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  1. Pauline13

    Hi Everyone!!!

    Hey y'all, I'm Pauline and I'm obvs new here!! like most of you I've been lurking for far too long, and decided to just create an account already
  2. iMaverick

    Help me not blow up :) First time Vaper

    Guys I was gifted a brand new Smok G-Priv 2 with a Manta RTA tank and 24G Nichrome Ni80 wire. First Time Vaper here :) (Sorry, the thread being long) Can someone please help me figure this out without me blowing up my Face I checked YouTube on the Wattage and ohms but not 100% sure where to...
  3. M

    Which of this 2 is better for vape production? help please

    eleaf i care 2 or Ego aio box by joytech?? which one is better overall, how about vape production? how long will the eleaaf i care 2 last for in terms of hours? i know the ego lasts a lot longer, but.. if thats the only difference then i dont mind it as long as the eleaf lets me chain smoke...
  4. G

    Joyetech's new EGO AiO ECO

    Keep Calm...this is Joyetech's new all-in-one pen style device,the EGO AiO ECO powered by ECO technology and optimized for high nicotine users which makes it especially great for the beginner or for anyone using high nicotine liquid or nicotine salts.This new ECO technology nearly doubles the...
  5. X

    Looking for advice for semi-beginner kit

    Hi guys! I would sincerely appreciate some help - This is the second time going back to vaping as a way to quit smoking. First vape was an e-com C twist, which I thought was pretty good for my purpose, except that it couldn't handle higher VG juices. (I realised early on that I hated PG - as...
  6. L

    I want something better

    I str¡arted vaoing a while ago with the Joyetech eGo AIO, it's still working well but I want to get something better. I want one of these kits but I can't decide which one so please vapers, tell me which one you think is better and why. Smok al85 Vaporesso Tarot nano Vaporesso Tarot mini
  7. VapeCraftInc

    New Vape Mods now available from Vape Craft

    New Hardware Available Get 5% Off all mods & ejuice with code: "5OFF" Eleaf iCare 140 Vaporesso Revenger X Smok Stick M17 Wismec Reuleaux RX75 Smok Skyhook
  8. Son Guardian

    What’s the best reg quad battery mod I can buy?

    Next month I’ll have around $250 to spend on better equipment, so I’m buying some Sony VTC6 batteries, since I was sold shitty Efast batteries from the local vape shop, go figure. And I want to split the wattage over 4 batteries so I feel safer when I vape. So What’s the best Quad mod I can...
  9. Lucros

    Reccomedation for Pre-Built RDA coils?

    Hello! Was wondering what you all would recommend for Pre-built coils, Id like SS as ramp up time ruins the vape for me, I’ll be using a Pulse BF sqounk mod, Dead Rabbit RDA, and a iJoy 20700 3000mAh 40amp battery (cant remember the video but I believe the continuous discharge rate is 30amps)...
  10. C

    ??Battery or Mod Damaged??

    Hello! first post homies so bare with me. So my old mod was having trouble reading my batteries (reuleaux rx200) figured the connections were shot so i ordered a new one. The batteries were sitting fully charged for about five days until my new mod arrived (reuleaux rx gen 3). they then read...
  11. Pyres736

    New Smok t priv issus

    Hi heres a little bit about myself I'm fairly new to vaping I just bought myself a smok t priv and it's been more or less a headache before I bought this I was using the vaporesso 75 watt with a cleito aspire tank worked great so I thought i would get the upgrade to what I have now but the coils...
  12. I

    New To Vaping, Need Answers

    Hi there, I'm a fairly active smoker, smoking mainly socially and sometimes to relieve stress. I smoke about 2-3 rollups per day and maybe one cigarette on the off occasion. A lot of my friends have begun vaping to replace their smoking habit, and I'm considering following the trend as I prefer...
  13. A


    Hello, I have recently started vaping this week and am afraid I have broken it already. I was unscrewing to refill it and believe I unscrewed the wrong part. The tank is now leaking and it feels like I am not getting a full vape. The model is the Innokin endura t20. There seems to be a small gap...
  14. B

    Which new mod to get

    Hey need help on which mod to get. My budget is around $60-$80. I'm not really an expert vaper... just need an upgrade from my iStick Pico 75W. I looked around and I did find some that caught my attention. I also watched and read some reviews of it online. The main reason on why I want to buy...
  15. Dagoroth

    Wismec Reuleaux RX GEN3/Gnome Combo

    So I won a contest on Sunday from Heavens Gifts and they sent me a Wismec Reuleaux RX Gen3 Box mod and Gnome tank to go with it. I just got the RX Gen3 and Gnome this morning and I am loving this thing so far. I was totally surprised that DHL had it at my door so quickly also. (4 days)...
  16. askalade

    Kayfun 5² - 25 mm

    Just ordered a Kayfun 5² from germany yesterday. Been searching around but seems like no1 even knows it exists yet xD its basically a kayfun 5 with upgraded airflow. They have a vid on youtube > To compare> These are the airflow options the k5 has: 1,8mm (Kayfun Lite plus) 2,2mm (Kayfun 4)...
  17. Henli503

    Low ohm, help

    Just bought My first vape kit, a kangertech kit. The display says 0.23 ohms and i just Read that low ohms can be dangerous...how do i know if it's dangerous? i've already used it a couple of Times!
  18. Henli503

    I don't know what i'm doing!

    Hey guys, as the title states, i don't know what i'm doing! I'm new to vaping and i feel like i've already made all the mistakes i can without thinking ahead. Firstly, i had My Friend help me set it up but even thought he did prime the Cotton i'm pretty sure we both Took a couple of dry hits and...
  19. F

    Which will you prefer: Istick Pico 25 by Eleaf or Sinuous P80 by Wismec

    Im currently using Cubiod 150 right now with an Avocado 24 RDTA, and I'm now willing to buy a new mod. I'm still not decided if I should get Pico 25 or Sinuous P80 (I'll still use my avocado 24 tho), I wanted a stealth vape now and I don't mind having a one battery mod (I prefer that actually)...
  20. C

    Hello :)

    Hi guys I'm new here. I'm 18 years old and started vaping to get away from my long addiction to cigarettes. I started smoking when I was 12 years old (my dad started me).I smoked about a pack a day for 5 years and I started to suffer from really serious lung problems, I had a really hard time...
  21. C


    Hi guys I'm new here. I'm 18 years old and just started vaping to get away from my long addiction to cigarettes. I started smoking when I was 12 years old (my dad started me).I smoked about a pack a day for 5 years and I started to suffer from really serious lung problems, I had a really hard...
  22. villagernum1

    questions from an extreme noobie

    I have the Joyetech Evic Vt. My older brother passed it down to me so I'm not sure what the coil is nor do I know how to figure out what it is. When I look at the display, it says 60 Watts, 5.94 volts and 0,59 ohms. Is this a safe range to vape at?
  23. dmdb92

    Advice please!

    Hi all, I'm new here (brand new), and was just after some advice about what to buy. I am currently using an iStick Pico 75W, prior to this one I had been using the iJust S. I like the Pico but find the tank is too small and am having to refill it quite often. I would just go back to the iJust...
  24. Calebhardle111

    Smok qbox max vg juice??

    hello, I am 2-3 days new to vaping and have liked my juice so far, but I went into my local vape shop and bought MAX VG juice and noticed it was harsh on my throat and tasted slightly burnt with little to no flavor compared to my 50/50 mix juice. Am I doing somthing wrong? I have tried it at...
  25. H


    Hey guys, i'm planning to get a SMOK v8 stick, i'm new to vaping and a lot of people say that it's a good beginners mod (stick). So i googled about the stick and people said that the coils burn out pretty fast like 3-5 days and they're done. Is it true? Because i'm planning to get some 0.25...
  26. E

    help with safe coil building

    hi, been using SMOK xcube ultra for a while but just bought my first mech mod and RDA, looking for some clarification on safe coil building before i try anything. first im using Sony VTC4 18650 2100mAh 30A batteries in a VGOD pro mech and VGOD pro drip RDA with 24g kanthal wire. I have used the...
  27. Bill TattooVape.com

    Scientists At BAT Finds E-Cigarette Vapor Has Minimal Impact To Human Cells

    Scientists At BAT Finds E-Cigarette Vapor Has Minimal Impact To Human Cells https://www.tattoovape.com/scientists-at-bat-finds-e-cigarette-vapor-has-minimal-impact-to-human-cells/
  28. V

    FINALLY turning into a hobbyist after almost 2 years!

    TL;DR: I'm here to keep an eye out for new research about vaping, learn more about DIY juice (still struggling with flavors after 3 months), and learn about rebuilding (JUST decided to pick up the hobby)! My vaping history Hi all! I'm a medical student living in Louisiana who gave up almost...
  29. JimboConn

    Ears won't stop popping and crackling! Please help

    Just got first set up 8 days ago started notice constant ear popping as I got used to the vape I tried all different inhalation methods and airflow adjustments ear popping went away after 2 days finally no problem for a week very good vaping ensued I came to love the setup now again yesterday...
  30. goosey

    Hello, Im goosey. (8

    Hey everyone, I had been having a problem with my trustfire chargers, and found my answer here: http://vapingunderground.com/threads/battery-issue-with-trustfire-charger.177823/ so I decided i would join the forum, for future help and/or advice. I currently vape with an Innokin Itaste...
  31. T

    I just launched VaperView, a review site for the Vape Community - open for Beta

    Hey all :) So, 3 weeks ago my old Mod's fire button broke and together with some other small problems I had with it, I was kinda glad to start searching for a new one. While searching for New Mods and reviews I was astonished that I couldn't find a place where actual Vapers reviewed mods, only...
  32. T

    Hey everyone.... This is getting expensive

    My name is Tim I started vaping about 3 weeks ago. I'm still trying to figure out what I like as far as flavors go. I started DIY as soon as I purchases my first mod (Kanger topbox) which I ended up not liking because I wanted more flavor than I couldn't get it to push. I then purchased the...
  33. Vaple syrup


    Quit smoking a month ago in favor of vaping, I've bought 3 different styles of devices, a cig like, an evod style pen and a TOGO mini by kangertech. The ciglike was kinda crappy, so I got the evod, the evod wasnt as satisfying as I would have liked so I got the TOGO but the TOGO leaves my mouth...
  34. Renzicle

    iPV 3 Li Malfunction?

    Okay so I'm fairly new at bigger vapes like this my first one was a ijust 2 from eleaf that I have been and am currently using because I have no Idea what is going on with my new used one. Well I'm slightly figuring things out with it. I also bought the Lotus vape. I don't know too much about it...
  35. V

    New Player in Town

    Greetings. My name is Mike. I am the co-owner and founder of BFS Vape Co. You have probably heard of either me or my company. If not, maybe this link will ring a bell. My partner Miguel and I just wanted to say that we are now strong supporters of Vaping Underground and that you shall be...
  36. Bill TattooVape.com


    HOW TO DESTROY AN INDUSTRY: FEDERAL E-CIG REGULATION COULD COST ONE WISCONSIN COMPANY $200 MILLION https://www.tattoovape.com/destroy-industry-federal-e-cig-regulation-cost-one-wisconsin-company-200-million/
  37. Jay420vape

    New to vaping

    I just got started vaping a week ago and i really want to get into it l. And start learning about coils buiding and mixing. Right now i have a mustank mt clearomizer i really want to get an RTa ,nd my mod is a koopor mini 60w tc regulated. But yeah so mainly a non rta tank and a mod with about...
  38. S

    Questions about tanks and coils.

    So I am pretty new to all this, using this as a way to quit smoking and is it working! I got a used mod from a friend, Smok Cube Mini 75W TC. I bought a tank to start out Vaporesso with ceramic coils. I feel I have grown out of that, and tbh it is terrible and should have done my research. So...
  39. Ste-vapes

    Back To Reviewing.

    Hi everyone, I'm Steven. I am in the process of kick starting my new review channel on YouTube, due to work, family and living I have had to put everything off over this past year. So many new companies jumping in and out with great products, and now we have the TPD to contend with, is it...
  40. Countrypami


  41. Donny B

    Going Live for the 1st time!!! Come join the chat!

    Going live for the 1st time at 3pm pacific 6pm eastern on Vaping Underground Live!!! Please drop by and say hi 8a everyone! :)
  42. F

    Question about mech mod + rda - slow vapors?

    Hey everyone, I just started using a mech mod and RDA. I love it so far but I have a concern with it. It takes a while for the vapors to actually happen, I have to hold the switch for a good 5 seconds before vapors start coming out. Does that mean the mod needs cleaning or something? I didn't...
  43. A

    New Vaper tank question

    I just got the Joyetech cuboid mini and I want another tank to have another e-juice to switch up instead of having to clean and change flavours. What tank do you suggest? I'm new and vape mtl. I'm so new I don't know what other info you need to help with your suggestions!?
  44. A

    Brand new Vaper a little overwhelmed!

    Hey. I just bought my first kit. I got the Joyetech mini cuboid. I would like to quit smoking and but I enjoy it! womp womp. I want the best vape for me but I feel overwhelmed with having options that I don't know how to use. I'm doing mtl on 13.5w with a 12mg liquid, seems ok sometimes a...
  45. MycheleG

    New to vaping equipment

    My name is Chele and I'm new to the forum. I've been vaping for about a year with low nicotine juices, but my equipment was bought for me. I had been vaping off and on mainly because of my son being so young. I know how to do basic stuff such as changing my juices, but I'm completely lost to the...
  46. L

    Need help, new vaper here.

    Would the X Cube Ultra 220W TC MOD and a TFV8 Cloud Beast tank be a good combo? Do i need anything else except juice? Sorry if i am asking stupid questions, thanks. These are the 2 I'm talking about. https://www.directvapor.com/premium-mods/x-cube-ultra-220w-tc-mod.html...
  47. S


    Ok so I'm somewhat new. I currently have a joytech ego aio. I upgraded from a simple vape pen. I vape a lot. I barely put it down lol I vape mtl. I enjoy the throat hit and a big cloud. I want to upgrade to a mod box which has been recommended to me for the way I vape. I'm new to the ohm and...
  48. Ms. Trixy

    Ms. Trixy's Store - UNDER CONSTRUCTION

    THE DUMP TRUCKS WILL BE COMING. REVAMP OF THIS THREAD COMING. (U.S.A. Residents Only) HERE'S THE LATEST AS OF APRIL 2018: 2 - VandyVape Phobia RDA - Black (ONE WILL BE A GIVE A WAY!) Subscribe and hit the bell to my channel for to know when! 2 - VandyVape Kylin Mini RTA - Stainless (ONE WILL...
  49. sl4k

    Hey there

    Hey guys! Sam here. I'm an 47 yo french guy who has quit smoking 3 weeks ago. So far, all I've read on the forum is interesting or helpful. I may ask questions using bad grammar and syntax, so forgive me in advance :)
  50. YourClosetLlama

    Recently bought my first Mech/Tube Mod...

    Hello VU! This is my first post here but I had a quick question about Mech Mods in general but more specifically the particular one I recently ordered. After a few buddies of mine recommended I get a tube mod I decided to take them up on it and look into buying a clone. I ended up going with the...

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