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  1. M

    The official directory - Learn to build from beginner to advanced (and more)

    alright, this is a work in progress thread, which aims to act as a listing for all of the 'official' threads in the building section of the forum. the 'post your builds' thread is full of good info, but its getting huge, and lots of the info and questions have been asked/answered repeatedly...
  2. vivekjc

    RDA compatible with GeekVape Twisted Clapton 26/32ga

    Dear All, I am kinda new to this so please do not judge. I have a Smok R80 Mod Kit with a TFV4 Micro RBA. I have used 28ga kaithal in parallel as well as twisted dual coil builds. Recently I purchased a Twisted Clapton (Kanthal A1) 26ga/32ga wire only to realise that the overall wire gauge is...
  3. Son Guardian

    Please help

    Can anyone help me, I put two Prebuilt Skynet - Clapton Parallel coils (26AWG*2 +39+26AWG) Ni80, 3mm id, 5/6 wraps. in the TFV8 RBA, Ohms reading 0.11 to 0.17, is that ok? Vaping at 75 to 80 Watts. I’m using SMOK Alien 220w mod with Efast batteries ( 3000mah 35A 3.7V). From what I read...
  4. Μ

    Compiling database of Clapton wires and there uses.How to know how to use a particular clapton coil?

    Hello. I have tried quite a few Claptons but I went back to simple single strand coils because I didn't think they where any improvements in any aspect of the vape other than the time-wasting aspect... But then I found out that winding a Clapton with ~0.315mm SS316 inner wire and 0,09mm...
  5. Ishkabibble

    Alien outer wrap getting snagged on stuff

    Greetings all! Anyone have any tips on keeping the stretched de-cored clapton wire from getting snagged on shit while doing the final wrap? Unfortunately my basement has carpet and it seems I'll go a good while in wrapping but then the de-core will get snagged on something and it throws off my...
  6. Magic Coils

    IMagic Coils (Ukraine). Looking for vape-shops for cooperation.

    We present to your attention the "Handmade" coils from the Ukrainian manufacturer - Magic Coils. We successfully deliver our coils to the vape shops in Ukraine, and now we are looking for the vape shops in the US for cooperation. Why are our spirals the best? handemade, due to which high...
  7. VapeMate

    Building Claptons on DaWhale RDA

    Hello VU Master Builders, I've been trying so hard to build just a simple dual coil on my DaWhale RDA and whatever i do i cannot get it to the right resistance.i thought of some solutions which look more like a workaround which i don't want to do... btw, i'm using this 32g Clapton wire and Subox...
  8. askalade

    My first exotic coil

    Just started building today. Used to buy competition grade premade tri core claptons but wanted to try more exotic builds that are hard to come by were i live (netherlands) I ordered some wire that came in today. (26ga ni80, 36ga ni80, 22ga kanthal, 32ga ni80) It came at around 10 o clock in the...
  9. B

    Clapton issues

    So I tried my hand at making some Clapton wire today (24g N80 x 36g n80) and it went incredibly well. Aside from when I went to wrap the coil, the outside wire kept springing out and spacing out. Any tips or tricks as to fixing this? I've heard torching your wire helps with springy-ness. I'm...
  10. B

    Which wire to buy for claptoning and normal builds

    So, I have a Voopoo Drag and a Vgod TTP Clone, and I would like to start claptoning normally (I did a clapton, but the ramp up was horrible, it was a 26/28 ss316 build...). So, I thought I will buy some ss wire for the core and kanthal for the clapton (because it's cheaper xD), and I don't know...
  11. F

    What's more important, coil build or wicking tricks, for flavor?

    My go-to build is wrapping SS 316L, 24g, staggered fused claptons. Oh, such flavor. I always build dual coil builds, very low ohm (around 0.11). I get tremendous flavor this way, and they say SS is the most health-conscious wire. So, do you guys think it's more important to make the perfect...
  12. C

    Need help of which awesome pre-made coil to get with Reload RTA

    Hello all, I just ordered a Reload RTA by Reload Vapor and it's on it's way. I got this RTA because I heard it delivers awesome flavor. Now, I gotta admit and dont wanr to offens anyone but this is my first time getting an RTA and getting into premade coils and such, coming from vaping a sub-ohm...
  13. Enrocc

    FUSED CLAPTON SPECIALS! 21'+ quad core ss - $55, 10'+ tri-core ss - $25, 5'6" tri-core ni80 - $15!

    Hello! I love making wire and I do it well. Custom orders are welcome! Triple or quad core? Yeah!! Stainless steel? You got it!! I also make perfect coils to specs--diameter, ohms, clouds, flavor--you name it and name your price and I'll make it right now! Message me here or email me at...
  14. L

    Can't stop subohming?!

    Whats up guys, i've had a lot of problems lately with ohms being too low on more complex builds, not sure where the problem.. The most recent was a build tonight, I have 2 pieces of claptoned 28g SS/32g Ni80, and one strand of fused clapton 26g SS/3g NI80 I then wound the three cores (4 pieces...
  15. Chainvapor

    DAEDALUS - Easy Clapton Coils for Everyone!

    Hello all. I did not see a thread dedicated to this awesome creation so I decided to start one. If you build coils and you do not already have one, it is the best investment you can make. I have been making my own coils for a long time but never really had any luck with clapton coils. (I am...
  16. Mikhail Naumov

    What kind of builder are you?

    Just wondering how many people still build coils of their own, since I know specialty wires come on 50 foot spools for dirt cheap now and premade alien coils are sold in brick and mortars. Rebuilding has become a somewhat lost art in this recent year, so I figured I would make this poll to see...
  17. Chainvapor

    Fused Clapton Question

    Hello All, I just got the Deadalus and want to build some fused claptons. The smallest wire I have is 32 gauge kanthal so I plan on using it for the wrap. I do not plan on using temp control but I am not against using SS cores. So what wire should I use for the cores. I have Kanthal in 22ga -...
  18. Falconvapes

    Staple Staggered fused Clapton HELP!

    OK I've been vaping a few months and mastered pretty much every type of coil I've tried to make with the exception of the staple staggered fused clapton, I can make the wire but as soon as it comes to wrapping it it simply will not bend around a bit at all!? I've come to the thinking that maybe...
  19. epemullen

    is my clapton too much?

    i am using clapton with inner 24g kanthalA1 and 26g SS316L for the wraps, inner diameter is 2.5mm and 5 wrap each coil running in 0.24ohm usually with 80watt more or less. i found that my rda gets hot in just a couple of drag maybe 6-9 drag. is my clapton too much? it gets hot really fast and...
  20. xibilius

    Clapton Coil 26+32 Gauge best Watt ?

    Hello all, I recently purchased some Clapton Wire from Demon Killer (26+32 Gauge) I use it on MageRTA dual coil build with both 6 wraps displays 0.4 Ohm What is in this case the ideal Wattage to smoke it at ? Thanks
  21. xcallmekittenx

    So I just started building advanced coils.... Dragon Skin Vs. Quad Clapton?

    ^QUAD DOUBLE WRAP CLAPTON COIL(current coil)^ First off I'm using an IPV3(150w regulated mod), with an Alliance V2+ Big Boy Edition. The lowest mine should go without the update(it takes a fuck ton of time to update) is 0.1 Ohm; BUT, since mine rounds upward & Ohms jump a little; my quad...
  22. PhantomOp

    CLONE: Aspire Triton "Clapton" Coils - BUYER BEWARE

    Cloned Aspire Triton "Clapton" Coils -- BUYER BEWARE Packaging is very convincing that these coils will be spot on. However -- they are not. How to tell the difference -- First thing I noticed was the spelling error of the website address, I then noticed color difference on the "swoosh". Look...
  23. P

    Danger of exploding and how high can I go?

    Hey there, I've been vaping for a while now as an attempt to quit smoking although it's just the first I've decided to ask around since I've usually been able to google any inquiries I had until now. My query this time around regards something a bit more specific, so I figured I might as well...
  24. Hjdskldjalsk

    Help Please, Clapton Aspire

    So a while ago I bought a friends vape off him and he seems to have done some...interesting...things. THe coil is burning through quick and i'm just not getting the flavour from any of my juices. Heres the set up, Mod:e joytech VTC mini, Battery: 3000mAh 3.7 V Tank: Clapton aspire, coil 0.5...
  25. PuffingBilly

    Hi from Barcelona

    Vaping now since four years and a half, I'm 58 years old. Previous heavy smoker of more than 30 daily cigarettes of Spanish black tobacco "Ducados" for more than 30 years. I started vaping with ego batteries and clearomizers. four and a half years ago. You know.... Now I'm stable with 3...
  26. Cpt.Black'Briefs

    Tfv8 on a 50w question#2

    I got a 50w battery and a few atomizers that are factory built for 50w and up, so 50w pretty much doesn't cut it. I'm planning to rebuild the atomizers to work for my 50w range batteries. My 26awg Kanthal is coming in the mail but I'm tempted to order some 50w range Clapton as well. I got some...
  27. S

    Micro Claptons

    first post! been vaping for a while and building but just recently got into building claptons and the like and was trying to get some opinions on wire gauge for micro claptons, I was thinking about 30/40 N80 any recommendations?
  28. WellDone

    Nichrome or Clapton SSOCC?

    I'm using the Kanger Subox Mini-C which came with a 0.5 ohm Nichrome coil and overall I am happy with my setup. I'm just curious if there would there be any advantages or disadvantages to switching to Kangers Clapton SSOCC. As far as I'm aware both coils will work in my VW vape but I did read...
  29. LivingSacrifice5

    Question about clapton coils

    Hey all, I don't have very much experience with claptons...i'm only now just venturing in to them. Now, I know on regular coils....if i'm hearing a hiss after an inhale...i know it's either time to redrip on my rda's or if i'm using a tank, then I know hissing means its not wicking properly and...
  30. iki

    What clapton for cloud chaisers

    So.. 24G? 32G? 36G? Wich one fore most vapor production?
  31. M

    The Auto-Claptonator (video)

    (Haven't done the write-up tutorial yet; coming soon.) The Auto-Claptonator "If you can put on pants, you can make clapton! :)"
  32. V

    Vaped 3D Clapton Jig V2 (FB GIVEAWAY) - 4/24

    https://www.facebook.com/Vaped3D/photos/a.930743810296890.1073741828.930651513639453/998266706877933/?type=3&theater "Clapton Jig Rig V2 GIVEAWAY #4 ! Ends April 24th! 3 JIGS, 3 WINNERS RULES BELOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Must...
  33. V

    Setup Clapton Jig Rig V2 for Fused (Vaped 3D)

    I had a lot of people from this forum ask me for a tutorial so here you go :) Build: Fused 24ga center, 34ga outer
  34. borderlinepro

    Clapton Jig Rig Overview (Easy Fused)

    Claptons, for me, got a lot easier with this thing. .............. I bought the jig from vaped3d.com and got it in about 5 days ago. I've made about 50 ft of fused Clapton so far in those 5 days and pretty much every inch of it is flawless. I bought an extra clamp just in case the clips...
  35. W


  36. ATR SUN

    Mod mode/coil saftey

    Hey im getting a vape & thinking about getting the joyetech evic vtc mini with a kanger toptank mini, anyways according to many reviews the joyetech eats battery in wattage mode due to puff counter etc, so im wanting to use it in TC mode but theres only titanium and nickel for tc mode options on...
  37. DED420

    Ni200 and Claptons

    So I have a spool of Ni200 lying around (I think 26ga), and a bunch of various gauges of Kanthal too. 1. Would I be able to Clapton Kanthal with Ni200 and run it in Power Mode? 2. Would it be possible to Clapton Kanthal with Ni200 and run it in TC? (I have a feeling you can't, and I know Ni200...
  38. D

    TFV4 mini RBA base: Spaced vs Contact Clapton coils

    I just got my TFV4 mini kit, and right now im using the CLP2 coil that came in the tank. I really want to get the RBA base working though. It has a spaced Clapton coil in it and I was hoping someone could enlighten me if it was better for flavor than a contact Clapton. I have Clapton wire but...
  39. Matty102

    Coil questions!!

    Sorry I keep asking questions. I am pretty new to all this and I'm to figure everything out. My question is, is it normal for a 1.8 ohm Aspire Clapton coil to burn out fast? I am running 80/20 VG juice. They are lasting about a week. They are in a Nautilus running 13.5 W, 4.91 V on an eVic VT...
  40. ajmboarding

    Clapton Jig Rig for easy Clapton/Fused Coils

    I work at a shop, and i have to do tons of build. After months now of ripping up my hand and wasted wire from mess ups. I finally designed and 3D printed a Clatpon Jig Rig that will make endless clapton wire for you :) Video: Site for more info on Clapton Jig Rig: www.Vaped3D.com Let me know...
  41. ajmboarding

    Clapton Jig Rig, perfect endless claptons including fused?

    So I have to make a lot of Clapton Coils at my shop and I got bored one day and make a 3d printed jig that holds your spool, a clamp, and your wire. Once it's set up, you just run the drill and get flawless coils, tell me what you think :) Ideas for making it better? I am open to constructive...
  42. raymo2u

    Raymo2u's Build Thread

    I wanted to make a thread that I could post all of my own builds on, I will add to this thread as I go and welcome any feedback or ideas to inspire builds. Thank you for checking it out! I have sectioned off the thread in parts so it wasnt unorganized, RDA Section, TFV4 Section and Wire Lengths...
  43. Everzon

    Geekvape Griffin- The Best Dual Coil RTA Available at Everzon

    This is the best dual coil RTA ever according to The Vapor Chronicles. Check the review below: It is nice looking, two post desk, easy top fill, air flow control, dual coil. https://www.everzon.com/geekvape-griffin-rta-tank.html The Griffin RTA Tank by Geekvape is the first RTA with the...
  44. K

    Titanium Ni200 Clapton

    So, I recently wanted to try making claptons with Titanium wire and was wondering has anyone tried build a titanium clapton with the titanium as the core and Ni200 as the outer? Does anyone know if this build would work?
  45. smokstore

    TF-RCA RBA Coil Head $8.5 with free shipping

    TF-RCA RBA Coil Head $8.5 With Free Shipping Smok tf-rca is newest RBA coil head by smoktech, this new clapton rba coil head only work on smok tfv4 mini sub ohm tank, it with four post single coil build,compact deck,small airflow tip included, for throat hit vape. now only $8.5 with free...
  46. K

    just made a fused clapton

    Hey all, Im pretty new to the forum and this is my first post but I've been fiddling around here and there for about a year now. I've recently gotten into claptons and have been getting pretty decent at making them. I recently made a fused clapton using 24g n80 core wrapped with 36g a1 kanthal...
  47. Cudge82

    Twisted kanthal for cores on fused clapton?

    I only have 32gauge kanthal. Was thinking of grabbing 2 or 3 bits and twisting it then doubling it over and wrapping woth the 32. Would i run into any issues here? Would it be possible to get up near 1 ohm this way? Thanks.

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