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  1. Pleasehelp


    Hi my coils are taking forever to heat up I am using a rig mod v3 with a dually rda which I paid over 200$ on and it does not heat up my coils fast enough it takes at least 10 seconds any help?also I am using juggernaut coils and I have tired others
  2. E

    How to get to .25ohms

    I'm struggling to get to .25ohms no matter what I do. All my builds end up at the .15 range and per ohms law I should be no lower than .17 but I'd like to be closer to .25ohms myself. I have 24g stainless steel and kanthal as well as 22g stainless steel and I'm not sure what to do. Is there a...
  3. V

    24 g 316l builds

    i just ordered some 24g 316l and I'm either thinking fused claptons with 36g nichrome or just doing the 24 parallel but wonder if the ohms will be to low whats a better option and ill be using my mech mod
  4. Steampugs

    Pugsley's full flavoured and tightly wrapped review of Phillip Turton's hand crafted

    Framed, Stapled, Twisted, Clapton, Spaced, Alien, Helix, Corrugated, Mohawk, Fused, Stacked, Ribbon, Stainless Steel, Kanthal, Titanium, Ni-chrome.....I could literally be here all day listing words that to the unknowing would be exactly that...just words...but to those who 'build' ....or even...
  5. T

    Zamplebox sucks...After months of bullshit Ive got a good box!!!

    Check out my review. Give me feedback let me know what you think.
  6. H

    vape has been gurgling, feels like it's clogged when it isn't, spitting hot oil, no vapor

    i have a kangertech subvod starter kit i got a couple of months ago and it's been having problems for a couple of weeks now. i can't currently replace the coils but i took it apart and rinsed it all off and cleaned out all the gunk with a q-tip. after i did that, the problem got worse. the hits...
  7. H

    coils for kangertech subvod starter kit

    i have a kangertech subvod starter kit, which i've had for a few months. that being said, i have never replaced the coils. i am relatively new to vaping and i forgot that was something that was necessary. where can i find new coils for this vape? i cannot seem to find them online, would they...
  8. Ms. Trixy

    Where has CrazyChef been?

    I stumbled on something that made me think of @CrazyChef today. Odd that his/her name didn't come up when I tagged the name. Anyone know of any Intel?
  9. Listening247

    .3 ohm vs. .15 ohm

    Hey guys, I've got an eleaf ijust 2 that ive been using pretty regularly with a .3 ohm coil, and i figured what the hell, I'll drop in a .15 ohm coil. Dropped it in, let it soak, and the first thing that i noticed was that my throat hurt like hell for the first 10-15 hits, but after that i was...
  10. Vape Bee

    Great prices on Kanger Coils and Tesla Kits at VapeBee.com

    Just launched the site, and adding more products daily. For now, we have some of the best prices around on: Kanger Clapton, Ceramic and VOCC-T Coils Tesla Stealth 100W Kit and Tesla AIO 70W Kit Until Februrary we have a coupon for 10% off your first order: BUZZEDBEE Always free shipping...
  11. E

    All my vape pen coils only last a day, why?

    I feel like I am the only one with this problem because I don't see anyone else talking about it. How long are coils suppose to last? For me they are literally lasting a day. I know this can't be right or know one would be vaping or very few would. I started out with smok osub 40 mini. At first...
  12. R0tt0

    Hot spots

    I have a limitless i-joy rta. I'm having trouble with hot spots. I make sure my new build is firing evenly b4 I wick it and it does ok at first. By the 2nd day I'm strumming my coils every 5th puff. I checked the screws, they are tight ,the coil looks perfect. Right now I've got 26g with 7...
  13. Yanaford

    Low Load Message

    Hi all, I'm semi new to vaping and I just bought a tobeco tobh Atty drip mod to go on my R2D2, and once I put the coils in the display says low load. Can someone tell me what that means, what caused it, and how to fix the problem? I would greatly appreciate any feedback!
  14. Zombie13

    dual vs single coil

    What if any are the perks of dual vs single coil builds?
  15. Synphul

    Halo triton coils/batteries

    Ok, so I'm not an electrical engineer by any means but when using a fixed battery (4.1-4.2v fresh charge, ~3.7v average) don't higher resistance coils vape hotter? My mom currently uses the halo triton vape pen kit and has been having an issue with coils burning out pretty quick, within a day...
  16. xcallmekittenx

    So I just started building advanced coils.... Dragon Skin Vs. Quad Clapton?

    ^QUAD DOUBLE WRAP CLAPTON COIL(current coil)^ First off I'm using an IPV3(150w regulated mod), with an Alliance V2+ Big Boy Edition. The lowest mine should go without the update(it takes a fuck ton of time to update) is 0.1 Ohm; BUT, since mine rounds upward & Ohms jump a little; my quad...
  17. K

    Want TASTELESS Coils. How?

    I have been wiring up an RBA and another RDA for at least 3 months now and still can't manage to make coils that are tasteless. People often say the coil just needs to be used a while for a burn in period, but I just don't buy it. The premade coils we all started on had no taste, so something...
  18. xcallmekittenx


    I have an ABS parallel mech box mod by Cigreen. I just got it & I'm new to mechs. I have an alliance V2+ Big Boy RAD that I normally run on my IVP3 at .27 ohm. I switched to the ABS but it takes at least 10 seconds to heat up but won't even make decentish clouds. I tried .5 Clapton. I tried...
  19. hansa132

    Dual 18500 and dual 18350 unregulated mods. (mby coil build too.)

    So i have built a single 18650 mod which is working very fine, but i want to challenge myself and build something more double. My uncle got me some vape batteries he doesnt use anymore because he left mechmods and i just started. So, i got two efest imr 18350 (700mah) and two efest 18500 v.2...
  20. G

    Choosing coils

    Hey guys so I'm quite new to vaping, I've had a Smok R40 for about three or four months now and it's worked perfectly without problem and I'd not felt the need to upgrade it yet. However the kit I ordered it in came with a replacement coil, but this has now come to the end of its life, I'm not...
  21. MycheleG

    New to vaping equipment

    My name is Chele and I'm new to the forum. I've been vaping for about a year with low nicotine juices, but my equipment was bought for me. I had been vaping off and on mainly because of my son being so young. I know how to do basic stuff such as changing my juices, but I'm completely lost to the...
  22. N

    (DNA Setup) Vaporesso CCELL-3C SS 0.15ohm Coil

    Howdy folks Trying to setup some profiles for DNA 75w mod. I have the Giant Dual tank from Vaporesso. It uses a 'CCELL-3C SS 0.15ohm' coil. What SS option do I select from the material menu? Options I have are: SS 304 SS 316 SS 316L SS 430 Thanks in advance. EDIT - I've checked the manual...
  23. F

    Problems regarding Ceramics

    Bought a 75w TC Target starter kit, and I have to tell you; I was absolutely blown away by the flavor and performance! Battery management was also very stress free. Based off of reviews, the ceramic coils that came with the Kit is safe to say the best flavor experience/sustainable with out coil...
  24. Rebelchum

    CUBOID wont go over 106 watts.

    So for about a year I was using a cuboid mod and a tfv 4 smok tank without any issue. Suddenly I started getting a very harsh throat hit and not much cloud production. It wasn't like a burnt taste I'd get when I would need to change the coil but I changed it anyway filled it up and had the same...
  25. R

    Coil Compatibility

    Hi , I'm very new to vaping. I've got an Eleaf Pico iStick 75W MELO 3 Mini Atomizer. The kit came with 2 coils (0.3 & 0.5 ohm). But now I need to replace both coils, and I don't know which coils (other than the ones that came in the kit) are compatible with my device. It's very hard to buy...
  26. sl4k

    Bad wicking.

    Maybe a silly question but can a bad wicking can cause my coils resistance to drop? I have got pre-made 0.6 clapton coils. My setup is a dual coil so I believe I should read 0.3 ohm but my device indicates 0.18 or so. Should I re-wick the coils?
  27. AlonzoTheGreat

    Coil question.....

    Hey guys, I'm using a Vaporesso Target Pro with stainless ccell ceramic coils at .6 ohms. They are rated for 40-75w. Is it ok to run them at a wattage lower than 40 or will this hurt the coil? Cheers
  28. LivingSacrifice5

    Certain builds bad for certain flavors?

    Up until the last year and a half, I vaped on the same variety of e-juices, mostly simple, non complex flavors. Since I've widened my search for the ultimate flavor, I'v noticed sometimes a juice tastes wonderful in 99.9% of your builds, but there is a build out there that makes that wonderful...
  29. Chuuuckieee

    Need help on my rdta coil/cotton

    Hi guys.. im new to vaping.. i recently got a fuchai and limitless plus rdta as a gift .. first time i tried it, it was great.. then i tried other ejuice.. i noticed that the cotton is turning red/orangey even though the ejuice is clear.. i also noticed a different taste on it.. then i decided...
  30. S

    cheapest Plato replacement coils

    Like the title says I was just wondering if anyone has any opinions on where to find the cheapest aspire Plato replacement coils (on a legit website of course)
  31. Freejep

    Sharing how I use less wire and avoid sore fingers...

    I've been building on the so horney's since April....it's mostly in 6 coil builds to get lower ohms...keeping tension with the kanthal wrapped around my finger was becoming uncomfortable and was also wasting alot of wire... I occasionally use pin chucks at work to grip very small drill bits...to...
  32. LivingSacrifice5

    Question about clapton coils

    Hey all, I don't have very much experience with claptons...i'm only now just venturing in to them. Now, I know on regular coils....if i'm hearing a hiss after an inhale...i know it's either time to redrip on my rda's or if i'm using a tank, then I know hissing means its not wicking properly and...
  33. twistedcoils

    Custom and specialty coils , new shopify store

    ive been on eBay for a log time selling and I recently got my shopify store up and running for real this time lol , it's at Http://twistedcoils.myshopify.com prices are very affordable for a good amount of coils, check it out , every set of coils is buy two get one free, I'm also still on eBay...
  34. LivingSacrifice5

    Coils and Flavor

    Hey All, Bare with me, I'm new to these discussion boards =) Ok, here's the deal. I'm having a difficult time figuring this out. I've always heard "more surface area, better flavor." well, I've been getting better flavor out of 2,3, &4 wrap spaced kanthal coils than anything else. No matter what...
  35. KingClouds


    Hey everyone! So im looking for a good coil vendor, cheap prices but good quality. Oh and is there any places out there like zamplebox, but instead of juice, they send like coils, cotton, and stuff. Thanks!
  36. KingClouds


    Okay so i need help finding a vape that doesn't use up all my juice in one day and also doesn't burn up a bunch of coils.... so basically a vape that keeps juice good for awhile and keeps my coils fresh for around a month... Thank you for the help! :D kind of on a tight budget
  37. Ms. Trixy

    WTS - SMOK TFV4 Coils - Trip, Quad, Six - $20 each & FS

    I have 3 boxes of coils I no longer need. Brand new, never opened. $20.00 each and Free Shipping. Triple Coils (5) - $20.00 + FS Quad Coils (5) - $20.00 +FS Sextuplet Coils - $20.00 +FS Please specify which coil(s) you want and PM me your address. I will edit this post to update what has...
  38. Synphul

    Coil too hot?

    Hey folks, so I've been playing around with my coil builds the past several times testing different things out. Currently the only wire I have is 28ga 316L ss but I've tried with both single strands, twisted strands etc. I've tried spacing the wraps out, I've tried squeezing them together like a...
  39. jnine493

    Best Build for Cuboid Mini

    I am new to vaping and I just got a Cuboid Mini. I would love to start building coils on my own so I also got a Indulgence Mutation x S. I have a basic idea about how to build coils. It would be amazing if someone could provide me with the best wires to get ( I've heard a lot about 28 gauge...
  40. O

    Braided 24g Kanthal?

    So I've been wanting to try out a braided build, but all I have is 24g kanthal left at the moment. Has anyone ever tried it with 24g, and if so how did it work out for you? Figured I'd post here and ask because I didn't really find anything when I googled it and all the braided stuff I've seen...
  41. Focalecig

    Hilarious Vape Gears/Building

    I didn't see any related thread about this after searching. I posted a few funny pics about unbelievable buildings on our facebook group and page and our members like it a lot.. If you ever seen any funny building, post here and let's have a relaxing moment. Here we go... Fresh in real..
  42. dubcvapor

    WC Vapor is all stocked up!

    http://www.wcvaporcompany.com/ ☁ iStick Pico 75w Starter Kit (Silver, Black, Pink, Grey) ☁ Kanger Subvod and Subvod Mega's (All Colors) ☁ Reuleaux RX200S ☁ LE Underground Series Mod (Gold) ☁ Sigelie 213 Mod ☁ Koopor 300w TC Mod ☁ Smok H-Priv 220w TC Starter Kit ☁ Limitless RDTA by iJoy...
  43. W

    Will these coils fit?

    http://www.fastwow.com/original-5pcs-joyetech-ego-one-mega-vt-cl-ti-coil-head-0-4ohm-112.html Will these coils fit in my Evic VTC Mini/Tron S tank? I was wondering because the normal coils don't have the 'mega' bit. The coils are: Joyetech eGo One Mega VT CL-Ti
  44. W

    Coil problems on an Aspire Mini Pegasus / Mini Triton

    hi there, I'm hoping somebody can help me here... I vape using the Aspire mini odyssey Kit and the 0.15 Ni coils. My coils are burning out way too fast (between 1 and 2 days max). I prime them properly and don't chain vape either, vaping between 400F and 500F. The liquid I use is the Element...
  45. B

    Atomizer goes from dense vapor production to whispy production..HELP

    I've never encountered this problem until now. My Temple RDA will produce a good dense vapor to begin with, then it'll tone down to a light whisp production. Running a staged Clapton build 2x26K 1x36k staged with 1x22k Wrapped 7 times on a 3/16 .18 ohms Rx 200 mod (if that helps any)
  46. vapebeast92

    new vaper cuboid mini help

    Hi just started vaping. I bought a cuboid mini and am really confused, my question is about getting new coils. Can I just screw any coil onto It and put it into my tank or dose it have to be a joyetech coil. And if so witch ones? I know that the notch coils can be bought and used but I'm not...
  47. I

    Framed Staple Alien Claptons from Illidari Coils

    The Framed Staple Alien Clapton is by far the best coil I have ever vaped on! Visit www.Illidaricoils.com to purchase your own!!! www.IllidariCoils.com
  48. Norwegian vaper

    Vaping in Norway

    Just wanted to say hi to forum-members and introduce myself to you guys. As you probably found out by my username and post, i'm from Norway. The laws on vaping are really screwed up in my country, it is allowed to own and use a mod, but selling ejuice with nicotine is illegal but luckily i have...
  49. borderlinepro

    Clapton Jig Rig Overview (Easy Fused)

    Claptons, for me, got a lot easier with this thing. .............. I bought the jig from vaped3d.com and got it in about 5 days ago. I've made about 50 ft of fused Clapton so far in those 5 days and pretty much every inch of it is flawless. I bought an extra clamp just in case the clips...
  50. CoilART vapor

    Giveaway ! Win CoilART Free ceramic coil -ends 4/19/2016

    About CoilART Coil Art is the Coil brand for Coil Tech, who manufacture and produce over 50 kinds of coils for the vaping industry. Mainly focused on R&D, full a range of vaping coil including CTBVC, CTOCC, CTCL, CTTF, Ceramic Coil, SIM coil, etc.(www.coilart.net) To enter this giveaway ...

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