Not having any trouble. Amanda I mentioned to Grace about the silicone sleeve and she said she would send one with our next order. Not sure when that is. I'm using a .2 Nickel coil. I know it will kick you out of TC mode if it's not do-able or it doesn't meet the specs for it. I really have no complaints. It does get a little buggy sometimes with the start up button presses but it always works once it's on so it's not the button. I'm using a Matrix tank with the .2 nickel coil if anyone want's to know lol. Holds 5ml of juice that's why I like it
I've tried two crown tanks tonight - one with the Ni200 .15 coil and the other iwth the kanthal .25 coil. Both of them work fine except every time I go to vape they say 'same coil/new coil.' Annoying! I've been away for a few days, as you know, but I'll mess around with some other tanks and coils tomorrow! But I'm still having that same issue I had when it first arrived with getting it go turn on when I put new batteries in.