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  1. D

    Suggestion on: first BF RDTA/RTA or, waste of money?

    Just ordered my first squonk. Gbox was on sale for 50% off so I just decided it was time to take the plunge. But what I'm asking now is are there are any good and easy-ish to wick rdta/rta that are also bottom feed? It just pops up with nothing but BF RDA only with rdta sporadically thrown in...
  2. inDepth

    Smok Infinix All Coils Tasting Burnt

    Hello everyone. I'm a fresh new vaper, and to start i just got something really handy, that i can just put in my pocket and get it out when i want, that i don't have to maintain or anything because i still have to learn. So, my decision was to buy a Smok Infinix, and it all went good, until...
  3. Penguin99

    CSMNT RDA leaking

    Hi I recently purchased a Csmnt RDA and have tried various builds and wicking techniques and every time it leaks on me and I don't know why. Any help is appreciated.
  4. D

    Help with juice running down the side of rda deck between wall and post deck?

    See image for illustration. What I'm talking about is the juice that's literally ALL OVER the wall of the post deck, even with a firm and snug fitting cap/wall/whatever you call in being in place. I never overfill it, or drip it onto the walls on accident, but every few hours or so a day sure...
  5. D

    Premixed diluted Vg nicotine & ph flavoring questions.

    So I'm about to, (hoorah!), make the move to mixing my own ejuice but I have one question that google is a little difficult In answering. So i thought i would turn to my trusted source for all the truly accurate information out there. (Anyone needs clarification, please let me know!!!) I dont...
  6. D

    help with max voltage charge point on Nitecore NEW i2 charger?

    i apologize as this is a repost from a different forum section but i am currently in the process of figuring out how to delete it. Before anyone commits to the old adage, RTFM. I have, and while it covered the topic I am asking about it did not do it well... I am waiting on my star but for now...
  7. D

    Nitecore i2 NEW charger questions for 3.7 v batteries

    Before anyone commits to the old adage, RTFM. I have, and while it covered the topic I am asking about it did not do it well... I am waiting on my star but for now this is all i have and I have read that you can select with the c and v buttons respectively to select the charging limit. I.e...
  8. D

    Safe application of vtc6s instead of 5a in regulated mod?

    Hi all! First post, So I began building the other day ok n my aegis legend 200w. I have vtc5a as well as vtc6 batteries. I've found regardless of resistance, I run around 85- maybe 105 watts normally for ideal vapor and flavor in either a .15 ohm coil in a tank, or usually about .24 or .18 on...
  9. 2

    What would you suggest the best MOD would be for me?

    I have had Eleaf IStick TC40's for a long time but I have the TFV12 Prince Tank and I am looking for a good mod (The mod DOES NOT have to use the TFV12Prince Tank as I have been told SMOK ® is bad for some reason.) What is the best mod there is (either for my tank if it isn't bad because I find...
  10. 2

    What would be the best MOD for me?

    I have had Eleaf IStick TC40's for a long time but I have the TFV12 Prince Tank and I am looking for a good mod (The mod DOES NOT have to use the TFV12Prince Tank as I have been told SMOK ® is bad for some reason.) What is the best mod there is (either for my tank if it isn't bad because I find...
  11. Odin

    I’m REALLY clueless on vapes

    Hello, I hope some of you can help me out. I’m planning on buying my boyfriend a vape as a gift but I have no knowledge on which vape is good or not and yt reviews are not really helping. So far I have foundout there are vapes for amateurs/beginners to experts and idk which is best suitable...
  12. 2

    I have never vaped with a mod before and have some questions.

    First of all, how long do the batteries that you purchase for them generally last (I am talking about how many charges you get out of them not how long they last for each charge). I already did some research on this topic and know that you are supposed to "marry" the batteries for Dual-Battery...
  13. a dude

    Is this safe to vape on?

    So on my mod (Minikin v2) the battery spring was loose and the mod wouldn't start beacuse of that. I solved the problem by putting some white adhesive gum (a thing like Blu Tack) on the top side of the battery slot that were loose (see picture). The adhesive it self do not touch anything vital...
  14. L

    I lowered my nicotine level and I'm a blast furnace now.. ?

    Hello! I used to vape around 12 mg of nicotine and some time ago I lowered the nicotine level due to throat health issues. My throat is singing now, no more swallowing problems, no more panic attacks that I'd suffocate or any stuff like that and while my throat is singing, my wallet is...
  15. J

    I cant find info on this battery

    Hello all, this is my first post on here and am excited for feedback as this seems to be a very helpful place. So I went to a local store and picked up a couple 20700 batteries for my pulse as I was using 18650's and wanted to step up for a little longer life. Well I completely spaced on asking...
  16. F

    20MG in my SMOK M17 Priv?

    Good evening everybody I'm new to this forum so please don't hate! Basically I'm back off smoking again, my x baby beast tank and alien mod didn't do it for me so I've got myself and my girlfriend a SMOK M17 Privs, I've got tonnes of 12mg and 6mg liquids for me E Cigarette, however I've...
  17. K

    Please read i need some help❤️

    So im pretty new to this thing and i would like to know something , so i got this USB Charger with me , but can i connect it to any type of adapter like A5 or A1 or do i need an specific adapter aswell?
  18. Mec


    I've touched up on a little bit of Ohm's law and i still can't figure out the max resistance i can build a coil for said battery. The only way i know that the resistance is too high is the chip, but I have also been looking into getting a mech mod and am trying to wrap my head around trying to...
  19. tcookj

    Beginner Vaper OIF Vet requesting help with getting a mod

    My name is Tim. I recently decided to quit smoking. My brother has successfully been off ciggs for two years since he started vaping. I tried his vape and cant believe how it satisfied my craving with smoke that tastes like fruit loops. He let me borrow his vape for a week and im stuck. I really...
  20. W

    Please help my brand new rdta wont work

    Ok so I bought a Pyro v2 by Vandy Vape cause all of the reviews for it were amazing. I cut coils and put them in and then screwed it into my smok tpriv 3 and it said check atomizer and didn’t register that there was a coil. I tried my other rdta and it works just fine. I contacted Vandy Vape and...
  21. Juuzxu

    Please help not sure what do to

    Hello Im new to vaping and already have a problem And Im not sure what do to. these what ever they are called In the pic wont stick together Do I need to buy another one?
  22. E

    Snowwolf Mini 75W.. Best compatible tank?

    Hey guys, So I'm fairly new to vaping, but I got myself a Snowwolf Mini 75, and am looking to get a tank with prebuilt coils for it. However, I know this mod isn't SUPER powerful so I was wondering if anyone knows of some good suggestions? I'm mostly looking for tanks that provide good flavor.
  23. amincey34

    MILITARY VAPING! Transition/Deployment Help

    I'm by far the last person to ask for any help but here in Afghanistan myself and my platoon are trying our very best to quit dipping and smoking so we all had some vapes sent out to us and where we are currently at its a pain and a hassle to get anything sent to us much less order stuff and was...
  24. S

    Ohm reading of my coils

    Today i built my first clapton coils since i thought that those coils can be interesting to use/try. I was using parallel kanthal coils for a while and i have never used those more "complicated" wires ever before. i was calculating how much wraps should i do so my ohms will be somewhere around...
  25. C

    Short issues Because of baby beast rba coil :mad::mad: (t-priv)

    I have the t-priv mod + big baby beast tank.I ordered the rba coil, was working good for like 2-3 months someting there was false ohm reading but ok. 3 days ago it's started shorting my vape, there was the message of "don't abuse products". tried few videos to fix the coil and i cleaned my...
  26. Z

    Vape n00b w/Predator 228

    I need help :( I am not very educated in the vaping world, I mainly just started them as a less stinky & better tasting alternative to cigarettes. I've been using smaller vape pens for years now and decided to take the plunge and get a bigger vape so that I don't have to charge it multiple times...
  27. schism85

    Sourin Air - Where To Buy? - Direct Vapor?

    I’m sorry if this is in the wrong place. Mods please move it if needed. I want to buy a Sourin Air, but I’m not sure where the best place to purchase is. I’ve only bought from b&ms. I found while Direct Vapor charges $5 more, they offer free shipping, they’ll auto ship items I need like...
  28. S


    Never smoked cigarets before and I have never vaped before now, but experiencing quite a bit of pain at nights and finding myself waking up to numb arm and such. It's only been like a week and I have only smoked like 10 ML of juice. Very worried, wondering if I should just stop vaping. I tried...
  29. B

    Tesla 120 loose battery door

    I've been using my Tesla Steampunk nano 120 for almost a year now. Its my only vape and I use it everyday and since last month I noticed that the mod doesn't read the baterry so I have to slightly hit the mod so that it reads the battery. This usually happens right after I charge my battery (...
  30. E


    Hello Everyone, I'm wondering if you lovely people would help me out and give me some suggestions because even after a year I'm still not able to find a ecig that is either reliable or suited. My story is I gave up smoking after about 18 years and went onto vaping about 1.5 years ago, initially...
  31. SalliV

    Is it time to replace?

    So I was wrapping up for the day at work yesterday and noticed to my geekvape blade was reading like it was changing. Note that it's only about a month since I've got the thing and it hasn't had any life or death drops, now I did the usual pulled the batteries out cleaned it up, as soon as I...
  32. Crystal Queen

    Snow Wolf VFeng or Vaporesso Switcher

    I'm needing to buy a new mod and not sure which one to get, I have it down to these 2, the Snow Wolf VFeng or the Vaporesso Switcher. Just wanted to get your guys opinion on them. I have 2 main tanks one I build coils and that one I vape about 30 - 40 watts ( GeekVape Griffin 25 RTA ) the...
  33. firellym

    Desperate Help

    I was just given a Tfv12 tank, and I decided to finally try it out tonight. My fireluke was stuck on the mod, and yes I successfully got it off and switched out the tanks. After wanting to go back to my fireluke, when I removed the Tfv12, the atomizer decided to shit itself. After looking online...
  34. V


  35. Grand Rapids E-Liquid

    Easiest way to prime coils!

    Just wrote a blog article on our website. It started out as a funny joke and turned into the easiest way to prime a coil. Check it out ( https://rwn3e4rlidn5rzdm-6596149.shopifypreview.com/blogs/grand-rapids-e-liquid-blog/articles?preview_key=fca05c31557ed930f482f6f1f1955241 )
  36. KeazyCuban


    Hey guys, So I have a smok mag box mod with a tank that holds a v12 prince coil. I don’t know how or why but for some reason my tank will not hold when i screw it into the mod. It just keeps spinning to the right and the mod can not read the coil. I honestly am stuck and could use some help...
  37. C

    Help with building coils and safeties

    I have a voopoo drag with the gene chip in it. I recently purchased a rda and a kit along with wire and cotton. I have researched ohm law and looked at coil building calculators. I have two 18650 batteries with 20 continuous and 30 pulse amps. they are both 3.7 volts. I'm confused as to since i...
  38. L

    coil help

    so i have a joyetech eGO AIO and my coil is burnt. I don't have any money and need some way to substitute the heating coil. I have heard that for the wicking fabric i can use q-tip cotton but will it hurt my device in any way.
  39. E

    Friends, help a brother out.

    Hello guys, a long time lurker here, however this is my first post. I'm sorry in advance if this is in the wrong place, and im sorry as this is likely asked way too often! I'd like to thank the countless people who share their knowledge here. You've helped me kick a dirty smoking habit...maybe...
  40. SalliV

    Little help with this

    Howdy new but not new, so I've got one coil to glow nice but my other coil in my duel doesn't seam to go above a slight glow any clues. Setup: Geekvape blade Baby beast brother SS 316 Clapton 5 wraps 2.5mm inner 30g Dry burning at 40watts Vapes at 80 0.15 ohms Any help would be grand Salliv
  41. TrapBox

    Vgod atomizer comparability with procolor?

    Hi, I currently own a smok procolor, will the vgod elite rda atomizer be worth it? Will it work for the procolor? If so, at what wattage should it be running at? Also what are some pros and cons of the vgod elite rda
  42. SpaceOctopus

    Smoktech Guardian 3??

    Hey, I hope this is the right place to post this. Please let me know if it isn't. So I have decided I'd really really like to buy one of these and to my dismay, I can't seem to find one actually for sale anywhere (I looked for a while). I realize they were discontinued(?), but am I completely...
  43. mcdubs20

    Need Help!

    Hello all I've been vaping for awhile now and never had a problem like this. I've been using the tfv12 for a few months and everything was fine, no major problems. Recently, though, it seems that every new coil head I install in the tank burns the very same day and it has been happening entirely...
  44. S

    No glow when firing new coil

    So I'm new to building coils and this is my first time with an RTA. I'm using the Vaporesso Revenger kit with a Zeus RTA (single coil). So I went ahead and built a parallel coil (I was recommended to do so by the guy from the vape shop where I bought it) and wicked it up before testing for hot...
  45. Juicy-j

    Mechanical mod build question...help!

    So im kimda new to mechs...know my safety and all the "prerequisites" I been using a series and loved it, decided to get a timekeeper tube. He4es the questions.....i camt get a build that hits hard. No matt3r what type of build i throw down, i havr super slow ramp up and just "meh" hits....from...
  46. T

    i need help! with my stick v8!

    i need help on with my sick the ligths is flashing red
  47. Tempro

    eVic Primo Mini Malfunctioning

    Hello! So i got a 6 months old Primo mini by Joyetech and it started acting strangely. First sings were that it didnt want to fire some times and it started giving out a buzzing whistling noise for the duration i held down the fire button. 2nd problem was that when the noises stopped it...
  48. V

    New to mech mods.. What can my battery run

    OK I need help bad. I just got my first single battery mech mod. And I need to know if I can safely run dual coils . Obviously I don't know a whole lot yet, really just the basics. Someone plz help
  49. S

    Looking for Juice help.

    Hey! thanks for reading, so ive been pretty faithful to the same juice for the past two years and ive deiced to switch it up and try some new things, the only thing i used before was 50/50 VG/PG at 8mg of Nic. Ive been experimenting with different flavors and VG levels but only been buying 3mg...
  50. S

    Battery/Mod Help (First RDA)

    Hey i just wanna thank you in advance for reading this! So i have been vaping for about 3 years now and i decided i want to join the ban wagon of RDAs. I just bought my RDA last night the iJoy Limitless 24 mostly because of the velocity style deck and it came with pre-made coils! Anyways i...

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