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  1. r055co

    New Merlin in Development

    Interesting - Diameter: 22 mm Capacity: 3.5 mm 40 mm Tall Without Drip Tip 47 mm Tall with Drip tip The dome of the inner chamber looks like it should be good for flavor. Between the two possible designs I'm liking the cyclops design better on the right. I do think they should have a bit...
  2. r055co

    Top Airflow - I don't Understand

    I don't understand the appeal, none, zilch, not at all. IMO it dilutes the flavor and does a very poor job cooling the coils. In order of best airflow Bottom Side Combination of the two I've just been seeing more top airflow designs coming out and all I do is scratch my head.
  3. Paratech

    SMOK Skyhook RDTA Tank

    Anyone else in line for this? I for one want to know just how closely matched it is to the Combo RDTA or even the Limitless RDTA Plus. http://www.smoktech.com/atomizer/skyhook-rdta-tank
  4. T

    Can I use Kangertech Toptank mini on my Subox mini?

    Hi, I have a mod for a 50 watt Kangertech Subox mini, and I just bought a tank for it online, but I realized I bought the TopTank Mini instead of a SubTank Mini. Will this tank still work with my mod? Please reply quick, I need to know whether I should cancel it. Thank You.
  5. R

    What to buy?

    Just want to get peoples opinion on what seems to be better, the uwell crown or the crown 2? Been looking at both and people seemed to have problems with the the uwell crown 2 at the start due to the coils. However I don't know if this has changed at all or if the issues with the crown 2 have...
  6. jakedoesvape

    Dropped Vape and tank broke off leaving mystery...

    Hello, I am new to the whole forum thing but I wanted to ask about something. The other night I unfortunately dropped my Smok Xcube Mini and the tank broke off, but the box seems to be still working fine. The big issue if that the connector where the tank screws in has the middle part popped up...
  7. D

    Tron-S problem

    Hello, I bought a eVic vtc mini with a Tron-S tank on Monday, so I set it up and started smoking, but after 3 days it started pulling liquid in my mouth. I changed the coil with something I got from a local shop "not sure exactly what model it is :/", I cleaned the old liquid from the tank and...
  8. VapingMurse

    More Airflow on the Limitless RDTA Plus?

    Hey everyone, First time posting here, glad to finally join. I wanted to get some others opinions on something before i go ahead with it. I had the original limitless RDTA and i liked it, but i love the upgraded build deck on the plus, as well as the bigger juice well. Anyways, on my plus, I...
  9. R

    Tfv8 baby beast issues

    Hello all, So I have been using the smok alien starter kit for about 3 weeks and have started having issues with the tfv8 baby beast. The issues I'm seeing are: 1) it seems that there is a leaking from the glass or seal as the glass feels slick and I can see very light juice on my hand after...
  10. r055co

    VGod Trick Tank Pro

    I took a chance and ordered a SS and Black one. I have the Limitless Plus and to be honest I'm not that thrilled with it. Way too airy and IMO muted flavor, I did a series build on it and ran it on my Series Mod's and it gave me an acceptable Vape. But to be honest haven't been really...
  11. Ramsay Bolton

    Vapwiz (A UD / Youde Sub-Brand) Pollux 22 Tank (Top Airflow Design)

    Vapwiz is a UD / Youde Sub-brand similar to Digiflavor and Geekvape. Not on the market yet, so this is only preliminary info. No mention of an RBA coil, but maybe there's an RTA version in the works.
  12. C

    Tank band for kanger subvod-c?

    Just bought the new Kanger subvod-c kit and I can not find any bands to fit my tank? Diameter is 18.5mm. Anyone have any idea where to point me too?
  13. O

    Tank for Kangertech Kbox 120W?

    Just bought a Kangertech Kbox 120W mod from a friend of mine. I'm thinking of getting a new tank for it, any suggestions as to what I should get? My price range is up to 30$. Thank You!
  14. S

    Huge sale on everything at Salk Street Vapor Shoppes Ossington and Bloor Toronto

    We did it! Salk Street Vapor Shoppes has opened its second location at Ossington and Bloor. Doors are officially open. Steps from Ossington Station. 904 Bloor St. West and open until 9pm. Free 30ml Bottle with in-store #handcheck Join our rewards program this week (Buy 4 and 5th is Free) and...
  15. cooltommy100

    istick 100w TC + herakles plus?

    Hello vapers, I ordered the istick 100w TC, and want to order the herakles plus. But what coils do i need to get and on what setting do i need to set my vape on? Do you guys recommend this tank with this vape? And what is the maximal wattage for this tank? thanks! excuse me for being a complete...
  16. Matty102

    Juice in tank.

    okay, why is it that every tank I have ever had gets juice in the stem and drip tip? I don't want to be ingesting juice when I vape. Tanks I have had. Aspire, Kanger, Uwell, and eleaf. All tanks these companies have released. I am now look at the Aspire Nautilus X. Will I get any satisfaction...
  17. cooltommy100

    What tank to buy?

    Hello vapers, I just bought my first vape, but i need a tank with it. I ordered the Eleaf Istick 100w TC. I'm looking for a tank that can reach 100w and have some nice flavour. Im mostly going to vape around 40-50w, but if i feel like blowing big clouds, im going for the higher wattage. So can...
  18. stevenbuker12

    Looking for aromamizer supreme!

    Looking for the aromamizer supreme! Lite or not lite so shoot me trades or prices. Here is a list of things I have to trade for it, please
  19. Vape_FTW

    [Vape FTW] Griffin RTA marked down to just $14.99!

    Hey VU! Just wanted to let you guys know that we've marked down our remaining stock of Griffin RTA's to just $14.99! We only have a few left, so snag 'em while you can! https://vapeftw.net/product/griffin-rta/ I also feel that we should mention our current 50% off e-liquid promo is expiring as...
  20. Vape Syndicate

    UD Mesmer Tank Review

    This review is for the UD Mesmer tank.
  21. Matty102

    Small tanks?

    Why is it that all the tank here lately is so small? 3ml, 4ml, and sometimes 5ml. I have a crown v1 tank and it is 4ml. I fill this thing up probably 6/7 times a day. So frustrating!!
  22. Vape Syndicate

    Cloudnus RDTA by Vapeston Review ~ Vape Syndicate

  23. Vape Syndicate

    EZ Tank by UD Review ~ Vape Syndicate

  24. Khaoticfury

    Griffin 25 Plus!

    Is this the answer to my prayers? It appears they have fixed everything I didn't like about the Griffin 25. 1. They removed juice flow control. Some may see this as a con, but I blame the juice control for the mysterious "seapage" many, including myself, have encountered. 2. They fixed the...
  25. S

    Looking for Mod (Singapore)

    Hi guys so i recently ordered a Snowwolf 200w from a guy and I got cheated off my $290: He never sent it to me HAHAHAHHA. Now is there any suppliers or fellow papers going into JB that can hook me up with a Snowwvlf 200w and a TFV8 Smok tank? HELP!
  26. Khaoticfury

    Herakles RTA-2 vs Griffin 25

    Just wondering what the consensus is regarding these two. I have a Griffin 25 right now but have had vacuum problems and "seapage" from between the AFC ring and the bottom ring of the tank. I am considering ordering the Herakles RTA-2 next paycheck.
  27. D

    Geek vape eagle?

    anybody out there have one of these? I dont know how to build coils but I heard that these come with pre built decks that you can rewick. Can anybody recommend this rta?
  28. cloudking666

    GOLD Super tank Mini?

    Saw this today on IG, looks great i have to pick up one of these for sure. glad they included a chuff cap for free I think it retails for about 45? dont quote me on that. i need to get my hands on a 25mm https://www.instagram.com/p/BIlUwTVA8o0/?taken-by=tobecoofficial
  29. Ramsay Bolton

    Wismec Cylin RTA (Designed by JayBo)

    Having a hard time keeping up with all the new vape gear being release just about every single day. :gaah: Wismec Cylin RTA (Designed by JayBo) Product Introduction The Cylin RTA, designed by JayBo, is an auto dripping system which utilizes a removable tank section. The Cylin atomizer can...
  30. V

    Vaporesso Nalu RDA and Guardian Tank Giveaway, 2 Prize, 2 Winners!!!!Ends 7/25/16

    Hello, VU Friends, Vaporesso is back with 2 more shining device for giveaway! Nalu RDA Spec info: http://www.vaporesso.com/atomizers/rdas/nalu-rda-atomizer video info: Guardian Tank: Spec info: http://www.vaporesso.com/vape-atomizers-vape-tanks-guardian-vape-tank Ready to enter? Here we...
  31. Apaine98

    Transition, hunting for a mod (regulated)

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a new vape mod, this time around I would like to spend near $100 for everything, I'm not looking for a kit but looking for a mod and appropriate tank. I'm looking more for flavor but clouds would be excellent as well. I dropped vaping for a while and picked back up on...
  32. xkimberlyrenee

    Griffin 22 problems?

    I got the Griffin 22 tank about a week ago, and I'm really disappointed. First, I barely get any flavor, I always end up going back to my dripper. I've tried temp control nickel could which sucked (though they've sucked in everything I've tried them in, but that's another thread) and I've used...
  33. justhetim

    Enigma Tank by MKVapes

    hey guys, i just got this tank from one of my buddies and he told me to try it. i seen a video on instagram with a guy i believe is the maker hitting the tank at 300w with a Koopr Primus. anyone have more details of this tank?? any thoughts? so far, ive been using it for an hour and flavor and...
  34. Focalecig

    $14.5 Limitless Mod Clone Free Shipping

    $15.8 Scottua Tank Style 4ml/10ml RTA Atomizer- Free Shipping Coupon Code: FCSHARE for 5% off Finally, it is here. A while ago, i just watched a video about this atomizer. It is ready to order now! http://focalecig.com/…/Scottua-Style4ml-10ml-RTA-Rebuildabl
  35. T

    Cloud Chasing with ?

    Hey Vape Family ! So you probably going to laugh at me, well i can understand. Got a couple of questions here where i hope to get some help with! So first things first, my Setup: Eleaf iStick TC100W with Herakles Plus Sub Ohm Tank (0,2Ohm Coil Ni200). Well, since i started making my own...
  36. Orange Splice

    Old but unused atomizers not vaping

    I bought two new mods and a fresh set of 18650s but my atomizers aren't working. They're old but were never used or opened. The mods are both pretty advanced 1s the Heatvape invader mini and the others a BEC Pro by Smok. I'm thinking maybe do they require a special quality of atomizer? The...
  37. Deanerweaner

    Looking To Upgrade My Tank. Noob

    Im brand new to vaping (one week) and haven't smoke a cigarette since starting this wonderful adventure. I have the Vaporesso Target 75vtc. I purchased it without doing much research and ended up super happy about the product. Only thing I would change is the tank, its good and all but I want...
  38. L

    Legendgadget.com-Flash Sale,Weekend Sale,Discount Code,New Update

    Hello everyone, Welcome to legendgadget.com,the one-stop online vape shop,which can meet all your vaping needs. Only high quality ecigarette products are provided on legendgadget,like tanks, mods, complete kits, ejuice, batteries,DIY products and accessoriess,etc. Please keep an eye on...
  39. V

    Uwell Crown Issues PLEASE HELP

    Gear: Kanger Topbox mini Uwell Crown Samsung 18650 3mg 70/30 mix juice .5ohm coil vaping at 50watts ----------------------------------------------- I recently purchased a new mod being the kanger Topbox mini since my old mod quit working. I had been having issues with my old tank where no...
  40. SoulVaper

    Help me chose plz !!

    Hello friend. I want to get a RTA but im not shore with one shod i get. I'm between Simba RTA Tank by Youde and Griffin 25 RTA Top Airflow Version - Geekvape Witch one is the best to get grate flavor and vape production and it leaks the least or no leaking at all.
  41. K

    Sub ohm tank on above ohm battery?

    Hey im about to buy a 0.5 sub ohm tank, and i have a Justfog normal battery, (sold with a 1.8 ohm clearomizer). What will happen if i use the 0.5 subohm tank on that battery? (edit) So what will happen if you connect a battery, which probably doesnt support sub ohm, to a sub ohm tank? battery...
  42. A

    UP TO 50% OFF your favorite vape products! VIP PRICING!

    Blow Vapor's "Best in Vape Collection" just launched. Forgot paying a membership! Use promo code: FREEVIPMEMBER to get free access to exclusive VIP pricing. Get your favorite mods, tanks, and e-juices at great rates! Give it a chance, click the link below and check it out! :D...
  43. W

    Problem with SS coils in TC mode (TobBox Mini)

    Hello guys, So first Of all Im new to vaping. I got my first mod (Topbox Mini) a couple weeks ago and I've been vaping in TC mode with a Nickel coil at about 450-480 degrees fahrenheit. Today I decided to change my coil as my juice was apparently dissapearing so I put this new SS coil that came...
  44. Khaoticfury

    Avocado 24mm or Tornado?

    Looking to get an RDA experience in an RTA and am trying to decide between the GeekVape Avocado 24mm and the iJoy Tornado. Which one is better and why?
  45. bxh904

    In search of used tanks

    Hi there, just found this forum and it looks like an awesome bunch of folks. I just started vaping about 2 months ago and started with a KangerTech subox mini starter kit. I'm not as pleased with the flavor and the airflow on the tank itself, but I haven't got much money to spend. I'd like to...
  46. helloimbreezy

    Need help choosing a subohm tank for major clouds

    I have a eleaf istick 60w TC and a crown uwell tank on it. Was wondering if there's a better tank I can get for better clouds ?
  47. Vaping-is-complicated

    Curve Arc 2, CS Air Tank, and 100% VG

    Hi! So Im new to all this vaping stuff! I just brought a Curve Arc 2 from TW and I got a CS Air Tank with it. Ive been looking into PG and VG and I have TW Red Label and Odyssey liquids and I prefer the higher VG content. So Im planning to buy 100%/Max VG liquids from Ichor (are they nice btw...
  48. smokstore

    Ceramic Coils For Kanger Tanks

    hi,guys,today ge got the ceramic coils from coilart,the coilart CTOCC for kanger tanks, resistance is 0.5ohm,recommend work under 35watts, compatible with: kanger nebox kanger subvod kanger subtank kanger subtank plus kanger subtank mini kanger subtank nano longer lifespan than organic...
  49. CoilART vapor

    Giveaway ! Win CoilART Free ceramic coil -ends 4/19/2016

    About CoilART Coil Art is the Coil brand for Coil Tech, who manufacture and produce over 50 kinds of coils for the vaping industry. Mainly focused on R&D, full a range of vaping coil including CTBVC, CTOCC, CTCL, CTTF, Ceramic Coil, SIM coil, etc.(www.coilart.net) To enter this giveaway ...
  50. J

    New Vaper. Question Cleaning Tank, Atomizer base, and Drip tip.

    I was just wondering if my method for cleaning my tank was safe I have seen other threads about the topic but there didn't seem to be any consensus. I basically take my Nautilus tank completely apart and soak it for 10 minutes in 70% isopropyl alcohol. I then rinse each individual part with...

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