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Ok last few pictures for tonight. I think you can see clearly how small it is. it is doing its limiting thing on the smok tfv4 and that thing has 3 vertical coils inside of it. .22 ohms so i think the specs they listed are just a guide line.

I'm curious: did you test the limiting thing by letting the tanks run dry?

Also, do you happen to have a scope? :)

EDIT: totally unrelated, but what are those plastic rings you've got on the tanks for?


Deez Nutz
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I don't have a scope but Daniel does I talked with him on Facebook. he believes that its doing pretty much what I described. Yes I did vape a couple tanks dry. others I would sit and hold the fire button to see what it would do.


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now all box mod use DC-DC, but Asolo is difference, we make it a total difference way, call "PWM", it makes it able to be super small 200w box mod.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
now all box mod use DC-DC, but Asolo is difference, we make it a total difference way, call "PWM", it makes it able to be super small 200w box mod.

PWM isn't exactly new you know... In fact, most vapers prefer stabilized DC mods because PWM mods that cycle at low frequency create a "rattling" sound.

@Maverik_X: did you hear any rattling?


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I have been going through this thread, looking at the comments that were being made while Mav was vaping on TC Kanthol.

Tallying up those comments, then subtracting the appoligies that havent been made, and its clear there was more than one Asolo working overtime.

So, since nobody else seems to think its important,

Thank You Ms. Chen.

. Ijoy's marketing plan was a bloody mess, they put you out on the sharp end, and we all hope lessons have been learned.

For what it's worth, I apoligise for any personal attacks on you., you took them on the chin (not a slur againt asians) held your head up, carried on and remained polite. I hope your employers appreciate what you have gone through on their behalf. Please tell your bosses, that next time, under-promise, over-deliver should be their marketing model.

I personally would rather deal with a company who's PR and Marketing is shit, but innovate and drive the tech foreward, like Ijoy has, than a company with polished advertisements, and social media campaigns, but choose to steal others work, and try to patent it as their own, and then use legal fkery to intimadate reviewers and forums. (Big shoutout to Fernando Solis)!

Congratulations Ms Chen, you and Isolo delivered what you said you would. Now, improve on the when part.
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I have been going through this thread, looking at the comments that were being made while Mav was vaping on TC Kanthol.

Tallying up those comments, then subtracting the appoligies that havent been made, and its clear there was more than one Asolo working overtime.

So, since nobody else seems to think its important,

Thank You Ms. Chen.

. Ijoy's marketing plan was a bloody mess, they put you out on the sharp end, and we all hope lessons have been learned.

For what it's worth, I apoligise for any personal attacks on you., you took them on the chin (not a slur againt asians) held your head up, carried on and remained polite. I hope your employers appreciate what you have gone through on their behalf. Please tell your bosses, that next time, under-promise, over-deliver should be their marketing model.

I personally would rather deal with a company who's PR and Marketing is shit, but innovate and drive the tech foreward, like Ijoy has, than a company with polished advertisements, and social media campaigns, but choose to steal others work, and try to patent it as their own, and then use legal fkery to intimadate reviewers and forums. (Big shoutout to Fernando Solis)!

Congratulations Ms Chen, you and Isolo delivered what you said you would. Now, improve on the when part.

Dry hit prevention =/= temp control.

It's still useless to me as long as it's operating at "110% °F".


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If the temp control is working though then the cotton won't burn.
That's...the whole point, and why people value the cotton test.

If a device can control/limit temperature correctly, then wouldn't you want it to prevent you from taking a nice juicy big hit of dry cotton? Why would anyone make a device that can control/limit temperature and not use it to prevent dry hits and/or burning cotton?
The two go hand in hand, which is why being able to pass a cotton burn test is a great indicator that the thing is actually working.

Budds said: ↑
Maybe its just me.....
But why does everybody get so worked up on the "Cotton Burn Test" ?

Because it proves that at the most basic level, temp control is actually working.



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Dry hit prevention =/= temp control.

It's still useless to me as long as it's operating at "110% °F".

You have made it abundantly clear to everyone that you have no intention in purchasing the iJoy Asolo mod. Do you feel that you have invested to much time bashing the device to drop your crusade against it? Just let it go. The lack of the ability to see the temperature that the device has been set to operate at, does not prove that it does not regulate temperature.

The sky is blue, that doesn't mean everything blue is the sky.

The sky is not blue. It appears blue from your perspective during the day. At night the sky appears black, but it's not black either. Maybe it's time to change your perspective concerning this mod. Useless to you doesn't mean useless. It really is just making you look bad at this point.


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You have made it abundantly clear to everyone that you have no intention in purchasing the iJoy Asolo mod. Do you feel that you have invested to much time bashing the device to drop your crusade against it? Just let it go. The lack of the ability to see the temperature that the device has been set to operate at, does not prove that it does not regulate temperature.

The sky is not blue. It appears blue from your perspective during the day. At night the sky appears black, but it's not black either. Maybe it's time to change your perspective concerning this mod. Useless to you doesn't mean useless. It really is just making you look bad at this point.

There is no degree setting with kanthal only a percentage meter. However there is a degree setting for nickel and titanium.

It doesn't even perform temp control using the standards to which the device itself defines temp control on nickel and titanium.

It's dry hit prevention, not to take away from that being a useful feature itself and fair play to them for it, but it's not temp control.


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No... it's "Taste Control". :D

Hell even an instance or two of the fucking language in the menus seemed to come from this thread.

Grace would have been better served by starting with "it's not quite TC, we're using "taste control" as a placeholder... what should we call it?"

But no, instead... :confused:

Pretty much. If they just hadn't opened with "TEMP CONTROL ON KANTHAL" it wouldn't have been an issue.

Well, then there's all the other shady marketing, lies, and treating everyone like idiots but that's par for the course with most ecig product releases nowadays. o_O

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None of we the 'skeptics' got mangled undergarments until the lies and name calling
I stand by my curiosity on the mod. Happy to see more tech brought to the industry, but, I have an issue with knowingly financially supporting a company being less than truthful with me.


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It's a cock-up, a marketing mis-step.

Then again... "Taste Control"? What does that even mean? Well, we don't know, so... nothing at the moment. It's a misnomer. But the damn mod is doing something. And without a dedicated sensor tank. So... I think it's at least more than a curiosity, but just what... dunno. :)

Let's all at least try to return our undergarments to their original un-mangled condition... mmmmk? :D

Honestly it could be using the same principle as existing temp control devices. It's able to actually operate properly with nickel and titanium but since the TCR of kanthal is so low it might not be able to accurately regulate temperature, but it could be accurate enough to use the small resistance change of a hot coil to at least detect a dry wick.


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Member For 5 Years
now all box mod use DC-DC, but Asolo is difference, we make it a total difference way, call "PWM", it makes it able to be super small 200w box mod.
As in Pulse Width Modulation?

No matter where you go, take your Vape!


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Member For 5 Years
It's a cock-up, a marketing mis-step.

Then again... "Taste Control"? What does that even mean? Well, we don't know, so... nothing at the moment. It's a misnomer. But the damn mod is doing something. And without a dedicated sensor tank. So... I think it's at least more than a curiosity, but just what... dunno. :)

Let's all at least try to return our undergarments to their original un-mangled condition... mmmmk? :D
How about flame control?

No matter where you go, take your Vape!


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@ f1r3b1rd

"I have an issue with knowingly financially supporting a company being less than truthful with me."

And that is why you are a Linux user, not Apple or Microsoft. Correct? And you do not think Hyon USA should even be in business. Correct?

Or is your issue only with asian companys, that you have to back pedal more than the Tour De France played in reverse as a result of unfortunate statements, you are trying to distance yourself from?

Just want to give you benefit of doubt as well, that there is no double standard here......

Lets not keep trying to put lipstick on a pig. Things were said in this thread that were inacurate on the part of both parties involved. One side appoligised, and one does not seem to have it in them.

I am new to this forum, but if this thread is indicative of the general mentality of this forum, it's toxic, and I have got along on my journey of vaping largely without being embroiled in petty drama.

Just a cursory glance at the number of posts since Mav has reported that there is a unit, that has some form of temp control that functions, shows a suspiscious lack of posts. I may be new to this forum, but this is not my first rodeo. As a moderator on a site unrelated to vaping , I believe I am qualified to say Moderators gonna moderate. Moderators shouldn't need to make examples out of users, they should set examples themselves.

My hat off to Mav for having the integrity to admit his expectations were incorrect. For the rest of you, particularily the ones making the personal attacks, shame on you.

I'm so tired of hearing the phrase "vaping community" I don't think the word community means what you think it does.

Every goup or forum has the Walter Mitty Armchair Commandos that know everything about everything. From what I've seen in this thread, they are over-represented.

How many of the Monday Morning quarterbacks have ever brought ANY product to market, much less one of a type not only previously unseen, but generally agreed by the the aforementioned "experts" as an impossible enterprise.

I will readily admit I have never made a meaningfull contribution to Ecigs as far as any of my half baked hardware concepts go. I certainly have mentioned improvements I think specific products may benefit the end user. Some companies have even taken the time to respond. This is nowhere near the same thing as bringing ANY product to the commercial market. I don't have the resources ability, and if I'm honest, the desire to accomplish that. I do understand what it takes.though, and respect those who have.

Please notice, I have done my best not to name names. It's not like they do not know who they are.

And Moderators, if you think I'm a stupid Noob who should just STFU, feel free to exercise your rights. If it might help you remember that you have a responsibility to prevent things from slipping into the abyss. I totally accept whatever you see as met and just for this post.

This may be all that I have to contribute here. If it is, good luck. I hope things turn around. There is still a lot of very good information, and some good contributors here. Don't be suprised though if some time in the future, you are wondering why no manufacturers contact you for reviews or anything else.
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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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now all box mod use DC-DC, but Asolo is difference, we make it a total difference way, call "PWM", it makes it able to be super small 200w box mod.

Taadaa. Yea. Yup, OK. Like all the others from China except ecigar.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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@ f1r3b1rd

"I have an issue with knowingly financially supporting a company being less than truthful with me."

And that is why you are a Linux user, not Apple or Microsoft. Correct? And you do not think Hyon USA should even be in business. Correct?

Or is your issue only with asian companys, that you have to back pedal more than the Tour De France played in reverse as a result of unfortunate statements, you are trying to distance yourself from?

Just want to give you benefit of doubt as well, that there is no double standard here......

Lets not keep trying to put lipstick on a pig. Things were said in this thread that were inacurate on the part of both parties involved. One side appoligised, and one does not seem to have it in them.

I am new to this forum, but if this thread is indicative of the general mentality of this forum, it's toxic, and I have got along on my journey of vaping largely without being embroiled in petty drama.

Just a cursory glance at the number of posts since Mav has reported that there is a unit, that has some form of temp control that functions, shows a suspiscious lack of posts. I may be new to this forum, but this is not my first rodeo. As a moderator on a site unrelated to vaping , I believe I am qualified to say Moderators gonna moderate. Moderators shouldn't need to make examples out of users, they should set examples themselves.

My hat off to Mav for having the integrity to admit his expectations were incorrect. For the rest of you, particularily the ones making the personal attacks, shame on you.

I'm so tired of hearing the phrase "vaping community" I don't think the word community means what you think it does.

Every goup or forum has the Walter Mitty Armchair Commandos that know everything about everything. From what I've seen in this thread, they are over-represented.

How many of the Monday Morning quarterbacks have ever brought ANY product to market, much less one of a type not only previously unseen, but generally agreed by the the aforementioned "experts" as an impossible enterprise.

I will readily admit I have never made a meaningfull contribution to Ecigs as far as any of my half baked hardware concepts go. I certainly have mentioned improvements I think specific products may benefit the end user. Some companies have even taken the time to respond. This is nowhere near the same thing as bringing ANY product to the commercial market. I don't have the resources ability, and if I'm honest, the desire to accomplish that. I do understand what it takes.though, and respect those who have.

Please notice, I have done my best not to name names. It's not like they do not know who they are.

And Moderators, if you think I'm a stupid Noob who should just STFU, feel free to exercise your rights. If it might help you remember that you have a responsibility to prevent things from slipping into the abyss. I totally accept whatever you see as met and just for this post.

This may be all that I have to contribute here. If it is, good luck. I hope things turn around. There is still a lot of very good information, and some good contributors here. Don't be suprised though if some time in the future, you are wondering why no manufacturers contact you for reviews or anything else.

You might want to reconsider your attitude of US vs them in your post. Asolo bullshitted from the beginning and did their best to keep the ideal of a kanthal temp regulating mod alive, even now we know It is just quite, quite limited in Kanthal Gauge. You have bought into their marketing speil.

Whats worse is that you have made the decision to buy in and become a fanboy/girl. Let's put lipstick on this porker! I want to see the real results!

I say this a just a member, not a mod.
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I'm still baffled by how many people keep talking about how iJoy have proven everyone wrong when they claimed to sell a device that could temp control kanthal and then released a device that at best has dry hit protection with kanthal.


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Zamazam, you elequent and relevant point has been duly noted, and will be given all appropiate consideration. You are a credit to this community.


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How many of the Monday Morning quarterbacks have ever brought ANY product to market, much less one of a type not only previously unseen, but generally agreed by the the aforementioned "experts" as an impossible enterprise.

You mean like Segway, Betamax and Olestra? There is nothing intrinsically virtuous about bringing innovative products to market if they turn out to be shit nobody wants. I'd say Chen started this thread about 3 or 4 months too early.


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I have been going through this thread, looking at the comments that were being made while Mav was vaping on TC Kanthol.

Tallying up those comments, then subtracting the appoligies that havent been made, and its clear there was more than one Asolo working overtime.

So, since nobody else seems to think its important,

Thank You Ms. Chen.

. Ijoy's marketing plan was a bloody mess, they put you out on the sharp end, and we all hope lessons have been learned.

For what it's worth, I apoligise for any personal attacks on you., you took them on the chin (not a slur againt asians) held your head up, carried on and remained polite. I hope your employers appreciate what you have gone through on their behalf. Please tell your bosses, that next time, under-promise, over-deliver should be their marketing model.

I personally would rather deal with a company who's PR and Marketing is shit, but innovate and drive the tech foreward, like Ijoy has, than a company with polished advertisements, and social media campaigns, but choose to steal others work, and try to patent it as their own, and then use legal fkery to intimadate reviewers and forums. (Big shoutout to Fernando Solis)!

Congratulations Ms Chen, you and Isolo delivered what you said you would. Now, improve on the when part.
Again, not TC, but dry hit prevention.... Different.

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@ f1r3b1rd

"I have an issue with knowingly financially supporting a company being less than truthful with me."

And that is why you are a Linux user, not Apple or Microsoft. Correct? And you do not think Hyon USA should even be in business. Correct?

Or is your issue only with asian companys, that you have to back pedal more than the Tour De France played in reverse as a result of unfortunate statements, you are trying to distance yourself from?

Just want to give you benefit of doubt as well, that there is no double standard here......

Lets not keep trying to put lipstick on a pig. Things were said in this thread that were inacurate on the part of both parties involved. One side appoligised, and one does not seem to have it in them.

I am new to this forum, but if this thread is indicative of the general mentality of this forum, it's toxic, and I have got along on my journey of vaping largely without being embroiled in petty drama.

Just a cursory glance at the number of posts since Mav has reported that there is a unit, that has some form of temp control that functions, shows a suspiscious lack of posts. I may be new to this forum, but this is not my first rodeo. As a moderator on a site unrelated to vaping , I believe I am qualified to say Moderators gonna moderate. Moderators shouldn't need to make examples out of users, they should set examples themselves.

My hat off to Mav for having the integrity to admit his expectations were incorrect. For the rest of you, particularily the ones making the personal attacks, shame on you.

I'm so tired of hearing the phrase "vaping community" I don't think the word community means what you think it does.

Every goup or forum has the Walter Mitty Armchair Commandos that know everything about everything. From what I've seen in this thread, they are over-represented.

How many of the Monday Morning quarterbacks have ever brought ANY product to market, much less one of a type not only previously unseen, but generally agreed by the the aforementioned "experts" as an impossible enterprise.

I will readily admit I have never made a meaningfull contribution to Ecigs as far as any of my half baked hardware concepts go. I certainly have mentioned improvements I think specific products may benefit the end user. Some companies have even taken the time to respond. This is nowhere near the same thing as bringing ANY product to the commercial market. I don't have the resources ability, and if I'm honest, the desire to accomplish that. I do understand what it takes.though, and respect those who have.

Please notice, I have done my best not to name names. It's not like they do not know who they are.

And Moderators, if you think I'm a stupid Noob who should just STFU, feel free to exercise your rights. If it might help you remember that you have a responsibility to prevent things from slipping into the abyss. I totally accept whatever you see as met and just for this post.

This may be all that I have to contribute here. If it is, good luck. I hope things turn around. There is still a lot of very good information, and some good contributors here. Don't be suprised though if some time in the future, you are wondering why no manufacturers contact you for reviews or anything else.
really dude?
there is a difference between being forced to use something for business and what one chooses for their personal usage. I have to buy and use tons of different software and hardware for work. I ALSO BOUGHT A CHEVY, LAST I CHECKED THEY'VE BEEN LESS THAN HONEST IN THE PAST TOO , BUT I LIKE AMERICAN MADE TRUCKS THAT START. Not that any of that is any of your business. Besides that -There is also a HUGE difference between mass marketing to the general public and what ijoy did, THEY DID NOT GO THROUGH THE PROPER CHANNELS TO BE HERE AND HAVE CHANGED THERE STORY MORE OFTEN THAN A DANCE TEAM CHANGES CLOTHES ON TOUR.

That said I have mad respect for maverick as a person on this forum and a friend, I trust his opinion(AS STATED PRECIOUSLY) and I am curious to see what his finding are; and, that's my only reason being on here in this train wreck of a thread, where I've been accused of everything from racism, to whatever in the hell you had to say- I admittedly stopped reading after your first paragraph because I lost interest and the debate is on TV.

at least now that one of us has the mod, we will know what is really going on.

If you love this thing great I'm happy for you. I'm glad you found the mod for you. For me NO I will not financially support someone coming into our house and lying. I won't buy a vacuum from a door to door salesman either. (salesperson to ensure inclusivity)
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Lets see. Our local police patrol on Segways, which were hyped a year before the company even revealed what it even was. Betamax, which is STILL used for affordable multitrack digital mixboard/recorders? Please pardon my ignorance when it comes to Olestra, I had to Google it just now. I am guessing that your postion is that rudeness is justified if the mob believes it is? If I am wrong correct me.

I don't think Ms. Chen is the owner of Ijoy. From what I've seen, it appears that there are several seperate companies that make up Asolo, and while I cannot say for certain, I think it unlikely that she has had a great deal of input or descion making authority as far as what instructions she recieved from her bosses. For the record, in my posts, I described Ijoy's marketing as "fked up like a home made radio". That is not exactly a compliment. Perhaps I shouid speak more plainly.


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Sorry to have taken up all of your valuable time. I think the likelyhood of there being any usefull information regarding this device, is remote. I was under a mistaken impression, this was a forum. I'm not going to lose any sleep over what I have posted, and since apparently there is no merit in my posts, I shall withdraw, and leave you gentlemen (and I use that term very loosely) to all your good work.


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Alright guys I was going to make a video but as of late I haven't had time yet.
I received the Asolo from iJoy a few days ago. Been vaping it pretty hard the last few days.
The verdict is that it does do some form of tc on kanthal. That I can confirm.
I believe the mod detects the resistance change in kanthal that occurs when the wick starts to dry out and cuts power.
when your taking a draw and pull away while holding the button down the device will detect the resistance change as the kanthal heats up and cuts power.

There is no degree setting with kanthal only a percentage meter. However there is a degree setting for nickel and titanium.
If you set up the kanthal right you most likely won't burn your cotton. I have tried it on 2 drippers now 6 or so different sub ohm clearos.
tried a few different gauges of wire 26g 28g 30g so far so good.
smok tfv4, kanger subtank. aspire atlantis, lemo 2, morpheous, arctic tank. smok tct are the clearos I have tried.
Believe me or not makes no difference. I will try to make a video this weekend.
I didn't believe it would work but it's looks like I am going to be eating my shoe. o_O

so i know maverik is busy. but i swear he said it does some form of TC on Kanthal and he tried multiple gauges. Now I don't know if he posted exactly what he meant or not,

But he offered to make a video thi s weekend. Let him make it, and stop arguing over what it does or doesnt do. if you don't have the mod in hand, you don't know. Maverik has one, he knows what it can and cant do. Lets wait for the full review. I don't see why everyone is arguing over this still

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so i know maverik is busy. but i swear he said it does some form of TC on Kanthal and he tried multiple gauges. Now I don't know if he posted exactly what he meant or not,

But he offered to make a video thi s weekend. Let him make it, and stop arguing over what it does or doesnt do. if you don't have the mod in hand, you don't know. Maverik has one, he knows what it can and cant do. Lets wait for the full review. I don't see why everyone is arguing over this still

True I was trying to look solely at the behavior of the company-not the mod- at the same time I'm not going to let anyone call me a liar or a racist without rebuke.


Deez Nutz
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PWM isn't exactly new you know... In fact, most vapers prefer stabilized DC mods because PWM mods that cycle at low frequency create a "rattling" sound.

@Maverik_X: did you hear any rattling?
yes it uses pwm you can hear it some.

Mike H.

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Hows that amp gauge work, man?...does it like tell you the amps being pulled from the battery during firing?


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our PWM is much different with sx mini, we also use the technology of demodulator and phase demodulation technique of high frequency current.
this technology is the working principle of radio signal detector.
that means it able to temperature control on all wires includes kanthal.
when a tank put on Asolo, the tank can work on Asolo watt mode, that means it will able to be temperature control by Asolo.
anyway, it did work with kanthal. still wait for some new video to prove it.
So I'm all on the 'temp control' band wagon, which is already a misnomer since it's more temperature limiting as the device is not responsible for any control as to how hard it needs to push to achieve the temperature. After owning dna40 clones the ipv4 and ipv3li and using many others, I've found that the advantage of temperature control per se is more in how the mod now gives you feedback instead of whether or not the damned thing ever burns dry cotton.

I set my temperature on a dripper according to what temp empties my wick as much as I like, before it drops in production past my tolerance, or lower if I just want a cooler vape. I don't care one bit if it burns dry cotton at the very end, I want it to have a sudden drop off in vapor before anything gets actually dry. That's real world response that lets me have a better vape because the device drops significantly telling me it's dry enough. On a tank I set more to taste and then max out the wattage and if I can feel significant temperature limiting kicking in, I know my wicking is under performing. Usually a little tweak sets it to a smooth result. It maintains a beautiful vape right down to the last drop and I'm always amazed how utterly empty my Zephyrus is when the vape suddenly drops in production again letting me know it's out of liquid.

The Asolo device could be fully capable of providing this kind of feedback based on a 4 digit or heck they may actually have achieved a 5 digit precision on resistance reading, it'd be nice to know. Now is it a temperature control mod? No but neither are the others really. The only difference is they claim to be achieving a specific temperature and are often very wrong (such as the snow wolf) leaving you to use temps as a guess, where as the asolo has you 'train' the mod as to what the right temperature is, then uses a highly accurate resistance meter and a user controlled percentage, to fine tune how the coil should behave when fully juiced then how quickly to respond to a drying condition.

I think this is a much more intuitive and likely useful method. I've spoken about how future beginner devices will likely only have a temperature control rather than wattage/voltage which allows the user to turn up and down the heat after orienting the device to the coil. This is a step in that direction.

I for one am excited by the idea. I hate nickle, well not hate... I conquered it fairly well but the moment I used titanium even before there was a profile... it's similarity to kanthal or nichrome and much higher temperature flexibility made me a quick fan. Now to think Kanthal is back in the game makes me happy.


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[...]The Asolo device could be fully capable of providing this kind of feedback based on a 4 digit or heck they may actually have achieved a 5 digit precision on resistance reading, it'd be nice to know.[...]

If you know anything about metrology, it's very easy to know: it's impossible to achieve that kind of precision outside of a temperature controlled lab equiped with very high quality, very expensive calibrated measuring equipment.

Just look at the DNA40: it's trying to be precise to 2 decimal places (using tricks such as measuring its own onboard temperature and averaging many measurements to increase its precision) and it struggles: it drifts very easily if your atomizer's connectors aren't perfect, if it's hot outside... Forget about reading down to 3 decimal places with any precision, let alone 4 or 5.

That's why we keep saying here that the Asolo doesn't do temperature control with kanthal: it does *something* obviously, but not TC.
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True I was trying to look solely at the behavior of the company-not the mod- at the same time I'm not going to let anyone call me a liar or a racist without rebuke.

Ya know i get your point. They APPEAR to be SOMETHING base don teh posts.

what that something is could be several things

They could be shady as many have suggested
they could just be incompetent in terms of marketing and communication with the public
they could just be making lots of mistakes and are learning

Time will tell on the actual true behavior of a company. And a company's behavior can often change over time. Many companies start off poorly and become great some vice versa and everything in between.

I am not defending iJoy, Just trying to point out there are other sides to this. I agree the whole GIVE AWAY makes me pissed at not trust them, Wheres the list of winners? did I win one? But I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt once to someone or a company for just screwing up. We all screw up, and if everyone held ever single one of my mistakes against me forever, Id be screwed. Im just sick of people arguing back and forth with each other over what the mod can or cant do since 99% of those people don't have the mod in hand to prove or disprove anything, and then people getting all personal and saying thsi one is racist and that one is racist and this one is this. Ive read this whole thread, nothing racist has been said. No single person has been out right rude to grace or treated her badly. IMHO It is the massive amounts of everyone saying so much that piles it on and makes it feel like the whole forum is bashing her, but that isn't the true intent of any single person here.

I think we all can agree, this is not the best way for a innovative product to be rolled out, there was a serious lack of info forthcoming from iJoy, grace's english skills made it more difficult to understand hat this device is meant to do, the free give away was and is still a disaster. These factors have left a bad taste in many people's mouths and they have a right to be leery of iJoy. Others may not feel teh same way and have just as much right to feel that way.

We can also agree that to claim TC with ANY WIRE was a bold statement and once the full reviews come out we will be able to see the truth of that, but until real people, with the real mod in hand can post full details we are all just guessing at its capabilities.

I will probably never buy this device.
not because of this thread. If it does like it is suppose to great and it would be something I am interested in, in the future. In the future though there will probably be 20 or more mods that can TC and wire IF ITS POSSIBLE.
I just ordered the IPV D2 my first mod with a replaceable battery, my first TC mod. Im hoping to get 6-12 months of good use out of it before I need a new mod. SO by then the whole thing could be totally different in terms of whats available. I needed a new mod NOW. So this mod wasn't ready or tested yet so its not getting bought by me. But Im sure others will be interested and buy them. Only time will tell if they are what they claim to be and if they are any good and if iJoy is a reputable company in the long run.

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Dry hit prevention =/= temp control.
Dude... Do you honestly believe that you are now an expert on temperature control because you read and understood the explanation provided by Evolve on how their temperature control was implemented? The methodology they used can not be applied using wire that does not have a linear temperature coefficient of resistivity. If the iJoy Asolo works, it does not measure changes in resistance. If it works, it calculates variations in impedance by measuring amperage. Impedance varies with frequency and temperature with this type of implementation. This isn't dc, this isn't simple, this isn't Evolve.

It relies on the fact that the coil is an inductor first and not a simple resistive element in the circuit. Why else would there be size requirements for the coil. There is no other reason. Your internet education of electronic theory doesn't apply here. This isn't Ohm's law or Watt's law anymore. You have to broaden your horizons for this shit. Your new online study guide needs to contain Faraday's law and Coulomb's law or just go away.


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Dude... Do you honestly believe that you are now an expert on temperature control because you read and understood the explanation provided by Evolve on how their temperature control was implemented? The methodology they used can not be applied using wire that does not have a linear temperature coefficient of resistivity. If the iJoy Asolo works, it does not measure changes in resistance. If it works, it calculates variations in impedance by measuring amperage. Impedance varies with frequency and temperature with this type of implementation. This isn't dc, this isn't simple, this isn't Evolve.

It relies on the fact that the coil is an inductor first and not a simple resistive element in the circuit. Why else would there be size requirements for the coil. There is no other reason. Your internet education of electronic theory doesn't apply here. This isn't Ohm's law or Watt's law anymore. You have to broaden your horizons for this shit. Your new online study guide needs to contain Faraday's law and Coulomb's law or just go away.

The device in question performs temp control with nickel and titanium using a standard degree scale, yet doesn't for kanthal.

Even iJoy don't consider it to be running kanthal with temp control.

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Dude... Do you honestly believe that you are now an expert on temperature control because you read and understood the explanation provided by Evolve on how their temperature control was implemented? The methodology they used can not be applied using wire that does not have a linear temperature coefficient of resistivity. If the iJoy Asolo works, it does not measure changes in resistance. If it works, it calculates variations in impedance by measuring amperage. Impedance varies with frequency and temperature with this type of implementation. This isn't dc, this isn't simple, this isn't Evolve.

It relies on the fact that the coil is an inductor first and not a simple resistive element in the circuit. Why else would there be size requirements for the coil. There is no other reason. Your internet education of electronic theory doesn't apply here. This isn't Ohm's law or Watt's law anymore. You have to broaden your horizons for this shit. Your new online study guide needs to contain Faraday's law and Coulomb's law or just go away.

Do you have the numbers to support any of that; or, are you making an assumption?
Or could it be in fact just seeing a slight spike when the coil gets dry and backing down the power.


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The title of this thread should be changed. Either remove the question mark and replace can with can't or replace all togeter with can prevent dry hits with kanthal.

I guess it is in the form of a question but I'm not sure it was intended to be. The manufacturer is asking us what their product can do?
Well they answered themselves... it can flavor control kanthal and temp control Ni & Ti.


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Temperature control is about limiting temperature to a °. That's how we implement temperature as a number, in degrees, whether it be F or C.
The lack of any Temperature in kanthal mode rules it out as temperature control. How does one control something if they don't know what it is?
Fuck Evolv. Never owned a Evolv board, doubt I will.
This is common sense. Simply preventing a dry hit isn't controlling temperature it's controlling the power that it supplies when the wick is dry.
And, again, that's not what temperature control is, the dry cotton test was done to show a mod can accurately limit temperature. I can set my mod to 600°F scorch the hell out of cotton. But if 600° tastes good to me I can maintain that temperature and give me a consistent vape.
You can't control temperature if you don't know what temperature your at!
It does dry hit prevention. It notices a dry wick and stops applying power. Very different than maintaining a specific temperature.
I'm amazed how the "nay sayers" are wrong.. It doesn't do what it was claimed to do in the beginning. Which is kanthal temperature control. If it can't calculate temperature how in the world can it limit or control it? At $160 I won't buy this mod. It is small for a dual 18650, it is assumed it accurately temp controls ti/ni200, and it can very well notice when your wick is dry with kanthal. But there are mods that are at least 2/3rds the price that have a good reputation already. Is preventing a dry hit worth $60-70 more? Not to me...


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Can a lamp be controlled by it's power switch or does control require a dimmer?

This semantic argument is tiring. Remember there's a language barrier after all... I don't feel deceived in the least but there are still outstanding questions.


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Simply preventing a dry hit isn't controlling temperature it's controlling the power that it supplies

Not arguing.....
But isnt that what they ALL do ?
Control power applied to somewhat maintain a temp that is measured.... how ?
How dose a device know what the ACTUAL temp is with out a physical thermometer ?
( Math and using the data expected by electrical equations.)
A best guess so to speak, right ?

Just because a device does not provide you with the eye candy of a degrees thermostat like setting, does not mean it cant do the above.
Maybe,,, just maybe it does it in a way we fail to understand ATM ?
Its obviously able to do "Something" to control the power applied when using kanthal coil..... kinda what it does with a nickle coil only without a Temp read out.

IMHO its only a matter of time before this happens....
Will Ijoy be the one who makes it happen.... I dunno, but to deny it can happen would be a bad assumption
Theres new features coming fast and furious as on mod tries to top the others.
In fact this looks kinda cool ....

  • Integrated proprietary Intellichips that execute a multitude of tasks
+ Supports variable output banding on wattage & voltage adjustments so chip does not fluctuate in wide variations

*Result: increased battery life, coil builds, and reduces battery stress

*Result: diminishes power spiking & demand on batteries

+ Runs a self-diagnostic & component initialization during power up

*Result: verifies it is ready for safe operation

+ Executes patent pending TruDegreeTM technology (while using Ni200 wire)

*Result: displays real-world coil temperatures

  • Double poled circuitry like a multi meter


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Do you have the numbers to support any of that; or, are you making an assumption?
Or could it be in fact just seeing a slight spike when the coil gets dry and backing down the power.

More like an educated guess based on details provided here and facts provided by an individual with a sample. He stated specifically that the rattlesnake noise frequency changes based on how the mod is used with kanthal. When air passes over the coil the frequency changes slightly. When no air passed, the frequency went up substantially during use. As he doesn't have an oscilloscope I asked him to tape a microphone on the mod and record it with his pc in use. Inductive reactance increases with heat naturally and then frequency is varied to maintain that desired level. Simple temperature regulation even though the mod nor the user knows what that temperature is. He said it will all be in his youtube video when it is ready and that the audio files he made supports this speculation of how the mod operates.

I fully understand that the lack of a calibrated temperature scale to set the device will limit it's appeal. But the failure of many to understand that temperature can be regulated without knowing what that temperature is, is getting really old. Just because it doesn't meet your needs doesn't mean that it isn't happening. Worthless to some, absolutely. Worthless to all, absolutely not.

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