.

Fruit and vegetables alone were associated with a 13% lower risk for every 200 grams eaten a day, which is equivalent to one less stroke per 1,000 people over 10 years.


Diamond Contributor
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Male and Female Hormones: We're More Similar Than We Think

“Biology doesn’t care about your feelings.” A capital point!

A lot of us were taught as children that there are certain differences between men and women that are inextricably linked to our biology…

Read: our hormones. Since these are immutable scientific differences, men should be more prone lead “masculine” lives and women are more naturally adapted to “feminine” labor.

Now, hormones are vastly complicated. The human body produces more than 200 different hormones – the same, whether you’re a man or a woman. We’re all human, after all.

The difference lies in functionality and dosage.

Most people are aware that testosterone and estrogen, although societally coded as “male” and “female” hormones, are both produced in men and women. However, we tend to attribute “masculine” behavior in females to higher levels of testosterone, and feminine behavior in males to higher levels of estrogen…

Or other bias-confirming assumptions.
And this is really because of some misconceptions in the early days of endocrinology. When endocrinologists were initially looking to explain the functional differences between men and women, both interpersonally and in society, they thought they’d find that men and women have totally different chemical make-ups.

That didn’t end up being true.

What they did find was that testosterone exhibited a stronger presence than estrogen in men, and while that is also true for women, testosterone levels in men were higher than in women (for the most part).​

Much of the later research regarding these two hormones was done in the shadow of this assumption – testosterone is male and and estrogen is female.

Especially considering how harmful our treatment of what society considers “divergent” men and women can be (i.e., men who exhibit traditionally feminine traits and vice versa), we should know some fundamental truths about what these hormones actually do and how they tend to present!

Estrogen: any of a group of three (main) steroid hormones produced in the ovaries, testes, and adrenal glands responsible in females for developing and maintaining the reproductive system, and in men for modulating libido, I am a spammer ban me function, and sperm creation.​

Testosterone: a steroid hormone produced in the testes (but also in the ovaries and adrenal glands), responsible in males for muscle growth, facial hair, deep voices, sperm production, regulating the sex drive, and developing sexual organs. But in both men and women, there are testosterone receptors all over the body. Testosterone in men and women affects bones, the brain, blood vessels, the heart, hair, skin, and more.​
From those brief definitions alone, we can see that men would be as lost without estradiol (the main form of estrogen) as women would be without testosterone.

But there’s more…

Myth #1: Only women experience a “menopause”, usually beginning in their early fifties and marked by a dip in estrogen production.

Truth: Men actually also experience a timed hormonal shift, called andropause.

Now, hormonal shifts can occur any time throughout the lives of both men and women. But it is considered out of the range of normalcy for men and women not to experience andropause or menopause.

During andropause, men naturally produce less testosterone, and that means they experience fatigue, hair loss, and lower sex drives (on average – hormones affect everyone a little bit differently since they’re so heavily dependent on lifestyle variables.)

Myth #2: Testosterone is responsible for aggression, athletic prowess, and “leadership” qualities.

Truth: There is actually scientific evidence to support estrogen causing aggression more than testosterone does. In fact, a lot of the research regarding testosterone and aggression is fundamentally flawed to favor the largely white male ruling class as determined and dogged, while in the same breath dehumanizing non-white men as violent.

And in many studies regarding athleticism, testosterone levels had a negative correlation with athletic performance – meaning the less present the hormone was, the better the female athlete performed.

Myth #3: Thyroid hormone production issues are a female problem.

Truth: Around 20% of report thyroid issues affect men.

Mood changes, hair loss, fatigue, weight gain, I am a spammer ban me dysfunction, depression –all can be symptoms of thyroid issues. Because of the “female” stigma, traditional doctors often don’t look to the thyroid as possible explanations for these issues in men.

This isn’t to say that testosterone isn’t present in men in higher levels than it is in women, or that estrogen isn’t present in women in higher levels than in men.

The point is that those hormones are much more complicated than being simply male or female. Neither sex can function properly without both hormones, and neither hormone is responsible for making either sex better or worse in traditionally gendered applications.

There are certainly differences in men and women that need not be explained.

But the “female” and “male” hormones don’t determine much more than how capable your body is of performing specific biological functions.

We are all made of the same (roughly) 200 hormones, in varying quantities and degrees. We’re all human.


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The Inflammation and Obesity Connection​



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BOMBSHELL: Covid-19 isn’t a pandemic plan, it’s an EXTERMINATION plan for humanity​



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Johnson & Johnson pauses coronavirus vaccine trial after participant contracts “unexplained illness”​



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Is Skipping Breakfast A Bad Idea or Helpful for Weight Management?​



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Stuffed Cabbage
Hot stuffed cabbage makes a great meal on a cold evening. Double up on this recipe, using a medium saucepan, as the perfect "next day" hot lunch or fast evening meal. If you’re more of a poultry fan, substitute the beef for ground chicken or turkey.

  • 4 large red or green cabbage leaves, tough ends trimmed
  • 5 ounces ground beef
  • 3 ounces carrot, peeled, grated 1 celery stalk, finely chopped 2 tablespoons minced red onion
  • 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
  • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 cup vegetable, chicken, and beef broth
  • 1 tomato, chopped
  1. Dip the cabbage leaves in boiling water for one minute to soften. Set aside to cool.
  2. Place the beef, carrot, celery, onion, parsley, Worcestershire, and black pepper in a large bowl and mix well. Set out the cabbage leaves and divide the meat between them. Roll up the cabbage leaves and tuck in the ends.
  3. Place them in a small saucepan. Add the broth and tomato and cover. Place over low heat and cook 45 to 50 minutes until the meat filling is cooked through. Serve immediately. If you double this recipe allow the second portion to cool completely before storing in an airtight container, refrigerate up to 3 days.

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