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  1. H

    Alien 220w doesn't turn on

    Hi everyone, I've got some problem. All have started while I was charging my Smok Alien by cable connected to my PC. Then I disconnected it and put it on the site. After 10 minutes I took it to take a breath, and then I realized that my Alien doesnt work. I have tried lots of time to connect it...
  2. K


    I am not 100% sure where to post this but when I took the battery out it shot and this happened to my mod. Not sure what to do. https://ibb.co/k51907 There is the picture.
  3. I

    I’m just starting out and i need some help with choosing my first device

    So I am from Serbia and here vaping isn’t rly popular, so the selection is very poor. I need something portable that I can take with me anywhere I go. So out of like 50 devices that I saw I narrowed it down to 2. The first being the Joytech Exceed D19 And the second one being the Joytech eGo...
  4. R

    What coils is the torvap tf2 mini tank compatable with?

    I wanted to get into vaping so my friend gave me his old vape. It has an ijust s battery and a torvap tf2 mini tank but the coil is worn out. I wanted to buy a new coil for it but i don't know what kind to buy. Can anyone tell me what coils are compatable?
  5. T

    Juul Register Help??

    Recently my Juul has stopped working and a friend told me about the warranty program and when I went to register my device its saying that the product is already registered? I've never registered this device and the store I bought my Juul from isn't helping out either, any thoughts? Thanks
  6. G

    Ijoy capo 100, 25mm Atomizer?

    Hi, i currently own the IJoy capo 100 with the 22.5mm atomiser. I wanted to purchase the IJoy combo rdta 2 of 25mm. According to the website, no overhang would be noticeable with 26mm atomisers in this vape. Still, im not sure if it would fit. Because it looks too wide. Can anybody at least...
  7. S

    IJOY RDTA box mini 100W

    Hi i just want to ask if i can run for example 0.08ohm build on this device... On Page of this product is written 0.05-3.00 OHM.. But i want to know if i can use hardcore subohm build (0.05-0.13) on 100W what is maximum power of this device
  8. Pauline13

    Help!! Nicotine Salts!

    Hey everyone, I'm Pauline and I'm new here ☺️ I heard that you cannot use nicotine salts with every device, is that true?? If yes, then what types of devices can I use with Nicotine Salts??
  9. Ccube

    Ohm’s law

    Hello can someone explain to me how does the ohm’s law works please ?
  10. iMaverick

    Help me not blow up :) First time Vaper

    Guys I was gifted a brand new Smok G-Priv 2 with a Manta RTA tank and 24G Nichrome Ni80 wire. First Time Vaper here :) (Sorry, the thread being long) Can someone please help me figure this out without me blowing up my Face I checked YouTube on the Wattage and ohms but not 100% sure where to...
  11. S

    Cloud Chasing Coils

    Is there any difference between kantal and ss316 coils ? (beside resistance etc) And if can i use ss316 coils on Mech
  12. M

    Which of this 2 is better for vape production? help please

    eleaf i care 2 or Ego aio box by joytech?? which one is better overall, how about vape production? how long will the eleaaf i care 2 last for in terms of hours? i know the ego lasts a lot longer, but.. if thats the only difference then i dont mind it as long as the eleaf lets me chain smoke...
  13. degibox

    Am I using this thing correctly?

    Purchased a Leo mini mod yesterday. It's my first and only vape and I have no idea what I'm doing. The pulls seem very hot and harsh. It was my understanding this would be a clean, smooth experience without odor. That's not happening. The instructions say to press the button five times rapidly...
  14. S

    ELEAF ohm meter

    SO yesterday i bought my first ohm meter from Eleaf and i dont know if it is normal but it is reading too high.. i supposed to had 0.28 ohm (one coil) in my dual coil build so it should be something around 0.15-0.18 but it is reading 1.17. i was thinking that it is cuz i had cotton and liquid...
  15. B

    HELP!! Tesla Cigs Temp Protect Problem!!

    I have purchased a Tesla Punk 220W Mod and am not able to vape with an SS coil installed. As soon as i hit the fire button, it says "Temp Protect" which, as i understand means the coils are already at the prescribed temp (470 F). The dual coil set up shows a resistance of 0.29 ohms and i'm...
  16. L

    i need help finding a good new vape!

    im new to box mods. i just want to make sure im getting a good one. im sure yall have more experience in what to look for. so right now i am using a kangertech evod pro v2. i dropped it and it still works it just takes a little wiggling lol. so im looking for a new upgrade. the biggest...
  17. S

    Help me fix my mod please.

    hello, when I was in my local vape shop the other day my mod feel off a table onto hardwood floor, well the batteries flew out and so I put them in a bay to charge them and as soon as I put them back in my mod started heating up without being fired and so took out the batteries and then put them...
  18. L

    vaping making me sick!

    sorta new to vapeing. so i vape 0nic. so not nic overdose. but some flavors just make me sick to my stomach. like im going to puke! but its when i take the first inhale. it is immediate after exhale. and its not like the flavor is gross. when i smell it it smells amazing. its just when i vape it...
  19. S

    Ohm reader

    hello I’ve recently bought an rda and am planning on getting a coil building kit, but I have no clue what an ohm reader does, I know it tells you the ohms but why do you need that, and I plan on putting my rda on a smok t-priv until I get a mech mod, so any and all information on ohm readers...
  20. Zentacles

    SMOK TVF8 Cloud Beast Coils - V8-T10 & V8-X4 Experience?

    Hey there fellow vapers, Got myself the TFV8 about 2-months ago, and it's been going really well. I've managed to try out the V8-T8, V8-T6, and V8-Q4 coils. But haven't had the chance to try the V8-T10 & V8-X4 yet. Does anyone have any experience with these coils? Pros and cons? For those...
  21. Sin_Fallen

    Vaping Causes me to be light headed.

    I was a smoker since i was 13, im 22 now and i started vaping 6 months ago. I started at 6mg and then dropped to 3 and then 1.5 and now i just started with 0 but just recently the past 2 days when ever i vape i get light headed, dizzy and my head feels like its being squeezed almost like a...
  22. A

    Best coil to use with Smok Pro color?

    So I'm new to the vaping scene and honestly don't know much. My vape was burning the hell out of my throat and I knew my coil wasn't burnt because when I pulled it out, it was still clean. I figured out it was the ohm's that were part of the problem, but I'm just trying to see which coil would...
  23. C

    help wismec predator 228

    I bought a wismec predator 228 around a month ago, I have used it a lot. I have a few problems for example I dont know why it is overheating so much after a few puffs I dont know if I should change the temperature and the aettings or something please help. Also I have a question on why I have...
  24. Frankster2591

    t priv won’t turn back on after firmware update help

    So I was messing around in the settings of my mod and I saw a firmware update and decided to download it after that it wouldn’t turn back on i waited for at least 3 hours and tried to charge and flip the batteries but still wouldn’t work. Anyone know how I could fix this
  25. D

    Need help with Ijoy 21700 battery

    Hello, i've put a ijoy 21700 battery in my Ijoy Capo 100, it turn on the display but when i pressed it the device turns off. I've mesured de voltage and it was at 4.12V, is there any fix to it?
  26. Luigibmw

    SMOK TFV12 Flavour Problem

    Hello, firstly I would like to say hi to all fellow vapers ;) Secondly I wanted to ask people more experienced than me for an advice, ive been vaping for quite a while now and fell in love with SMOK products and their tanks so first of all i was using baby beast which was great but I wanted...
  27. Lucros

    When tracking says order not Found

    hello, this is my first order from 3FVape and when trying to track it, it says can not be located, attached will be a screenshot of the tracking and the shipment number Please help If it makes any difference I did pay the little bit extra for 7-14 day shipping
  28. Lucros

    Advice on coil type for a tube

    hello! Just needed some advice for a coil type that doesn’t have ridiculous ramp up but gives off fantastic clouds, as safely as possible. Currently I’m doing a 24g twisted dual setup on a drop RDA on my vgod Elite tube, I have lg hb6 (pink) and vtc5a’s, this build has somewhat decent clouds...
  29. jnine493

    I need some help to get into dripping and RDAs

    Hello everyone! I am relatively new to vaping and I just got a SMOK AL85 which I love! I want to venture out and try new juices and flavors but using the baby beast tank kind of limits how much I can really try without wasting some juice each time I want to put a new one in. I have a Mutation xs...
  30. Lucros

    Do you prefer higher ohm series or low ohm parallel and why?

    I have a tube and a pulse Mech (disappointment lol), but I was wanting a parallel or a series but I don’t know which I would prefer, I like quick ramp up time and from my understanding a series ramps up quicker, I always run dual coils typically in the .18-.25 range, no real interest I. Doing...
  31. C

    Need help with travelling to a different country

    Hello all! Just wondering on your thoughts on travelling with vape gear by plane? I'm going on a trip in almost 2 weeks. I'm going to the Philippines but my plane will have a stop over at China. I'm just wondering what I need to do to prepare, put in mod and batteries in carry-on, etc. Does...
  32. irradiated

    Broken screw on authentic El Diablo Satan series box mod

    I broke one of the plastic screws on the bottom of my El Diablo Satan awhile ago like a dummy, and I've been searching for a fix ever since. I'd love to get this thing going again, but El Diablo themselves won't help at all, they won't even tell me the thread sizing lol. I probably won't be...
  33. St3zzY


    Okay so i have been doing DIY E Juice for a while now probably around 2 months and for the last 2 months i haven't been putting any nicotine in my E Juice but recently i decided to buy myself some nicotine from Can Vape its 48mg VG Base... Every juice i have made without nicotine taste amazing...
  34. Brendanmx


    So we have a SMOK t pic here and it’s having a problem. It shows the 2 batteries across the screen line it’s charging and they re appear every time the fire button is pressed. And it says check atomizer every time you fire it. We already tried the firmware re flash and nothing. Anyone have this...
  35. H

    Help me identify this mod

    I bought this and can't figure out what brand or the name of it. It is a dual 18650 200 watts with TC. It is blue and triangular.
  36. Lucros

    Reccomedation for Pre-Built RDA coils?

    Hello! Was wondering what you all would recommend for Pre-built coils, Id like SS as ramp up time ruins the vape for me, I’ll be using a Pulse BF sqounk mod, Dead Rabbit RDA, and a iJoy 20700 3000mAh 40amp battery (cant remember the video but I believe the continuous discharge rate is 30amps)...
  37. Lucros

    Help picking a good RDA for my mod?

    hello everyone, I’m new to the forum and inexperienced with building, but am willing to learn and do the proper research. SO My question is what RDA’s do you all use and love, Ive heard the Pulse 24 and Dead Rabbit are both good options as well as the Goon RDA, basically I’m searching for...
  38. C

    Nicotine Level and New Mod

    Hi forum, new guy here: I started vaping probably 6 weeks ago when my friend gave me his old vape and filled me up with some 6mg juice. I didn’t mind 6mg on that particular mod. As a Christmas present, I received a SMOK 220W and really like it, except I’m using 3mg juice now and feel a much...
  39. Acruelfate

    Smok al85 upside down and reversed screen

    i haven't used my vape for a couple weeks and I went to use it, and it was dead . So naturally you charge it , I use a USB . I notice the battery icon was upside down . Which is odd , so I flip it upside down and not only is it upside down . Everything is reversed . (Like a mirror) can anyone...
  40. G

    G PRIV

    Hey, so I picked up the g priv for a great price from one of my friends and the first couple days were good up until I put a new coil in (it came with 3 TVF12 coils) so I put in the T12 and it asked me "NEW COIL?" and I pressed Y when I should have pressed N (friend told me he always pressed N)...
  41. V


    SO... when I inhale my vape and hold the fire button its all good until 2 seconds later I hear a CRACKELING noise then it gets really hot in my mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!! help!
  42. V

    When I vape it burns my tongue :( *HELP :3*

    hey guys and girls, when I vape my new priv v8 with 0.25ohm and it says 30-50W (Priv V8 is 60W!..) so when I vape it for more then 2 seconds it burns my tongue please help
  43. FTF61


    Hi guys im new at wicking and builng rta decks.. İ bought a Gemini RTA 22mm for my vaporesso swag kit.. İ used 26 ga kanthal wire and rapid wick. After wicking, i get juiced wicks and waited about 15-20 mn.. then i tried it, cloud was good but flaovour is sick...Didnt get any flavour. İ tried...
  44. C

    Wondering about this Ni80 wire

    Hello guys, so I found somebody selling Ni80 wire that contains/has a composition of 21% Chromium, 1% aluminum, 1% Carbon, 1.5% Manganese, 0.2% Silicon, 0.04% Copper, 7%-(20%?) Titanium, and especially 0.8% Iron. Is this wire okay to use? The person did say it's very clean plus machined clean...
  45. R

    Help - Building A Flavorful Mod?

    I desperately need help. I want to build the perfect mod that brings out the fullest of flavor. I'm working with a budget of no more than $200. Could someone recommend me a full build? Including a box, the RDA/tank/etc, wire, and any other recommendations. Extra points if you add "why" you...
  46. Pyres736

    New Smok t priv issus

    Hi heres a little bit about myself I'm fairly new to vaping I just bought myself a smok t priv and it's been more or less a headache before I bought this I was using the vaporesso 75 watt with a cleito aspire tank worked great so I thought i would get the upgrade to what I have now but the coils...
  47. H

    Twelve juno pods running out like crazy

    Hi, I am a very new vaper and I have a twelve juno. When I briefly had one of these before it would take me a week or so to go through a whole pod. The last two pods I had have randomly gone from more than half full to nearly empty in about two hours, while I did not touch the vape at all. It...
  48. Vapuur

    New vaper paradise

    Hello dear Vapors. As the new EU regulations almost got me back on cigarettes, because of the nicotine base isnt't possible to get anywhere( only with the nicotine shots, which i dislike, and its lot more expensive) i searched for the place where i still can get ready- nicotine base. And i...
  49. A


    Hello, I have recently started vaping this week and am afraid I have broken it already. I was unscrewing to refill it and believe I unscrewed the wrong part. The tank is now leaking and it feels like I am not getting a full vape. The model is the Innokin endura t20. There seems to be a small gap...
  50. S

    Please help a girl out

    Hello :) So I have a Smok AL85 with a baby beast tank. My husband and I share coils and we are currently using the .2 ohm coil. It has 3 little cotton "holes" lol I don't know how else to say it but it's got 3 of them inside the coil rather than just the standard 1. My question is at what...

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