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  1. R

    Temperature control coil

    Hi, im a beginner and planning to buy Eleaf Istick Pico 75W. Can someone please let me know if Eleaf EC Head Atomizer Coil 0.3ohm will be good enough for temperature control or the best coil that can be used for temperature control? I want thick clouds and good juice. (I have heard Stainless...
  2. Mslyr

    Nugget and 49er issues, please help a new vaper!

    I bought the 49er to go with my nugget today and can't seem to get a good vape from it. I'm using the Ni 0.2 ohm coil on the Temp mode, with a max of 30W on 350 farenheit and the is barely any cloud, and it tastes burnt. The nugget screen reads the coil as 0,4 or 0,8 resistance even when I set...
  3. I

    Efun.Top Shipping Problems/Question

    So, I ordered the OBS Engine RTA (Black) and 2 coils on January 2nd. It is now January 9th and I'm still yet to receive any email updates on my order. Really.. anything at all. On the website it still says that my order is "Processing" and I'm just trying to figure out why this is taking so...
  4. Jay420vape

    Help matching a part

    Hello i have a mustank MT that my girlfriend is currently using and the tank cracked . . . and noone around here has replacement tanks for it with that said does anyone know of a more.common tank that i could find the tank for that would fit this sucker. Anyway my rough measurements are 1inch...
  5. Yonkie44

    Sense Herakles Honor Tank not working

    I'm somewhat new to vaping, I understand the basics on pretty much everything. I bought a new tank today, obviously the herakles honor. I've had a herakles tank in the past which worked fine with my old tesla 2 mod which I'm still using. So I did the usual to get the new tank ready to use and...
  6. R

    Broken vape, Help?

    I have a smok alien and have not had it very long (about three months) tonight the button randomly fell off. My boyfriend also has an alien and has never had this problem. Help!?
  7. NoID

    TFV8 Issues- Any help appreciated

    My mod is a Wotofo Sentorian Chieftain 220W Box mod About ~2 Months old - Along with the TFV8 Basically what happend is it started to short out in wattage mode (i'm assuming because the ohms are jumping to 0.30-0.45 + ) When i switch to Ni/Ti in TC the ohms drop down to 0.25 (Normal) and it...
  8. AlexDTA

    How to unlike all my batteries on the same volt ?

    i woudering how can I set all my batteries on the same level volt ? I've heard if there not all on the same volt it's bad ? Anyone care to help em?
  9. Bloginn

    About my new Mod and Cloud Beast.

    Hello there. I'm so new to all this stuff but was thinkig if you could answer some questions.. I bougt a smok-cloud Beast few weeks ago on this site called gearbest.com . Well, it leaks, so i read something online about it has this tndency to leak,,i don't like a tank that leaks! So,, does...
  10. R

    Tfv8 cloud beast issue

    Im having a problem with my new cloud beast, i have a hexohm v3. Im using the coil that runs up to 260 and i tried firing at 180 but it wouldnt fire at all, talked to a lady who runs the same setup and she gave some advice, i swapped to the quadruple coil and itll fire up to the 108watt mark but...
  11. G

    A Few Questions On Mech Mods? (Sub Zero Legendary AND Shorty)

    I've been wanting a mech mod for a while now. Me and my friend's clouds were matched until he got the Sub Zero Shorty by Sub Ohm Innovations. I'm also really attracted SOI's mechs; The Legendary Sub Zero Comp Mod, and the Sub Zero Shorty. More particularly the Legendary. I was hoping someone who...
  12. Tommy2knucklz

    Need help setting up my uwell crown tank with my ipv5.

    Trying to use the temp control feature of my ipv5. My wife bought me the uwell crown tank which is supposed to be temp control ready. Only issue I'm having is I can not find a straight forward answer on how to properly set it up. The issues I'm having so far are little to no vapor production and...
  13. E

    New to Vaping, Need Advice

    Hello everyone, I have decided to get myself a Box mod(not one of those vape pens or cigalikes) and I need some advice. The question is what setup is good for beginners ? I looked at some reviews and both the Joyetech Evic VTC MINI and the Kangertech Subox Mini are recommended. Are these really...
  14. L

    Problem with kangertech subvod

    I tried to change the coil in my kangertech subvod (SSOCC coil) the other day but I think something went wrong? Ever since I tried to change it, it doesn't turn on. When I press the button it blinks the way it does when it's out of battery life but I know for a fact it is charged. I took it into...
  15. AlexDTA

    Ni200 what mode to use ?

    I am currently running a crown tank with ni200 cOIL and kuchia MOD,what mode should I be running my coil at "Ni"PWR"TI" which mode should I be running it in? Don't know anything really, would anyone care to help?? Thanks
  16. J

    Vape Lord help me!

    Noob vaper here wishing for the vape Lords guidance...where do I start! I've just ordered a Smok Alien kit (TFV8) from 3fvape so first and foremost have a made the right choice, whether it be ordering from them or the mod/tank in specific I would appreciate any and all input :)...
  17. Schofield1901


    Hi everyone, i have got my brand new hohmslice and stupidly updated with the hohm wrecker g2 firmware instead of the hohm slice firmware, so now my device does not turn on nor does my computer detect it. Im wondering if anyone has a work around to get it working again or is there a recovery tool...
  18. Emmahlea

    New Coil Has Hole

    hey, guys. Just signed up cause I need advice! Just changed my coil and the new one has a hole in the cotton. It's pretty small but when I blow into the mouth piece, I see bubbles coming from only that hole and liquid leaks out more easily. Is this going to harm my vape in any way?
  19. Hjdskldjalsk

    Help Please, Clapton Aspire

    So a while ago I bought a friends vape off him and he seems to have done some...interesting...things. THe coil is burning through quick and i'm just not getting the flavour from any of my juices. Heres the set up, Mod:e joytech VTC mini, Battery: 3000mAh 3.7 V Tank: Clapton aspire, coil 0.5...
  20. scwbrian

    Jittery after vaping?

    I haven't had this issue vaping before, because I've vaped for 2 years before this issue occurred. A couple months ago I started feeling very jittery after vaping. Like where my heart is pounding pretty fast. I do use an RDA which I know delivers a heavier hit. Now, the first thing I know you...
  21. D

    Tron-S problem

    Hello, I bought a eVic vtc mini with a Tron-S tank on Monday, so I set it up and started smoking, but after 3 days it started pulling liquid in my mouth. I changed the coil with something I got from a local shop "not sure exactly what model it is :/", I cleaned the old liquid from the tank and...
  22. MagicJosh

    Please help me here! (Question)

    So today i went on a live youtube Chanel and pissed some guy off by saying ''This juice is the bomb'' He kept on getting upset with my opinions. He must of had some other stuff going on..There was this woman that was having a problem with vapers tongue, So I said to her. Well you might need to...
  23. D

    Mod for RDA vape setup

    I'm thinking about setting myself with a RDA, after my previous mini volt 40 w completely disintegrated. Thinking about getting this RDA: https://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10014538/4491602-velocity-v2-styled-rda-rebuildable-dripping I'm looking for a good mod to go with this, I don't have...
  24. MalooGaming

    Cant get cola and peach to work!

    Hi again! Im trying to do a cola and peach but its not working, tried different percentages and at 50/50, peach at 5% is pretty much perfect add like 1-4% cola while batching and then it all goes bad tastes good like a bubbly peach but just doesnt vape right .. im running tfv8 cloud beast on a...
  25. L

    Need help, new vaper here.

    Would the X Cube Ultra 220W TC MOD and a TFV8 Cloud Beast tank be a good combo? Do i need anything else except juice? Sorry if i am asking stupid questions, thanks. These are the 2 I'm talking about. https://www.directvapor.com/premium-mods/x-cube-ultra-220w-tc-mod.html...
  26. N

    Therion DNA 75 Owners?

    Hi everyone Ive had a Therion DNA 75w mod for a couple of days now and so far I'm pretty happy with it. Feels like a quality piece of kit, great battery life, and looks pretty sweet. There is one issue and I was hoping to get some feedback from other Therion owners. The issue is with...
  27. N

    Me Again - batteries

    Hey peeps - the drama continues, batteries now. I noticed that i tore the wrapping a little when taking it out of my mod. It seems that just the top wrapping tore and the plastic underneath is still in tact. Is it still safe to use? Ive seen and heard the horror stories and as much as id like...
  28. D

    RDA setup

    Hey guys, i'm looking into setting myself with a RDA. I currently have a RTA (The mini volt 40w kit), but after running into some issues with it I think I want a RDA. I need both a RDA and mod for under $40 (A bit over is fine) Any suggestions are open. I am a complete beginner to RDA's, but I...
  29. S


    Ok so I'm somewhat new. I currently have a joytech ego aio. I upgraded from a simple vape pen. I vape a lot. I barely put it down lol I vape mtl. I enjoy the throat hit and a big cloud. I want to upgrade to a mod box which has been recommended to me for the way I vape. I'm new to the ohm and...
  30. P

    What brand and kind of battery for an Alien 220W tc box

    I'm Want to buy the smoktech alien 220w tc and need battery's. it says it needs 2 18650 battery's. what kind should I get? I'm buying them from vaporDNA.com.
  31. P

    What brand and kind of18650 battery for smoktech alien 220w tc

    I'm Want to buy the smoktech alien 220w tc and need battery's. it says it needs 2 18650 battery's. what kind should I get? I'm buying them from vaporDNA.com.
  32. bnchyyy

    Old problem with Mutation x v4

    I've been using Mutation x v4 for about 6-7 months now. When I first got it I was so eager to use all accessories it came with (only the glass adapter). So I tried as hard as I can to unscrew the top most part of the cap. It won't unscrew so I figured it won't make any difference anyways so I...
  33. U

    Broken Lite 40, Please Help!!!

    My friend recently gave me her broken mod b/c she's clueless on how to fix it. It's a Lite 40 and the tank has been broken off completely. I'm fairly new to vaping so I'm clueless on what to do myself. I've done research but I can't seem to find anyone else with the same problem. I've tried...
  34. SteamyVapingVixen

    eVic VTwo Dead after 2 months...Joyetech Warranty?

    Mod will not turn on at all unless connected to a power source and even then the screen flashes and flickers and won't fire. Between the flashing screen its stating "atomizer low". I have attempted to reinstall the newest software update and also downgrading to the previous software version...
  35. WellDone

    On today's episode of What's Causing My Dry Hits?...

    I just recently started vaping as an alternative to smoking and to be honest it's a little overwhelming. I bought a Kanger Subox Mini-C(VW 7-50W, 0.5 ohm SSOCC Nichrome coil) and some 80 VG strawberry juice with 6mg nicotine. I was absolutely loving my new vape! I went back to the local shop to...

    Subhohm Tank For Hohm Slice

    Hello everyone.I quit smoking two months ago.I haven't smoked analogs since.I started out with two Subvod and since then I have purchased a Sigelei Mini Book Kit with subohm Xtank and an Elite tank.I now am upgrading to a Hohm Slice.I am asking for suggestions on a good worry free subohm tank...
  37. Vapemage3#

    Efuntop first time buy.....shipping issue......plase help

    I got a new wismec reuleaux rx200 and TFV4 set at the efun.top on 7th of september. The shipping label was created a day later and the last uodate i received was on 12th of september sayin that 'Despatch from sorting center BEIJING' ......Im still waiting to receive these and theres not up...
  38. stevenbuker12


    I am in the market for s new mechanical mod and am stuck. Very stuck. I'm between a SWITCH MOD AND CAP KIT, A RIG V2, SUBZERO SHORTY COMBO, and a BROADSIDE. Someone please help because I want to get it tomorrow, I'm leaning towards a broadside because it's made by or with the Hotwires guys so it...
  39. arsany02

    subbox mini

    can i rebuild the vertical coil come in the device ? (Subtank mini)
  40. R

    Kanger Authenticity

    Hi guys, I'm new here and I have yet to buy my own E-cig but I am looking at the Kangertech Cupti which is sold at efun.top . However, they are selling at a very low price so I was wondering if the e-cig they are selling is authentic or fake. Anyone bought a Kangertech Cupti from them before...
  41. R

    Coil Compatibility

    Hi , I'm very new to vaping. I've got an Eleaf Pico iStick 75W MELO 3 Mini Atomizer. The kit came with 2 coils (0.3 & 0.5 ohm). But now I need to replace both coils, and I don't know which coils (other than the ones that came in the kit) are compatible with my device. It's very hard to buy...
  42. kingofshadowsii


    Okay like, my freind gave me one of his vape pens for free so yay?? he gave me a charger + some oil with it,and i've tried looking up videos, but theyre really not helping. :
  43. M

    Dripbox compatible tanks

    Hi guys new here not really sure about the rules. Im just looking for some answers that have been really hard to get cuz i live in a country where vaping is banned. Anyway, what are some tanks that are compatible with the dripbox 60w version? and recommended builds? Thanks in advance! :)
  44. S

    Need help on chosing a magic pixie house ( 18650 )

    Hi guys, I'm looking to buy a smok Guardian 3 pipe mod, and a http://www.3fvape.com/mechanical-mod/11220-av-able-stacked-style-mechanical-mod-wood-grain-brass-carbon-fiber-2-x-18650.html Now I need to find a safe pixie house for both of them. I know nothing of electronics so I thought I just...
  45. titaN falL

    Herakles Plus Problem

    Hello Guys .. :) So recently im getting a new problem with my herakles plus , the problem is after i refill the tank i got around 6 puffs with a lot of spitting juice in my mouth and wierd throat hit, and some times even after 20+ puffs , i have changed the coil 2 times and maintain the airflow...
  46. AlonzoTheGreat

    Coil question.....

    Hey guys, I'm using a Vaporesso Target Pro with stainless ccell ceramic coils at .6 ohms. They are rated for 40-75w. Is it ok to run them at a wattage lower than 40 or will this hurt the coil? Cheers
  47. Twickvape23

    Beginner help! Kangertech topbox mini

    I've just upgraded from an eleaf istick to a kangertech topbox mini on my local vape shop's recommendation. However I'm getting a lot of spitting and the vape seems extremely hot even though I've tried messing about with the different temp. and watt Settings, any advice on how to reduce these...
  48. vapebeast92

    please help everything i try to mix taste gross!

    Hi guys, So I got into DIY and well I suck at it and am about to just give up I really just want to be able to mix a juice and enjoy it without having to pay for premium ejuice. Can you guys help me and give me a few good recipes using the flavors I have? I would really appreciate it. I have...
  49. B


    I have a Tesla Two mod and a Smok micro tfv4 tank. It was getting a burning taste after not even a week of vaping, so i figured time to change the coil. I bought a pack of coils, changed it and now the tank is not producing a lot of smoke like it was in the beginning. The flavor has gone down as...

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