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So with all the negativity around this mod, does anybody actually have one? When real people with one say it's shit, that's good. When real people say it's great, that's even better. Till then this jury is out, and I wait for real reviews, one way or the other before passing judgement.


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So with all the negativity around this mod, does anybody actually have one? When real people with one say it's shit, that's good. When real people say it's great, that's even better. Till then this jury is out, and I wait for real reviews, one way or the other before passing judgement.
No one in this thread that I know of. Some people do have testers in hand and made videos. Provided enough information to prove this is "Dry hit prevention" within certain parameters. Not temp control.

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I already have a device in hand that does that, I would say evolv deserves the acknowledgment not ijoy. It's not like it took a nasa algorithm to calculate the amps but elvov beat them, the DNA 200 is available, the asolo isn't.
Didnt the Asolo come out b4 the dna 200?.


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The early posts talked about taste control rather than temp control. Much of a muchness in my view as we would set the temperature to the taste we wanted, whether that be 300F or 600F, or anywhere in between. Surely the point of the mod to maintain that setting, not necessarily to know what exact temperature that was. Personally I don't care or need to know, unless it was doing me harm by being too hot. As taste is subjective, a setting I like would like is not necessarily the setting others liked. It's far from being like baking a cake where the recipe says cook for 30 mins at x degrees F. Until the temperature study comes out we are all in the dark as far as harmfull effects are concerned at any particular temperature. 600F may well be over the top. With the units I have now I set to about 360C, but that varies with the type of juice I'm using.


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The early posts talked about taste control rather than temp control. Much of a muchness in my view as we would set the temperature to the taste we wanted, whether that be 300F or 600F, or anywhere in between. Surely the point of the mod to maintain that setting, not necessarily to know what exact temperature that was. Personally I don't care or need to know, unless it was doing me harm by being too hot. As taste is subjective, a setting I like would like is not necessarily the setting others liked. It's far from being like baking a cake where the recipe says cook for 30 mins at x degrees F. Until the temperature study comes out we are all in the dark as far as harmfull effects are concerned at any particular temperature. 600F may well be over the top. With the units I have now I set to about 360C, but that varies with the type of juice I'm using.

That's kinda the problem, there's no way to tell how hot it's running without actual display of temperature.

We don't even know if this device is trying to read temperature via resistance at all.


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Didnt the Asolo come out b4 the dna 200?.
I don't think the asolo is available yet and based on this thread it was still in development when the dna 200 board first became available.

Edit: and I'll add that IMO elvov was probably developing the dna 200 and all the features it has, long before the asolo was even a thought. Based on the time I think they had to put into the escribe software, I think elvov was working on all this many months ago. And for the record, in case it comes into question, I'm not an elvov fanboy, the dna 200 is my first product of theirs. I chose yihi over the dna 40, no regrets either.
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Mike H.

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I guess i didnt research the Dna200 well enough to know it had the amp meter feature...Still its something id like to see on more devices rather its temp control/taste control,


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From what I understand it does show the temperature though, although the control seems a bit strange in using percentages. The accuracy may be suspect, but that could be levelled at all the TC mods. We have no way to verify the reading in this or any other mod.


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I don't think the asolo is available yet and based on this thread it was still in development when the dna 200 board first became available.

Edit: and I'll add that IMO elvov was probably developing the dna 200 and all the features it has, long before the asolo was even a thought. Based on the time I think they had to put into the escribe software, I think elvov was working on all this many months ago. And for the record, in case it comes into question, I'm not an elvov fanboy, the dna 200 is my first product of theirs. I chose yihi over the dna 40, no regrets either.
The product would have taken much longer then the software would have. A program as simple as escribe would take roughly a week for a decent programmer to code but then again testing and working out the bugs may have taken longer. I think the design has been around for a little over 8 months (set in stone) but the idea much longer. I think the Asolo was cultivated just before this thread was thrown up and people that deal with this company are in a waiting line for information about their own product, this is just what Ive seen so far though. Take it with a grain of salt guys.


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The early posts talked about taste control rather than temp control. Much of a muchness in my view as we would set the temperature to the taste we wanted, whether that be 300F or 600F, or anywhere in between. Surely the point of the mod to maintain that setting, not necessarily to know what exact temperature that was. Personally I don't care or need to know, unless it was doing me harm by being too hot. As taste is subjective, a setting I like would like is not necessarily the setting others liked. It's far from being like baking a cake where the recipe says cook for 30 mins at x degrees F. Until the temperature study comes out we are all in the dark as far as harmfull effects are concerned at any particular temperature. 600F may well be over the top. With the units I have now I set to about 360C, but that varies with the type of juice I'm using.
It was originally boasted as temperature control, check the title of this thread, then it changed to taste control.

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Gotta admit that skit from chapelshow was hilarious!!


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And all of that 1st bit was caused by you guys' sleazy BS bait questions designed to confuse her. Here's a perfect example:

WTF izzat??? Seriously, wotta steming pile of bait question bullshit this is. You pulled this question right outta yer' ass G. Who in the flying flock defines temp control by acrolein formation? Nobody, that's who. And that is just one of dozens of you guys' troll posts designed to bait her and trip her up and use her limited English to demean her.

That last female avatar bit... guilty as charged.

The bottom line: Her video proved you guys wrong. You played poker with the wrong girl, and she took your stack.
And no amount of crying and pouting and bluster and rationalization will ever justify calling her a liar... or a troll... or a man...
Man up and deal with it.

Please go back and actually read the thread to see all the claims being made and changed far before the "sleazy BS questions" you keep referring to.

The post you quoted wasn't even trying to "defines temp control by acrolein formation", your reading comprehension is in need of some serious work.

And for about the 9000th time, please show me a video proving that this device is actually regulating temperature by any logical definition of the term, and please show me a video of it actually passing a cotton burn test. Nobody has been proven wrong at any point.

Examples of her blatant lying have been posted, quoted, reposted, and requoted, ad infinitum at this point, the fact that you don't want to actually read them doesn't mean they aren't there.

I'm beginning to think you're either trolling or just monumentally stupid at this point.

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and the only thing in your hand was your 2" flaccid dink.
what's a dink? And why is he concerned with it?

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I think he is mad because he has such a small penus?

And "DInk" is his pet name for the little guy.
Ahhhh well wait didn't former president carter grow those? He is all about altruism now, maybe we can get the two together.


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Don't worry all.

Shark Dink will be around in a bit.

Hissy fits for all.

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Don't worry all.

Shark Dink will be around in a bit.

Hissy fits for all.
we should have popcorn and balloons, would hate for him/her (must be all inclusive) to feel uncomfortable

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I don't think you should be backing these lying racist female abusers.

Very interesting choice of words.

Lying in particular.

Which is all Ms. Chen seems to have done since the first day she checked in here.

Ijoy has a contest so you can win one of these fabulous mods.

Winners will be picked by this date.

Then the date changed.

Still no one has won the Asolo.

Then.."We will sell at half price" to business owners that may wish to purchase them in the future for trial.

Many have tried to purchase, none have been able to.

Reviews are coming!!. Phil Busardo will have one to review!!!

Phil has refused to review. He will have to buy one for himself off of the secondary market.

We have review by "Professional Man"!!

Very amusing but not building any kind of credibility.

It seems that "Professional Man" cannot maintain personal hygene much less pass off the Asolo as a working TC mod that uses Kanthal.

Ms. Chen was also in touch with one of the VU mods and was spreading her......Well whatever BS is called in China and was invited to send one of the Asolo mods to ANYONE that had a membership on VU to have it tested and reviewed.

Right after that she went dark and has not been heard from since.

As far as references to "Chinglish" are concerned?

Well as far as English as a second language is concerned, she can understand it enough to realize that she is being called out on her BULLSHIT and disappear!


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hi uncleRJ,
one guy in VU will get the Asolo soon.i think it is Tuesday he will got it.
and will have another one to get it in following week.
i am trying to let more people in the forum to try this.
be nice to me upload_2015-8-3_8-58-38.png

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Well that's convenient


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hi uncleRJ,
one guy in VU will get the Asolo soon.i think it is Tuesday he will got it.
and will have another one to get it in following week.
i am trying to let more people in the forum to try this.
be nice to me View attachment 26163
Hello Grace... care to tell us who the VU people that are (user names) receiving the mods so we can verify and be looking for their reviews?

No matter where you go, take your Vape!


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Hello Grace... care to tell us who the VU people that are (user names) receiving the mods so we can verify and be looking for their reviews?

No matter where you go, take your Vape!
I think UncleRJ, f1r3b1rd, Zamazam, or Giraut would be perfect candidates to test the device. All have experience with equipment and know what to look for in a device and if they would end up giving it a positive review then it would prove Asolo's claims were right. They wont bullshit people into buying something that doesnt work or hype up a semi-working product. They also are one of the few I would listen to on whether or not the device is worth paying for, as they are pretty stand up guys.
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Lmao.... I shall forever think of dinky. Hahahhahahaha

Dude, its at a point know where Ray Charles can see what's really going on.

And before you accuse me of hating the blind, I am an electrical engineer for lighthouse for the blind.... so don't even start that shit.


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She didn't just disappear. She was driven out by the phuqtard militia. And we still don't know if it was bullshit vs translation errors.
The girl can't speak English. But nonetheless, the ever vigilant deputy penguin has convicted her of fraud...
even though her video does support her claims... and we have another member who has TC working on Kanthal.

She has certainly made tall claims, but nowhere near enough to deserve the abuse that has been heaped on her here.
Take it easy m8 most of the comments made here were about the Asolo not @gracechen . yes english isn't her first language and there are errors in the translation. But Grace is a big girl and she's just doing her job that Ijoy tells her to do.
granted they could have come up with a better name for the device and a better roll out of the device.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions regardless of what it is period.
Wait for more evidence to emerge to see if this mod really functions as intended, but remember the saying "if something sounds to good to be true it most likely is." We shall see.
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She didn't just disappear. She was driven out by the phuqtard militia. And we still don't know if it was bullshit vs translation errors.
The girl can't speak English. But nonetheless, the ever vigilant deputy penguin has convicted her of fraud...
even though her video does support her claims... and we have another member who has TC working on Kanthal.

She has certainly made tall claims, but nowhere near enough to deserve the abuse that has been heaped on her here.

Please link the video of the device passing a cotton test with kanthal without scorching the hell out of the wick.

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I would normally agree. But they have each already made their opinions known, without having even seen the device... thereby making objectivity impossible. The jury pool is already poisoned.

I am unqualified to test and also admittedly a little prejudiced against the mod because to a lesser extent, I have the same preconceived notions that G and penguin & f3 have. I am quietly skeptical and question whether the physical properties of Kanthal alloy can support
any thermostatic definition of temp control.

The real issue here is the we have no real definition of what TC is. Yes, we would all prefer it to be thermostatic, like the Yihi.
But in the absence of a real definition, let's face it... thumb-flicking your mech mod is temp control.
you're being obnoxious on this thread and are already biased against the mod?
Those of us @raymo2u mentioned as well as @st0nedpenguin (thank you for that by the way raymo2u) are still on here dealing with your childish behavior because we are curious to see how the mod plays out.
Yes we have serious doubts but at the same time we also understand that the numbers don't lie. Which is what we have been asking about

one day when you're all growed up and no longer acting like a petulant racist child you'll understand that.
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Fergawdsakes G... learn how to read... and how to face the truth. You stop abusing the lady, and I'll stop bitch-slapping you.
Geez, the girl already cut yer' balls off by posting the video proving you are wrong. You'd think you'd STFU now & go lick your wounds.

uhh huh... racist.

Please link the video displaying a cotton burn test on kanthal without scorching the wick to hell and back.


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Fucking racist @Shark Vape thinks "chingrish" is racist, but thinks it's okay to say white men are more intelligent than asian women.

Fucking racist @Shark Vape has his moral compass all out of whack...

[...]I have no idea what this means, and I'm a white guy. How is a Chinese lady supposed to understand that?[...]



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Enough poop flinging folks. Get back on topic if there is one anymore. I think the debate was if the Asolo Mod can regulate temperature with Kanthal. Now that some of the mods are going to come to VU members to review (not me thank goodness!), The questions raised in this thread will be answered.

Let's wait for the reviews to come in.
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Is SharkVape the same guy pissing and moaning about a MamaJ's order stinking or something at one time? If so I should thank him as I've since become a customer of theirs because of that crybaby fest. Off topic sorry lol..


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Acknowledging that a person might not understand the colloquialisms or slangs of an entirely different locale from their own is not racist..... it's realistic. I'm in Jersey right now, and I don't understand half of their expressions. Doesn't mean I'm stupider, and when they point it out and laugh, I don't feel belittled.

For those who so desperately require drama, tune in to Oxygen for a while.....


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Acknowledging that a person might not understand the colloquialisms or slangs of an entirely different locale from their own is not racist..... it's realistic. I'm in Jersey right now, and I don't understand half of their expressions. Doesn't mean I'm stupider, and when they point it out and laugh, I don't feel belittled.

For those who so desperately require drama, tune in to Oxygen for a while.....

Your Racist

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